Trump Twitter Tantrum: "Alabama, do not trust Jeff Sessions. He let our Country down. That’s why I endorsed Coach Tommy Tuberville in the Senate Race"

It's quite obvious that Republicans care little about policy specifics, in fact, most are so dumb they don't even know what their politicians should be doing, they just vote for the white guy who spews the most platitudes in his stump speeches. And if he is a reality television star, football coach, or religious whack a doodle, the better the chance he wins.
Trump is so loyal to his team
Sessions is the one that is not loyal.

Could you imagine Eric Holder recusing himself to allow Obama to be investigated by an independent council?


Idiot Holder was the only AG in US history to be held in contempt of Congress for covering for Obama for the illegal Fast and Furious program that gave drug lords weapons while, at the same time, trying to take weapons away from law abiding Americans.
"Jeff, you had your chance & you blew it. Recused yourself ON DAY ONE (you never told me of a problem), and ran for the hills. You had no courage, & ruined many lives. The dirty cops, & others, got caught by better & stronger people than you. Hopefully this slime will pay a big
price. You should drop out of the race & pray that super liberal Doug Jones, a weak & pathetic puppet for Crazy Nancy Pelosi & Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, gets beaten badly. He voted for impeachment based on “ZERO”. Disgraced Alabama. Coach Tuberville will be a GREAT Senator! " - Trump

" Mr. President, Alabama can and does trust me, as do conservatives across the country. Perhaps you’ve forgotten. They trusted me when I stepped out and put that trust on the line for you. " - Jeff Sessions
Ann Coulter ERUPTS:

"Observe Sessions: a gentleman -- and a MAN, not a whining, blame-shifting, gigantic fruitcake.

After the big show of Rod Rosentein writing a letter explaining that Comey was being fired for his handling of the Hillary probe, idiot-boy Trump went on Lester Holt, said the letter was a sham and HE ALONE made the decision to fire Comey...because of Russia.

Where on earth is Steven Miller, Sen. Sessions longtime aide??? Hope his new wife is out of quarantine! With loyalty like that, she might worry about him running off with someone new.

TRUMP GOT ALABAMA A DEMOCRATIC U.S. SENATOR BY HIS IDIOTIC MEDDLING IN THE PRIMARY LAST TIME. If you know nothing else, Alabamians, you should do the opposite of what Trump recommends in a primary.

Yeah, it was Sessions fault Trump got a Special Prosecutor. You don't even need Nexis to see it was ALL TRUMP'S FAULT. He had to brag it that was HIS decision to fire Comey!

I will never apologize for supporting the issues that candidate Trump advocated, but I am deeply sorry for thinking that this shallow and broken man would show even some remote fealty to the promises that got him elected.

I can't wait to see what the media have in store for the former football coach, Tuberville. This is going to be another Roy Moore catastrophe - also engineered by Trump

Sessions HAD to recuse himself, you complete blithering idiot. YOU did not have to go on Lester Holt's show and announce you fired Comey over the Russian investigation. That's what got you a Special Prosecutor.

GREAT WORK IN THE LAST ALABAMA SENATE RACE, MR. PRESIDENT! Keep it up and we'll have zero Republican senators. The next Republican president will be elected in the year 4820.

The media is salivating over the former football coach, Tommy Tuberville (choice of the most disloyal human God ever created, DJT)

COVID gave Trump a chance to be a decent, compassionate human being (or pretending to be). But he couldn't even do that.

Trump didn't build the wall and never had any intention of doing so. The ONE PERSON in the Trump administration who did anything about immigration was Jeff Session. And this lout attacks him.

The most disloyal actual retard that has ever set foot in the Oval Office is trying to lose AND take the Senate with him. Another Roy Moore fiasco so he can blame someone else for his own mess.

3 years ago, a complete moron of a president told NBC's Lester Holt, "I was going to fire Comey. ... [W]hen I decided to just do it I said to myself, I said, 'You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.'" BAM! SPECIAL PROSECUTOR! "

Coulter is right. If you care about controlling immigration, Trump's endorsement of 'We Need Workers' Tuberville, the state-of--the-art Zuckerberg/K Street more-immigration candidate, is indefensible.
Tommy Tuberville’s campaign is filled with Never Trumpers and Mark Zuckerberg’s open border advocates.


"McConnell, Lindsey Graham, etc all thwarted MAGA yet Trump sucks up to them. Ann is right - Trump is vile for the manner he has treated Sessions " - Justin Amash

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