Trump to Recognize Jerusalem As Capital of Israel Wednesday

There is no reason why we shouldn't make it official and recognize Jerusalem as the OFFICIAL Capital of Israel.

The Islamic Hate Cults, have shown us that they will kill, torture, and terrorize anyone they can get their hands on regardless of the status of Jerusalem whether it is divided like a contested child brought before Solomon, or whether it is officially recognized as the Unified Capital of Israel.

Land for Peace is a Fraud, a Ruse, and Con Game, and a Myth, and is Nothing but an Obstacle to moving forward in the region.

No amount of appeasement has stopped even one attack in Israel or around the world by Islamic Extremists, Hell bent on Killing Christians and Jews. There is no reason to negotiate with a people that do not exist in history, are not an ethnic, social or cultural group. There is NO SUCH THING as a Palestinian.

Well, technically that is true....there is NO SUCH THING AS A PALESTINIAN but ONLY if you disregard The Roman Empire's term for Jews living in Israel which they renamed Palestine during their occupation of Israel.

So yes, Jerusalem is the Capital of both Israel and Palestine because Israel is Palestine, and Palestine is Israel, so let it be so officially, for the only Palestinians that ever existed in history were Israeli Jews living under Roman Rule during the occupation, and even then, Jerusalem was still it's capital even when Herod and Pontius Pilate lorded over it.

Jesus was a Palestinian, and so were John The Baptist, and all of the disciples. They were Israelis, and they were Jewish, and Jerusalem was their capital. And Jerusalem should be Israel's Capital again.

These squatters living in The West Bank and Gaza Strip, are Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians and they have a homeland, and their states have capitals. They should go back to their homelands, and leave Jerusalem to The Jews, for it has always been, and will always be Israel's Capital.

There is no question about what should be done. The question is, why have we waited so long to do the right thing? It's so clear and simple what should be done. Restore Jerusalem to it's rightful owners: Israel.

Israel is a UN concoction.
What happened to “America first”? What does Israel’s capitol have to do with us ?

All this does is cause unneeded problems in an area that’s actually been calm.

Cons are so hate filled that they want to piss off Muslims just for sport . This puts people’s lives in danger!
There is no reason why we shouldn't make it official and recognize Jerusalem as the OFFICIAL Capital of Israel.

The Islamic Hate Cults, have shown us that they will kill, torture, and terrorize anyone they can get their hands on regardless of the status of Jerusalem whether it is divided like a contested child brought before Solomon, or whether it is officially recognized as the Unified Capital of Israel.

Land for Peace is a Fraud, a Ruse, and Con Game, and a Myth, and is Nothing but an Obstacle to moving forward in the region.

No amount of appeasement has stopped even one attack in Israel or around the world by Islamic Extremists, Hell bent on Killing Christians and Jews. There is no reason to negotiate with a people that do not exist in history, are not an ethnic, social or cultural group. There is NO SUCH THING as a Palestinian.

Well, technically that is true....there is NO SUCH THING AS A PALESTINIAN but ONLY if you disregard The Roman Empire's term for Jews living in Israel which they renamed Palestine during their occupation of Israel.

So yes, Jerusalem is the Capital of both Israel and Palestine because Israel is Palestine, and Palestine is Israel, so let it be so officially, for the only Palestinians that ever existed in history were Israeli Jews living under Roman Rule during the occupation, and even then, Jerusalem was still it's capital even when Herod and Pontius Pilate lorded over it.

Jesus was a Palestinian, and so were John The Baptist, and all of the disciples. They were Israelis, and they were Jewish, and Jerusalem was their capital. And Jerusalem should be Israel's Capital again.

These squatters living in The West Bank and Gaza Strip, are Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians and they have a homeland, and their states have capitals. They should go back to their homelands, and leave Jerusalem to The Jews, for it has always been, and will always be Israel's Capital.

There is no question about what should be done. The question is, why have we waited so long to do the right thing? It's so clear and simple what should be done. Restore Jerusalem to it's rightful owners: Israel.

I really don't give a crap about Israel one way or another. Hell, I'm still pissed about the USS Liberty incident.

I could care less where they have their capital.

However, if the Moon Bat community is against what Trump is doing then I am for it. Of course they are against anything Trump does (even cutting taxes) so what else is new?

