Trump throws 3AM tantrum over CNN saying he’s not ‘presidential’. 3AM!!

You can pretend in your little libtard dream world all you want….

But in the Real World Trump is STOMPING your ASSES in the ground…

With his Supreme Court picks along with all the Federal Judges

he has appointed he has changed the direction of this

Country for the next GENERATION…..

Bite on that little reality Tard…………

It has got to SUCK to be a libtard at this point in History…..

Can’t wait “til” November 6th………………….

PS: That Slut and her Creepy Porn Star lawyer

Now have to pay Trump’s legal Fees……….

When a Dem wins the White House and Dems control the Senate the Court will be increased to 11 or even 15 Justices.
And then the Supreme Court will simply be considered illegitimate and you will lose to the overwhelming advantage that the modern day right has in intellect and physical strength once they declare civil war on you.
Court has lost legitimacy now. When Dems pack the Court with rightful nominees it will become legitimate again. In any case, opinions of legitimacy mean nothing. Power of the court does not depend on peoples partisan opinions.
Again, if you freaks ever manage to get power again we will simply kill all of you and then start over.

You better start loading your guns, in a two party system the party out of power will always get it back eventually.

That is one of the many downfalls to a duopoly
Democrats are on their death bed right now.

They stand for nothing but racism and sexism and all kinds of bigotry that most young people actually do genuinely hate.

They will suffer the same fate that the KKK did. You don’t see the KKK getting into power again, and neither will the Democrats.
When a Dem wins the White House and Dems control the Senate the Court will be increased to 11 or even 15 Justices.
And then the Supreme Court will simply be considered illegitimate and you will lose to the overwhelming advantage that the modern day right has in intellect and physical strength once they declare civil war on you.
Court has lost legitimacy now. When Dems pack the Court with rightful nominees it will become legitimate again. In any case, opinions of legitimacy mean nothing. Power of the court does not depend on peoples partisan opinions.
Again, if you freaks ever manage to get power again we will simply kill all of you and then start over.

You better start loading your guns, in a two party system the party out of power will always get it back eventually.

That is one of the many downfalls to a duopoly
Democrats are on their death bed right now.

They stand for nothing but racism and sexism and all kinds of bigotry that most young people actually do genuinely hate.

They will suffer the same fate that the KKK did. You don’t see the KKK getting into power again, and neither will the Democrats.

I know that you are young and new to politics, but these same predictions were made about the GOP not all that long ago, and about the Dems before that and the GOP before that...these predictions from the faithful from one side or the other are nothing more than wishful thinking.

Americans are a fickle bunch, they will tire of your flavor of shit and go for the other flavor of shit before long.
Jesus would very much have a problem with the rampant institutionalized racism against white people, against European nation states and the relentless bigotry against white Christians specifically for being among the most progressive religious communities in the entire world.

I love how you Religion hating libtards claim

to have it when it suits you…….

We all know you are Full Of Shit……….

Actually, I do hate organized religion, it is about nothing but control and has been the cause of more death and violence throughout history than just about anything.

This quote sums it all up....'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

What I do love is a big government statist like you calling me a Lib, it makes me laugh out loud
Gandhi was a hypocritical racist moron who was deified due to white guilt.

Well, nobody is prefect! :21::21::21:

But in this case, he was spot on!
No, he was full of shit.

But thanks for revealing your support for a left wing statist though.

I agree with a single quote, hell I even agree with you sometimes and you are a big government statist
I am a proud big government statist, I am actually honest with what I want and what I will do, and that is why it is easy to agree with me.

I am not like Gandhi or any other fake “libertarian left” crackpot who wants or wanted to force people to say what the politically correct script tells them to or force people to buy insurance to cover for the illegals and the genuine failures at life all in the name of “civil liberties” under the ACLU banner.

My preferred system of government would be a mixture of Nazi Germany and 21st century China with a little bit of Switzerland sprinkled in. People would be allowed to do the things that they personally NEED to do as individual human beings and what the nation state needs them to do as a piece of that nation state, but there wouldn’t be any ridiculous flag burnings or protesting the entire socio-political model of the country, or even prostitution or porn of any kind.
And then the Supreme Court will simply be considered illegitimate and you will lose to the overwhelming advantage that the modern day right has in intellect and physical strength once they declare civil war on you.
Court has lost legitimacy now. When Dems pack the Court with rightful nominees it will become legitimate again. In any case, opinions of legitimacy mean nothing. Power of the court does not depend on peoples partisan opinions.
Again, if you freaks ever manage to get power again we will simply kill all of you and then start over.

You better start loading your guns, in a two party system the party out of power will always get it back eventually.

