Trump Trolls Red Hen....Their END Is Near

Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.

I'm not a lib, but Sanders was thrown out of the joint because her political views didn't jibe with the Red Hen's political code.

The problem I have is that nothing on the website told the public about the policy, they didn't mention it when Sanders people called for the reservation, and there is not even a "Liberals Only" sign on the door.

All that has happened since is that people are spreading the word that conservatives need to be eating elsewhere.

sanders was asked to leave because she's a lying twat.
She looks like she smells like shit, too. I wouldn’t want her stinky self showing up to my restaurant with a family of stink bombs either.
The liberal side of me would consider a Trump troll as a badge of distinction to be displayed proudly. But then I would have treated Sarah and her family with utmost respect as the Christian thing to do.

Almost like being a deplorable.
Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.

I'm not a lib, but Sanders was thrown out of the joint because her political views didn't jibe with the Red Hen's political code.

The problem I have is that nothing on the website told the public about the policy, they didn't mention it when Sanders people called for the reservation, and there is not even a "Liberals Only" sign on the door.

All that has happened since is that people are spreading the word that conservatives need to be eating elsewhere.

sanders was asked to leave because she's a lying twat.
She looks like she smells like shit, too. I wouldn’t want her stinky self showing up to my restaurant with a family of stink bombs either.

not to mention the cost of cleaning up after the other patrons hurled due to her presence
They’ll be fine. They’re in a district Hillary won handily, and this makes them more popular among the locals. Best advertising they’ve ever had.

She'll probably be OK in the long run. My guess is she'll win some Liberal award for her bigotry. But right now her life if being made much, much, much more uncomfortable than she made Sarah Sanders that night. And, here employees are missing paychecks and tips, unless she plans on reimbursing them. Restaurant owner loses.
The EC has failed in 2 of the last 5 elections. Support National Popular Vote

No, the electoral college worked just as it was designed. The purpose was to make sure that the small states were not at the mercy of the large, populous states
In 2000 the President’s brother abused his office to give Dubya an EC victory, and in 2016 Russia abused the EC to give the dotard a victory. The EC exists because the south was butthurt over slaves not counting as part of the population. That reasoning no longer works.

Support National Popular Vote

OMG, that is beyond stupid.
Empty land. Good one. The Electoral college now works off acreage. :lmao:
Broken Electoral College. Hillarious! It was "broke" because your candidate lost through her own unpopularity, lies and arrogance! :laughing0301:

Russia installed Trump! Incredible. What rock are these Ruskies hiding behind? How many has Mueller arrested and convicted? Were they working in the Deep State along with Strozok and Page? And best of all, they did it all with a few Facebook ads nobody ever read! Oh! My sides are hurting! :no_text11:
Not even your dotard denies Russian interference anymore :itsok:

The EC has failed in 2 of the last 5 elections. Support National Popular Vote

Nope. Not interested in mob rule.
Neither is Kim Jong Un

Non sequitur.
Okay bye :fu:

You need a shower. You're dripping with flop sweat.
They’ll be fine. They’re in a district Hillary won handily, and this makes them more popular among the locals. Best advertising they’ve ever had.

She'll probably be OK in the long run. My guess is she'll win some Liberal award for her bigotry. But right now her life if being made much, much, much more uncomfortable than she made Sarah Sanders that night. And, here employees are missing paychecks and tips, unless she plans on reimbursing them. Restaurant owner loses.
She might run for office. I believe there’s a petition.
The EC has failed in 2 of the last 5 elections. Support National Popular Vote

No, the electoral college worked just as it was designed. The purpose was to make sure that the small states were not at the mercy of the large, populous states

The EC is the law, It is improbable that it will ever change, since 3/4 of the states must vote to amend the Constitution.

Clearly, the popular vote measures the will of the people, and the president who wins the election but loses the popular vote does not have a mandate or much political capital.

Unfortunately we are today stuck with a megalomaniac. Unless we the people put a Denver Boot on the President by voting out the Republican Majorities in The Congress, we have set the stage for an end to the great experiment given to us by the Founding Fathers.

There can be no doubt that Trumpism is diametrically opposed to Libertarianism, and if we continue on the course set by our Authoritarian President, The Congress which has been coward by his attacks, will continue to bend to his will and abdicate on its authority as a check and balance of executive power.
Sad that a sitting President so often uses his position to personally attack Americans and their businesses.

Sad that so many unhinged regressives attack people simply for supporting President Trump.

I'm hoping it ramps up dramatically. Let the extremists kill each other off.
You think Trump and his cabal will start killing people?

Most certainly.
While i don't think Trump should be targeting them directly, people have a right to complain and boycott the restaurant for how they treat people: all people. The best way to keep a business honest is to be subjected to marketplace determining whether or not they're worthy of the public's business.

If they do shut down, what will be ironic as hell is that the owner asked Sarah to leave in the name of her employees not wanting her there. Her boss listened to her employees and now those employees may very well be out of a job because of it. Perfect example of why employees don't necessarily (and usually don't) know what's best for their company compared to the leaders of it.

The President of the United States should never take sides in such matters, he is supposed to represent us all. But Trump is a child and does not give a rats ass about the people.

You are correct that the proper response is to avoid the business if you disagree with the choice of the owner.

Sent from my iPhone using

I'm sure you said this same thing when Obama said Trayvon Martin could have been his son and clearly chose a side BEFORE George Zimmerman had his trial. I guess Obama is a child and does not give a rats ass about the people.
Not even your dotard denies Russian interference anymore :itsok:

The EC has failed in 2 of the last 5 elections. Support National Popular Vote

Nope. Not interested in mob rule.
Neither is Kim Jong Un

Non sequitur.
Okay bye :fu:

You need a shower. You're dripping with flop sweat.
Your delusions aren’t real, Billy. The hallucination you’re seeing is not me.
Trump's form of pogrom, as his enemies list grows, his behavior is that of an evil depot:

Kristallnacht, (German: “Crystal Night”), also called Night of Broken Glass or November Pogroms, the night of November 9–10, 1938, when German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property. The name Kristallnacht refers ironically to the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these pogroms. The violence continued during the day of November 10, and in some places acts of violence continued for several more days.

Be very careful what you say, descent will not be tolerated in Trump's AMERIKA.

It's "dissent" and you must look like a pretzel twisting things in an attempt to parallel Modern-Day America with 1938 Nazi Germany.

Who is it that wants to collect all the guns? There's your Nazis.
They’ll be fine. They’re in a district Hillary won handily, and this makes them more popular among the locals. Best advertising they’ve ever had.

She'll probably be OK in the long run. My guess is she'll win some Liberal award for her bigotry. But right now her life if being made much, much, much more uncomfortable than she made Sarah Sanders that night. And, here employees are missing paychecks and tips, unless she plans on reimbursing them. Restaurant owner loses.
She might run for office. I believe there’s a petition.

Go right ahead! Liberals would be well represented by this bigot.
They’ll be fine. They’re in a district Hillary won handily, and this makes them more popular among the locals. Best advertising they’ve ever had.

She'll probably be OK in the long run. My guess is she'll win some Liberal award for her bigotry. But right now her life if being made much, much, much more uncomfortable than she made Sarah Sanders that night. And, here employees are missing paychecks and tips, unless she plans on reimbursing them. Restaurant owner loses.
She might run for office. I believe there’s a petition.

Go right ahead! Liberals would be well represented by this bigot.
You need a dictionary

You need a shower. You're dripping with flop sweat.
Your delusions aren’t real, Billy. The hallucination you’re seeing is not me.

Didn't you say "Bye"? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes you had no response and signalled the conversation was over. Why are you still here?

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