Trump Trolls Red Hen....Their END Is Near

While i don't think Trump should be targeting them directly, people have a right to complain and boycott the restaurant for how they treat people: all people. The best way to keep a business honest is to be subjected to marketplace determining whether or not they're worthy of the public's business.

If they do shut down, what will be ironic as hell is that the owner asked Sarah to leave in the name of her employees not wanting her there. Her boss listened to her employees and now those employees may very well be out of a job because of it. Perfect example of why employees don't necessarily (and usually don't) know what's best for their company compared to the leaders of it.
Kinda like obama targeting police ?
Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.

I'm not a lib, but Sanders was thrown out of the joint because her political views didn't jibe with the Red Hen's political code.

The problem I have is that nothing on the website told the public about the policy, they didn't mention it when Sanders people called for the reservation, and there is not even a "Liberals Only" sign on the door.

All that has happened since is that people are spreading the word that conservatives need to be eating elsewhere.
Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.
The same reason the baker’s decision was justified — their business; their decision. If that was good enough for the baker; it’s good enough for the Red Hen.
Sanders was a customer to that hole. guess you are all for not serving others no matter what? what happened to the baker thingy? are you a hypocrite as well as a person with no class? rhetorical I know, yes you are.

Suppose the Baker in Colorado didn't refuse to bake the Gay Wedding cake because the customers were homosexuals- but instead because of ideological differences? If they would be willing to bake a gay wedding cake for Gay Marriage opponents, that would be difference,no?
They didn't refuse to bake the gake because they were homos.
They refused to bake a special cake for a fake sacrament. They never refused service to people because they were homo.

There's a difference. But the left doesn't, and never will, understand it because they are by far the most discriminatory and human rights violating group of people the world has ever known. They have no concept of what constitutes discrimination because they are steeped in it themselves.
Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.

I'm not a lib, but Sanders was thrown out of the joint because her political views didn't jibe with the Red Hen's political code.

The problem I have is that nothing on the website told the public about the policy, they didn't mention it when Sanders people called for the reservation, and there is not even a "Liberals Only" sign on the door.

All that has happened since is that people are spreading the word that conservatives need to be eating elsewhere.
You can't put a "Liberals only" sign on the door, because according to the dumb anti-discriminatory policies the left has forced into law, that would be discriminatory.

Hoist on their own petard. Always.
Sad that a sitting President so often uses his position to personally attack Americans and their businesses.

Obabble attacked policemen, a violent crime victim, and business owners all across the U.S.
Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.

I'm not a lib, but Sanders was thrown out of the joint because her political views didn't jibe with the Red Hen's political code.

The problem I have is that nothing on the website told the public about the policy, they didn't mention it when Sanders people called for the reservation, and there is not even a "Liberals Only" sign on the door.

All that has happened since is that people are spreading the word that conservatives need to be eating elsewhere.
You can't put a "Liberals only" sign on the door, because according to the dumb anti-discriminatory policies the left has forced into law, that would be discriminatory.

Hoist on their own petard. Always.

allies a huge fan of petard.

eats one or two a day
The restaurant will probably not survive the onslaught. It’s a tough business to start with. I admire the stance they took; I wish more entities would call out the Trumpians and their obvious butchery of the truth. .

But you don't think Virginia liberals will stand up and support this joint? All the Red Hen needs are customers to make up for the ones that Ms. Wilkerson 86'ed. You would think that in a city that is solidly liberal as this, it wouldn't be a problem.

I hope so. Nothing would make me happier than for the next Dem President to have weekly listening sessions there.
Say liberals, explain why Sanders was told to leave and why it's justified.

I'm not a lib, but Sanders was thrown out of the joint because her political views didn't jibe with the Red Hen's political code.

The problem I have is that nothing on the website told the public about the policy, they didn't mention it when Sanders people called for the reservation, and there is not even a "Liberals Only" sign on the door.

All that has happened since is that people are spreading the word that conservatives need to be eating elsewhere.

sanders was asked to leave because she's a lying twat.
He saluted a general because he didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to; this was after he got taken to the cleaners by “little rocket man”
yeah he didn't pay billions in cash for hostages......he didn't remove sanctions, he didn't unfreeze 150 billion worth of assets....but your beta male Obama did all of that.

and yes the President does salute military personnel....but being a commie, you wouldn't know that.

so how did he get taken to the cleaners?

Uh no. Especially ones from murderous regimes….
So how did he get taken to the talk shit, now back it up.

Kim gave up nothing; Trump cancelled the war games.

Winner, Kim.
South Korean leader says nothing was canceled. so you're wrong as always.

Trump says it was. Sorry. He caved in bigly.
The liberal side of me would consider a Trump troll as a badge of distinction to be displayed proudly. But then I would have treated Sarah and her family with utmost respect as the Christian thing to do.

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