Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

I have yet to see evidence of Republicans making racial slurs and specifically setting regulations that are considered by clear definition racist.

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Also, didn't the Obama administration try to go after the promotions of fire fighters in Connecticut because not enough African Americans passed the test? You want to talk about using race, whatever happened to aquirinh a promotion based on your "abilities"? After all, they all took the exact same promotion exam.

We also know about the legacy hiring of firemen in Connecticut and elsewhere. The test is just a device to keep "others" out. The legacy candidates already have the answers to the questions some of which have no bearing on the duties of firemen.Getting the answers is easy when your Dad, brothers and uncles have been firemen for generations and they supply you with the answers. Keep it in the family by any means necessary1
Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

Blacks have been going with the liberals' plans and agenda for more than 50 years... and have been losing every time.
I have yet to see evidence of Republicans making racial slurs and specifically setting regulations that are considered by clear definition racist.

View attachment 87083

Also, didn't the Obama administration try to go after the promotions of fire fighters in Connecticut because not enough African Americans passed the test? You want to talk about using race, whatever happened to aquirinh a promotion based on your "abilities"? After all, they all took the exact same promotion exam.

We also know about the legacy hiring of firemen in Connecticut and elsewhere. The test is just a device to keep "others" out. The legacy candidates already have the answers to the questions some of which have no bearing on the duties of firemen.Getting the answers is easy when your Dad, brothers and uncles have been firemen for generations and they supply you with the answers. Keep it in the family by any means necessary1

1. 7 workers out of how many? LOL!!

2. The test was selected by the liberal town council. There was never any allegation that the test contained bias. This was blatant anti-white discrimination.

That you lefties support it, shows that you are the racists..
latinos are white?

I thought they were latinos.
BTW, it looks like the same report repeated. so nice try.


White Hispanic and Latino Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"In the United States, a White Hispanic[3] is an American citizen or resident who is racially white (i.e., of primarily European descent) and of Hispanic descent. White American, itself an official U.S. racial category, refers to people "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa" who reside in the United States.[4]"

Caucasian is the key word since that is a race. Yes the same word you use to "whiten" the Egyptians and even some of the Blackest people in Africa such as the Somalis…. See how that works? I don't necessarily agree with your pseudoscientific concepts of race but I have to live with it when I deal with the likes of YOU!
well a conservative black man is not considered black by you and yours. Now that one indeed is funny. What's the term you use for them?
Most Black Christians ARE Conservative. They just vote Democrat to keep their Civil Rights from being abridged by racist conservatives. Black Conservatives who vote for republicans are known as fools.

I have yet to see evidence of Republicans making racial slurs and specifically setting regulations that are considered by clear definition racist.

Also, didn't the Obama administration try to go after the promotions of fire fighters in Connecticut because not enough African Americans passed the test? You want to talk about using race, whatever happened to aquirinh a promotion based on your "abilities"? After all, they all took the exact same promotion exam.

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Eighteen city firefighters, seventeen of whom were white and one of whom was Hispanic, brought suit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after they had passed the test for promotions to management positions and the city declined to promote them. New Haven officials invalidated the test results because none of the black firefighters scored high enough to be considered for the positions. City officials stated that they feared a lawsuit over the test's disproportionate exclusion of certain racial groups from promotion under the controversial "disparate impact" theory of liability"

All the dem appointed Justices voted for Disparate Impact Theory".

If Hillary wins, Disparate Impact Theory will become law of the land. It REQUIRES ANTI-WHITE DISCRIMINATION.

Because the employer has to err on the side of blacks and browns, no matter what.

Here is a link to another perspective on the inner workings of the CT firefighter's test. The hint of cheating may provide some clue to the disparate results.
Caucasian is the key word since that is a race. Yes the same word you use to "whiten" the Egyptians and even some of the Blackest people in Africa such as the Somalis…. See how that works? I don't necessarily agree with your pseudoscientific concepts of race but I have to live with it when I deal with the likes of YOU!
well a conservative black man is not considered black by you and yours. Now that one indeed is funny. What's the term you use for them?
Most Black Christians ARE Conservative. They just vote Democrat to keep their Civil Rights from being abridged by racist conservatives. Black Conservatives who vote for republicans are known as fools.

