Trump throws 3AM tantrum over CNN saying he’s not ‘presidential’. 3AM!!

You just attempted to cover up deflecting from your ignorance on race by broadcasting your ignorance on religion.

Good job.

I am not ignorant on religion, I am far more experienced with and educated in Christianity that you would ever dream of being.
You ignorant to the very real threat that intersectionality poses to the entire existence of Christianity that all other religions don’t currently face.

Jesus was a pretty inclusive guy, he did not care about your skin color or your gender or any of the shit you spend your time fretting over.

I love how you Religion hating libtards claim

to have it when it suits you…….

We all know you are Full Of Shit……….

Actually, I do hate organized religion, it is about nothing but control and has been the cause of more death and violence throughout history than just about anything.

This quote sums it all up....'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

What I do love is a big government statist like you calling me a Lib, it makes me laugh out loud

It's clear you are a tard...…...
I am not ignorant on religion, I am far more experienced with and educated in Christianity that you would ever dream of being.
You ignorant to the very real threat that intersectionality poses to the entire existence of Christianity that all other religions don’t currently face.

Jesus was a pretty inclusive guy, he did not care about your skin color or your gender or any of the shit you spend your time fretting over.

I love how you Religion hating libtards claim

to have it when it suits you…….

We all know you are Full Of Shit……….

Actually, I do hate organized religion, it is about nothing but control and has been the cause of more death and violence throughout history than just about anything.

This quote sums it all up....'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

What I do love is a big government statist like you calling me a Lib, it makes me laugh out loud

It's clear you are a tard...…...

No, my view is to beat them at their own game and create as close to a utopia as humanly possible.

You cannot beat them at their own game by becoming them.

You are not a slave just because you can’t fuck yourself up. In fact, you would be the absolute best version of yourself which this society never allows you to be.

Well, yes partially you are. Not to mention your society has far more control than just on that.

Think about how many truly great people die to drug overdoses or never have children or were never even born to spread their greatness into the gene pool, that is the result of the “freedom” you cherish so much.

Nobody great ever died of an overdose, only the weak that nature is culling out do so.

And yes, that is the freedom I so cherish.

If anything my idea of society is only a problem because it would cause a true overpopulation of people. There would be very few wars, very little crimes, very little disease, no decline in birth rates etc., the very opposite of your decadent “liberty” based society that Trump and others are desperately trying to save from itself.

Your society ignores human nature. There will always be bad people, there will always be good people.

Without liberty, life is not worth living. What you want is not living, it is mere existence.

What is the point of such a society? What you basically want is for society to be the equivalent of a zoo. You wont to be told when to eat, what to eat, what to wear, what to say, what do for a living.
What you consider “liberty” isn’t really as extensive as you believe it is. The only people who would have a major problem with my rules would be truly inferior people who desperately have to destroy themselves or others to feel fulfillment and even some of those people would see that being a valued member of a nation state is so much better than that.

Plenty of great people live in shitholes like California where they are pressured from an early age to take drugs every day of their lives by their intoxicated neighbors, teachers and even government representatives, and likewise plenty of great people also live in wastelands with no jobs and no prospect for any kind of fulfilling life so they choose drugs over suicide. It looks like you are the one who doesn’t understand human nature.

The point of my society is preserve civilization and high culture in a world that literally thinks that the concept of gravity and basic science is western imperialism. The point is to preserve the liberty we realistically still can preserve.
Methinks most have their own definition of 'freedom' PT , and i'll be the first to admit i really can't grasp yours, sorry

You aren’t too smart then.

My definition of freedom is far more simple to understand than gator’s.

Your dream society has no freedom.
Yes it does have freedom.

It has the freedom not have your daughter raped by savages while your government blames YOU. It has the freedom for your son to be able to go to a school that will further his knowledge and not try to indoctrinate him to hate himself. It has limitless freedom that ACTUALLY MATTERS.
What you consider “liberty” isn’t really as extensive as you believe it is. The only people who would have a major problem with my rules would be truly inferior people who desperately have to destroy themselves or others to feel fulfillment and even some of those people would see that being a valued member of a nation state is so much better than that.

I have major problems with your rules and I am not inferior nor trying to destroy myself.

Plenty of great people live in shitholes like California where they are pressured from an early age to take drugs every day of their lives by their intoxicated neighbors, teachers and even government representatives, and likewise plenty of great people also live in wastelands with no jobs and no prospect for any kind of fulfilling life so they choose drugs over suicide.

If they are great people, they do not give in to peer pressure, great people lead, they do not follow the rest of the sheep. There is nobody in this country that does not have the prospect for a fulfilling life, they just have to be willing to get off their ass and go get it.

It looks like you are the one who doesn’t understand human nature.

The whole basis for your society is to deny and suppress human nature, but that can only work for so long. In the end nature always wins. The ironic part is that your society could never exist without the population being drugged into submission.

