Trump Victories Just Keep Rolling In, and it's only Tuesday!

Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!
It's good to have a President that actually likes America.
You should know mr MAGA.
You do know that was our WWII Nazi group name?
Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!
It's good to have a President that actually likes America.
You should know mr MAGA.
You do know that was our WWII Nazi group name?

These are wins?
Lost the House
Lost the election by 3000000
Fewer jobs than Obama
Record trade deficits and deficits
But omg he hates brown people and that's enough for me and my dumb hat
Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

This will likely be settled in the courts. Trump has lost on most of his court cases.

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

You believe Putin? I believe our hardworking people in our intelligence services who work against the evil that Putin represents.

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

This is a nuisance lawsuit that will go nowhere. Anyone can file a frivolous lawsuit.

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

The EU will retaliate. The fact is that Boeing receives subsidies like Airbus. Both sides lose in a trade war.

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

It is clear that this had the backing of parts of the Saudi government. Just smoke.

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

He is about to hand Syria over to Iran by the withdrawal of American troops in Syria. That has no practical effect. More smoke and mirrors.
Wonder why our trade deficit is the worst in history?

A trade deficit is the sign of our prosperity and the fact we are a consumer drive society. The recent uptick in the deficit shows companies are scrambling to get as much inventory as they can should Trump go crazy again.
Putin, obummer, wonder which white group you belong too.
:CryingCow: It don't matter. There are no bad ones.
So hiding your taxes is a big win?
:CryingCow:The best. I'm hiding mine too. Want to take me to Congress?
A big win is losing the congress and the popular vote by 3000000?
:CryingCow:The Senate's not part of the Congress? Gee, you sure are dumb. People always lose the House in the mid-terms. A big win is taking 30 states, 306 EC votes and 3,084 out of 3,141 counties in the USA. That's why Trump is in the Big House and Hillary's home eating a twinkle.


You do know Iran was a trump financier in one of his towers?
:CryingCow:Guess you can get anyone to back you when they need you for something. Good thing considering Obama gave them 150 billion dollars. Wanna talk about who backed Barry while in the White House, idiot?
And Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than Don did in his first 2
:CryingCow:I'd like a milk shake with those fries as well. :auiqs.jpg:
Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!

Putin, obummer, wonder which white group you belong too.
So hiding your taxes is a big win?
A big win is losing the congress and the popular vote by 3000000?
Only in the cons cult
You do know Iran was a trump financier in one of his towers?
And Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than Don did in his first 2?
I guess chanting MAGA! Our WWII Nazi group name is enough?

OBAMA created nothing except cooked books..... The rebound from the 2008 correction was inevitable and it was
4 years late.

Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!
Does this mean he’ll finally break 43% approval among all adults?

Wake up Pawn. He was at 51% just last week. Farther up than Obama during same time. Wasn't Hillary ahead by nine points too when Trump took her to school too? Can't wait for next year to see all you fucks blow your brains out when Trump paddles your asses.
You have a strange idea of what winning is. Are by chance a Browns or Jets fan? They too have a very low bar for what is “winning”.

But it is good for you to openly admit you are good with more taxes on the American people.

Sent from my iPhone using

Browns will be pretty good. But here in NE we laugh at all the other teams.
Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!
Does this mean he’ll finally break 43% approval among all adults?

Wake up Pawn. He was at 51% just last week. Farther up than Obama during same time. Wasn't Hillary ahead by nine points too when Trump took her to school too? Can't wait for next year to see all you fucks blow your brains out when Trump paddles your asses.

Not among all adults he wasn’t. Most people think he’s doing a shit job.
Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!

Putin, obummer, wonder which white group you belong too.
So hiding your taxes is a big win?
A big win is losing the congress and the popular vote by 3000000?
Only in the cons cult
You do know Iran was a trump financier in one of his towers?
And Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than Don did in his first 2?
I guess chanting MAGA! Our WWII Nazi group name is enough?

OBAMA created nothing except cooked books..... The rebound from the 2008 correction was inevitable and it was
4 years late.

Really? He cooked up losing 750000 jobs a month?
I guess you see the graph that continues Obama numbers?
I just keep looking for financial advantages to us rubes by Don.
I'm a millionaire so have seen some of course.
What has he actually done except MAGA to rile up non college white rubes?
Put a second ken Starr groper on the supremes?
I just wish someone would list his financial achievements.
Ps I missed where your economics PhD came from
Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!
Does this mean he’ll finally break 43% approval among all adults?

Wake up Pawn. He was at 51% just last week. Farther up than Obama during same time. Wasn't Hillary ahead by nine points too when Trump took her to school too? Can't wait for next year to see all you fucks blow your brains out when Trump paddles your asses.

Not among all adults he wasn’t. Most people think he’s doing a shit job.

When you're doing nothing but cleaning up Obummar's shit and flushing all the shitheads down a toilet, the janitor is your best friend in the world.
Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!
Does this mean he’ll finally break 43% approval among all adults?

Wake up Pawn. He was at 51% just last week. Farther up than Obama during same time. Wasn't Hillary ahead by nine points too when Trump took her to school too? Can't wait for next year to see all you fucks blow your brains out when Trump paddles your asses.

Not among all adults he wasn’t. Most people think he’s doing a shit job.
Slams euro, I guess our trade deficit will be even worse?
Love how the zero college trumpies have to include a fuck.
The limit of their intelligence.
Hrs just resurrecting their slave genes.
Can't stand our Muslims being better educated and earn more than our zero college white nationalists.
Ps I think it's trump who asked the pro to paddle his ass with his Time article
Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!
Does this mean he’ll finally break 43% approval among all adults?

