Trump Twitter Tantrum: "Alabama, do not trust Jeff Sessions. He let our Country down. That’s why I endorsed Coach Tommy Tuberville in the Senate Race"

as for Sessions recusing himself, this always gets lied about by the Trump brown-losers, it was 100% manifestly obviously required for Sessions to recuse himself from any investigations into the campaign. It wasn’t anything having to do with Russia. If it had something to do with Burisma, or something new that came up during the administration, then of course Sessions could oversee it, but he was part of the Trump campaign. The Democrats’ conspiracy theory about Trump was that his campaign conspired with Russia. Sessions was part of the Trump campaign. Of course he had to recuse himself, by law he had to recuse himself.

But this gigantic fruitcake in the Oval Office, instead of just firing Sessions, and by the way Sessions offered his resignation the day after. When Trump first came into office Sessions recommended, fire Comey right away, start with a clean slate. There would have been no Russia investigation. But he disregarded Sessions’ advice, the day after the special counsel was appointed, Sessions offers his resignation letter, Trump rejects it. Though it would have been stupid, if at any point Trump could have decided to fire Sessions. You’re the president. You’re the president. Fire him. But no. Giant fruitcake doesn’t fire him, he just taunts him, he humiliates him on Twitter, over and over and over again.

So needless to say all sane, rational people hated Trump for that, they really hated Trump for that. Sessions was one of two-and-a-half members of Trump’s cabinet who wasn’t an abominable open-borders, forever war, anti-MAGA, anti-Trump person.

Sessions was the greatest senator. He’s great on immigration, he’s great on crime, and that’s the whole reason Jared detests Sessions.

"On November 7, 2018, Sessions tendered his resignation at Trump's request following months of public and private conflict over his recusal from investigations relating to Russian election interference. "


Ahhh...Jeff Sessions..the first major Republican to endorse then-candidate Trump.

Depend not on the gratitude of Kings.

Sessions was a lousy AG. I wouldn't vote for him if I lived there.

‘Underdog’ Sessions surges in campaign poll, now 6-points back in Ala runoff.

7-in-10 ignore Trump endorsement of foe, and GOP voters 3-1 want Trump to back off.
Senator Sessions was absolutely the most Conservative Senator and we need him back in there so to the Great Americans of Alabama PLEASE vote for JEFF SESSIONS
Rep Matt Gaetz has been attacking Sessions non stop

"Jeff Sessions calls a know how you just walk into a room sometimes and you can tell who's in charge and who isn't? Jeff Sessions wasn't the leader; he was like an employee over there."

" Sessions should have resigned rather than recuse himself. Want the big boy job? Do the big boy work. America First can’t win if we try to convert cowards like Sessions into knights. Maybe he was a great senator in younger days. Decline can be rapidly, sadly. Just ask Biden. "

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