Trump uses Trump shit to pay himself back out of campaign funds!!

What if the Saudis want their cash back?
What cash? Who did they pay and for what?
"Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton harshly criticized three countries for directly funding terrorists who are actively seeking to attack the United States and Western Europe. The governments of this trio of nations have contributed between $16 million and $40 million to the Clinton Foundation."
Nations Clinton Bashes For Terrorism Gave BIG BUCKS To Clinton Foundation
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with her campaign? Do you know her involvement with the foundation? Source of the money? What it was used for? Anything besides the partisan talking point?
Why does this matter? Even if she used her ISIS money to give sweets to orphans, she doesn´t cut a fine figure.
In other words you have no clue. So did Isis give her money out of their terror safe? Is that your claim?
Saudi Arabia, ISIS, what´s the difference?
What cash? Who did they pay and for what?
"Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton harshly criticized three countries for directly funding terrorists who are actively seeking to attack the United States and Western Europe. The governments of this trio of nations have contributed between $16 million and $40 million to the Clinton Foundation."
Nations Clinton Bashes For Terrorism Gave BIG BUCKS To Clinton Foundation
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with her campaign? Do you know her involvement with the foundation? Source of the money? What it was used for? Anything besides the partisan talking point?
Why does this matter? Even if she used her ISIS money to give sweets to orphans, she doesn´t cut a fine figure.
In other words you have no clue. So did Isis give her money out of their terror safe? Is that your claim?
Saudi Arabia, ISIS, what´s the difference?
Whose bank account did the money come out of?
"Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton harshly criticized three countries for directly funding terrorists who are actively seeking to attack the United States and Western Europe. The governments of this trio of nations have contributed between $16 million and $40 million to the Clinton Foundation."
Nations Clinton Bashes For Terrorism Gave BIG BUCKS To Clinton Foundation
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with her campaign? Do you know her involvement with the foundation? Source of the money? What it was used for? Anything besides the partisan talking point?
Why does this matter? Even if she used her ISIS money to give sweets to orphans, she doesn´t cut a fine figure.
In other words you have no clue. So did Isis give her money out of their terror safe? Is that your claim?
Saudi Arabia, ISIS, what´s the difference?
Whose bank account did the money come out of?
I don´t have any interest in your distinctions without difference. Saudi Arabia is Saudi Arabia, its your local ally and it funds the Clinton Foundation, ISIS and al-Qaeda.
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with her campaign? Do you know her involvement with the foundation? Source of the money? What it was used for? Anything besides the partisan talking point?
Why does this matter? Even if she used her ISIS money to give sweets to orphans, she doesn´t cut a fine figure.
In other words you have no clue. So did Isis give her money out of their terror safe? Is that your claim?
Saudi Arabia, ISIS, what´s the difference?
Whose bank account did the money come out of?
I don´t have any interest in your distinctions without difference. Saudi Arabia is Saudi Arabia, its your local ally and it funds the Clinton Foundation, ISIS and al-Qaeda.
Again you show that you have no clue what you are talking about.
Feed Trump more of your money, Trump rubes, so he can keep funnelling it to his companies.

Trump fans really are the stupidest people on the planet. They richly deserve the fleecing they're getting.
Lefties are soooooo stupid.
He's buying from his own company! If you lefty idiots had any concept of capitalism and actual productivity you'd understand that.
Funny to hear you call a group stupid while toally misunderstanding their objections.

It isn't the fact that he is buying from his own company that they are complaining about, its the misrepresentation of how much he is spending. He says that he's spent tens of millions but when a large percentage of that is to his companies or is a loan that he can, and most likely will, pay himself back for then it becomes a dishonest boast and talking point and is manipulative.
Bullshit. It's totally on the level and lefties just can't grasp it. They're used to campaign funding coming from others. This is the equivalent of him being the sole donor to his own campaign and, as a businessman, making a profit.
Lefties are soooooo stupid.
He's buying from his own company! If you lefty idiots had any concept of capitalism and actual productivity you'd understand that.
Funny to hear you call a group stupid while toally misunderstanding their objections.

It isn't the fact that he is buying from his own company that they are complaining about, its the misrepresentation of how much he is spending. He says that he's spent tens of millions but when a large percentage of that is to his companies or is a loan that he can, and most likely will, pay himself back for then it becomes a dishonest boast and talking point and is manipulative.
Bullshit. It's totally on the level and lefties just can't grasp it. They're used to campaign funding coming from others. This is the equivalent of him being the sole donor to his own campaign and, as a businessman, making a profit.
He wasn't the sole donor nor will he be in the general... He now needs to raise money. Let the hypocrisy begin.
Lefties are soooooo stupid.
He's buying from his own company! If you lefty idiots had any concept of capitalism and actual productivity you'd understand that.
Funny to hear you call a group stupid while toally misunderstanding their objections.

