Trump Trusted 27.5% More Than The LSM


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Don't let the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lying Lame Stream Media fool you with their idiotic language when they say, "Trump is slightly more trusted than the Disgusting FILTH....."

He's trusted more by a 27.5% margin. If that were an election, it would be a landslide. If it was a Football game, it would be a blowout.

Political Media Earns Poor Marks From Americans - Morning Consult


Even "I don't know" ranks higher than the Disgusting Filth
90% of the media has gone from being the peoples advocates to defenders of the democrat party. Now we can add Trump attack dog to that list. It's getting to the point where the people have seen it for what it is. A bunch of life's lottery winners entrenched in media cushy jobs defending their empire and quality of life above the truth and the needs of the people. The media has become the enemy of the American people.

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