Trump Trolls Red Hen....Their END Is Near

Trump's form of pogrom, as his enemies list grows, his behavior is that of an evil depot:

Kristallnacht, (German: “Crystal Night”), also called Night of Broken Glass or November Pogroms, the night of November 9–10, 1938, when German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property. The name Kristallnacht refers ironically to the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these pogroms. The violence continued during the day of November 10, and in some places acts of violence continued for several more days.

Be very careful what you say, descent will not be tolerated in Trump's AMERIKA.

It's "dissent" and you must look like a pretzel twisting things in an attempt to parallel Modern-Day America with 1938 Nazi Germany.

Who is it that wants to collect all the guns? There's your Nazis.

Thanks so much for sharing your captious comment. BTW, your gun comment is one more example of an echo of the BIG LIE.
When a world-renowned restauranteur such as President Trump tells the public your place is "dirty"'re done. Trump said the outside is dirty and the rule is then the inside is also dirty...So I ask you, who needs dirty commie eggs served on a dirty commie plate eaten with a dirty commie fork in the first place? :45:


BTW, they've had to shut down their Yelp Review page due to the OUTRAGE. heh
That is highly inappeopriate for a president to do, regardless of what they did.

But it wasn't inappropriate for Obama to attack the police blaming them for something they never did and he didn't even know?
It wasn't inappropriate for Obama to comment on a senate investigation of the IRS while it was still ONGOING and he couldn't have known the outcome? (Unless it was rigged)
But but but Obama....

1. He apogized for hasty generalizations. He did not attack and try to ruin a private business.

2. What dies that have to do with a oresident attacking private business? Anymore false equivalencies or do you think it might be time to hold your president accountable for unnacceptable behavior?
Sad that a sitting President so often uses his position to personally attack Americans and their businesses.

They attacked him. Quid pro quo.
He is the POTUS. Not a child.

If you're insinuating he should have a little more grace..don't hold your breath.

I'm a man of realistic expectations.
my exoectations of him are not that high, he has proven that over and over. It is his sycophants that dissapoint.
When a world-renowned restauranteur such as President Trump tells the public your place is "dirty"'re done. Trump said the outside is dirty and the rule is then the inside is also dirty...So I ask you, who needs dirty commie eggs served on a dirty commie plate eaten with a dirty commie fork in the first place? :45:


BTW, they've had to shut down their Yelp Review page due to the OUTRAGE. heh
That is highly inappeopriate for a president to do, regardless of what they did.

Trump has never been there
The picture in the photo is the Red Hen in DC not the one in Lexington VA
Trump's form of pogrom, as his enemies list grows, his behavior is that of an evil depot:

Kristallnacht, (German: “Crystal Night”), also called Night of Broken Glass or November Pogroms, the night of November 9–10, 1938, when German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property. The name Kristallnacht refers ironically to the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these pogroms. The violence continued during the day of November 10, and in some places acts of violence continued for several more days.

Be very careful what you say, descent will not be tolerated in Trump's AMERIKA.

It's "dissent" and you must look like a pretzel twisting things in an attempt to parallel Modern-Day America with 1938 Nazi Germany.

Who is it that wants to collect all the guns? There's your Nazis.

Thanks so much for sharing your captious comment. BTW, your gun comment is one more example of an echo of the BIG LIE.

Oh? What is this "BIG LIE" you speak of?
He is the POTUS. Not a child.

This whole Red Hen Hubbub was started by the Red Hen, and no one else.

It wasn't Sanders who lobbed the first bomb here- it was the Red Hen that threw her out of the joint.

And it wasn't Sanders who lobbed the 2nd bomb either- a waiter at the Red Hen provide the first publicity of the event on social media- which made it required for the broad to respond.
Trump has never been there
The picture in the photo is the Red Hen in DC not the one in Lexington VA

If this is a pic in the store in DC, they should be pleased at what is coming down in Lexington with that hammer and sickle at their entrance.
They’ll be fine. They’re in a district Hillary won handily, and this makes them more popular among the locals. Best advertising they’ve ever had.
Yeah, they are closed and their phone is not working. If that's your dumbass idea of doing fine, I don't want a democrat near our economy ever again!