It isn't the fact that he is buying from his own company that they are complaining about, its the misrepresentation of how much he is spending. He says that he's spent tens of millions but when a large percentage of that is to his companies or is a loan that he can, and most likely will, pay himself back for then it becomes a dishonest boast and talking point and is manipulative.
Bullshit. It's totally on the level and lefties just can't grasp it. They're used to campaign funding coming from others. This is the equivalent of him being the sole donor to his own campaign and, as a businessman, making a profit.
He wasn't the sole donor nor will he be in the general... He now needs to raise money. Let the hypocrisy begin.
I didn't say it was a sound strategy for election success. But he's making money off of campaigning. That may have been his primary objective all along.
Lefties are soooooo stupid.
He's buying from his own company! If you lefty idiots had any concept of capitalism and actual productivity you'd understand that.
Funny to hear you call a group stupid while toally misunderstanding their objections.

It isn't the fact that he is buying from his own company that they are complaining about, its the misrepresentation of how much he is spending. He says that he's spent tens of millions but when a large percentage of that is to his companies or is a loan that he can, and most likely will, pay himself back for then it becomes a dishonest boast and talking point and is manipulative.
Bullshit. It's totally on the level and lefties just can't grasp it. They're used to campaign funding coming from others. This is the equivalent of him being the sole donor to his own campaign and, as a businessman, making a profit.
He wasn't the sole donor nor will he be in the general... He now needs to raise money. Let the hypocrisy begin.
I didn't say it was a sound strategy for election success. But he's making money off of campaigning. That may have been his primary objective all along.
I agree with that
Donald Trump’s Campaign Paid Trump Companies More Than $1 Million In May
The campaign funded Trump’s use of his jets and his Florida mansion, Mar-A-Lago.

Trump hosted a press conference on March 15 at his Mar-A-Lago mansion. His campaign later paid the house and club more than $400,000 in rental and catering fees.
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign paid more than $1 million last month to companies controlled by the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, according to reports the Trump campaign filed late Monday with the Federal Election Commission.

Com'on guys, if any other candidate did shit like this, you conservative rednecks would have a field some point and I know its hard to go there, but Trump Trash is a fuckin con man/snake oil salesman to the fuckin nuts have got to see this shit eventually, you can not be this fuckin stupid, white people can't be this fuckin clueless....but then again...yeah, they can!!

He should be more like Hillary. Open a "Foundation" which foreigners can dump millions into, as well as companies she extorts money out of.
Donald Trump’s Campaign Paid Trump Companies More Than $1 Million In May
The campaign funded Trump’s use of his jets and his Florida mansion, Mar-A-Lago.

Trump hosted a press conference on March 15 at his Mar-A-Lago mansion. His campaign later paid the house and club more than $400,000 in rental and catering fees.
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign paid more than $1 million last month to companies controlled by the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, according to reports the Trump campaign filed late Monday with the Federal Election Commission.

Com'on guys, if any other candidate did shit like this, you conservative rednecks would have a field some point and I know its hard to go there, but Trump Trash is a fuckin con man/snake oil salesman to the fuckin nuts have got to see this shit eventually, you can not be this fuckin stupid, white people can't be this fuckin clueless....but then again...yeah, they can!!

He should be more like Hillary. Open a "Foundation" which foreigners can dump millions into, as well as companies she extorts money out of.
But that would be illegal. At least Trump is honest in his greed.
Hillary is like Nixon running for president in 1976.
‘Wealthy political candidates in the past, including New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and presidential contender Steve Forbes both walled off their campaigns from the companies bearing their names.

Not so for Trump. Through the end of May, his campaign had plowed about $6 million back into Trump corporate products and services, a review of federal filings shows. That's nearly 10 percent of his expenditures.

One more complication: The $46 million worth of loans Trump made to his campaign can be repaid with donor money, even though he insists he won't do that.

The situation has some donors spooked, said Charlie Spies, a Republican elections attorney who has worked with major contributors and was helping Trump opponent Jeb Bush.

"Why would donors give money when the first dollars go to help a billionaire buy products from his own company?" Spies asked.’

Trump's campaign spends $6 million with Trump companies


Although not illegal, what Trump is doing will clearly discourage donors from contributing to a ‘campaign’ more interested in funding the candidate’s companies than winning the election.

Yet another bizarre aspect to Trump’s bizarre ‘campaign’ – further evidence that Trump has no idea what he’s doing, and has no business being president.
Donald Trump’s Campaign Paid Trump Companies More Than $1 Million In May
The campaign funded Trump’s use of his jets and his Florida mansion, Mar-A-Lago.

Trump hosted a press conference on March 15 at his Mar-A-Lago mansion. His campaign later paid the house and club more than $400,000 in rental and catering fees.
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign paid more than $1 million last month to companies controlled by the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, according to reports the Trump campaign filed late Monday with the Federal Election Commission.

Com'on guys, if any other candidate did shit like this, you conservative rednecks would have a field some point and I know its hard to go there, but Trump Trash is a fuckin con man/snake oil salesman to the fuckin nuts have got to see this shit eventually, you can not be this fuckin stupid, white people can't be this fuckin clueless....but then again...yeah, they can!!

I liked when Obama held events in Chicago and didn't reimburse the city for their expenses.
Because it was up to the local DNC party to fund those events and you know this. Now having a fund raiser at his house or some Obama owned venue, then let's talk.

It wasn't a DNC event. It was an Obama event.

Was not
Get back to us when he starts using food stamps to feed his staff.
No, you get back to us, when his staff consist of real political ball players instead of reality tv shit heads and ex felons!!

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