Trump Urged Tillerson To Help Giuliani Client Evade Justice!

I rerererereread the story and I'm even less impressed!

Unnamed sources!


Was it Omarosa? George Conway?

This is more serious that the Mueller Report! When does that come out?
"According to three unidentified people familiar with the meeting"? They don't even say that the unidentified people were present at the meeting. This bull shit is got to stop.

Trump Urged Top Aide to Help Giuliani Client Facing DOJ Charges

President Donald Trump pressed then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to help persuade the Justice Department to drop a criminal case against an Iranian-Turkish gold trader who was a client of Rudy Giuliani, according to three people familiar with the 2017 meeting in the Oval Office.

Tillerson refused, arguing it would constitute interference in an ongoing investigation of the trader, Reza Zarrab, according to the people. They said other participants in the Oval Office were shocked by the request.

Tillerson immediately repeated his objections to then-Chief of Staff John Kelly in a hallway conversation just outside the Oval Office, emphasizing that the request would be illegal.

Just the title of the article says it's a sham. Since when is the Sec. of State an aid?


Trump Urged Top Aide to Help Giuliani Client Facing DOJ Charges

President Donald Trump pressed then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to help persuade the Justice Department to drop a criminal case against an Iranian-Turkish gold trader who was a client of Rudy Giuliani, according to three people familiar with the 2017 meeting in the Oval Office.

Tillerson refused, arguing it would constitute interference in an ongoing investigation of the trader, Reza Zarrab, according to the people. They said other participants in the Oval Office were shocked by the request.

Tillerson immediately repeated his objections to then-Chief of Staff John Kelly in a hallway conversation just outside the Oval Office, emphasizing that the request would be illegal.

Just the title of the article says it's a sham. Since when is the Sec. of State an aid?

That settles it!
So it turns out that half of Washington knew about what Trump was doing in Ukraine and they were ALL freaked out by it
I'm sure there's less to this story than meets the eye
I heard Trump is from another planet and he's prepping us for an Invasion....the people on his planet eat brains, so Democrats are safe.

That's an out and out lie. Why would he bring in aliens to eat his own fanclub? It is they that are safe, and they that have no brains.
No.....Democrat voters voted for AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and a communist community-organizer and secret homosexual Muslim with no leadership experience. Not only don't they have brains but they have no principles.

These idiots have bought into the belief that the country they were born and raised in is the most evil country on the planet. They have to be brainless retards.
Has Trump been impeached over this yet?

I know....we need to get this guy out of the Oval Office quick.

I mean...he blew up the Middle East in ONE DAY

This guy can do an awful lot of damage in a very short time
Has Trump been impeached over this yet?

I know....we need to get this guy out of the Oval Office quick.

I mean...he blew up the Middle East in ONE DAY

This guy can do an awful lot of damage in a very short time
Between Russia, racism, the Mueller report and now this phone call, how will you decide which is most impeachable?

I'd hate to be a democrat Socialist
Has Trump been impeached over this yet?

I know....we need to get this guy out of the Oval Office quick.

I mean...he blew up the Middle East in ONE DAY

This guy can do an awful lot of damage in a very short time
So you want to us to defend the Syrian border from an invading neighbor?
there would be no invasion by Turkey if the president had not gross negligently made his troop withdraw announcement, without consultation with his advisors and allies, via tweet
Remember folks...this is EXACTLY why General Mattis resigned
Has Trump been impeached over this yet?

I know....we need to get this guy out of the Oval Office quick.

I mean...he blew up the Middle East in ONE DAY

This guy can do an awful lot of damage in a very short time
So you want to us to defend the Syrian border from an invading neighbor?
there would be no invasion by Turkey if the president had not gross negligently made his troop withdraw announcement, without consultation with his advisors and allies, via tweet

Because we're defending that border, right?
I rerererereread the story and I'm even less impressed!

Unnamed sources!


Was it Omarosa? George Conway?

This is more serious that the Mueller Report! When does that come out?
Did you figure out why Trump spoke to Tillerson yet?

Didn't think so. You really are too dumb to figure it out. :lol:
I wonder if Giuliani will ask Trump to help two more of his clients. Parnas and Fruman.

Here they are all together. One big happy crime family.


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