I have yet to see evidence of Republicans making racial slurs and specifically setting regulations that are considered by clear definition racist.

Also, didn't the Obama administration try to go after the promotions of fire fighters in Connecticut because not enough African Americans passed the test? You want to talk about using race, whatever happened to aquirinh a promotion based on your "abilities"? After all, they all took the exact same promotion exam.

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Eighteen city firefighters, seventeen of whom were white and one of whom was Hispanic, brought suit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after they had passed the test for promotions to management positions and the city declined to promote them. New Haven officials invalidated the test results because none of the black firefighters scored high enough to be considered for the positions. City officials stated that they feared a lawsuit over the test's disproportionate exclusion of certain racial groups from promotion under the controversial "disparate impact" theory of liability"

All the dem appointed Justices voted for Disparate Impact Theory".

If Hillary wins, Disparate Impact Theory will become law of the land. It REQUIRES ANTI-WHITE DISCRIMINATION.

Because the employer has to err on the side of blacks and browns, no matter what.

Here is a link to another perspective on the inner workings of the CT firefighter's test. The hint of cheating may provide some clue to the disparate results.

The case literally went to the Supreme Court.

If there was an easy out, it would have been found.

This was blatant racial discrimination.
I have yet to see evidence of Republicans making racial slurs and specifically setting regulations that are considered by clear definition racist.

View attachment 87083

Also, didn't the Obama administration try to go after the promotions of fire fighters in Connecticut because not enough African Americans passed the test? You want to talk about using race, whatever happened to aquirinh a promotion based on your "abilities"? After all, they all took the exact same promotion exam.

We also know about the legacy hiring of firemen in Connecticut and elsewhere. The test is just a device to keep "others" out. The legacy candidates already have the answers to the questions some of which have no bearing on the duties of firemen.Getting the answers is easy when your Dad, brothers and uncles have been firemen for generations and they supply you with the answers. Keep it in the family by any means necessary1

1. 7 workers out of how many? LOL!!

2. The test was selected by the liberal town council. There was never any allegation that the test contained bias. This was blatant anti-white discrimination.

That you lefties support it, shows that you are the racists..

I'll let those on scene professionals who investigated this matter objectively speak for me:
Think You’re Smarter Than Slate’s Copy Chief? Find Out With This Week’s News Quiz.

The consulting company that the city hired to write the exams based them on interviews with officers and the chief of the New Haven department, job questionnaires, and 1,200 pages of reading material. The reading was later announced along with the date of the test, giving applicants a sense of what they should study. But Tinney says that white firefighters had access to this information earlier—through a "network"of friends, family, instructors of the extra training courses they'd taken, and connections at testing companies. If he's right, it's a subtle form of advantage.
Correll does not understand Nat's very clear and correct point.

You know, my friend, sometimes I just want to simply give up on some dimwitted right wingers like Correll and others....but then I come across smarter, saner and fairer poster like yourself, and.................well, .here I am......,
1. Germany does not pay the same wages as China or INdia, and yet has TWICE the rate of manufacturing jobs we do. Your assumption that those jobs have to pay shit is unsupported.

2. If Germany can have a healthy manufacturing sector then so can we.

BTW, moron...we can NEVER compete with German manufacturing since we are NOT willing to have FREE HEALTH CARE, and FREE EDUCATION, factors that contribute to higher taxes BUT wages where a worker does not have to worry about health care or how his/her kids can afford an education.

Smarten up...Read, educate yourself and stop showing what an ignorant lout you are.
Do you rely on your over inflated portfolio?
I have yet to see evidence of Republicans making racial slurs and specifically setting regulations that are considered by clear definition racist.

View attachment 87083

Also, didn't the Obama administration try to go after the promotions of fire fighters in Connecticut because not enough African Americans passed the test? You want to talk about using race, whatever happened to aquirinh a promotion based on your "abilities"? After all, they all took the exact same promotion exam.

