Trump told South Carolinians that they should vote for him twice

You said Trump TOLD people to vote twice. You showed NOTHING backing your false claim
Maybe we figured you could read or at least replay his interview.....our bad.
You and your gay lover made the claim soy boy. YOU better back up your bullshit. Not up to me to prove you wrong. It’s already been done here numerous times. Then again you’re always wrong so there’s that.......

You've been proven wrong a dozen times in this thread, Spunky. You’re just not bright enough to know it.
Faun You've been duped,
He said the words "If it wasn't counted" then place your vote that equals 1 vote not 2, he never said vote twice, he never implied it either, you are saying it. Only cheaters come to chearing conclusions because that's how they'd play it and have played it.
Once again you fell for a propaganda hoax and you showed them they can insult your intelligence and use you, because "you chose" to have no common sense and you allow them to continually play you for a fool and be a fool for your puppet masters. They make you wrong all the time yet you keep coming back as if things will change.
Congrats, you are a captive by your own design!
And you have become the real life Charlie Brown trying to kick that football.
Keep trusting your place holder Charlie Brown!
Last edited:
You've been duped,
He said the words If it wasn't counted then place your vote that equals 1 vote not 2, he never said vote twice, you are saying it.
Once again you fell for a propaganda hoax and you showed them they can insult your intelligence and use you, because "you chose" to have none and ve a fool for your puppet masters.
Congrats, you are a captive by your own design!
Not true it's only one vote. For many, they will be told their mail-in ballot was not yet received so they will vote in person. When their mail-in ballot arrives within 3 days of the election, that will be two times they voted.
Faun You've been duped,
He said the words "If it wasn't counted" then place your vote that equals 1 vote not 2, he never said vote twice, he never implied it either, you are saying it. Only cheaters come to chearing conclusions because that's how they'd play it and have played it.
Once again you fell for a propaganda hoax and you showed them they can insult your intelligence and use you, because "you chose" to have no common sense and you allow them to continually play you for a fool and be a fool for your puppet masters. They make you wrong all the time yet you keep coming back as if things will change.
Congrats, you are a captive by your own design!
And you have become the real life Charlie Brown trying to kick that football.
Keep trusting your place holder Charlie Brown!
That’s false and illegal. Its not common sense to commit a crime. It’s not the voters job to determine if their vote was there by stressing the system with another attempted vote. You can’t vote twice. All the voter needs to do is ask if their original vote has made it to their destination or polls by mail or ask for a tracking number. The act of voting again is as illegal as any illegal act. Your motivation is irrelevant. There is no just tification for voting twice. But I suggest you Humpers try it. You’ll likely be poorer or in jail for the for the midterms.
Did he or did he not just encourage his cult members to commit a felony?

Wait for him to walk his statement back and blame the media
Do really think that Trump would come out in front of everybody and tell people of south carolina to commit crimes? I know this makes you libs cream your pants but comeon now......really?
Yes. He asked for foreign help during an election, announce he could shoot anyone without recourse...the list goes on. He’s a fking criminal. Genesis, he did before the eyes of a blind man.
Yet, it is the Democrats that block any sort of rule or regulation that would prevent voting twice.
Give us an example
Not requiring ID. I just go and say I'm tim Jones and they give me a ballot. Democrats are literally so racist they believe black people are to dumb to have IDs or find a DMV.

OK try that
Say you are Tim Jones and sign that ballot. Then try to explain why your signature doesn’t match or explain why you are voting when Tim Jones has already voted
In California the poll workers don't have a signature to match it against and if Tim Jones has already voted you just walk away, there are no cops at the polling places to capture people who attempt to vote illegally.
How often does that happen
There is nothing to stop illegals from registering to vote other than the DMV asks them if they are eligible to vote."

Why did trump and bush find nothing. Why are you offering no proof. Why are you a liar.

Let's try this again. This is what the article said: "There is nothing to stop illegals from registering to vote other than the DMV asks them if they are eligible to vote."

How am I a "liar" when I accurately said what the article did?

Government schools, they really do churn out one brainless moron after another.

And sure, people who broke our laws and are here illegally wouldn't break the law because you know, you said they wouldn't. Sure.

So let's test it. Let's start verifying the voter rolls rather than the current system of just asking them
Did he or did he not just encourage his cult members to commit a felony?

Wait for him to walk his statement back and blame the media
Do really think that Trump would come out in front of everybody and tell people of south carolina to commit crimes? I know this makes you libs cream your pants but comeon now......really?
Yes. He asked for foreign help during an election, announce he could shoot anyone without recourse...the list goes on. He’s a fking criminal. Genesis, he did before the eyes of a blind man.

Mueller is calling you a liar. And that isn't what Trump said, "he could shoot anyone without recourse." Note you're showing what I always say, most of Trump's supposed lies are actually you lying about what he said
So just to be clear, so you're good if we follow up on California voters and make them prove they are illegals so we know if they voted or not?
Bush and trump found nothing...that’s my proof. You don’t trust the gop ?

