trump uninvited Eagles and the Eagles responded

So you think the majority of Americans who didn’t vote for Trump didn’t do so because of celebrity opinion?

I think the majority of the Americans who didn't vote for him recognized a carnival barking charlatan when they saw him. Many who did vote for him did so because the great white America they grew up with is slipping away. The Great American Mistake will not change that.

White America IS slipping away....
Erruh...Hillary is a whitey too. So are Stein and Johnson.

Nothing but whities to choose from.

You elected a white supremacist...
Your whitey lost get over it.

Nothing rhymes with Orange....
Door hinge.

Unidentified man takes knee during anthem at Trump's 'Celebration of America' event

If the Eagles want to make disrespecting the flag, veterans and police a centerpiece issue for their team, that is their choice.

They aren't disrespecting our military or veterans. The military swears their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. As a retired member of the U.S. Navy, I'm kinda happy that they felt secure enough in their 1st Amendment rights to exercise them. Part of the reason I spent over 20 years in the Navy.

It is disrespectful to vets, especially this one. It’s disrespectful to their fellow Americans & to a country that gave them so much. And what they are doing is against their business rules, so their employers have every right to enforce workplace rules accordingly.
To me, if any of them players wanted to be there and I am under the impression that nine of them did, them nine should've been allowed to be there. Why did they have to pay because of however the rest of the team feels about our leader?

God bless you and our leader and his supporters always!!!

If the Eagles want to make disrespecting the flag, veterans and police a centerpiece issue for their team, that is their choice.

They aren't disrespecting our military or veterans. The military swears their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. As a retired member of the U.S. Navy, I'm kinda happy that they felt secure enough in their 1st Amendment rights to exercise them. Part of the reason I spent over 20 years in the Navy.
But people exercising their 1st Amendment rights to call them on it is not ok ?
The Eagles players are the ones who started all of this by refusing to go to the White House. There were reportedly going to be less than 10 players showing up, so fuck 'em.
The Eagles players are the ones who started all of this by refusing to go to the White House. There were reportedly going to be less than 10 players showing up, so fuck 'em.
The Eagle won't repeat. And will those 10 players, be on the team still, next season?
Just a couple days after LeBron and Curry said neither team would visit the White House if they win the NBA Championship, Trump comes out and says they won't be invited. :abgg2q.jpg:

Jesus we have a child in the White House. Instead of trying to talk to them and solve this issue, he plays his little game.

Trump: No White House visit for NBA champ
Just a couple days after LeBron and Curry said neither team would visit the White House if they win the NBA Championship, Trump comes out and says they won't be invited. :abgg2q.jpg:

Jesus we have a child in the White House. Instead of trying to talk to them and solve this issue, he plays his little game.

Trump: No White House visit for NBA champ
He’s doing the right thing. These stupid, bigoted, ignorant athletes need a lesson in manners and civics.
So you think the majority of Americans who didn’t vote for Trump didn’t do so because of celebrity opinion?

I think the majority of the Americans who didn't vote for him recognized a carnival barking charlatan when they saw him. Many who did vote for him did so because the great white America they grew up with is slipping away. The Great American Mistake will not change that.

White America IS slipping away....
Erruh...Hillary is a whitey too. So are Stein and Johnson.

Nothing but whities to choose from.

You elected a white supremacist...
Your whitey lost get over it.

Nothing rhymes with Orange....


Well almost.
If the Eagles want to make disrespecting the flag, veterans and police a centerpiece issue for their team, that is their choice.

They aren't disrespecting our military or veterans. The military swears their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. As a retired member of the U.S. Navy, I'm kinda happy that they felt secure enough in their 1st Amendment rights to exercise them. Part of the reason I spent over 20 years in the Navy.
Thank you for your service. There are many veterans and non veterans who disagree with you. If the kneelers want to protest the police (or whatever it is they are protesting) then they can go to a park on their time, hoist a flag and kneel. Don't force people who paid a lot of money to watch a demonstration which is offensive to many in attendance.

Obvious Cherrypicking aside, this has --- what --- to do with the Iggles?

Isn't a team that happened to have zero kneelers all season --- exactly what Rump was pandering for? Isn't this a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't"?

So basically Rump wants to blame the black guy for something they didn't do? Shall they rename the team the "Philadelphia Central Park Five"?

Or maybe the Iggles weren't going to go all of 140 miles to Washington because "laziness is a trait in blacks"?


Yeah, you fuck with Philly phans, you'll get the blowback.

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