That is one of the many downfalls to a duopoly
Democrats are on their death bed right now.

They stand for nothing but racism and sexism and all kinds of bigotry that most young people actually do genuinely hate.

They will suffer the same fate that the KKK did. You don’t see the KKK getting into power again, and neither will the Democrats.

I know that you are young and new to politics, but these same predictions were made about the GOP not all that long ago, and about the Dems before that and the GOP before that...these predictions from the faithful from one side or the other are nothing more than wishful thinking.

Americans are a fickle bunch, they will tire of your flavor of shit and go for the other flavor of shit before long.
Millennials control the destiny of the country.

I am a millennial.

Do the math.
I am a proud big government statist, I am actually honest with what I want and what I will do, and that is why it is easy to agree with me.

It is good to be proud of what you are, as for agreeing with you, that happens rarely.

I am not like Gandhi or any other fake “libertarian left” crackpot who wants or wanted to force people to say what the politically correct script tells them to or force people to buy insurance to cover for the illegals and the genuine failures at life all in the name of “civil liberties” under the ACLU banner.

See, something we agree on.

My preferred system of government would be a mixture of Nazi Germany and 21st century China with a little bit of Switzerland sprinkled in. People would be allowed to do the things that they personally NEED to do as individual human beings and what the nation state needs them to do as a piece of that nation state, but there wouldn’t be any ridiculous flag burnings or protesting the entire socio-political model of the country, or even prostitution or porn of any kind.

And then something that I disagree with 100%

To me nothing is more important than liberty and freedom. Your society has neither.
Court has lost legitimacy now. When Dems pack the Court with rightful nominees it will become legitimate again. In any case, opinions of legitimacy mean nothing. Power of the court does not depend on peoples partisan opinions.
Again, if you freaks ever manage to get power again we will simply kill all of you and then start over.

You better start loading your guns, in a two party system the party out of power will always get it back eventually.

That is one of the many downfalls to a duopoly
Democrats are on their death bed right now.

They stand for nothing but racism and sexism and all kinds of bigotry that most young people actually do genuinely hate.

They will suffer the same fate that the KKK did. You don’t see the KKK getting into power again, and neither will the Democrats.

I know that you are young and new to politics, but these same predictions were made about the GOP not all that long ago, and about the Dems before that and the GOP before that...these predictions from the faithful from one side or the other are nothing more than wishful thinking.

Americans are a fickle bunch, they will tire of your flavor of shit and go for the other flavor of shit before long.
Millennials control the destiny of the country.

I am a millennial.

Do the math.

But you are an outlier millennial, so you do not have much impact.
Meanwhile, despite his late hours, tweets, and nasty progressives, he's the best POTUS since Reagan. He's objectively better than Reagan.
I am a proud big government statist, I am actually honest with what I want and what I will do, and that is why it is easy to agree with me.

It is good to be proud of what you are, as for agreeing with you, that happens rarely.

I am not like Gandhi or any other fake “libertarian left” crackpot who wants or wanted to force people to say what the politically correct script tells them to or force people to buy insurance to cover for the illegals and the genuine failures at life all in the name of “civil liberties” under the ACLU banner.

See, something we agree on.

My preferred system of government would be a mixture of Nazi Germany and 21st century China with a little bit of Switzerland sprinkled in. People would be allowed to do the things that they personally NEED to do as individual human beings and what the nation state needs them to do as a piece of that nation state, but there wouldn’t be any ridiculous flag burnings or protesting the entire socio-political model of the country, or even prostitution or porn of any kind.

And then something that I disagree with 100%

To me nothing is more important than liberty and freedom. Your society has neither.
I view freedom as the preservation of civilization and relative peace among the populace within the nation state and relative peace with foreign nations that are not directly hostile to the nation state, and the ability of the nation state to preserve those things.

Muslims don’t believe in your idea of liberty and never will because Islam itself is against those things. The 3rd world has never had anything resembling liberty and likely never will, so the best you can hope for is a slow erosion of that liberty from them.

Libertarianism is the way things should be in a totally perfect world. National socialism and other big government nationalist stances are the way things MUST be in the real, completely fucked up world that we actually live in.
I am a proud big government statist, I am actually honest with what I want and what I will do, and that is why it is easy to agree with me.

It is good to be proud of what you are, as for agreeing with you, that happens rarely.

I am not like Gandhi or any other fake “libertarian left” crackpot who wants or wanted to force people to say what the politically correct script tells them to or force people to buy insurance to cover for the illegals and the genuine failures at life all in the name of “civil liberties” under the ACLU banner.

See, something we agree on.

