Trump vows to deport illegals convicted of drunk driving.

According to what I understand, Americans who are convicted of drunk driving cannot visit Canada, so this isn't a radical idea.

WTF is worth seeing in Canada?

Anne Murray?
What is he like eighty now? I mean when Dudley Doright was still alive maybe....

Oh, you made me laugh!

Well you can watch Canadian Football?

Best Canadian Football QB of all time?
Hey trump - they're illegal and should all be deported for that reason alone.

WH Official Tells Media: Yes, Drunk-Driver Illegals Will Be Sent Home | Breitbart

march 13 2018 White House officials are not backing down as pro-immigration reporters pressure them to drop the administration’s growing campaign against dangerous sanctuary cities.
On Monday and Tuesday, reporters prodded White House officials to relax their commitment to repatriate illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities who are also dangerous drunk-drivers, even when the drunk drivers have secretly lived in the United States for several years, or have a family in the United States.

To the question about an illegal immigrant who was arrested for a DWI, [the official] said, “What do you tell the mother whose kid gets killed by the second DWI?”

Many other Americans have been killed by illegal-immigrant drunk drivers. There are so many illegal-immigrant drunk drivers that Democrats opposed an amendment to the 2013 “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill that would have denied amnesty to people convicted of drunk-driving charges.
Do you think Trump will ever "catch on" to being president?

He's doing a hell of a job now.
Does he act stupid at times just to show how much humility the man has?
According to what I understand, Americans who are convicted of drunk driving cannot visit Canada, so this isn't a radical idea.

WTF is worth seeing in Canada?

Anne Murray?
What is he like eighty now? I mean when Dudley Doright was still alive maybe....

Oh, you made me laugh!

Well you can watch Canadian Football?

Best Canadian Football QB of all timr?
Is that the football game that could only afford an eighty yard field to play on?
Send them back even if they aren't drunk.

Who will cut your grass and trees, clean your house, wash you in convalescence home or day care, wash your car, produce to your groceries, milk, poultry and meat etc etc etc etc?
The worst part of this is .............. Some of these kids that was left behind by the parents that was deported are now applying welfares. Now you and I are feeding them. I do not have a problem deporting criminals but I have a problem deporting illegals that has not committed any crimes.

California is the most prosperous state in US and the 6th biggest economy of the world. The illegals are big part of that whether you like it or not.
Are you saying illegals are the only people qualified for those jobs?

I cut grass when I was younger. It’s how I bought my first dirt bike.
Hey trump - they're illegal and should all be deported for that reason alone.

WH Official Tells Media: Yes, Drunk-Driver Illegals Will Be Sent Home | Breitbart

march 13 2018 White House officials are not backing down as pro-immigration reporters pressure them to drop the administration’s growing campaign against dangerous sanctuary cities.
On Monday and Tuesday, reporters prodded White House officials to relax their commitment to repatriate illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities who are also dangerous drunk-drivers, even when the drunk drivers have secretly lived in the United States for several years, or have a family in the United States.

To the question about an illegal immigrant who was arrested for a DWI, [the official] said, “What do you tell the mother whose kid gets killed by the second DWI?”

Many other Americans have been killed by illegal-immigrant drunk drivers. There are so many illegal-immigrant drunk drivers that Democrats opposed an amendment to the 2013 “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill that would have denied amnesty to people convicted of drunk-driving charges.
Do you think Trump will ever "catch on" to being president?

He's doing a hell of a job now.
Does he act stupid at times just to show how much humility the man has?

I know you on the left hate a guy that isn't a phony, but that's what you got. DumBama couldn't even say good morning to his wife unless he had a teleprompter in front of him.

The thing is if Hillary was President and accomplished half of what Trump did, the media would be shooting off fireworks every night.

When will the voting public ever get smart enough to vote on people because of accomplishments instead of how they would vote on them if they were an American Idol contestant?
Hey trump - they're illegal and should all be deported for that reason alone.

