Trump To McCabe: β€œAsk Your Wife How It Feels To Be A Loser”

God I love Trump! He really knows how to let douchebags know what he thinks about them.

Newzsentinel |

In a conveniently-timed leak and narrative-shifting moment, NBC news reports β€˜sources’ have confirmed that President Trump, referring to his wife’s Clinton-sponsored failure to win state office, asked former FBI acting director McCabe: β€œask your wife how it feels to be a loser.”

As a reminder, in 2015 McCabe’s wife had run for state office in Virginia.

She accepted nearly $500,000 in donations to her campaign from the super PAC of Clinton ally and former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe.

She lost her race by just over 2,000 votes.

In the past, Trump had also reportedly asked McCabe how he voted in the 2016 election and repeatedly made public references to campaign donations his wife had received from an ally of Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Trump shows what a douchebag he is and you make that clear as well. What he did was vile and juvenile. She did not accept nearly $500,000 in donations. Some of her donations came from McAuliffe. I'll bet she runs again and wins.
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"She accepted nearly $500,000 in donations to her campaign from the super PAC of Clinton ally and former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe."

McCabe is a treasonous douchebag. He should be going to prison.
Big name donors fuel McAuliffe's bid for Virginia governor

Donald Trump is just one of many big name donors funding Terry McAuliffe's campaign to win the Virginia governor's mansion this fall, according to newly released financial disclosure reports - and he isn't even among the most generous givers.

You can thank the naked emperor for helping McAuliffe.
That's the ransom you pay to the devil when you're a developer.
Excuses, excuses.

Businesses generally donate money to both candidates because they can suffer if they don't. That's one of the scummy realities of democreacy, dumbass.
It's the corporatist bought off lying thieving GOP, brainwashed functional dimwit, the assholes behind Citizens United and lobbyists power d u h.

Dude, you're writing style on these forums for the past half a decade strongly suggests that you're mentally unstable. You type in partial sentences that are absent of proper syntax. It wouldn't matter if you were a diehard liberal or need help before you become the next leftwing terrorist that mass murders conservatives. Thanks.
Big name donors fuel McAuliffe's bid for Virginia governor

You can thank the naked emperor for helping McAuliffe.
That's the ransom you pay to the devil when you're a developer.
Excuses, excuses.

Businesses generally donate money to both candidates because they can suffer if they don't. That's one of the scummy realities of democreacy, dumbass.
It's the corporatist bought off lying thieving GOP, brainwashed functional dimwit, the assholes behind Citizens United and lobbyists power d u h.

Dude, you're writing style on these forums for the past half a decade strongly suggests that you're mentally unstable. You type in partial sentences that are absent of proper syntax. It wouldn't matter if you were a diehard liberal or need help before you become the next leftwing terrorist that mass murders conservatives. Thanks.
I'm not typing it all, I'm talking into my smartphone. For the last couple of months. Thanks for your stupid brainwashed idiotic opinion though LOL. Keep typing, drone, it's so 19th century, like GOP mythology, racist ignorant and brainwashed... I have many friends who are conservative GOP dupes and believe all the crap you do. My County Went about 80% Trump. Great people but they have no clue what they're talking about, like most Republicans... That is, all but the rhinos and the scum Who Run It. Check out all of media in the world except your bulshit and hate propaganda machine here in the United States and in Murdock world, dupe/conspiracy Nut Job...
That's the ransom you pay to the devil when you're a developer.
Excuses, excuses.

Businesses generally donate money to both candidates because they can suffer if they don't. That's one of the scummy realities of democreacy, dumbass.
It's the corporatist bought off lying thieving GOP, brainwashed functional dimwit, the assholes behind Citizens United and lobbyists power d u h.

Dude, you're writing style on these forums for the past half a decade strongly suggests that you're mentally unstable. You type in partial sentences that are absent of proper syntax. It wouldn't matter if you were a diehard liberal or need help before you become the next leftwing terrorist that mass murders conservatives. Thanks.
I'm not typing it all, I'm talking into my smartphone. For the last couple of months. Thanks for your stupid brainwashed idiotic opinion though LOL. Keep typing, drone, it's so 19th century, like GOP mythology, racist ignorant and brainwashed... I have many friends who are conservative GOP dupes and believe all the crap you do. My County Went about 80% Trump. Great people but they have no clue what they're talking about, like most Republicans... That is, all but the rhinos and the scum Who Run It. Check out all of media in the world except your bulshit and hate propaganda machine here in the United States and in Murdock world, dupe/conspiracy Nut Job...

I agree with The2ndAmendment: you're insane.
Excuses, excuses.

Businesses generally donate money to both candidates because they can suffer if they don't. That's one of the scummy realities of democreacy, dumbass.
It's the corporatist bought off lying thieving GOP, brainwashed functional dimwit, the assholes behind Citizens United and lobbyists power d u h.

Dude, you're writing style on these forums for the past half a decade strongly suggests that you're mentally unstable. You type in partial sentences that are absent of proper syntax. It wouldn't matter if you were a diehard liberal or need help before you become the next leftwing terrorist that mass murders conservatives. Thanks.
I'm not typing it all, I'm talking into my smartphone. For the last couple of months. Thanks for your stupid brainwashed idiotic opinion though LOL. Keep typing, drone, it's so 19th century, like GOP mythology, racist ignorant and brainwashed... I have many friends who are conservative GOP dupes and believe all the crap you do. My County Went about 80% Trump. Great people but they have no clue what they're talking about, like most Republicans... That is, all but the rhinos and the scum Who Run It. Check out all of media in the world except your bulshit and hate propaganda machine here in the United States and in Murdock world, dupe/conspiracy Nut Job...

I agree with The2ndAmendment: you're insane.
I agree with the Second Amendment also, just not NRA mindless idiocy, super dupe.
Excuses, excuses.

Businesses generally donate money to both candidates because they can suffer if they don't. That's one of the scummy realities of democreacy, dumbass.
It's the corporatist bought off lying thieving GOP, brainwashed functional dimwit, the assholes behind Citizens United and lobbyists power d u h.

Dude, you're writing style on these forums for the past half a decade strongly suggests that you're mentally unstable. You type in partial sentences that are absent of proper syntax. It wouldn't matter if you were a diehard liberal or need help before you become the next leftwing terrorist that mass murders conservatives. Thanks.
I'm not typing it all, I'm talking into my smartphone. For the last couple of months. Thanks for your stupid brainwashed idiotic opinion though LOL. Keep typing, drone, it's so 19th century, like GOP mythology, racist ignorant and brainwashed... I have many friends who are conservative GOP dupes and believe all the crap you do. My County Went about 80% Trump. Great people but they have no clue what they're talking about, like most Republicans... That is, all but the rhinos and the scum Who Run It. Check out all of media in the world except your bulshit and hate propaganda machine here in the United States and in Murdock world, dupe/conspiracy Nut Job...

I agree with The2ndAmendment: you're insane.
Obsessed much? It has nothing to do with the Second Amendment????? LOL

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