Trump Victories Just Keep Rolling In, and it's only Tuesday!

The Trumpletons are losing whatever it was that passed for their minds. The very last remainder of same.

And no, that's not a good sign for the country.

Feel better, old wise one?

Not really, no.

That imbecilic list of wannabe "victories" is just too stupid to comment on, and you cheering it on is just more of a sign for the current malaise.

Kicking Iran in the teeth must have felt particularly good, no? It's going to be not very funny, considering that the U.S. troops in Iraq operate under the protective umbrella of Shia militias that are, wait for it, closely associated with Iran. What do you think is going to happen once these militias think they should withdraw their protection, or, god forbid, even turn on the troops?

Yeah, you Trumpletons confuse "sticking it to them" with victory. It's just so that Trump was putting the troops in severe jeopardy - because he wanted a "victory", and doesn't give a rat's arse about the troops, or you and the other useful idiots who make up his uneducated "base", for that matter. How do you like them body bags, dummy?
The Trumpletons are losing whatever it was that passed for their minds. The very last remainder of same.

And no, that's not a good sign for the country.

Feel better, old wise one?

Not really, no.

That imbecilic list of wannabe "victories" is just too stupid to comment on, and you cheering it on is just more of a sign for the current malaise.

Kicking Iran in the teeth must have felt particularly good, no? It's going to be not very funny, considering that the U.S. troops in Iraq operate under the protective umbrella of Shia militias that are, wait for it, closely associated with Iran. What do you think is going to happen once these militias think they should withdraw their protection, or, god forbid, even turn on the troops?

Yeah, you Trumpletons confuse "sticking it to them" with victory. It's just so that Trump was putting the troops in severe jeopardy - because he wanted a "victory", and doesn't give a rat's arse about the troops, or you and the other useful idiots who make up his uneducated "base", for that matter. How do you like them body bags, dummy?

Take an aspirin, take a nap, and get back to us if your Magic 8-ball prediction comes true.
Does this mean he’ll finally break 43% approval among all adults?

Wake up Pawn. He was at 51% just last week. Farther up than Obama during same time. Wasn't Hillary ahead by nine points too when Trump took her to school too? Can't wait for next year to see all you fucks blow your brains out when Trump paddles your asses.

Not among all adults he wasn’t. Most people think he’s doing a shit job.

When you're doing nothing but cleaning up Obummar's shit and flushing all the shitheads down a toilet, the janitor is your best friend in the world.

You’re funny... by “Obummar’s shit,” you mean record high number of people employed and record high stock market.

Is that why they called it the longest recession in history and the Stock market shot up like a rocket the day Trump took office?
Pawn is stuck still living in his leftard revisionist obama-love fantasy history.

Record number?
You do know Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than the con did in his first 2?
Hope this helps
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Looks pretty flat Btw, I'm a millionaire, never voted for a dem in my life.
I know which side my bread is buttered.
Try to avoid knees news
Wake up Pawn. He was at 51% just last week. Farther up than Obama during same time. Wasn't Hillary ahead by nine points too when Trump took her to school too? Can't wait for next year to see all you fucks blow your brains out when Trump paddles your asses.

Not among all adults he wasn’t. Most people think he’s doing a shit job.

When you're doing nothing but cleaning up Obummar's shit and flushing all the shitheads down a toilet, the janitor is your best friend in the world.

You’re funny... by “Obummar’s shit,” you mean record high number of people employed and record high stock market.

Is that why they called it the longest recession in history and the Stock market shot up like a rocket the day Trump took office?
Pawn is stuck still living in his leftard revisionist obama-love fantasy history.

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

What you idiotically call “the longest recession in history” was actually 18 months long. Oh, and it started under Bush, who I wouldn’t be surprised to learn if you voted for him.

And the stock market increased 200% under Obama after bottoming out from the Great Recession. Whereas under trump, it’s up about 35% and about at the same level as it was some 15 months ago.

Do you see now why most adults think trump is doing a shit job? :badgrin:

Leave my fav Pres alone.
I'm jellous of his vagina grabbing.
And love chanting with my other white rubes

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