No, I don't trust you. Show where Bush and Trump tracked down registered voters and verified they are legal. You can't of course, which is why your post is linkless
once registered, all they have to do is go vote
So, the illegal has to register first. How does he do that ? Dah ? There is also a question, are you a citizen ? Answer yes or anyother question illegally and you’re a felon. btw, only one vote per registration. Once you’re a felon and an illegal, you get deported after five years in jail. You are really stupid. It’s the employees that help illegals remain in the shadows.

Guess what fool, both Bush and Trump had commissions trying to find these illegals who voted.......they couldn’t and disbanded. Dah. Supply the proof any where where millions of illegals have voted...except on your pointed head.

Here you go:

There is nothing to stop illegals from registering to vote other than the DMV asks them if they are eligible to vote
Kazzer, illegals can't get a standard license which is what tbe DMV uses to submit applicant data to the Secretary of State's office, who then does further vetting to determine eligibility.

Section 12801.9 of the California Vehicle code is an AB60 license.​

And folks who obtain an AB-60 driver's license are not registered to vote...

Election Code, Division II, Chapter 4.5 § 2263 (d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

... in accordance with state legislation...

Bill Text - AB-60 Driver’s licenses: eligibility: required documentation. The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

I'm sorry, I just can't take your eight year old insults seriously. Sorry guy. Let me know if you ever want me to address what you're writing. Thanks.

It is pretty funny how terrified of me you are that you put that in to be sure I don't take your stupid crap apart. But I still can't take your eight year old shtick seriously
ARE YOU THAT DUMB ? Do you know what a felony is ? Obviously not.
I did not say they handed out cards. Describing what happened as "handing out cards", shows the dishonesty in your argument. You can not use the proper terms for what transpired for that makes you look like an idiot.
The DMV for years has been giving everyone, to include illegal aliens, Voter Registration Forms.

And again, your argument that illegal aliens only commit one crime is about the dumbest argument ever posted on the USMBs.
"I did not say they handed out cards."


Spot the disconnect...

They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicles office.
California DMV did hand out voter registration cards to illegal aliens. That is a fact, I am the witness.
I saw the DMV handing out voter registration cards to everyone that entered the DMV.
I’ve realized talking to republicans is pointless. It doesn’t matter how rational and sound your logic is - they will say anything to avoid admitting that they are wrong. If they had the emotional maturity and objectivity for admitting they are wrong, they wouldn’t be republicans to begin with.

No matter how clear, calm and patient you are, Republicans just won't start parroting your DNC talking points with you, huh? That's tough
“Yes, illegal voting is a huge problem. Despite your idea that nobody that commits two or three crimes will commit the crime of voting illegally.”
if it’s such a huge problem and it got by the two Voter fraud commissions, you have some pretty incompetent poll workers on the republucan side. Which is it ? A voter problem with incomoetent gop who can’t verify it....or no substantial problem.
Those commissions never finished their jobs. The Democrats sued them in court until Trump shut them down.

Further the Democrats refused to cooperate with the commissions.

Nothing to see yet the Democrats won't let anybody look for voter fraud.
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”


Anyone who does that is guilty of a felony. The intent is to overtax poll worker so that fewer people can get a turn to vote. Pure treason. So is anyone's lame defense.
voting twice would be going to two different polling places to vote
having a mail-in ballot get's you a provisional ballot your provisional ballot doesn't get counted until after all mail in ballots are counted
Therefore you only voted once if the other ballot is not counted lol
Not what Trump said

He advocated voting twice to show you could do it.
If Trump was talking about casting a provisional ballot, he would have said so
Dear cultist, you have been once again misinformed

“Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system’s as good as they say it is, then obviously they won’t be able to vote,” the president said. “If it isn’t tabulated, they’ll be able to vote.”

“That’s the way it is,” he added. “And that’s what they should do.”
"Voting twice in the same election is illegal."
Once again it appears Trump is not concerned with their ballots not being received but with how the “system” can be tested to see if it allows double voting.

And that scares the hell out of you cheaters doesn't it?
“Yes, illegal voting is a huge problem. Despite your idea that nobody that commits two or three crimes will commit the crime of voting illegally.”
if it’s such a huge problem and it got by the two Voter fraud commissions, you have some pretty incompetent poll workers on the republucan side. Which is it ? A voter problem with incomoetent gop who can’t verify it....or no substantial problem.
Those commissions never finished their jobs. The Democrats sued them in court until Trump shut them down.

Further the Democrats refused to cooperate with the commissions.

Nothing to see yet the Democrats won't let anybody look for voter fraud.
Nope, it’s both Democrat and gop govs. The commission could not find anything and wanted states to give out personal voter information including the ability to track votes. Thats Putin time. That’s why they got sued. We all know it’s just a ruse to give Trump a chance to whine early before all votes are counted then contest mail in votes. It’s the typical gop effort to keep a minority white govt. Trump needs to leave and summer in Siberia where he belongs.
I have never heard of a provisional ballot being used at a polling place to cast a vote after you cast a mail in vote because you think it might not have been counted. Mail ballots generally have a transaction id on the ballot. You can use this id to inquire as to whether your vote was counted either by phone or on the election web site.

