Trump Undersecretary of Defense Resigns a la Photo- Op

Trump is going to be so sorry for that little walk. In his little cocoon he plays it like he's still directing a reality tv show. Get those extras off the set. But this ain't Hollywood.

I see you still have not learned to read. Trump had NOTHING to do with the force displayed PRIOR to his walk to the church.

Maybe one day you can find a child who will read for you!
Bullshit. They wouldn't have cleared a path to the church had Impeached Trump not been planning on that ridiculous photo-op.

The decision to use force was not Trump's, dumbass!
Doesn't matter. Force was used to clear a path for his photo-op, ordered by his direct subordinate. That's on Impeached Trump.

Bullshit! Is that all you ever post is bullshit?

Did you mean Acquitted Trump? Your pathetic statement avoids all fact and reason.
No, I mean Impeached Trump.

Triggered much?


Are you stupid much? Yes, a great deal!

You're the one who can't deal with the fact that Trump was impeached.


Oh, I deal with it just fine. It is you libtards who wasted months accomplishing absolutely nothing, just like the Republicans did with Clinton. The problem is that Clinton actually did commit a crime whereas Trump did not except in the minds of brain-damaged libtards!
Accomplished nothing?? We got him impeached. That's a stain on him that lasts forever. Few, if any, ever thought the Republican-controlled Senate would convict him.

And in your stupor, you actually dumb enough to think Impeached Trump didn't commit a crime. :cuckoo:

Soliciting campaign help from a foreign national is criminal. Obstructing a Congressional investigation is criminal. For which Impeached Trump could face criminal charges when he leaves office.
Trump is going to be so sorry for that little walk. In his little cocoon he plays it like he's still directing a reality tv show. Get those extras off the set. But this ain't Hollywood.
Why are people more upset about trump taking a photo there with a bible then they are of the historical church being burned down....Sandy hit, Obama visited, and it was one big photo shoot with him and Christie holding hands on the beach while millions were without power. The fucking lemmings here. Photo ops happen all the time. Now you’re surprised a president was in one? I could cite 50 other trump photo ops, but he goes to a historical church that was set on fire, and y’all care more about the fact trump took a picture there?
Who was gassed or shot for Obama to visit with Christie?

Was there a riot going on at the time?
Idiot, there was no riot until police moved out people who had every right to be there and started shooting them with pepper spray and rubber bullets.

Wrong answer, asshole. They would not be shooting them with pepper spray or rubber bullets if they were not throwing objects and refusing to disperse when ordered.
It's all on video, ya flamin' moron. Nothing was thrown at police until they tried to clear out that crowd which was within their right to be there.

Maybe you're a pussy who's willing to forfeit your rights unopposed, but they weren't.

The video showed the whole crowd? Bullshit! You don't know what, if anything is thrown. Until the proper angle was shown, did you see the two other cops holding George down? Didn't think so!
You mean you don't think.

Of course I've seen two other cops holding Floyd down. You would have seen it too had Impeached Trump farted and you peeked out from his rectum where your head is firmly planted...

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Your ignorance aside, there are literally dozens upon dozens of videos of that event, including so.e that are hours long covering most of that protest. Not one shows protesters behaving anything other than peaceful until police swarmed in to move them out.

Why would someone post a video of someone of like mind breaking the law?

That would be like videotaping yourself robbing a bank and posting it on Facebook.

What a fucking moron you are!
How could you possibly be this dumb?

How can anyone be as dumb as you?

Who said the ones throwing water bottles at police were thd ones video recording the event??

No one. But, why would they video tape a criminal act during a riot?
Many people were video recording the event. Some for over an hour. How the fuck would everyone of them know what was going to happen? You make no sense because you're desperate AND stupid.
You really should not call people stupid when I am dead right! You have never heard of editting? You think that they would just happen to not see what is happening? Why is there a break in the video when they start showing the police using tear gas, etc.? You cannot answer any of these questions honestly! Now, who is stupid?
Trump is going to be so sorry for that little walk. In his little cocoon he plays it like he's still directing a reality tv show. Get those extras off the set. But this ain't Hollywood.

