Trump Trolls Red Hen....Their END Is Near

When a world-renowned restauranteur such as President Trump tells the public your place is "dirty"'re done. Trump said the outside is dirty and the rule is then the inside is also dirty...So I ask you, who needs dirty commie eggs served on a dirty commie plate eaten with a dirty commie fork in the first place? :45:


BTW, they've had to shut down their Yelp Review page due to the OUTRAGE. heh

Trump has never been there and your photo shows the wrong restaurant.

That is the correct restaurant, with a humorously pertinent embellishment.
The NEW MATH by a person who still doesn't realize that Trump and his party WON THE ELECTION in THIRTY STATES vs. Hillary's twenty, and thinks democrats have never bused unemployed paid liberal activists ALL OVER THE NATION to show up ANYWHERE they were needed.
Trump won empty land and through the broken electoral system Russia was somehow able to install him.

Empty land. Good one. The Electoral college now works off acreage. :lmao:
Broken Electoral College. Hillarious! It was "broke" because your candidate lost through her own unpopularity, lies and arrogance! :laughing0301:

Russia installed Trump! Incredible. What rock are these Ruskies hiding behind? How many has Mueller arrested and convicted? Were they working in the Deep State along with Strozok and Page? And best of all, they did it all with a few Facebook ads nobody ever read! Oh! My sides are hurting! :no_text11:
Not even your dotard denies Russian interference anymore :itsok:

The EC has failed in 2 of the last 5 elections. Support National Popular Vote

Nope. Not interested in mob rule.
Neither is Kim Jong Un

Non sequitur.
The President of the United States should never take sides in such matters, he is supposed to represent us all. But Trump is a child and does not give a rats ass about the people.

You are correct that the proper response is to avoid the business if you disagree with the choice of the owner.

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Coming off eight years of governing exclusively for illegals, bottom feeders and wack-jobs....This president vowed to do work for America’s Best....he’s made that very clear. Sucks for you huh?

Who are America's best? Implied in this ^^^ post is a comment from the book 1984:

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

I'm sure this ^^^ is too abstract for the poster [BrokeLoser] so I'll explain to him(?) that the quote's use of "animal" is in fact the human animal.

To the brokeloser America’s best are non-college educated white males. He hates everyone else

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That is incorrect

we like people who know obvious stuff, like there are 2 more no less

Ignorance of biology too ^^^.

Is there no limit to this lack of knowledge by so many regular posters?

As a good and honest liberal, I will once again try the impossible, to offer examples of why this ignorant comment is not true:

First, look up parthenogenesis; next see also:

Ambiguous genitalia

Q. Is it possible he of lack of knowledge will follow these leads and learn he was wrong?

A. Doubtful
yep, understand there are a few children born with both man and female genitalia. How many you think? other than those thousands, there is but a male and female right? hmmmm are you trying to suggest there is another human type?
The hen reaps what it sows.
While i don't think Trump should be targeting them directly, people have a right to complain and boycott the restaurant for how they treat people: all people. The best way to keep a business honest is to be subjected to marketplace determining whether or not they're worthy of the public's business.

If they do shut down, what will be ironic as hell is that the owner asked Sarah to leave in the name of her employees not wanting her there. Her boss listened to her employees and now those employees may very well be out of a job because of it. Perfect example of why employees don't necessarily (and usually don't) know what's best for their company compared to the leaders of it.

The President of the United States should never take sides in such matters, he is supposed to represent us all. But Trump is a child and does not give a rats ass about the people.

You are correct that the proper response is to avoid the business if you disagree with the choice of the owner.

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O took sides with a professor against the police. O was a child who didn't give a rats ass about the people. You were down. Aren't you for freedom of speech by the prez?
Trump won empty land and through the broken electoral system Russia was somehow able to install him.

Empty land. Good one. The Electoral college now works off acreage. :lmao:
Broken Electoral College. Hillarious! It was "broke" because your candidate lost through her own unpopularity, lies and arrogance! :laughing0301:

Russia installed Trump! Incredible. What rock are these Ruskies hiding behind? How many has Mueller arrested and convicted? Were they working in the Deep State along with Strozok and Page? And best of all, they did it all with a few Facebook ads nobody ever read! Oh! My sides are hurting! :no_text11:
Not even your dotard denies Russian interference anymore :itsok:

The EC has failed in 2 of the last 5 elections. Support National Popular Vote

Nope. Not interested in mob rule.
Neither is Kim Jong Un

Non sequitur.
Okay bye :fu:
Why do you believe something Trump tweets or states? Did not President Reagan offer a common sense activity, Trust but verify?

Go to Trip Adviser, yelp or local restaurant reviews, check out the local or state health dept. on the veracity of Trump

As a conservative and supporter of the President, I'm not welcome there anyhow.

Why would I bother looking at the reviews at yelp?

No place isn't good enough to change my ideology just to go to it.
Sanders was a customer to that hole. guess you are all for not serving others no matter what? what happened to the baker thingy? are you a hypocrite as well as a person with no class? rhetorical I know, yes you are.