We also know about the legacy hiring of firemen in Connecticut and elsewhere. The test is just a device to keep "others" out. The legacy candidates already have the answers to the questions some of which have no bearing on the duties of firemen.Getting the answers is easy when your Dad, brothers and uncles have been firemen for generations and they supply you with the answers. Keep it in the family by any means necessary1

1. 7 workers out of how many? LOL!!

2. The test was selected by the liberal town council. There was never any allegation that the test contained bias. This was blatant anti-white discrimination.

That you lefties support it, shows that you are the racists..

I'll let those on scene professionals who investigated this matter objectively speak for me:
Think You’re Smarter Than Slate’s Copy Chief? Find Out With This Week’s News Quiz.

The consulting company that the city hired to write the exams based them on interviews with officers and the chief of the New Haven department, job questionnaires, and 1,200 pages of reading material. The reading was later announced along with the date of the test, giving applicants a sense of what they should study. But Tinney says that white firefighters had access to this information earlier—through a "network"of friends, family, instructors of the extra training courses they'd taken, and connections at testing companies. If he's right, it's a subtle form of advantage.

The case went to the Supreme Court. The city and it's lawyers had years and plenty of motivation to find any excuse for their behavior.

They did not claim that the white firefighters cheated.

Disparate Impact puts the onus on the employer or the school to always have equal representation of blacks and browns despite all reasons., or to face a lawsuit where they have to prove their innocence at great expense.

THis effectively demands a quota system and blatant anti-white discrimination.

YOur side is the racist side.
Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

Blacks have been going with the liberals' plans and agenda for more than 50 years... and have been losing every time.

Trump's point is well taken.
I have yet to see evidence of Republicans making racial slurs and specifically setting regulations that are considered by clear definition racist.

View attachment 87083

So you are basing your view on a commentary opinion. Yet if someone were to ask what did Trump specifically say in a speech that led to the conclusion that Kerry should be hanged or that all Muslims don't deserve to be citizens, the response would be? What? Because the writer of the article believes it to be so? You have a lot to learn about facts my friend.

If I were to follow your example I'm sure I can find an opinion that equates Obama's words of "Americans are clinging to their guns and religion", to mean he IS against religion, against faith based organizations, and wants to abolish the second amendment. When you look at politics today, especially presidential races in particular, reporters are going to skew what's actually said to fit to their particular view of a candidate... and don't tell me that's not going on. You have to be a real idiot to think that there aren't any reporters that carry a preconceived view towards an unfavored candidate. Any good writer with an unbiased opinion will not hesitate to at least interject a direct unedited quote as a point of reference to which the reader can render their own opinion woth respect to its accuracy.

Also, didn't the Obama administration try to go after the promotions of fire fighters in Connecticut because not enough African Americans passed the test? You want to talk about using race, whatever happened to aquirinh a promotion based on your "abilities"? After all, they all took the exact same promotion exam.

We also know about the legacy hiring of firemen in Connecticut and elsewhere. The test is just a device to keep "others" out. The legacy candidates already have the answers to the questions some of which have no bearing on the duties of firemen.Getting the answers is easy when your Dad, brothers and uncles have been firemen for generations and they supply you with the answers. Keep it in the family by any means necessary1

So you are saying every foreman (without exception) that does well on a promotions exam, could ONLY pass it if they have a relative on the inside that has been there before them? Again, what are you basing your information on specifically? All I'm really seeing here is mere conjecture on your part.
Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

Blacks have been going with the liberals' plans and agenda for more than 50 years... and have been losing every time.

Trump's point is well taken.

Like any "snake oil" salesman, Trump will have a few takers, but the vastmajority will simply say, "no thanks"....
(but you knew that already, didn't you?)
Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

Blacks have been going with the liberals' plans and agenda for more than 50 years... and have been losing every time.

Trump's point is well taken.

Like any "snake oil" salesman, Trump will have a few takers, but the vastmajority will simply say, "no thanks"....
(but you knew that already, didn't you?)

This time around.

BUt if he wins, and his policies have the likely effect of increasing jobs and wages for the working class.