I see you still have not learned to read. Trump had NOTHING to do with the force displayed PRIOR to his walk to the church.

Maybe one day you can find a child who will read for you!
Bullshit. They wouldn't have cleared a path to the church had Impeached Trump not been planning on that ridiculous photo-op.

The decision to use force was not Trump's, dumbass!
Doesn't matter. Force was used to clear a path for his photo-op, ordered by his direct subordinate. That's on Impeached Trump.

Bullshit! Is that all you ever post is bullshit?

Did you mean Acquitted Trump? Your pathetic statement avoids all fact and reason.
No, I mean Impeached Trump.

Triggered much?


Are you stupid much? Yes, a great deal!

You're the one who can't deal with the fact that Trump was impeached.


Oh, I deal with it just fine. It is you libtards who wasted months accomplishing absolutely nothing, just like the Republicans did with Clinton. The problem is that Clinton actually did commit a crime whereas Trump did not except in the minds of brain-damaged libtards!
Accomplished nothing?? We got him impeached. That's a stain on him that lasts forever. Few, if any, ever thought the Republican-controlled Senate would convict him.

And in your stupor, you actually dumb enough to think Impeached Trump didn't commit a crime. :cuckoo:

Soliciting campaign help from a foreign national is criminal. Obstructing a Congressional investigation is criminal. For which Impeached Trump could face criminal charges when he leaves office.

He did not solicit campaign help you fucking moron! he did not obstruct a Congressional investigation either. Partisan does not begin to describe your comments. You really are a dumbass of the highest order.
Trump is going to be so sorry for that little walk. In his little cocoon he plays it like he's still directing a reality tv show. Get those extras off the set. But this ain't Hollywood.
Why are people more upset about trump taking a photo there with a bible then they are of the historical church being burned down....Sandy hit, Obama visited, and it was one big photo shoot with him and Christie holding hands on the beach while millions were without power. The fucking lemmings here. Photo ops happen all the time. Now you’re surprised a president was in one? I could cite 50 other trump photo ops, but he goes to a historical church that was set on fire, and y’all care more about the fact trump took a picture there?
Who was gassed or shot for Obama to visit with Christie?

Was there a riot going on at the time?
Idiot, there was no riot until police moved out people who had every right to be there and started shooting them with pepper spray and rubber bullets.

Wrong answer, asshole. They would not be shooting them with pepper spray or rubber bullets if they were not throwing objects and refusing to disperse when ordered.
It's all on video, ya flamin' moron. Nothing was thrown at police until they tried to clear out that crowd which was within their right to be there.

Maybe you're a pussy who's willing to forfeit your rights unopposed, but they weren't.

The video showed the whole crowd? Bullshit! You don't know what, if anything is thrown. Until the proper angle was shown, did you see the two other cops holding George down? Didn't think so!
You mean you don't think.

Of course I've seen two other cops holding Floyd down. You would have seen it too had Impeached Trump farted and you peeked out from his rectum where your head is firmly planted...

View attachment 345654

Your ignorance aside, there are literally dozens upon dozens of videos of that event, including so.e that are hours long covering most of that protest. Not one shows protesters behaving anything other than peaceful until police swarmed in to move them out.

Why would someone post a video of someone of like mind breaking the law?

That would be like videotaping yourself robbing a bank and posting it on Facebook.

What a fucking moron you are!
How could you possibly be this dumb?

How can anyone be as dumb as you?

Who said the ones throwing water bottles at police were thd ones video recording the event??

No one. But, why would they video tape a criminal act during a riot?
Many people were video recording the event. Some for over an hour. How the fuck would everyone of them know what was going to happen? You make no sense because you're desperate AND stupid.
You really should not call people stupid when I am dead right! You have never heard of editting? You think that they would just happen to not see what is happening? Why is there a break in the video when they start showing the police using tear gas, etc.? You cannot answer any of these questions honestly! Now, who is stupid?

Your desperation grows. You haze zero proof any of those videos edited out water bottles being hurled at police before police starting clearing them out; no less, all of them. :cuckoo:
Trump is going to be so sorry for that little walk. In his little cocoon he plays it like he's still directing a reality tv show. Get those extras off the set. But this ain't Hollywood.