WH Official Tells Media: Yes, Drunk-Driver Illegals Will Be Sent Home | Breitbart

march 13 2018 White House officials are not backing down as pro-immigration reporters pressure them to drop the administration’s growing campaign against dangerous sanctuary cities.
On Monday and Tuesday, reporters prodded White House officials to relax their commitment to repatriate illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities who are also dangerous drunk-drivers, even when the drunk drivers have secretly lived in the United States for several years, or have a family in the United States.

To the question about an illegal immigrant who was arrested for a DWI, [the official] said, “What do you tell the mother whose kid gets killed by the second DWI?”

Many other Americans have been killed by illegal-immigrant drunk drivers. There are so many illegal-immigrant drunk drivers that Democrats opposed an amendment to the 2013 “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill that would have denied amnesty to people convicted of drunk-driving charges.
Do you think Trump will ever "catch on" to being president?

He's doing a hell of a job now.
Does he act stupid at times just to show how much humility the man has?

I know you on the left hate a guy that isn't a phony, but that's what you got. DumBama couldn't even say good morning to his wife unless he had a teleprompter in front of him.

The thing is if Hillary was President and accomplished half of what Trump did, the media would be shooting off fireworks every night.

When will the voting public ever get smart enough to vote on people because of accomplishments instead of how they would vote on them if they were an American Idol contestant?
Trump uses a teleprompter also...Or do you forgets about dat?
I do not have a problem deporting criminals but I have a problem deporting illegals that has not committed any crimes.

And if more people felt like that, more illegals would come here.

California is the most prosperous state in US and the 6th biggest economy of the world. The illegals are big part of that whether you like it or not.

How is one prosperous when they are nearly 150 billion in debt?
Hey trump - they're illegal and should all be deported for that reason alone.
Do you think Trump will ever "catch on" to being president?

He's doing a hell of a job now.
Does he act stupid at times just to show how much humility the man has?

I know you on the left hate a guy that isn't a phony, but that's what you got. DumBama couldn't even say good morning to his wife unless he had a teleprompter in front of him.

The thing is if Hillary was President and accomplished half of what Trump did, the media would be shooting off fireworks every night.

When will the voting public ever get smart enough to vote on people because of accomplishments instead of how they would vote on them if they were an American Idol contestant?
Trump uses a teleprompter also...Or do you forgets about dat?

On occasion, but not for every word spoken.
Do you think Trump will ever "catch on" to being president?

He's doing a hell of a job now.
Does he act stupid at times just to show how much humility the man has?

I know you on the left hate a guy that isn't a phony, but that's what you got. DumBama couldn't even say good morning to his wife unless he had a teleprompter in front of him.

The thing is if Hillary was President and accomplished half of what Trump did, the media would be shooting off fireworks every night.

When will the voting public ever get smart enough to vote on people because of accomplishments instead of how they would vote on them if they were an American Idol contestant?
Trump uses a teleprompter also...Or do you forgets about dat?

On occasion, but not for every word spoken.
Same with Oblama...Hell the days are over when people like Reagan paused while orating to look down at his written speech..Thank goodness....
He's doing a hell of a job now.
Does he act stupid at times just to show how much humility the man has?

I know you on the left hate a guy that isn't a phony, but that's what you got. DumBama couldn't even say good morning to his wife unless he had a teleprompter in front of him.

The thing is if Hillary was President and accomplished half of what Trump did, the media would be shooting off fireworks every night.

When will the voting public ever get smart enough to vote on people because of accomplishments instead of how they would vote on them if they were an American Idol contestant?
Trump uses a teleprompter also...Or do you forgets about dat?

On occasion, but not for every word spoken.
Same with Oblama...Hell the days are over when people like Reagan paused while orating to look down at his written speech..Thank goodness....

First you criticize Trump for saying stupid things, then try to compare him to others who didn't utter a word in public without consulting their experts first.
Let's not forget about Obozo's Uncle Onyango who is illegal and was convicted of DUI a few years back. He's been living here illegally 50 years!!
Here's my recipe for dealing with drunk drivers.

Force a tube into their mouth, superglue their lips to it, and pour beer down their gullet until they drown to death in it, or their guts burst. Then throw their useless carcasses into meatgrinders for use in feeding the poor.
Send them back even if they aren't drunk.

