Trump vows to keep ‘communists and markers’ out of the US in latest gaffe

Oh yeah.

Just quakin' in his boots, poor guy.
He just sat his fat ass down and made small talk. He didn't have to explain his magic markers in a speech or how he's gonna keep all those commies out of America.
He just sat his fat ass down and made small talk. He didn't have to explain his magic markers in a speech or how he's gonna keep all those commies out of America.

The key part was the cheers.

It must suck to back a senile corrupt stooge who can't even gather a small crowd, while the guy you pretend is so unpopular gets tens of thousands cheering him constantly.

No wonder you Lefties are so bitter.
The key part was the cheers.

It must suck to back a senile corrupt stooge who can't even gather a small crowd, while the guy you pretend is so unpopular gets tens of thousands cheering him constantly.

No wonder you Lefties are so bitter.
I know that you MAGA morons are simping over Trump. Get some self respect. You love him but there are simply not enough of you to put Trump over the finish line.

The article charts his increasing peoblem with those word things. Its bizarre that America cannot produce ;iterate people to become president. Its a dem issue as well.

Whers hae all the younger generation gone ? The older ones seem very vulnerable.

The dems have the likes of AOC coming thru but where are the electable young GOPS ?

Tommy is drunk again.
I know that you MAGA morons are simping over Trump. Get some self respect. You love him but there are simply not enough of you to put Trump over the finish line.

If only your aspiring jedi mind tricks had any affect on'd be a soothsayer.

Instead you're reduced to fanciful pipe dreams spawned from a diet rich with MSM propaganda.

Ah well.
Oh come on now - a typo? Criticize the fact that he forgot about former president Obama. Or Clinton. Nixon was no slouch neither. They all had plenty of brains and education
Did you read the OP title? Have you ever heard the old saw about "glass houses?" If you don't want grammar police, maybe you shouldn't frequent threads that purport themselves to be just that.
Did you read the OP title? Have you ever heard the old saw about "glass houses?" If you don't want grammar police, maybe you shouldn't frequent threads that purport themselves to be just that.
So go and grammar police if that's what gets you moist. I think it's silly especially if there are real issues with the post
So go and grammar police if that's what gets you moist. I think it's silly especially if there are real issues with the post
Again, you came to a post that was taking issue with someone misusing a word and then you get upset when a poster calls out just such an instance by someone you agree with. You must surely be more than moist--BTW, I don't have that problem. LMAO. Glass Houses.

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