And Trump would be the one to LOUDLY point that out to black american come re-election time...

THat is what is really scaring you lefties.
Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

Blacks have been going with the liberals' plans and agenda for more than 50 years... and have been losing every time.

Trump's point is well taken.

Like any "snake oil" salesman, Trump will have a few takers, but the vastmajority will simply say, "no thanks"....
(but you knew that already, didn't you?)

Why should the dindu nuffins leave the dem plantation....they get all they need for a vote
The founders understood quite well that times would change and the necessity to change the Constitution, however they also knew how dangerous it was for us to do so willy nilly as the Democrats have done
The founders allowed for amendments to facilitate change but they had no idea about the nature of those changes.Question: What willy nilly changes to the Constitution have been done by the Democrats?

Our founders understood that evil would lurk us such as Socialism, Communism, or some other dictator form of government that wishes to takeover this great nation.
I don't think any of those ideologies existed back then. Their angst was pitted against the monarchy of England. They seemed bent on discouraging one here.

But here we are 19 trillion dollars in debt and growing. It would never be this way had we just adhered to their words back when the union was formed.

What words were those?

In fact if we limited our spending only to what was outlined in the Constitution, not only would we be debt free, but taxes would be much lower and we'd probably have a surplus if anything.
Where does it limit spending in the Constitution? Before you answer consider that wars cost money as does policing the world!

They also understood the tragedy of the public becoming dependent on the federal government. Yet look at us today. Well more than half of our population is.
Why do you think the founders understood that?

Why do you think the founders understood that?

Because they were quite aware of what a massive federal government does to liberty. It's why they instituted States Rights. It's also why there are no federal social programs listed in the Constitution.

Yes, times have changed, but the concept was never though of. They could have had things like Cash for Carriages, or free firewood, perhaps a more antique version of HUD with free log cabin homes, or even subsidize farmers to give away free food to the poor instead of SNAP's. But again, never a consideration.

Where does it limit spending in the Constitution? Before you answer consider that wars cost money as does policing the world!

Consider that our federal leaders are charged with the protection of this country according to the US Constitution. You can't protect this country with muskets and cannons waiting along our borders for invaders. It takes million dollar bombs and missiles, the highest technology, and massive transportation for our solders and equipment to other countries. And if you don't want to be the world police, then others will be glad to take that job, so think about who has nearly our kind of power to do so.

What our government is to spend money on is in our US Constitution. If it's not a limitation and our founders wanted the federal government to spend on whatever they desired, then what was the point of listing what they were TO spend money on?

What words were those?

Just to give you one: "I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

I don't think any of those ideologies existed back then. Their angst was pitted against the monarchy of England. They seemed bent on discouraging one here.

No, I believe they were worried about all kinds of tyrants no matter what their government beliefs or systems are called today.

The founders allowed for amendments to facilitate change but they had no idea about the nature of those changes.Question: What willy nilly changes to the Constitution have been done by the Democrats?

Don't have time for the entire laundry list, but we'll just start with affirmative action. It's reverse discrimination and violates equal protection under the law. The Supreme Court had to overturn all kinds of regulations against the Second Amendment that various states incorporated by Democrats. Then of course there are other things like abortion and the non-existant Separation of Church and State where the words appear nowhere in the document. Hate Crimes? Those are extra penalties given to a person that violates a potential Democrat voter (gays, minorities) and again, a violation of equal protection under the law.
Stop the stupid bullshit......

You morons want blacks to work for the same wages as a Chinese or Indian worker gets?.....
Or ship blacks to the onion fields of CA and work for $50 per week??

How TRULY stupid you and your fellow morons must be in your brand of "social and economic engineering"......

Trump is the charlatan and you are the patsy if you think that "manufacturing" jobs can simply return to the states....Thatship has long sailed.

And the only way you can get the black unemployed to pick your tomatoes or repair your roof would be to be willing to pay for a pound of tomatoes what would cost you to fill up your car.

STOP being morons.....

Your stereotypes only work for a small fraction of foreign job stealers. They are in nearly all industries including lawn care, construction, machining, maintenance and so on.

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