My preferred system of government would be a mixture of Nazi Germany and 21st century China with a little bit of Switzerland sprinkled in. People would be allowed to do the things that they personally NEED to do as individual human beings and what the nation state needs them to do as a piece of that nation state, but there wouldn’t be any ridiculous flag burnings or protesting the entire socio-political model of the country, or even prostitution or porn of any kind.

And then something that I disagree with 100%

To me nothing is more important than liberty and freedom. Your society has neither.
I view freedom as the preservation of civilization and relative peace among the populace within the nation state and relative peace with foreign nations that are not directly hostile to the nation state, and the ability of the nation state to preserve those things.

Muslims don’t believe in your idea of liberty and never will because Islam itself is against those things. The 3rd world has never had anything resembling liberty and likely never will, so the best you can hope for is a slow erosion of that liberty from them.

Libertarianism is the way things should be in a totally perfect world. National socialism and other big government nationalist stances are the way things MUST be in the real, completely fucked up world that we actually live in.

So, basically your view is that if you cannot beat them, then join them.

Fuck that. I would rather die free than live as a slave in your world.
I am a proud big government statist, I am actually honest with what I want and what I will do, and that is why it is easy to agree with me.

It is good to be proud of what you are, as for agreeing with you, that happens rarely.

I am not like Gandhi or any other fake “libertarian left” crackpot who wants or wanted to force people to say what the politically correct script tells them to or force people to buy insurance to cover for the illegals and the genuine failures at life all in the name of “civil liberties” under the ACLU banner.

See, something we agree on.

My preferred system of government would be a mixture of Nazi Germany and 21st century China with a little bit of Switzerland sprinkled in. People would be allowed to do the things that they personally NEED to do as individual human beings and what the nation state needs them to do as a piece of that nation state, but there wouldn’t be any ridiculous flag burnings or protesting the entire socio-political model of the country, or even prostitution or porn of any kind.

And then something that I disagree with 100%

To me nothing is more important than liberty and freedom. Your society has neither.
I view freedom as the preservation of civilization and relative peace among the populace within the nation state and relative peace with foreign nations that are not directly hostile to the nation state, and the ability of the nation state to preserve those things.

Muslims don’t believe in your idea of liberty and never will because Islam itself is against those things. The 3rd world has never had anything resembling liberty and likely never will, so the best you can hope for is a slow erosion of that liberty from them.

Libertarianism is the way things should be in a totally perfect world. National socialism and other big government nationalist stances are the way things MUST be in the real, completely fucked up world that we actually live in.

So, basically your view is that if you cannot beat them, then join them.

Fuck that. I would rather die free than live as a slave in your world.
No, my view is to beat them at their own game and create as close to a utopia as humanly possible.

You are not a slave just because you can’t fuck yourself up. In fact, you would be the absolute best version of yourself which this society never allows you to be.

Think about how many truly great people die to drug overdoses or never have children or were never even born to spread their greatness into the gene pool, that is the result of the “freedom” you cherish so much.

If anything my idea of society is only a problem because it would cause a true overpopulation of people. There would be very few wars, very little crimes, very little disease, no decline in birth rates etc., the very opposite of your decadent “liberty” based society that Trump and others are desperately trying to save from itself.
Methinks most have their own definition of 'freedom' PT , and i'll be the first to admit i really can't grasp yours, sorry

Methinks most have their own definition of 'freedom' PT , and i'll be the first to admit i really can't grasp yours, sorry

You aren’t too smart then.

My definition of freedom is far more simple to understand than gator’s.
No, my view is to beat them at their own game and create as close to a utopia as humanly possible.

You cannot beat them at their own game by becoming them.

You are not a slave just because you can’t fuck yourself up. In fact, you would be the absolute best version of yourself which this society never allows you to be.

Well, yes partially you are. Not to mention your society has far more control than just on that.

Think about how many truly great people die to drug overdoses or never have children or were never even born to spread their greatness into the gene pool, that is the result of the “freedom” you cherish so much.

Nobody great ever died of an overdose, only the weak that nature is culling out do so.

And yes, that is the freedom I so cherish.

If anything my idea of society is only a problem because it would cause a true overpopulation of people. There would be very few wars, very little crimes, very little disease, no decline in birth rates etc., the very opposite of your decadent “liberty” based society that Trump and others are desperately trying to save from itself.

Your society ignores human nature. There will always be bad people, there will always be good people.

Without liberty, life is not worth living. What you want is not living, it is mere existence.

What is the point of such a society? What you basically want is for society to be the equivalent of a zoo. You wont to be told when to eat, what to eat, what to wear, what to say, what do for a living.

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