Trump vows to send as many troops as necessary to keep growing migrant caravan out


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Trump vows to send as many troops ‘as necessary’ to keep growing migrant caravan out
In an interview aboard Air Force One on Monday, President Trump made clear there was no limit to the number of troops he’s willing to send to the border to address the growing migrant caravan quickly making its way through hot and humid temperatures in Mexico to the U.S. border.

Unlike the conmunist morons who want to sink this Nation we have a President who wants to protect and save our country.

Wake up commies or gtf out you are the VIOLENT RETARDS who blame other peopel for who you really are and the actions you create and do to ppl.

Your so fkd up and narccissitic you can't even see what others see your retards face it.

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