Trump vs. the Deep State.

You are well prepared Ray9, ready for every angle you are questioned from. I concur with your assessment (not that it means a lot or anything at all)
The finished product:

If the United States is going to survive as a free nation then individual citizens must recognize that the single greatest threat to our way of life is an ever expanding government and its corrupted political establishment housing a Deep State bureaucracy with motives that do not necessarily entail the best interests of the people.

Most of the societal problems plaguing America today can be traced back to 1964-1965 and a revealing piece of work issued by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then Assistant Secretary of Labor under John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

The Moynihan Report was critical of the War on Poverty and its platform heralding the racist conclusion that slavery had made Black Americans culturally disturbed and unable to compete without government intervention.

Moynihan, a trained sociologist, argued that even in the face of diminishing unemployment in the society at large, welfare rolls were exploding as fathers disappeared from families while single motherhood was growing by leaps and bounds. His warning was that bad social engineering would create a permanent, dangerously dependent underclass.

Moynihan was attacked by academics and politicians alike for daring to suggest that African Americans were in control of their own destinies but were reacting to government interference encouraging them to forego the traditional family structure and embark on a strategy of out-of-wedlock births guaranteed to sustain and perpetuate the dependency of abandoned children and single mothers.

The Great Society was the genesis of the planned ruin of the United States. Today we have a permanent underclass consisting of every demographic imaginable. Divorce, cohabitation and single-motherhood are ubiquitous. About forty percent of the US population has been lured out of the workforce to make way for the implantation of interloping “refugees” to process the Deep-State sellout of our people.

Riots and historical obliteration are ominous warnings for our future. Central planning has failed here just like it did in the Soviet Union. But it was never meant to succeed. American society has been systematically shattered in order to facilitate a new world order of global intellectual aristocracy and our moneyed, political establishment is in it up to their necks.

Reasonable Americans finally woke up and took action to save our country by electing a leader from outside the self-serving US political machine. Sincere citizens must continue voting to purge our home of the treasonous political establishment betraying us.

Fight for a wall.
Although the destruction of America and the enslavement of its citizens started earlier than 1965, it is the landmark of the accelerated process. J.F. Kennedy paid the ultimate price when tried to reign in the Deep State. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 and "coincidentally" income tax was enacted as law the same year.
Some links worthwhile to click on.

Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve : The Corbett Report
Rings Within Rings: How Secret Societies Direct World Politics : The Corbett Report

There is a wealth of information on the website about behind the scenes machinations including GW.
The Corbett Report

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