Wake up Pawn. He was at 51% just last week. Farther up than Obama during same time. Wasn't Hillary ahead by nine points too when Trump took her to school too? Can't wait for next year to see all you fucks blow your brains out when Trump paddles your asses.

Not among all adults he wasn’t. Most people think he’s doing a shit job.

When you're doing nothing but cleaning up Obummar's shit and flushing all the shitheads down a toilet, the janitor is your best friend in the world.

You’re funny... by “Obummar’s shit,” you mean record high number of people employed and record high stock market.
Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!

Putin, obummer, wonder which white group you belong too.
So hiding your taxes is a big win?
A big win is losing the congress and the popular vote by 3000000?
Only in the cons cult
You do know Iran was a trump financier in one of his towers?
And Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than Don did in his first 2?
I guess chanting MAGA! Our WWII Nazi group name is enough?

OBAMA created nothing except cooked books..... The rebound from the 2008 correction was inevitable and it was
4 years late.

Really? He cooked up losing 750000 jobs a month?
I guess you see the graph that continues Obama numbers?
I just keep looking for financial advantages to us rubes by Don.
I'm a millionaire so have seen some of course.
What has he actually done except MAGA to rile up non college white rubes?
Put a second ken Starr groper on the supremes?
I just wish someone would list his financial achievements.
Ps I missed where your economics PhD came from

Yep he did cook up 75000/month job loss.

If you understood what happened in 08, which you clearly do not.... You would stop with the childish politics and appreciate that 08 was the result of the previous 25 years of horrible financial decisions made over several administrations. Did Bush respond correctly....not so much....did he own all of it. No way. Do I give Obama credit for understanding at least in part what just happened to the World economy? Yes...I did then and I do now. I'm not 100 percent down on Obama....never was.

Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!
Does this mean he’ll finally break 43% approval among all adults?

Wake up Pawn. He was at 51% just last week. Farther up than Obama during same time. Wasn't Hillary ahead by nine points too when Trump took her to school too? Can't wait for next year to see all you fucks blow your brains out when Trump paddles your asses.

Not among all adults he wasn’t. Most people think he’s doing a shit job.

When you're doing nothing but cleaning up Obummar's shit and flushing all the shitheads down a toilet, the janitor is your best friend in the world.

You’re funny... by “Obummar’s shit,” you mean record high number of people employed and record high stock market.

Is that why they called it the longest recession in history and the Stock market shot up like a rocket the day Trump took office?
Pawn is stuck still living in his leftard revisionist obama-love fantasy history.
Mexico has not declared war on America! Another Trump win!

Mexico HAS declared war on America. Where the hell have YOU been?
Something to do with our stealing Texas and California?
Ever been to Mexico City?
Huge statue hating us.
Barber shop - $10
Oh you ar not American?, ? $3 then

You must be when your phony "winning" is blownup.

:cuckoo: :spank: When's THAT gonna be, ACE? Right after the Mueller Report comes out? :auiqs.jpg:
Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!
All that winning and none of it makes any of our lives better. Go figure.
Why are liberals so quiet about all the winning by Trump?

AG Barr just left Congress asking about the Mueller report, and he basically told them to go get stuffed. He's going to release the redacted version, the final version, within about a week.

Attorney General Barr to release Mueller report 'within a week'

Putin agrees, too. Russia is finally "off the hook." They were clean all along.

Putin says Mueller's probe validates Russia on no collusion

Now McClatchy gets his ass sued for 150 million. Sucks to be him.

Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, alleging conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

Trump moves to slam the EU with BILLIONS in tariffs to equalize trade with them. The gloves are off, Europe!

From jets to cheese: Trump wants to impose new tariffs on EU

More muslim banning? No! Trump bans 16 Saudis for killing!

16 Saudis barred from U.S. for role in Khashoggi's murder

Now Trump kicks dirty Iran in the Teeth. Ayatollah hollers:

Iran hits back at US claim about Guards

And here they thought they had it made after Obummar gave them the sky.

DAMN, Trump, almost too much winning to handle, and the week ain't out yet!
All that winning and none of it makes any of our lives better. Go figure.
Really, Brainless?
Mueller over. President now free to focus more on running the country. Life just got better.
Democrats coming under investigation for their myriad crimes. Life just got better.
Tariffs to force correction of more trade imbalance. Life just got better.

What's in the Democratic Agenda that that will make my life so much better?

Does this mean he’ll finally break 43% approval among all adults?

Wake up Pawn. He was at 51% just last week. Farther up than Obama during same time. Wasn't Hillary ahead by nine points too when Trump took her to school too? Can't wait for next year to see all you fucks blow your brains out when Trump paddles your asses.

Not among all adults he wasn’t. Most people think he’s doing a shit job.

When you're doing nothing but cleaning up Obummar's shit and flushing all the shitheads down a toilet, the janitor is your best friend in the world.

You’re funny... by “Obummar’s shit,” you mean record high number of people employed and record high stock market.

Is that why they called it the longest recession in history and the Stock market shot up like a rocket the day Trump took office?
Pawn is stuck still living in his leftard revisionist obama-love fantasy history.

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

What you idiotically call “the longest recession in history” was actually 18 months long. Oh, and it started under Bush, who I wouldn’t be surprised to learn if you voted for him.

And the stock market increased 200% under Obama after bottoming out from the Great Recession. Whereas under trump, it’s up about 35% and about at the same level as it was some 15 months ago.

Do you see now why most adults think trump is doing a shit job? :badgrin:

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