If it's THAT EASY to tell -- then SURELY, on election day, they can TELL YOU whether your mail-in has been received when you sign in.. Then if you THINK your ballot is lost or "stolen" -- you CAN cast a provisional... There's no doubt on this..

The quotes you pulled from the article are about VOTING TWICE.. A provisional ballot is NOT A VOTE... It will be TOSSED if you're on record already voting..

Of course a provisional ballot is a vote. What kind of retarded nonsense are you spewing now? It may not be counted, but someone had to vote with it.
provisional ballots are counted only after the mail-in ballots are counted.
“Yes, illegal voting is a huge problem. Despite your idea that nobody that commits two or three crimes will commit the crime of voting illegally.”
if it’s such a huge problem and it got by the two Voter fraud commissions, you have some pretty incompetent poll workers on the republucan side. Which is it ? A voter problem with incomoetent gop who can’t verify it....or no substantial problem.
Those commissions never finished their jobs. The Democrats sued them in court until Trump shut them down.

Further the Democrats refused to cooperate with the commissions.

Nothing to see yet the Democrats won't let anybody look for voter fraud.

Sounds like a fascist regime....what the commission violated many state voting laws.....
“Yesterday, the vice chair of that commission sent a letter to all 50 states asking for voter data that includes addresses, party I.D., voter history, and Social Security information. The commission asked that data be sent to the White House by mid-July, but didn't say how it would be used,”
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

I thought there is no fraud in our elections.
No one ever said that. You just don’t pay attention. It’s just extremely rare and therefore doesn’t matter.
Then why you crying about it?
Trump’s a hypocrite and he wants to win cheating. Duh.
Actually it's the opposite, you inadvertantly proved there is a chance of fraud during the elections making your party's claim there are protections and no fraud a double sided argument opposing your own post.
First of all show me the quote where he tells people to vote twice, because he never uses those words, media spin does. He actually says to vote only once (counted vote that is registered) making a second vote impossible unless you admit you've been lying about chances for fraud=hence "YOU"
are the hypocrite.
Uh actually we never said voting fraud didn’t happen. We said it happens so rarely that it doesn’t matter.

I quoted him directly in a reply on the first page of this thread. He clearly says to vote twice. You’re referring to his idiot campaign official trying to spin what he said.
No he did not say vote twice, you did and could not validate the quote, because he never said that.
If your vote did not register then going in person you can only vote "IF" not recorded and thus if you vote in person that's 1 single vote not twice.
You leave out THE WORDS "IF"
& "NOT REGISTERED AND COUNTED" and add the word 'twice' to create a false narrative of what was said hoping people will never get to know what he actually said and meant.
You are being deceptive which means you know Biden is losing and you seek to cheat the election with fake news.
Since Facebook and other social media have pulled the Trump quote as misleading or false, I have to go on memory. I think Trump recommend that voters attempt to vote at the polls after voting by mail to test the system. Thus they would be attempting to vote twice which is illegal.

I think we see the problem here....Are you saying that you get your news from Facebook?
“Yes, illegal voting is a huge problem. Despite your idea that nobody that commits two or three crimes will commit the crime of voting illegally.”
if it’s such a huge problem and it got by the two Voter fraud commissions, you have some pretty incompetent poll workers on the republucan side. Which is it ? A voter problem with incomoetent gop who can’t verify it....or no substantial problem.
Those commissions never finished their jobs. The Democrats sued them in court until Trump shut them down.

Further the Democrats refused to cooperate with the commissions.

Nothing to see yet the Democrats won't let anybody look for voter fraud.

Sounds like a fascist regime....what the commission violated many state voting laws.....
“Yesterday, the vice chair of that commission sent a letter to all 50 states asking for voter data that includes addresses, party I.D., voter history, and Social Security information. The commission asked that data be sent to the White House by mid-July, but didn't say how it would be used,”

Those states knew exactly how it was going to be used...And that is to find out exactly how their systems are corrupted to favor democrats...
You've been duped,
He said the words If it wasn't counted then place your vote that equals 1 vote not 2, he never said vote twice, you are saying it.
Once again you fell for a propaganda hoax and you showed them they can insult your intelligence and use you, because "you chose" to have none and ve a fool for your puppet masters.
Congrats, you are a captive by your own design!
Not true it's only one vote. For many, they will be told their mail-in ballot was not yet received so they will vote in person. When their mail-in ballot arrives within 3 days of the election, that will be two times they voted.
Ahhhha! But you guys played both sides of that too, by claiming we will have no problem with the mail. Plus then the mail vote won't be counted because the system is perfect "you say now" (but Dems used to complain about Mail in fraud in prior administrations). See every argument you have you want it both ways, and every argument busts your former argument, flip flopping worse then your presidential and V.P. candidates.
Fact: your reply never addresses why you think it's ok to continually be wrong and be used by your media darlings. You can't answer to why it's primarilly always Dems cheating elections and interfering. You can not answer why you do everything for an affiliation and not for the Country's best interest. All you can do is kvetch and squirm and use ad hominems.

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