Trump to leave NK summit Tuesday instead of Wednesday

What's the rush? Jeez. Could it be he realized he got played by Lil Kim?
US officials are portraying this as the talks "moving quick" (without saying whether any deals have been reached).
I don't think Trump got played though. I think it will be announced tonight or Tuesday that North Korea will destroy all its nuclear weapons.
Trump leaving summit with North Korea early as talks go quicker than planned
I would be very surprised if North Korea destroys all its nukes.
I'll be very surprised if Kim gives an inch.
So Neville Trump Chamberlain is going to, if Un offers ANY concession in return for money and food and 'future talks on nuclear weapons', declare Peace In Our Time as his counterpart Neville Chamberlain did to Hitler.

All Un is going to do is say "we're in the nuclear club now so deal with it - give us a year's supply of food and $50 billion dollars and we'll say the meeting went well Neville. Otherwise you go home looking like the ass you are but with nothing to show for it. And if you still want to attack us I hope you've visited Seoul because it will be gone before you can click your bone spurs together three times."

Trump is handing Un exactly what he wants, elevation to a real world power in the eyes of the world and more importantly in the eyes of the people in North Korea. Orange turd will return waving a piece of paper. Well done heir Chamberlain.


What's the rush? Jeez. Could it be he realized he got played by Lil Kim?
US officials are portraying this as the talks "moving quick" (without saying whether any deals have been reached).
I don't think Trump got played though. I think it will be announced tonight or Tuesday that North Korea will destroy all its nuclear weapons.
Trump leaving summit with North Korea early as talks go quicker than planned
I would be very surprised if North Korea destroys all its nukes.
Why ? I bet you believe Iran is no longer working on them ?

Why would they? If you were NK would you get rid of the only true defense your country has?

Taking into account what the US did to the last country that got rid of their nukes just because we asked them to?

I think it is rather bull shit that we even have the gall to tell people they cannot have nukes when we are still the only nation in history to actually use one
So what you're saying is that Obama's deal with Iran was a fraud nand which country got rid of their Nukes because the US asked ?

Read up on Operation Downfall and you will understand why using the bombs in Japan saved lives.
Only liberals have a problem with POTUS getting the worlds most dangerous nut case to behave
Liberals want harm to come to the USA in a variety of forms all over some social justice emotionalism baloney

Huh this POTUS is the world's most dangerous nut case! He proves it every single day!
He makes America greater everyday and to you liberal USA haters he is a nut case for doing so
As the world bestows gratitudes to Trump for neutralizing Kim the desperate liberals will have someone launch an investigation into how Russians really did it
What's the rush? Jeez. Could it be he realized he got played by Lil Kim?
US officials are portraying this as the talks "moving quick" (without saying whether any deals have been reached).
I don't think Trump got played though. I think it will be announced tonight or Tuesday that North Korea will destroy all its nuclear weapons.
Trump leaving summit with North Korea early as talks go quicker than planned
I would be very surprised if North Korea destroys all its nukes.
I'll be very surprised if Kim gives an inch.
I'm sure that's all you could ever give.
Only liberals have a problem with POTUS getting the worlds most dangerous nut case to behave
Liberals want harm to come to the USA in a variety of forms all over some social justice emotionalism baloney

Huh this POTUS is the world's most dangerous nut case! He proves it every single day!
He makes America greater everyday and to you liberal USA haters he is a nut case for doing so

No he is a nutcase, because he is a fucking bizarre nutcase, no other reason! You do know your deranged Orange Emperor I a limousine liberal do you not! Wait until he flips out single payer health care and you jump on his teeny Orange weenie to drink more of his piss!
Sorry Aldo, anyone who says "orange emperor" is literally mentally ill. Did you graduate high school by any chance? If so where, so we can start a reparations lawsuit.
So what you're saying is that Obama's deal with Iran was a fraud nand which country got rid of their Nukes because the US asked ?

Read up on Operation Downfall and you will understand why using the bombs in Japan saved lives.

The Iran deal slowed down the Iran nuke program.

Libya gave up their nukes and then we took out their leader. And then Bolton told NK they should follow the Libya model! :21::21::21:

I am well aware of the history of WWII in the Pacific theater, one of the things we Marines love is our history.
Sorry Aldo, anyone who says "orange emperor" is literally mentally ill. Did you graduate high school by any chance? If so where, so we can start a reparations lawsuit.

That's all you got sweetie, maybe you can ask god for your balls to drop? If not maybe reparations.
Trump to leave NK summit Tuesday instead of Wednesday

Potus has some unfinished business with the IG report coming out re: the DOJ/FBI
This all happens Thursday and assholes are puckering like a dog shittin' peach seeds...

What's the rush? Jeez. Could it be he realized he got played by Lil Kim?
US officials are portraying this as the talks "moving quick" (without saying whether any deals have been reached).
I don't think Trump got played though. I think it will be announced tonight or Tuesday that North Korea will destroy all its nuclear weapons.
Trump leaving summit with North Korea early as talks go quicker than planned
I would be very surprised if North Korea destroys all its nukes.
I'll be very surprised if Kim gives an inch.
He gave up his nukes last night.
That's more than an inch.
Trump was once again an embarrassment on the world stage.
yeah standing up for our country is a horrible thing

It’s not a horrible thing. But when it is only talk and bullshit patriotism it is a NOTHING.

Trump cares about Trump. End of story.
So he ends the Korean War and gets a signed agreement to denuke N.Korea, and he does this for free.
No piles of cash to bribe Little Kim either.

Weird.....sounds like he really cares about alot of people.
What's the rush? Jeez. Could it be he realized he got played by Lil Kim?
US officials are portraying this as the talks "moving quick" (without saying whether any deals have been reached).
I don't think Trump got played though. I think it will be announced tonight or Tuesday that North Korea will destroy all its nuclear weapons.
Trump leaving summit with North Korea early as talks go quicker than planned
I would be very surprised if North Korea destroys all its nukes.
I'll be very surprised if Kim gives an inch.
I'm sure that's all you could ever give.
Hey dipshit, I was right. tRump gave up our joint exercises with South Korea. What did Kim give up?


Cheeto Jesus failed.

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