Trump to Shut Her Down


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009

I bet a dollar to your doughnut he doesn't do what that dipshit Obama did. Closing down National Monuments and turning away veterans

I prefer he cut welfare and food stamps

i couldnt look my son in the eye and tell him he had to live under President Hillary Clinton

so i was forced to vote for Trump

i now regret that vote

i couldnt look my son in the eye and tell him he had to live under President Hillary Clinton

so i was forced to vote for Trump

i now regret that vote


If he does not shut her down, I'll join you in that regret.


We're all gonna fuckin die!!!

I bet a dollar to your doughnut he doesn't do what that dipshit Obama did. Closing down National Monuments and turning away veterans

I prefer he cut welfare and food stamps

He has the right to shut down the DoJ and several other departments, including the Mueller investigation.
He can leave it shut the fuck down for the next 2 years for all I care.
i couldnt look my son in the eye and tell him he had to live under President Hillary Clinton

so i was forced to vote for Trump

i now regret that vote

Finally , the government cant fuck US for a while.. This is going to be a very Merry Christmas..

I bet a dollar to your doughnut he doesn't do what that dipshit Obama did. Closing down National Monuments and turning away veterans

I prefer he cut welfare and food stamps

The last shutdown was initiated by the GOP....get your facts straight.

I bet a dollar to your doughnut he doesn't do what that dipshit Obama did. Closing down National Monuments and turning away veterans

I prefer he cut welfare and food stamps

The last shutdown was initiated by the GOP....get your facts straight.
Obama decided what was closed... the National Monuments etc

Here are five things forbidden during the Obama shutdown but allowed during the Trump shutdown.

Visit D.C. War Memorials

The same veterans who cracked Fortress Europa made quick work of the flimsy barricades surrounding the World War II monument in Washington, D.C. With wheelchairs and walkers, a motley division of Mississippi veterans wheeled and wobbled their way past park rangers.

No amphibious invasion was needed five years later. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced that the war monument would remain open. Over the weekend, the media-savvy secretary could be seen working the crowd on the National Mall and welcoming tourists to the World War II memorial.

Five things forbidden during the Obama shutdown but still allowed during the Trump shutdown
i couldnt look my son in the eye and tell him he had to live under President Hillary Clinton

so i was forced to vote for Trump

i now regret that vote


If he does not shut her down, I'll join you in that regret.


Why do you want to waste even more money?

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Because they will cave, and give up the chump change needed for border security

Maybe time for one of my patented stories at this moment.

Years ago, when I was doing summer work while in University. Not being from the right side of the tracks, I lied on my resume and applied to work for a moving company as a guy with a grade 10 education (so they would hire me). A hell of a tough job, but I was young and fit so what the hell, I digress...

There was a guy named Bob. Big guy, drove one of the moving trucks. He was always on time, squeezed a few bucks from government jobs by having them sign off for a full day even as we only worked (and got paid) for 4 or 5. So he felt, as drivers go, he was a special cat. Anyways, one day he says to everybody, "I need a raise, this is BS". He went around talking about how important he is, that sort of thing, kind of looked down at some of us younger, schleps who just moved shyte, while he drove (and rarely moved a thing). I didn't care about the drama as I was only there for summer though none of them knew it.

One morning, he walks into the owners office as we are all waiting for our shift to start, he was supposed to drive that day. He tells the owner (a woman), "I need a raise to such and such or I'm walking and will work for your competition across the street". He's all animated and using a loud voice, hell he even had me convinced he was important at that moment. A few minutes later this clown is walking out the door, he didn't even get to resign.

We're standing around wondering how we are going to do our job that day, none of us drive a cube truck. Within an hour, the owner interviews 3 guys, hires two of them, and we are off to the races, in the truck going to move stuff like we didn't even miss a beat. Could have been an alien driving for all we cared.

Long story as I am sometimes apt to do. Bottom line, life goes on and you always find a way to get by and most people aren't nearly as important as they think they are. I don't know how much you guys will be affected but I'm guessing everything will work out fine, even if it is shut down for two months.
Can his polls sink under 35%?
My Polls of President Trump show him over 95% because 1 liberal just cant stop listening to the Lame Stream Media. My rich black friends love President Trump for what he has done for black unemployment, yet even with that , you RACIST liberals cant ever see the bright side. It is hard to see a bright side when you are a liberal.

Here are five things forbidden during the Obama shutdown but allowed during the Trump shutdown.

Visit D.C. War Memorials

The same veterans who cracked Fortress Europa made quick work of the flimsy barricades surrounding the World War II monument in Washington, D.C. With wheelchairs and walkers, a motley division of Mississippi veterans wheeled and wobbled their way past park rangers.

No amphibious invasion was needed five years later. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced that the war monument would remain open. Over the weekend, the media-savvy secretary could be seen working the crowd on the National Mall and welcoming tourists to the World War II memorial.

Five things forbidden during the Obama shutdown but still allowed during the Trump shutdown

During the last Obama shutdown he insisted that the public "feel pain". Some departments found ways to operate only to be ordered by Barry Soweto to shut down anyhow. A partial list...

Maybe time for one of my patented stories at this moment.

Years ago, when I was doing summer work while in University. Not being from the right side of the tracks, I lied on my resume and applied to work for a moving company as a guy with a grade 10 education (so they would hire me). A hell of a tough job, but I was young and fit so what the hell, I digress...

There was a guy named Bob. Big guy, drove one of the moving trucks. He was always on time, squeezed a few bucks from government jobs by having them sign off for a full day even as we only worked (and got paid) for 4 or 5. So he felt, as drivers go, he was a special cat. Anyways, one day he says to everybody, "I need a raise, this is BS". He went around talking about how important he is, that sort of thing, kind of looked down at some of us younger, schleps who just moved shyte, while he drove (and rarely moved a thing). I didn't care about the drama as I was only there for summer though none of them knew it.

One morning, he walks into the owners office as we are all waiting for our shift to start, he was supposed to drive that day. He tells the owner (a woman), "I need a raise to such and such or I'm walking and will work for your competition across the street". He's all animated and using a loud voice, hell he even had me convinced he was important at that moment. A few minutes later this clown is walking out the door, he didn't even get to resign.

We're standing around wondering how we are going to do our job that day, none of us drive a cube truck. Within an hour, the owner interviews 3 guys, hires two of them, and we are off to the races, in the truck going to move stuff like we didn't even miss a beat. Could have been an alien driving for all we cared.

Long story as I am sometimes apt to do. Bottom line, life goes on and you always find a way to get by and most people aren't nearly as important as they think they are. I don't know how much you guys will be affected but I'm guessing everything will work out fine, even if it is shut down for two months.
Even with the shutdown for 2 months, the welfare checks will still go out(fucking bullshit) the Social Security Checks will still go out, and the military will still get paid.
"But here’s the problem. What you’ve seen are bills that come up wherever Republicans are feeling political pressure, they put a bill forward. And if there’s no political heat, if there’s no television story on it, then nothing happens.”

Barack Hussein Soweto Obama on why he ordered otherwise viable departments to shut down during his last shutdown.

Obama makes shutdown as painful as possible

I bet a dollar to your doughnut he doesn't do what that dipshit Obama did. Closing down National Monuments and turning away veterans

I prefer he cut welfare and food stamps

Many veterans and their families get welfare and food stamps.

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