We need to stop kissing the ass of the Muslims like Obama was famous for doing.
What happened to “America first”? What does Israel’s capitol have to do with us ?

All this does is cause unneeded problems in an area that’s actually been calm.

Cons are so hate filled that they want to piss off Muslims just for sport . This puts people’s lives in danger!
If the Israelis want Jerusalem to be the capital, we should honor their wishes.

And fuck pissing off the muzzies. We piss them off just by breathing. They can go fuck themselves. Their emotional instability is not our problem.

"Oh, shit. The Muslims are gonna get pissed. Walk on egg shells! They're gonna blow. Whatever you do, don't piss off those worthless shits."
I think the funniest aspect of this matter is anyone's assumption that president Trump has one ounce of a clue as to what the Israeli/Palestinian controversy is all about.
What happened to “America first”? What does Israel’s capitol have to do with us ?

All this does is cause unneeded problems in an area that’s actually been calm.

Cons are so hate filled that they want to piss off Muslims just for sport . This puts people’s lives in danger!

What's a capitol?
What happened to “America first”? What does Israel’s capitol have to do with us ?

All this does is cause unneeded problems in an area that’s actually been calm.

Cons are so hate filled that they want to piss off Muslims just for sport . This puts people’s lives in danger!
Shut you Pie Hole you Demon Filled Liar.

  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when Munich happened.
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when Beruit happened
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when Arab Nations attacked Israel without provocation in the 6 days war..which was at the time, THE THIRD UNPROVOKED WAR launched by Islamic Nations against Israel at the time.
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when Hitler tried to exterminate the entire Jewish Race with the help of his Islamic Allies killing 7 million Jews.
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when The Jewish Armenian Genocide took place killing 2 Million Jews was conducted by Islamic rulers in Armenia and Turkey.
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when Saddam Hussein launched SCUD Missiles at it.
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when Arafat terrorized it, with help from HAMAS and THE PLO.
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when 9-11 happened
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when The Pulse Night Club Happened
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when The Boston Marathon attack Happened
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when San Bernadino HAPPENED
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when Ft Hood Happened
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when The Vegas attack happened
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when The Arab Spring happened
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when Benghazi HAPPENED
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when Iran declared that they would Exterminate ALL JEWS
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when Israel endures daily attacks by Islamic Hate Filled Fanatics.
  • Jerusalem was not Israel's unified Capital when Barak Obama condemned it like a coward at the 12th hour of his failed presidency.

Allowing Israel to reclaim it's Capital, which has been it's Capital for 3,000 years IS PUTTING AMERICA first, because it will allow ISRAEL to legitimately defend itself against The Anti Semites of the world like you without fear of condemnation or reprisal.
Why antagonize a people who have nothing to lose and think the greatest thing one can do in life is to die for their beliefs?

What's in it for US?
Why antagonize a people who have nothing to lose and think the greatest thing one can do in life is to die for their beliefs?

What's in it for US?
A Jew's mere existence is antagonistic for The Left and Fanatical Hate Filled Islamic Extremists, or did you not read post # 22?

It'd be one thing if THE FAKE Palestinians and Islam were choosing to live peacefully with Israel so long as their capital remained divided, but there is NOW no more reason to appease them.

They have made themselves clear. Even THE PLO Charter vows to Exterminate Israel.

You and others like you are simply Anti Semitic, and Anti Christian, and only seek to stop Israel from claiming it's Capital for whatever selfish, biased, bigoted reasons you have for standing in their way.

The Fact is, The Islamic god (Lucifer) is at war with Jehovah (The Jewish & Christian God).

This will never change until Jerusalem is Israel's Capital again, and The Prophetic Clock starts ticking again moving us towards Judgment Day, where The Wheat is separated from The Chaff, and EVIL, Death and War with it are vanquished forever.

So The Left, and Islam by fighting this, are simply delaying The Inevitable.
Let Heaven Come, and Hell with it, and lets be done with it, and move in to the Peaceful Millennial Reign of Christ.

Get on with it.
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We get it... Israel comes first... That's what your picture shows... So..
That picture sure triggered the haters.

Another sit around in the states, hurry up & wait to see if haters are stimulated in responses despicable as Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality thieving US Constitution arsonists in jihad with thieving old glory & old testament arsonists since the cross is higher than any flag.

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