The point of my society is preserve civilization and high culture in a world that literally thinks that the concept of gravity and basic science is western imperialism. The point is to preserve the liberty we realistically still can preserve.

There is no culture in your society. Art, music, recreation...none of these things are truly "needed" thus they would be outlawed in your society.

This is what you want society to be...
Again, if you freaks ever manage to get power again we will simply kill all of you and then start over.

You better start loading your guns, in a two party system the party out of power will always get it back eventually.

That is one of the many downfalls to a duopoly
Democrats are on their death bed right now.

They stand for nothing but racism and sexism and all kinds of bigotry that most young people actually do genuinely hate.

They will suffer the same fate that the KKK did. You don’t see the KKK getting into power again, and neither will the Democrats.

I know that you are young and new to politics, but these same predictions were made about the GOP not all that long ago, and about the Dems before that and the GOP before that...these predictions from the faithful from one side or the other are nothing more than wishful thinking.

Americans are a fickle bunch, they will tire of your flavor of shit and go for the other flavor of shit before long.
Millennials control the destiny of the country.

I am a millennial.

Do the math.

But you are an outlier millennial, so you do not have much impact.
I am the logical conclusion of the millennial mindset. I used to be exactly like all the rest of them, but I woke up the day I entered a modern university. Every year millennials get more like me(some of them are even more radical than I am already).

I am simply ahead of the game because I am more intelligent than most other millennials and not as easily distracted.
Yes it does have freedom.

It has the freedom not have your daughter raped by savages while your government blames YOU. It has the freedom for your son to be able to go to a school that will further his knowledge and not try to indoctrinate him to hate himself. It has limitless freedom that ACTUALLY MATTERS.

There is no freedom without liberty and personal choice, your society removes those things.
I am the logical conclusion of the millennial mindset. I used to be exactly like all the rest of them, but I woke up the day I entered a modern university. Every year millennials get more like me(some of them are even more radical than I am already).

I am simply ahead of the game because I am more intelligent than most other millennials and not as easily distracted.

You are not ahead of the game, you are the outlier. I work mostly with millennials, my children are millennials and all of their friends are millennials. None of them are like you.
I am the logical conclusion of the millennial mindset. I used to be exactly like all the rest of them, but I woke up the day I entered a modern university. Every year millennials get more like me(some of them are even more radical than I am already).

I am simply ahead of the game because I am more intelligent than most other millennials and not as easily distracted.

You are not ahead of the game, you are the outlier. I work mostly with millennials, my children are millennials and all of their friends are millennials. None of them are like you.

Those millennials have been raised indoctrinated to not be racist.

It will be interesting to see what happens when liberals start hitting them up with the white guilt bullshit and slamming them as racist if they don't immediately conform.
Those millennials have been raised indoctrinated to not be racist.

You say that like it is a bad thing.

I raised my children, both millennials, not to be racist and it has worked. And it does not seem to be a bad thing
Those millennials have been raised indoctrinated to not be racist.

You say that like it is a bad thing.

I raised my children, both millennials, not to be racist and it has worked. And it does not seem to be a bad thing

And how will they feel when they are called racist? And slammed harder when they deny it?

They will laugh in the face of the person that calls them that.

I find it odd that you think raising kids not to be racist to be a bad thing.
I came across this secret photo of Trump telling a staff member to get his iPhone.


I see, so what you are saying is you hate Trump got it.
I see, so what you are saying you are a dullard with no sense of humor, got it.

Your post wasn't humor. I'll show you humor, Trump crushed Hillary in 2016 and made her cry :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Isn't it funny how trumpanzees and tiny trump are still obsessed with an election two years ago? :71:

Its called gloating lib :auiqs.jpg:
What you consider “liberty” isn’t really as extensive as you believe it is. The only people who would have a major problem with my rules would be truly inferior people who desperately have to destroy themselves or others to feel fulfillment and even some of those people would see that being a valued member of a nation state is so much better than that.

I have major problems with your rules and I am not inferior nor trying to destroy myself.

Plenty of great people live in shitholes like California where they are pressured from an early age to take drugs every day of their lives by their intoxicated neighbors, teachers and even government representatives, and likewise plenty of great people also live in wastelands with no jobs and no prospect for any kind of fulfilling life so they choose drugs over suicide.

If they are great people, they do not give in to peer pressure, great people lead, they do not follow the rest of the sheep. There is nobody in this country that does not have the prospect for a fulfilling life, they just have to be willing to get off their ass and go get it.

It looks like you are the one who doesn’t understand human nature.

The whole basis for your society is to deny and suppress human nature, but that can only work for so long. In the end nature always wins. The ironic part is that your society could never exist without the population being drugged into submission.

The point of my society is preserve civilization and high culture in a world that literally thinks that the concept of gravity and basic science is western imperialism. The point is to preserve the liberty we realistically still can preserve.

