Trump to sign Russia sanctions, Moscow retaliates

Russia is sending out 749 American diplomats from Moscow (now it will be even amount of Russian diplomats in USA and American diplomats in Russia) and gives them over a month to pack and to leave. Compare to Obama: just a few days before the New Year Eve he sent out Russian diplomats and gave them only tree days to leave.
US compounds in Moscow: What they lose and what they get to keep (PHOTOS)

July 27, Finland.
Question: If this bill is adopted, what will be Russia’s response? What will it be like? Are any Russian-US contacts possible on this matter? For instance, a telephone conversation with the US President. Thank you.

Vladimir Putin: As for the transnational character of US legislation, I have been talking about this for a long time, since 2007 (I think I spoke in Munich about this). It is exactly as I said. This practice is unacceptable – it is destroying international relations and international law.

We have not seen the final version yet and we do not have a final opinion on this matter. But we see that for a long period of time, there have been ongoing attempts to provoke us – many Russian diplomats were expelled with no explanation of the reason and diplomatic property was seized, which is beyond comprehension as it violates fundamental norms of international law regarding diplomatic relations. The sanctions are absolutely illegal from the perspective of international law and they violate the principles of international trade and World Trade Organisation rules. As you know, we are being very restrained and patient, but at some point we will have to respond. We cannot tolerate this loutish behaviour towards our country forever. But how we respond will depend on the final version of the bill that is being debated in the US Senate.
Joint news conference with President of Finland Sauli Niinisto
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What will happen. Trump will sign. The EU will scream . Trump will say to the House and the Senate FIX IT.
Typical, the left demonstrated and whined and pressured the President into sanctions against the second most prolific nuclear power in the world and now they complain about the inevitable result of the sanctions.
  • Russia hits back after U.S. Senate sanctions vote
  • Moscow tells U.S. to cut diplomatic staff by Sept. 1
  • Russia seizing two U.S. diplomatic properties
Good politics, good statesmanship by Trump: it protects him from being seen as "weak" on Russia, which is the last thing he needs.

Trump ready to sign Russia sanctions bill, White House says
Actually, you have no evidence that this will protect Trump to be seen as Putins Puppet because Trump's veto would have been overridden easily . so Trump had absolutely no choice but to go along with the sanctions, in order to pretend that he's not a puppet . But we all know he's a puppet .
Typical, the left demonstrated and whined and pressured the President into sanctions against the second most prolific nuclear power in the world and now they complain about the inevitable result of the sanctions.

President Snowflake is the President now.

Don't blame the 'left' for the President's decision- or for legislation passed by the Republican controlled Congress
This fucking RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA NONSENSE is taking us into dangerous grounds................

I would remind those Cheering that our forces are currently in combat in very close quarters in Syria.

You DUMB ASSES PUSHING THIS are gonna eventually get people killed.
  • Russia hits back after U.S. Senate sanctions vote
  • Moscow tells U.S. to cut diplomatic staff by Sept. 1
  • Russia seizing two U.S. diplomatic properties
Good politics, good statesmanship by Trump: it protects him from being seen as "weak" on Russia, which is the last thing he needs.

Trump ready to sign Russia sanctions bill, White House says

This might be a dangerous turn of events. Trump has no problem with the US being a trading partner with Russia, but the shrieking from the left and the media about "Russia stole muh elekshun" is making the right half of Congress over-compensate. I seriously doubt there's a single Republican in Congress who believes Trump "colluded" with Russia but the GOP being the wimpy "nice guys" they always have been, is going along with the Democrat's idiocy.

Is this the latest Democratic plan to "resist" and unseat the Trumpster? By dragging us into a thermonuclear war with Russia?

I sure hope the Democrats love their children too.
Typical, the left demonstrated and whined and pressured the President into sanctions against the second most prolific nuclear power in the world and now they complain about the inevitable result of the sanctions.

President Snowflake is the President now.

Don't blame the 'left' for the President's decision- or for legislation passed by the Republican controlled Congress
No democrat voted against the bill.
Isn't that what the left wanted?

Now they will say he is starting World War III
Nah, no war over closing some embassy offices. Why do we have so many more diplomats in Russia than they have here, I wonder?
A lot of those folks are Russian locals, too, so they will just lose their jobs. I doubt if more than a couple hundred diplomats actually have to leave. Maybe they can fill some of the vacancies that Trump hasn't gotten around to filling, yet.
Step by step.

Little by little.

The Democrat Party is slow-marching America to war - so they can try to blame it on President Trump (it pisses them off when we use the title along with the name).
Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples


Investigative reporter Jerome Corsi of WorldNetDaily broke this story when he visited Kenya and was able to confirm that Obama, as a U.S. Senator, illegally used a taxpayer-financed trip to campaign for far-left presidential candidate Raila Odinga in Kenya’s 2006 elections.


During Israel’s 2015 elections, the Obama administration — led by Secretary of State John Kerry — illegally intervened when they attempted to defeat the reelection of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by covertly funneling State Department grants to opposition groups. The Obama administration detested Netanyahu due to his refusal to cave into Palestinian demands, a group that even refused to recognize the existence of Israel.


The government watchdog group, Judicial Watch, obtained government documents that “show the U.S. government has quietly spent millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia by colluding with leftwing, billionaire philanthropist George Soros.” Indeed, Obama’s ambassador to Macedonia, Jeff Baily, worked to funnel millions of dollars from the State Department and USAID to groups created by Soros which were, according to JW, working to overthrow the conservative government.


In 2011, Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, not only interfered politically in Libya but militarily as well, by orchestrating a series of policies designed to remove Muammar Gaddafi from power. While it would be a stretch to call Gaddafi a U.S. ally, he was cooperating with the U.S.A. in fighting Islamic extremists and had turned over all his WMDs to American officials. Western investment was flowing into Libya, the country was becoming more westernized and, most certainly, it was no longer a threat to the USA.


Obama attacked Zelaya’s removal, falsely calling it a “coup d’état” and a WikiLeaks cable revealed that Obama backed Zelaya’s reinstatement in order to please Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who, like Fidel Castro, was an ally of Zelaya. Instead of supporting the right of Hondurans to remove their president for unconstitutional actions, Obama tried to pressure Honduras into reinstating Zelaya by freezing all non-humanitarian aid. That didn’t happen and Zelaya went into exile.


Like Libya, the Obama administration encouraged opposition to President Hosni Mubarak and intervened in elections to ensure that a radical Muslim Brotherhood leader, Mohammed Morsi, was elected president. Obama’s State Department even gave political training to MB leaders. Again, similar to Gadhafi, Mubarak was relatively secular and Egypt was becoming increasingly westernized. He was an ally of the U.S.A. and an opponent of radical jihadists.


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