Suppose the Baker in Colorado didn't refuse to bake the Gay Wedding cake because the customers were homosexuals- but instead because of ideological differences? If they would be willing to bake a gay wedding cake for Gay Marriage opponents, that would be difference,no?
it's a huge difference.
The EC has failed in 2 of the last 5 elections. Support National Popular Vote

No, the electoral college worked just as it was designed. The purpose was to make sure that the small states were not at the mercy of the large, populous states
In 2000 the President’s brother abused his office to give Dubya an EC victory, and in 2016 Russia abused the EC to give the dotard a victory. The EC exists because the south was butthurt over slaves not counting as part of the population. That reasoning no longer works.

Support National Popular Vote

Yeah, pretty sure the EC doesn't exist to prevent slaves from counting. More likely because many people are too stupid to vote, and you are proof of that.
Man, there sure a lot of hate within the LittleTrumpster world. All because their hate-filled brat hero continues to act a little child.
Whenever Trump does his Beavis and Butthead thing, the simpletons eat up his crap.
I think I may stop with the “Little Trumpster” thing and instead go with them”Bevis and Butthead Trumpsters” from now on.
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They’ll be fine. They’re in a district Hillary won handily, and this makes them more popular among the locals. Best advertising they’ve ever had.

The town of Lexington where the restaurant is went for Hillary, but the congressional district, VA-6th, Bob Goodlatte, went for Trump 206K to 120K. But I do think the restaurant will be just fine.
Well folks, the infamous Red Hen of Lexington, VA, yesterday had a yelp review of 2 1/2 it's 1 1/2 stars.....too bad, so sad.
The EC has failed in 2 of the last 5 elections. Support National Popular Vote

No, the electoral college worked just as it was designed. The purpose was to make sure that the small states were not at the mercy of the large, populous states
In 2000 the President’s brother abused his office to give Dubya an EC victory, and in 2016 Russia abused the EC to give the dotard a victory. The EC exists because the south was butthurt over slaves not counting as part of the population. That reasoning no longer works.

Support National Popular Vote

Yeah, pretty sure the EC doesn't exist to prevent slaves from counting. More likely because many people are too stupid to vote, and you are proof of that.

It only fails when dems lose the elections. The radical fringe lib is now becoming mainstream, violent, and dangerous. Beyond delusional at this point. Incapable of rational thought.
Did not agree with making a big deal out of baking a cake, same for the red hen, how petty are we going to get. and Trump should stay out of it also. he should be above the fray.
Did not agree with making a big deal out of baking a cake, same for the red hen, how petty are we going to get. and Trump should stay out of it also. he should be above the fray.

Yeah, pretty sure Trump, along with quite a few other people will be staying out of The Red Hen.
Because there aren’t very many of them and even less support the dotard and porky Sanders

The NEW MATH by a person who still doesn't realize that Trump and his party WON THE ELECTION in THIRTY STATES vs. Hillary's twenty, and thinks democrats have never bused unemployed paid liberal activists ALL OVER THE NATION to show up ANYWHERE they were needed.
Trump won empty land and through the broken electoral system Russia was somehow able to install him.

Empty land. Good one. The Electoral college now works off acreage. :lmao:
Broken Electoral College. Hillarious! It was "broke" because your candidate lost through her own unpopularity, lies and arrogance! :laughing0301:

Russia installed Trump! Incredible. What rock are these Ruskies hiding behind? How many has Mueller arrested and convicted? Were they working in the Deep State along with Strozok and Page? And best of all, they did it all with a few Facebook ads nobody ever read! Oh! My sides are hurting! :no_text11:
Not even your dotard denies Russian interference anymore :itsok:

The EC has failed in 2 of the last 5 elections. Support National Popular Vote

Nope. Not interested in mob rule.

The Left would LOVE straight democracy (popular vote) because THEY ARE THE MOB!
The NEW MATH by a person who still doesn't realize that Trump and his party WON THE ELECTION in THIRTY STATES vs. Hillary's twenty, and thinks democrats have never bused unemployed paid liberal activists ALL OVER THE NATION to show up ANYWHERE they were needed.
Trump won empty land and through the broken electoral system Russia was somehow able to install him.

Empty land. Good one. The Electoral college now works off acreage. :lmao:
Broken Electoral College. Hillarious! It was "broke" because your candidate lost through her own unpopularity, lies and arrogance! :laughing0301:

Russia installed Trump! Incredible. What rock are these Ruskies hiding behind? How many has Mueller arrested and convicted? Were they working in the Deep State along with Strozok and Page? And best of all, they did it all with a few Facebook ads nobody ever read! Oh! My sides are hurting! :no_text11:
Not even your dotard denies Russian interference anymore :itsok:

The EC has failed in 2 of the last 5 elections. Support National Popular Vote

Nope. Not interested in mob rule.

The Left would LOVE straight democracy (popular vote) because THEY ARE THE MOB!
Yes we are indeed the majority in this country
Trump should stay out of it also. he should be above the fray.

This brouhaha is directly about President Trump's policies and positions, he is in it, regardless of whether he wants to or not.

The cake baking story is totally different

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