Trump tops GOP in latest YouGov poll...


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!

Polls Donald Trump in first place - Business Insider

Donald Trump's position on immigration does not seem to be hurting the real-estate developer's standing in the Republican presidential primary.

Two new polls have him in first place among registered Republican voters.

The latest poll arrived Thursday. In the Economist/YouGov poll, Trump holds 15% of the Republican vote nationally — ahead of former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida (11%).

The good news for Trump doesn't stop there.

"Trump looks even better as a candidate this week when Republicans are asked for their second choice," YouGov's Kathy Frankovic wrote along with the results. "When they are, Trump extends his lead. One in four Republicans who are registered to vote say he is their first or second choice."

Thank you, Republicans!

Discuss. How long will this last?

Polls Donald Trump in first place - Business Insider

Donald Trump's position on immigration does not seem to be hurting the real-estate developer's standing in the Republican presidential primary.

Two new polls have him in first place among registered Republican voters.

The latest poll arrived Thursday. In the Economist/YouGov poll, Trump holds 15% of the Republican vote nationally — ahead of former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida (11%).

The good news for Trump doesn't stop there.

"Trump looks even better as a candidate this week when Republicans are asked for their second choice," YouGov's Kathy Frankovic wrote along with the results. "When they are, Trump extends his lead. One in four Republicans who are registered to vote say he is their first or second choice."

Thank you, Republicans!

Discuss. How long will this last?
It's more an issue of the damage this is causing the GOP, perceived correctly by many voters to be hostile to Hispanic Americans and immigrants.
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Polls Donald Trump in first place - Business Insider

Donald Trump's position on immigration does not seem to be hurting the real-estate developer's standing in the Republican presidential primary.

Two new polls have him in first place among registered Republican voters.

The latest poll arrived Thursday. In the Economist/YouGov poll, Trump holds 15% of the Republican vote nationally — ahead of former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida (11%).

The good news for Trump doesn't stop there.

"Trump looks even better as a candidate this week when Republicans are asked for their second choice," YouGov's Kathy Frankovic wrote along with the results. "When they are, Trump extends his lead. One in four Republicans who are registered to vote say he is their first or second choice."

Thank you, Republicans!

Discuss. How long will this last?
It's more an issue of the damage this is causing the GOP, perceived correctly by many voters to be hostile to Hispanic Americans and immigrants.

Yepp. That's the point.

I keep saying it over and over and over again, but Righties just stick their fingers in their ears in and scream neenerneenerneener: when Rightie turds like Trump call Mexicans "Rapists" and "Drug Dealers" and King talks about young Latinos who cross the border with calves "the size of grapefruits" and Mitt Romney tells Latinos they should "self deport" and Tom Tancredo calls for literacy tests for brown people in order to get to vote - these yahoos do not discriminate between illegal aliens (which is insulting enough) and legal US Citizens of Latino descent, and the Latino community is acutely aware of this.

Obama won 71% of the Latino vote in 2012. Without even having to work to hard, Hillary is going to improve on this statistic, if only because of the uptick in the Latino female vote that will be expected. But I really think that she will hit about 80% of the Latino vote, which absolutely takes New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado off the table for the GOP and puts Arizona and Texas (yes, Texas) seriously into play. It also makes for a major shift in Georgia, which has a sizeable Latino population, and Obama lost Georgia by 7.8 points without even campaigning there at all.

Priebus was right when he wrote in the GOP post-mortem from 2012 that the GOP must reach out to minorities. Only, he wasn't talking about this kind of outreach.

I can't wait to see the next Latino Decisions poll - it's going to be terrible news for the GOP.

There are more people who want the illegals gone than there are illegals.

You are missing the point, but I expected that you would....
No, you're missing MY point, but I expected you would. You think he would lose because he insulted the Mexicans (illegals). I'm saying he just picked up millions of votes from average citizens who would not have voted otherwise, Democrats included. He'll get a vote from every person who has been robbed, assaulted, or otherwise victimized by an illegal as well as those who are sick of wetbacks being supported by hard working Americans who pay their taxes (unlike liberals).

Your problem is that you think everybody thinks the way you do and are willing to follow your messiah off a cliff but you're gonna find out just how many people there are in the U.S. who don't want our country flooded with rapists, murderers, and parasites, even if you leftist idiots do.
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There are more people who want the illegals gone than there are illegals.

You are missing the point, but I expected that you would....
No, you're missing MY point, but I expected you would. You think he would lose because he insulted the Mexicans (illegals). I'm saying he just picked up millions of votes from average citizens who would not have voted otherwise, Democrats included. He'll get a vote from every person who has been robbed, assaulted, or otherwise victimized by an illegal as well as those who are sick of wetbacks being supported by hard working Americans who pay their taxes (unlike liberals).

Your problem is that you think everybody thinks the way you do and are willing to follow your messiah off a cliff but you're gonna find out just how many people there are in the U.S. who don't want our country flooded with rapists, murderers, and parasites, even if you leftist idiots do.
Uhuh. Can't wait for you to test that theory.

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