I see you still have not learned to read. Trump had NOTHING to do with the force displayed PRIOR to his walk to the church.

Maybe one day you can find a child who will read for you!
Bullshit. They wouldn't have cleared a path to the church had Impeached Trump not been planning on that ridiculous photo-op.

The decision to use force was not Trump's, dumbass!
Doesn't matter. Force was used to clear a path for his photo-op, ordered by his direct subordinate. That's on Impeached Trump.

Bullshit! Is that all you ever post is bullshit?

Did you mean Acquitted Trump? Your pathetic statement avoids all fact and reason.
No, I mean Impeached Trump.

Triggered much?


Are you stupid much? Yes, a great deal!

You're the one who can't deal with the fact that Trump was impeached.


Oh, I deal with it just fine. It is you libtards who wasted months accomplishing absolutely nothing, just like the Republicans did with Clinton. The problem is that Clinton actually did commit a crime whereas Trump did not except in the minds of brain-damaged libtards!
Accomplished nothing?? We got him impeached. That's a stain on him that lasts forever. Few, if any, ever thought the Republican-controlled Senate would convict him.

And in your stupor, you actually dumb enough to think Impeached Trump didn't commit a crime. :cuckoo:

Soliciting campaign help from a foreign national is criminal. Obstructing a Congressional investigation is criminal. For which Impeached Trump could face criminal charges when he leaves office.

He did not solicit campaign help you fucking moron! he did not obstruct a Congressional investigation either. Partisan does not begin to describe your comments. You really are a dumbass of the highest order.

Fucking moron, he asked a foreign leader to look for dirt on a political rival. Sadly, you're too drunk on Kool-aid to comprehend the implications.
James Miller resigns for what happened with the church photo- op. That didn't take long. I expect things will be changing a lot in the next 5 months.

"I wish you the best': US military adviser resigns after Trump's controversial photo op at church"

"You may not have been able to stop President Trump from directing this appalling use of force, but you could have chosen to oppose it," Miller wrote to Esper in his resignation letter, which was obtained by The Washington Post. "Instead, you visibly supported it."

WASHINGTON — “Where will you draw the line, and when will you draw it?”

"In an extraordinary resignation letter, provided to The Washington Post, James Miller resigned from his post at the Pentagon’s Defense Science Board.
Miller, a former undersecretary of defense for policy, cited Secretary of Defense Mark Esper’s participation in President Donald Trump’s Monday night photo op in front of St. John’s Church. "

A man of conscience. We could use more of them...
James Miller resigns for what happened with the church photo- op. That didn't take long. I expect things will be changing a lot in the next 5 months.

"I wish you the best': US military adviser resigns after Trump's controversial photo op at church"

"You may not have been able to stop President Trump from directing this appalling use of force, but you could have chosen to oppose it," Miller wrote to Esper in his resignation letter, which was obtained by The Washington Post. "Instead, you visibly supported it."

WASHINGTON — “Where will you draw the line, and when will you draw it?”

"In an extraordinary resignation letter, provided to The Washington Post, James Miller resigned from his post at the Pentagon’s Defense Science Board.
Miller, a former undersecretary of defense for policy, cited Secretary of Defense Mark Esper’s participation in President Donald Trump’s Monday night photo op in front of St. John’s Church. "

A man of conscience. We could use more of them...
Trump is dividing the people. What's worse is dividing the people from our nation's most respected institution.
I'm more concerned that the AG of the US believes Trump can use active duty military to attack peaceful protestors outside a church.

And Leslie Graham is having hearing with Rosenstein today.
In DC he can. Get over it.
Barr was the one who instituted the crap at the church. Despicable anti-american.

What was wrong with it?
It was unnecessary and an abuse of power for a photo- op.

I am under the understanding that after the park was cleared there were caches of bricks, bottles, and clubs found among where the protestors were cleared...There are two points that I'd like you to consider in that scenerio

1. Do we not want the President, ANY President to be safe in making that walk?

2. Would your opinion change had the crowd NOT been cleared, and the President was either injured, or even killed?

On the point that you believe that the image of our President standing on the steps of a church that was the night before burned, is I believe driven by your contempt of the man making the photo statement...If it were a President Obama, or a delegation of Democrat leaders like Schumer, or Pelosi making that "photo op", I feel as though you would have no problem with it at all...