Their telephone number is now a non working number. Even a yarn shop owned by the same woman is getting the treatment.

Be a pity if their windows started getting broken... $500 deductible....3 claims insurance gets cancelled. :20:

Figures a Trump sheep would call for violence

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You scum are the ones calling for it. All over the country libwit scum are telling people to attack conservatives! Deny it all you want liar, but it's all over the media.
A Yelp review of the Red Hen Lexington VA by someone named Keith from Texas... Pretty hilarious!

The Red Hen Lexington VA.

This place is a complete, raging dump.

I was out here visiting some friends and we all wanted to grab a bite to eat, so we checked out the red hen. I ordered chicken and the shrimp puffs. I'll be honest that I can't remember ever eating chicken that tasted gamey. The shrimp puffs tasted like they came right out of a can from the dollar store, so much so that I began to become worried about contracting botulism. With that I powered through my meal and became immediately sick to my stomach and ran to the men's room where I came upon two other men who were puking their guts out.

When I finally came out of the men's room I told the waitress that the food likely made me sick in which she replied, "it happens. Are you done because we have other patrons who need to be seated? "

The food made me hurl, the service was horrendous and the servers were just about as nasty as could be. Other than that, the place is terrific.
He didn't mention the used condoms and needles that he stepped on in the hallway.
They’ll be fine. They’re in a district Hillary won handily, and this makes them more popular among the locals. Best advertising they’ve ever had.
Yeah, they are closed and their phone is not working. If that's your dumbass idea of doing fine, I don't want a democrat near our economy ever again!

Their telephone number is now a non working number. Even a yarn shop owned by the same woman is getting the treatment.

Be a pity if their windows started getting broken... $500 deductible....3 claims insurance gets cancelled. :20:

Figures a Trump sheep would call for violence

Sent from my iPhone using

You scum are the ones calling for it. All over the country libwit scum are telling people to attack conservatives! Deny it all you want liar, but it's all over the media.
This is the best advertising they’ve ever had. I’ll be going in a couple weeks once the furor has died down. The waiting time will be too long until then.
When a world-renowned restauranteur such as President Trump tells the public your place is "dirty"'re done. Trump said the outside is dirty and the rule is then the inside is also dirty...So I ask you, who needs dirty commie eggs served on a dirty commie plate eaten with a dirty commie fork in the first place? :45:


BTW, they've had to shut down their Yelp Review page due to the OUTRAGE. heh
That is highly inappeopriate for a president to do, regardless of what they did.

Trump has never been there
The picture in the photo is the Red Hen in DC not the one in Lexington VA


The Red Hen, Washington DC -

The Left would LOVE straight democracy (popular vote) because THEY ARE THE MOB!
Yes we are indeed the majority in this country

The last three major elections disagree with you.
Voter turnout does not equal population. But oh boy, are you ever about to see some voter turnout :itsok:

Yup. Your opponents are tres-pissed.
Trump sheep? They’re on their way out. I hear their suicide rate is skyrocketing.

Trump's form of pogrom, as his enemies list grows, his behavior is that of an evil depot:

Kristallnacht, (German: “Crystal Night”), also called Night of Broken Glass or November Pogroms, the night of November 9–10, 1938, when German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property. The name Kristallnacht refers ironically to the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these pogroms. The violence continued during the day of November 10, and in some places acts of violence continued for several more days.

Be very careful what you say, descent will not be tolerated in Trump's AMERIKA.

It's "dissent" and you must look like a pretzel twisting things in an attempt to parallel Modern-Day America with 1938 Nazi Germany.

Who is it that wants to collect all the guns? There's your Nazis.

Thanks so much for sharing your captious comment. BTW, your gun comment is one more example of an echo of the BIG LIE.

Oh? What is this "BIG LIE" you speak of?

A. "Who is it that wants to collect all the guns? There's your Nazis" [the BIG LIE)

There is no effort to confiscate every gun in America. The BIG LIE is there is, and yet there is no credible proof ever posted to support this claim.

The fact is guns are regulated, and thus the "shall not infringe" phrase has been ignored by the force of law. Even Scalia acknowledged some people should not be allowed to own or possess arms.

And therein is the conundrum, do we support gun control, or people control?

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