Trump to sign Russia sanctions, Moscow retaliates

Certainly the 'left' doesn't want to roll over for Russia like the Conservatives now seem to want to do.
After all the years of Calling us the War Mongers......................LOL

Suddenly they have a back bone................In regards to Syria and the red line............Obama had his spine removed before cutting that deal that didn't work.

Had a partial spine when he went off to War in Libya.............which has been a dismal failure............

Starting another Cold War is NOT IN THE BEST INTERESTS of this country...........and with our forces operating in close quarters increasing tensions could turn a COLD WAR HOT.................

So I'm ignoring your so called suddenly got a spine comments..............This isn't a damned game.

Meanwhile President Snowflake continues to follow the same policy in Syria that President Obama followed.

It isn't a damn game. Russia is deadly serious.

Congress knows it- but President Snowflake doesn't.
So your answer is to hit them with Sanctions and increase tensions while our forces are fighting in close proximity to Russian forces.........shit goes wrong on the battlefield...and we'll be killing each other.

Russia doesn't respond well to weakness- and that is all President Snowflake is offering.

Russia hates the sanctions because it will hurt their oligarchs in the pocket.

So weak that Trump ordered a hit on their buddies Syria with a missile strike...........

So weak that our forces have hit and killed Syrian Forces moving into AO's with our advisers and allies fighting ISIS................

President Snowflake hit Syria once- and Russia didn't blink.

Yeah that is weak.
  • Russia hits back after U.S. Senate sanctions vote
  • Moscow tells U.S. to cut diplomatic staff by Sept. 1
  • Russia seizing two U.S. diplomatic properties
Good politics, good statesmanship by Trump: it protects him from being seen as "weak" on Russia, which is the last thing he needs.

Trump ready to sign Russia sanctions bill, White House says
Actually, you have no evidence that this will protect Trump to be seen as Putins Puppet because Trump's veto would have been overridden easily . so Trump had absolutely no choice but to go along with the sanctions, in order to pretend that he's not a puppet . But we all know he's a puppet .

Prove he's a puppet. I'm dying to see the evidence you surely will present.
The Orange Douche signed the Russia and others new sanction bill into law today.

WHEEE>>>>>>>>>But WTF!? NO Great Orange Douche Signing Show?:mad-61:


I say this could be why to start above. Where everyone in congress voted for this new law.
But for some 8 people was it? Two were senators.
  • Russia hits back after U.S. Senate sanctions vote
  • Moscow tells U.S. to cut diplomatic staff by Sept. 1
  • Russia seizing two U.S. diplomatic properties
Good politics, good statesmanship by Trump: it protects him from being seen as "weak" on Russia, which is the last thing he needs.

Trump ready to sign Russia sanctions bill, White House says
Actually, you have no evidence that this will protect Trump to be seen as Putins Puppet because Trump's veto would have been overridden easily . so Trump had absolutely no choice but to go along with the sanctions, in order to pretend that he's not a puppet . But we all know he's a puppet .

Prove he's a puppet. I'm dying to see the evidence you surely will present.

Well, The Douche has shown us himself right here.
When all Congress but 8(was it?) votes for these new laws.
But the Douche is on Putin side. And Slams the new laws btw., for Putin.

You know you got a Putin Puppet here.
Wait, I thought Putin & Trump were butt buddies?

You people have lost your minds.

It passed with a veto-proof majority. He called the bill "seriously flawed" because it includes a provision that limits his ability to lift sanctions later, but he had to sign it.
Wait, I thought Putin & Trump were butt buddies?

You people have lost your minds.

The Great Orange Douche had no option here.

"A bill becomes law if signed by the President or if not signed within 10 days and Congress is in session." OOPS!
"And If the veto of the bill is overridden in both chambers then it becomes law.' OOPS AGAIN! Great Orange Douche.

We ALL Know what this Putin Puppet is doing. Congress agrees he is putting the USA in DANGER.
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President Donald Trump signs Russia sanctions bill | Daily Mail Online

Furious Trump signs Russian sanctions into law against his will - then issues extraordinary statement calling parts of bill passed by Congress 'unconstitutional'

Now the right is trying to spin this into a win for Trump, and proof that him and Putin aren't buddies.

Trump has to be tired of winning by now. :lol:


Really here. The Un-America Orange Douche Slams Congress.
Not Russia FFS! WTF!? WHY?
President Donald Trump signs Russia sanctions bill | Daily Mail Online

Furious Trump signs Russian sanctions into law against his will - then issues extraordinary statement calling parts of bill passed by Congress 'unconstitutional'

Now the right is trying to spin this into a win for Trump, and proof that him and Putin aren't buddies.

Trump has to be tired of winning by now. :lol:

Not in my corner of the universe. These sanctions are outrageous and all Congress and the Senate have done has pissed off Russian and the EU who are going to retaliate.
  • Russia hits back after U.S. Senate sanctions vote
  • Moscow tells U.S. to cut diplomatic staff by Sept. 1
  • Russia seizing two U.S. diplomatic properties
Good politics, good statesmanship by Trump: it protects him from being seen as "weak" on Russia, which is the last thing he needs.

Trump ready to sign Russia sanctions bill, White House says
Don't you just love a good COLD WAR and moving the hands on the NUCLEAR DOOMSDAY CLOCK closer to Midnight?

Exactly why is Congress pushing this "Sanctions Bill" instead of doing their jobs and getting rid of the CLUSTERFUCK Black Hole MONEY PIT that is Obamacare?
  • Russia hits back after U.S. Senate sanctions vote
  • Moscow tells U.S. to cut diplomatic staff by Sept. 1
  • Russia seizing two U.S. diplomatic properties
Good politics, good statesmanship by Trump: it protects him from being seen as "weak" on Russia, which is the last thing he needs.

Trump ready to sign Russia sanctions bill, White House says
Wait, I thought Vlad and Don were buddies, How could Don do this to just...further destroys the snowflake narrative of 'collusion'. :p
The Orange Douche signed the Russia and others new sanction bill into law today.

WHEEE>>>>>>>>>But WTF!? NO Great Orange Douche Signing Show?:mad-61:


I say this could be why to start above. Where everyone in congress voted for this new law.
But for some 8 people was it? Two were senators.
Must have been some Trump true believers or something.

Yep.. I want the tape. The Douche and have the radiation poisoning.
Do you know drinking Peeeeee can kill you? So Dear Orange leader.
I'm happy to send mine in free.

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