There is no culture in your society. Art, music, recreation...none of these things are truly "needed" thus they would be outlawed in your society.

This is what you want society to be...
Don’t give me that bullshit. If you were pressured from a toddler on to do drugs by everyone you have associated with, and nearly every authority figure you know, you would be doing drugs still, or at least you would be a former drug addict after the side effects convinced you otherwise. The need for social interaction ALWAYS overrides your will to stay sober, especially the incredibly weak wills of kids, and especially in a society where sobriety is increasingly abnormal to the point that being sober is the new high or drunk.

My society would be and will be built by those who already very much agree with me or those who want to agree with me but aren’t sure. There would no need to convince people that living a world run by ISIS or black racists or Asian supremacists would be worse than the society we built together because it would be extremely obvious. Very few Pilgrims decided going back to Europe was the better option once the colonies took shape.

The culture would obviously come from the building of the country and the people’s pride in that country, just like every single ancient society that we still admire today did it. The people would paint or sculpt or play music etc when they aren’t busy raising the kids or maintaining the home or going to school or working, or there would be a job openings for such activities.
You just attempted to cover up deflecting from your ignorance on race by broadcasting your ignorance on religion.

Good job.

I am not ignorant on religion, I am far more experienced with and educated in Christianity that you would ever dream of being.
You ignorant to the very real threat that intersectionality poses to the entire existence of Christianity that all other religions don’t currently face.

Jesus was a pretty inclusive guy, he did not care about your skin color or your gender or any of the shit you spend your time fretting over.

I love how you Religion hating libtards claim

to have it when it suits you…….

We all know you are Full Of Shit……….

Actually, I do hate organized religion, it is about nothing but control and has been the cause of more death and violence throughout history than just about anything.

This quote sums it all up....'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

What I do love is a big government statist like you calling me a Lib, it makes me laugh out loud

You hate organized religion...when nothing of the sort has happened during your lifetime. That's like hating Romans because they used to kill people in gladiator games.
I am not ignorant on religion, I am far more experienced with and educated in Christianity that you would ever dream of being.
You ignorant to the very real threat that intersectionality poses to the entire existence of Christianity that all other religions don’t currently face.

Jesus was a pretty inclusive guy, he did not care about your skin color or your gender or any of the shit you spend your time fretting over.

I love how you Religion hating libtards claim

to have it when it suits you…….

We all know you are Full Of Shit……….

Actually, I do hate organized religion, it is about nothing but control and has been the cause of more death and violence throughout history than just about anything.

This quote sums it all up....'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

What I do love is a big government statist like you calling me a Lib, it makes me laugh out loud

You hate organized religion...when nothing of the sort has happened in your lifetime.

Seems to me that Islam is an organized religion.
Those millennials have been raised indoctrinated to not be racist.

You say that like it is a bad thing.

I raised my children, both millennials, not to be racist and it has worked. And it does not seem to be a bad thing

And how will they feel when they are called racist? And slammed harder when they deny it?

They will laugh in the face of the person that calls them that.

I find it odd that you think raising kids not to be racist to be a bad thing.
Again you fail to understand human nature.

The need for social interaction will either force them to become guilt ridden “progressives” or they will eventually become friends with “racists” because of the need to resist such guilt while maintaining friendships.
Yes it does have freedom.

It has the freedom not have your daughter raped by savages while your government blames YOU. It has the freedom for your son to be able to go to a school that will further his knowledge and not try to indoctrinate him to hate himself. It has limitless freedom that ACTUALLY MATTERS.

There is no freedom without liberty and personal choice, your society removes those things.
Liberty and personal choice exists in my society, just not unnecessary, suicidal amounts of it.
As the very people Trump regularly attacks are receiving bombs, Trump once again makes it all about how unfair he thinks he's treated.

There’s a serial bomber — or bombers — on the loose in the U.S., but Trump’s priority remains lashing out at the targets of the terror attacks.

Apparently unable to sleep, Trump at 3:14 am on Friday launched a bizarre tweet about CNN, its ratings, and his deep anger about being called “not Presidential” on the cable news network — a completely accurate description that Trump confirmed by tweeting about it at 3:14 am.

“Funny how lowly rated CNN, and others, can criticize me at will, even blaming me for the current spate of Bombs and ridiculously comparing this to September 11th and the Oklahoma City bombing, yet when I criticize them they go wild and scream, ‘it’s just not Presidential!'” the angry man tapped.

It isn’t entirely clear what exactly Trump was referencing on CNN.

Dishonest Don is such a special snowflake....

I was watching the PBS News Hour yesterday evening & there were some reporters asking Trump some questions about the GOP MAGA bomber Sayoc.
One of the reporters asked Trump, "Mr. president, did you see your picture all over that white van?"

Trump just about shit in his man diaper :21:

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