Who will cut your grass and trees, clean your house, wash you in convalescence home or day care, wash your car, produce to your groceries, milk, poultry and meat etc etc etc etc?
The worst part of this is .............. Some of these kids that was left behind by the parents that was deported are now applying welfares. Now you and I are feeding them. I do not have a problem deporting criminals but I have a problem deporting illegals that has not committed any crimes.

California is the most prosperous state in US and the 6th biggest economy of the world. The illegals are big part of that whether you like it or not.
Are you saying illegals are the only people qualified for those jobs?

I cut grass when I was younger. It’s how I bought my first dirt bike.

I never said that....... But where are the others that are willing to do those jobs? They are nowhere to be found. I know people that own home care...... they cannot even find enough illegals.
People like you or others want a high paying jobs ...... so why bother to look for those jobs.
When you were a kid yes I believe you 100%. Like kids my neighborhood a long time ago now they are busy playing video or skateboards.
Low unemployment made it worst. Some of these illegals are now asking the real minimum wage.
I do not have a problem deporting criminals but I have a problem deporting illegals that has not committed any crimes.

And if more people felt like that, more illegals would come here.

California is the most prosperous state in US and the 6th biggest economy of the world. The illegals are big part of that whether you like it or not.

How is one prosperous when they are nearly 150 billion in debt?

1. I’m talking about illegals that are already here. Why worry for these low paying jobs. When you have all these H2 or H1 people taking over American jobs?
Illegals are big part of Ca booming economy.

2. Why worry about the debt when Trump just took $1.4 trillion to fund his tax reform benefiting 1% of his buddies?

How prosperous? Look at the booming economy compared to any states? Look at the current unemployment at 4.4% and it’s going to get better. Currently at 6th largest economy of the world. I will not be surprise if goes to Number 4 this year.
Are you trying to deny kids an opportunity to earn $ for the things they want, charwin95?

No my friend. But they are no where to be found. They can always get their dad lawnmower if they still have it. Probably their parents get rid of them a long time ago.
1. I’m talking about illegals that are already here. Why worry for these low paying jobs. When you have all these H2 or H1 people taking over American jobs?
Illegals are big part of Ca booming economy.

Good, then you can keep them.....all of them. In fact we should put a fence around the entire state.

The rest of us believe in living by our laws.

2. Why worry about the debt when Trump just took $1.4 trillion to fund his tax reform benefiting 1% of his buddies?

Gee. I didn't know I was one of Trump's buddies. My tax preparer just told me I'm in for a very favorable tax return next year because of our new tax laws. This year for my 2017 return cost me money, but I should get it all back and then some for my 2018 returns. In the meantime, more bring home pay certainly helps.

How prosperous? Look at the booming economy compared to any states? Look at the current unemployment at 4.4% and it’s going to get better. Currently at 6th largest economy of the world. I will not be surprise if goes to Number 4 this year.

Well if you make 200K a year, it's pretty impressive until it's learned you are spending 250K a year as well.

Cali is the sixth largest economy in the world unadjusted. When adjusted for inflation, it's more like 11th place. Because of the cost of living there, the state also has one of the highest poverty rates in the country as well. It's population is larger than some of those countries that it's compared to.

Taxes are high, services and goods are high, housing is almost unaffordable.
1. I’m talking about illegals that are already here. Why worry for these low paying jobs. When you have all these H2 or H1 people taking over American jobs?
Illegals are big part of Ca booming economy.

Good, then you can keep them.....all of them. In fact we should put a fence around the entire state.

The rest of us believe in living by our laws.

2. Why worry about the debt when Trump just took $1.4 trillion to fund his tax reform benefiting 1% of his buddies?

Gee. I didn't know I was one of Trump's buddies. My tax preparer just told me I'm in for a very favorable tax return next year because of our new tax laws. This year for my 2017 return cost me money, but I should get it all back and then some for my 2018 returns. In the meantime, more bring home pay certainly helps.

How prosperous? Look at the booming economy compared to any states? Look at the current unemployment at 4.4% and it’s going to get better. Currently at 6th largest economy of the world. I will not be surprise if goes to Number 4 this year.

