You know, I RARELY agree with irosie, but she does have a point.Donald Trump, the man who claims to fund his own campaign, the man who says he "can't be bought," the man who says he will make America great again....
Selling himself to foreigners. And the only response the drumpfodder can give is to complain about the person reporting the facts.
I have read the citations-----and am not at all convinced that they are GENUINE------so far we have been told that D. TRUMP---personally e-mailed politicians in other countries and asked them to make financial contributions to his political campaign. I am not at all convinced
Oh, you're not convinced. Because you have a demonstrated track record of acknowledging information that you wish weren't true...
If you read the pdf's carefully, and those articles carefully, they all state that none of the emails originated in the US. None can be confirmed as having originated with Donald Trump.
That really is all there is to it. They come from e-mail addresses that cannot be verified to be linked to him or his campaign.
This might be a co-ordinated attack by political enemies.
It might be wise to wait and see what his response to this attack is before any of us jump to the conclusion that he actually sent these or authorized them being sent.
Many who support Hillary continually refute that she is not responsible for her supporters leaking the story that Obama might possibly not have been born in the US, or that he wasn't "American" enough. In the age of information, it is so easy to link disinformation with a candidate, because the anonymity of the internet can be used to create the appearance that a person sent something or said something when they did not.
Is it possible someone created a bogus account in these foreign nations and solicited funds under his name? Of course it is. Let's have a little healthy skepticism.
I know there are a lot of us out there that think he is as dumb as a box of rocks. . . but c'mon, do you seriously think he is THIS stupid.
what a RED LETTER day for rosie-------MISTER --sorta...a little bit, kinda -----agrees. YA NEVAH KNOW----maybe someday he will post something that I can SHOEHORN into reality