Trump uses Trump shit to pay himself back out of campaign funds!!

The t.v ad will probably be a 5 second one with Trump streeking across the screen.
Donald Trump’s Campaign Paid Trump Companies More Than $1 Million In May
The campaign funded Trump’s use of his jets and his Florida mansion, Mar-A-Lago.

Trump hosted a press conference on March 15 at his Mar-A-Lago mansion. His campaign later paid the house and club more than $400,000 in rental and catering fees.
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign paid more than $1 million last month to companies controlled by the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, according to reports the Trump campaign filed late Monday with the Federal Election Commission.

Com'on guys, if any other candidate did shit like this, you conservative rednecks would have a field some point and I know its hard to go there, but Trump Trash is a fuckin con man/snake oil salesman to the fuckin nuts have got to see this shit eventually, you can not be this fuckin stupid, white people can't be this fuckin clueless....but then again...yeah, they can!!

I liked when Obama held events in Chicago and didn't reimburse the city for their expenses.
Because it was up to the local DNC party to fund those events and you know this. Now having a fund raiser at his house or some Obama owned venue, then let's talk.

It wasn't a DNC event. It was an Obama event.

Was not

Deadbeatonomics: Obama stiffs Chicago for $1.74M - Hot Air

Looks like they're all deadbeats.
Donald Trump’s Campaign Paid Trump Companies More Than $1 Million In May
The campaign funded Trump’s use of his jets and his Florida mansion, Mar-A-Lago.

Trump hosted a press conference on March 15 at his Mar-A-Lago mansion. His campaign later paid the house and club more than $400,000 in rental and catering fees.
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign paid more than $1 million last month to companies controlled by the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, according to reports the Trump campaign filed late Monday with the Federal Election Commission.

Com'on guys, if any other candidate did shit like this, you conservative rednecks would have a field some point and I know its hard to go there, but Trump Trash is a fuckin con man/snake oil salesman to the fuckin nuts have got to see this shit eventually, you can not be this fuckin stupid, white people can't be this fuckin clueless....but then again...yeah, they can!!

You are beyond stupid.

Hillary's campaign has the same types of expenses everyday and her campaign pays for them. If she had the types of assests Trump does she could buy or lease from them just as he does. But she doesn't so her campaign pays various companies for good and services it requires.

Once again there is no there, there. Except to mental midgets like you and God only knows how many others.
I really don't understand the issue. I mean all the money he's spending on campaign stuff is legit. It just so happens that he owns property and an airline. Why the hell /wouldn't/ he use his own property? I bet he gives himself a discount on it to boot.

Its not like all the employees that work there don't get paid because it happens to be Trump staying there. Why cut into the CEOs pocket and piss them off? (aka profit sharing since the room or chopper or w/e would be unaviable to the general public, thus lowering the managers performance ratios which often effect their profit share reimbursements.)
I really don't understand the issue. I mean all the money he's spending on campaign stuff is legit. It just so happens that he owns property and an airline. Why the hell /wouldn't/ he use his own property? I bet he gives himself a discount on it to boot.

Its not like all the employees that work there don't get paid because it happens to be Trump staying there. Why cut into the CEOs pocket and piss them off? (aka profit sharing since the room or chopper or w/e would be unaviable to the general public, thus lowering the managers performance ratios which often effect their profit share reimbursements.)
I'll say it again... There is no problem with how he is spending the money, esp. if its his own money, but here are the issues.

- He has loaned his campaign money, not donated it, which means he can pay himself back with money that other people donate.
- He has been bragging about how rich and successful he is and how he doesn't need a super pac or outside funding
- He has been criticizing Clinton for taking money from special interests, saying that accepting money is an exchange for political favor
- He has presented himself as a self funding hero which I believe we will learn is a manipulation of the truth. He is going to come out of this election way up in profits.
- Why would anybody give him their hard earned money so the "billionaire" can pay himself back, increase his fortune and feed his companies?
- He is going to need big donations which will now put him in the same boat as Hillary with special interests making him a hypocrite
The RNC is trying to use the money Trump put into his campaign for downballot elections. Trump said he would fund his election, not everyone's election. It is time to raise funds.

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