Well if you make 200K a year, it's pretty impressive until it's learned you are spending 250K a year as well.

Cali is the sixth largest economy in the world unadjusted. When adjusted for inflation, it's more like 11th place. Because of the cost of living there, the state also has one of the highest poverty rates in the country as well. It's population is larger than some of those countries that it's compared to.

Taxes are high, services and goods are high, housing is almost unaffordable.

Despite all of that California’s economy is booming more than any other states BIG TIME. New houses are being built all over at very high rate we’ve never seen before.
Illegals are very big part of that.
Sure we have problems and the highest poverty rate because we have the largest population. If you compare that to other states. From poorest to dirtiest to unemployment to drugs to crimes. to happiest California is far betterthan most of the states.

So let me repeat what I said from the beginning....... Let say we get rid of all these illegals.......... Who would do those jobs? I know for sure that will cripple Ca, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Washington, Oregon, Texas to name a few.
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1. I’m talking about illegals that are already here. Why worry for these low paying jobs. When you have all these H2 or H1 people taking over American jobs?
Illegals are big part of Ca booming economy.

Good, then you can keep them.....all of them. In fact we should put a fence around the entire state.

The rest of us believe in living by our laws.

2. Why worry about the debt when Trump just took $1.4 trillion to fund his tax reform benefiting 1% of his buddies?

Gee. I didn't know I was one of Trump's buddies. My tax preparer just told me I'm in for a very favorable tax return next year because of our new tax laws. This year for my 2017 return cost me money, but I should get it all back and then some for my 2018 returns. In the meantime, more bring home pay certainly helps.

How prosperous? Look at the booming economy compared to any states? Look at the current unemployment at 4.4% and it’s going to get better. Currently at 6th largest economy of the world. I will not be surprise if goes to Number 4 this year.

Well if you make 200K a year, it's pretty impressive until it's learned you are spending 250K a year as well.

Cali is the sixth largest economy in the world unadjusted. When adjusted for inflation, it's more like 11th place. Because of the cost of living there, the state also has one of the highest poverty rates in the country as well. It's population is larger than some of those countries that it's compared to.

Taxes are high, services and goods are high, housing is almost unaffordable.

Despite all of that California’s economy is booming more than any other states BIG TIME. New houses are being built all over at very high rate we’ve never seen before.
Illegals are very big part of that.
Sure we have problems and the highest poverty rate because we have the largest population. If you compare that to other states. From poorest to dirtiest to unemployment to drugs to crimes. to happiest California is far betterthan most of the states.

So let me repeat what I said from the beginning....... Let say we get rid of all these illegals.......... Who would do those jobs? I know for sure that will cripple Ca, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Washington, Oregon, Texas to name a few.

Who does all these jobs in other states?
Send them back even if they aren't drunk.

Who will cut your grass and trees, clean your house, wash you in convalescence home or day care, wash your car, produce to your groceries, milk, poultry and meat etc etc etc etc?
The worst part of this is .............. Some of these kids that was left behind by the parents that was deported are now applying welfares. Now you and I are feeding them. I do not have a problem deporting criminals but I have a problem deporting illegals that has not committed any crimes.

California is the most prosperous state in US and the 6th biggest economy of the world. The illegals are big part of that whether you like it or not.
Are you saying illegals are the only people qualified for those jobs?

I cut grass when I was younger. It’s how I bought my first dirt bike.

Cutting grass. This is what I think based from my own observations with my employees, friends and other associates that are home owners.
Let say a young couple just bought a home first or second timer buyers at age between 30s to 40s with young kids. New house front/back lawn are not that big anymore. Even old houses. Like in Irvine, Ca old and new houses lawns are very small.
To hire an illegal to cut those size of a lawn cost no more than $10 to $18. a week. Why bother when it’s so cheap?

Kids growing up with those families will never have a lawnmower. Trend will follow. That is why/what I think is happening.

At the same time older home owners will not cut their own grass anymore because it’s very affordable.

In my neighborhood I only see Hispanics cutting grasses.

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