And, in closing, at what point do we say enough to the tantrum that is destroying private property, and killing other citizens? I see lots of argument in here from my ideologically opposed friends that in light of what happened to Mr. Floyd, which was IMHO, a murder, is expected, and should be allowed...That to me is abhorrant, and is not about Mr. Floyd anymore, and more about destroying this country...
I'm more concerned that the AG of the US believes Trump can use active duty military to attack peaceful protestors outside a church.

And Leslie Graham is having hearing with Rosenstein today.
In DC he can. Get over it.
Barr was the one who instituted the crap at the church. Despicable anti-american.

What was wrong with it?
It was unnecessary and an abuse of power for a photo- op.
After 8 years of Obama, a president with a spine must be very scary for you.
Trump is the weakest ever.

That simply is not true....In fact one of the things that is upsetting liberals today is that none of the lies, attempts to divide, or smear have laid a glove on this administration....In fact, we are close to seeing some of the architects of these dishonest campaigns charged.

That my friend is exactly the opposite of what you said here.
Your desperation grows. You haze zero proof any of those videos edited out water bottles being hurled at police before police starting clearing them out; no less, all of them. :cuckoo:
On the TV news, I saw a protestor thug run up to a cop who was arresting somebody, and hit the cop in the head with a fire extinguisher. At this moment I don't have "proof" TO SHOW of it, but I saw it, and I know it occured, proof or no proof.

So I have proof FOR ME.
Trump did something the left didn't like. He's the American Ariel Sharon walking on the Temple Mount. The rioters intended to burn the church down. The President showing that failure to the world will not be tolerated.
Why are people more upset about trump taking a photo there with a bible then they are of the historical church being burned down....
No one I've heard cares that he had a photo op. What they are upset about is how LE cleared the park so Trump could take that stroll. To me, it wasn't just a photo op; it was a territorial display. Yannow, like your dog does when you take him for a walk? Peeing on every post and bush? Leaving his "message." That's what Trump was trying to accomplish. Not that there's anything wrong with that. What was wrong was the show of force to move the protesters for no other reason.

And btw, I was totally FREAKED that the church was on fire. All that history going up in smoke? Thank God it received as little damage as it did. But if the Reverend of the church could be out among the protesters the very next day, passing out refreshment and offering prayers, I guess I too can remember that it was one asshole that set that fire, not the thousands across the country crying out for justice.

I would add, the church wasn't burned down.

There was a fire in a part of the church.

trump stood in front of it so it's obviously not burned down.

I find it disgusting that trump used that church for his own political benefit and that he used our military and violence on peaceful protesters to do it.

He didn't go inside to view the damage. He didn't go inside to pray. He didn't go inside to talk with the clergy there. He didn't go inside that church at all.


Anyone can hold up a bible. That doesn't make them a christian.

Trump is going to be so sorry for that little walk. In his little cocoon he plays it like he's still directing a reality tv show. Get those extras off the set. But this ain't Hollywood.

I see you still have not learned to read. Trump had NOTHING to do with the force displayed PRIOR to his walk to the church.

Maybe one day you can find a child who will read for you!
Bullshit. They wouldn't have cleared a path to the church had Impeached Trump not been planning on that ridiculous photo-op.

The decision to use force was not Trump's, dumbass!
Doesn't matter. Force was used to clear a path for his photo-op, ordered by his direct subordinate. That's on Impeached Trump.

Bullshit! Is that all you ever post is bullshit?

Did you mean Acquitted Trump? Your pathetic statement avoids all fact and reason.
No, I mean Impeached Trump.

Triggered much?


Are you stupid much? Yes, a great deal!

You're the one who can't deal with the fact that Trump was impeached.


So according to the person you replied to, Bill Clinton was never impeached.

Clinton was found not guilty.

Using the same standard the republicans use, Clinton never lied and he was never impeached.

Which is weird because for over 20 years they've been saying Clinton lied and was impeached.

The fact is, trump was impeached and will forever be the first and so far only president to be impeached in his first term.
Why are people more upset about trump taking a photo there with a bible then they are of the historical church being burned down....
No one I've heard cares that he had a photo op. What they are upset about is how LE cleared the park so Trump could take that stroll. To me, it wasn't just a photo op; it was a territorial display. Yannow, like your dog does when you take him for a walk? Peeing on every post and bush? Leaving his "message." That's what Trump was trying to accomplish. Not that there's anything wrong with that. What was wrong was the show of force to move the protesters for no other reason.

And btw, I was totally FREAKED that the church was on fire. All that history going up in smoke? Thank God it received as little damage as it did. But if the Reverend of the church could be out among the protesters the very next day, passing out refreshment and offering prayers, I guess I too can remember that it was one asshole that set that fire, not the thousands across the country crying out for justice.

I would add, the church wasn't burned down.

There was a fire in a part of the church.

trump stood in front of it so it's obviously not burned down.

I find it disgusting that trump used that church for his own political benefit and that he used our military and violence on peaceful protesters to do it.

He didn't go inside to view the damage. He didn't go inside to pray. He didn't go inside to talk with the clergy there. He didn't go inside that church at all.


Anyone can hold up a bible. That doesn't make them a christian.

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???? So many things wrong. I said I find it ridiculous that people have more of a problem with trump taking a picture in front of a church than a very historical church getting set on fire. You’re response was that “well it didn’t get burned down completely”. Like that is somehow better. If people tried to burn down your house, and manage to set fire to it, but it doesn’t burn down completely...never in a hundred years would anyone let that slide, and excuse the behavior away because it didn’t burn down completely. The behavior is extremely more disgusting than a picture being taken. It’s like completely ignoring the fact a guy attacked the GOP baseball practice, tried to kill everyone there, because he didn’t succeed in killing them all. Priorities. Learn how to manage them.

Also the picture of hitler SHOULD be already widely known to be photoshopped. Yet here it pops up again. The left is so fucking stupid, and so stuck in their echo chambers, they could fall off the common sense tree, hit every branch on the way down, get up and still be clearly more upset at trump taking a picture in front of a church that was set on fire, than the church being set on fire itself.

This is left for ya. You heard it from their own mouths. More people were killed by rioters in the “peaceful protest” than unarmed black men killed by police in 2019. But trump took a picture. held a bible. Be outraged!
Your desperation grows. You haze zero proof any of those videos edited out water bottles being hurled at police before police starting clearing them out; no less, all of them. :cuckoo:
On the TV news, I saw a protestor thug run up to a cop who was arresting somebody, and hit the cop in the head with a fire extinguisher. At this moment I don't have "proof" TO SHOW of it, but I saw it, and I know it occured, proof or no proof.

So I have proof FOR ME.
Great, so that happened in your deluded mind only.
Why are people more upset about trump taking a photo there with a bible then they are of the historical church being burned down....
No one I've heard cares that he had a photo op. What they are upset about is how LE cleared the park so Trump could take that stroll. To me, it wasn't just a photo op; it was a territorial display. Yannow, like your dog does when you take him for a walk? Peeing on every post and bush? Leaving his "message." That's what Trump was trying to accomplish. Not that there's anything wrong with that. What was wrong was the show of force to move the protesters for no other reason.

And btw, I was totally FREAKED that the church was on fire. All that history going up in smoke? Thank God it received as little damage as it did. But if the Reverend of the church could be out among the protesters the very next day, passing out refreshment and offering prayers, I guess I too can remember that it was one asshole that set that fire, not the thousands across the country crying out for justice.

I would add, the church wasn't burned down.

There was a fire in a part of the church.

trump stood in front of it so it's obviously not burned down.

I find it disgusting that trump used that church for his own political benefit and that he used our military and violence on peaceful protesters to do it.

He didn't go inside to view the damage. He didn't go inside to pray. He didn't go inside to talk with the clergy there. He didn't go inside that church at all.


Anyone can hold up a bible. That doesn't make them a christian.

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That photo is a photoshop...


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