Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

The recent history of the Democratic Party has shown that it delivered on things that matter to people like Social Security, 40 hr work week, higher bay, collective bargaining, Medicare, Medicaid, and opportunity for all. what has the GOP done for me lately except cry about any sending done to facilitate those things. But the GOP doesn't mind spending money on other countries or on policing the world.

And as a liberal, I'm sure you think this is what our founders formed a federal government for.
I am liberal on some issues and conservative on others.But regarding your query, I am sure that some tedious historians have picked through letters and other documents to arrive at some nebulous conclusion about what the founders intended when they formed a more perfect union, and, I have probably heard or read those hunches. Whatever they were I have long forgotten them because they seemed to be little more than contrivances designed to support some modern hidden agenda.

My personal opinion is that these times in which we now live are quite different from the days of Washington and Jefferson. I don't know if they could have foreseen this far into the future and even imagined their rag tag 13 colonies would become the greatest nation on earth. But , I think that greatness emanates from a vibrant middle class. The GOP believes it comes from giant corporative power and oligarchy.
Did You see his 30 minute speech in Wisconsin where he addressed the issue concerning respectible African Americans who wish to live in a community in peace?

Yes I DID see that speech, but had a hard time finding ONE black face in that audience......Perhaps Trump actually thought that he was delivering his speech before the NAACP...or maybe it was really intended for a white audience.What do you think?

Perhaps it was an issue that effects more than just a black audience, but an understanding that there are also respectable black individuals held captive by the violence in their own continuity. All the media shows is the vandalism and the looting that occurrs among blacks in the cities, without addressing or realizing that the black community makes up so much more than that, and they deserve the same opportunities to build a successful life ... and dreams of a small business ... within their own community. Rather than look at the city as a loss, reaching out to address the need to reduce crime by stating there are children who also should be given the same opportunities as whites in going to school in peace without the threat of violence and drug crimes. Shouldn't we have a leader that addresses the issues of what the black community faces to more than just African Americans, to create a bigger understanding and break the stereotypes that blacks are really only capable of looting committing violent crime in metropolitan areas?

Like Trump, you seem to believe that we all live in poverty and live hopeless lives. Not only is that false, it's insulting.

Trump isn't talking to Black people .. he's talking at Black people .. not sure you recognize the difference. Mr. Birther is talking to potential white supporters, not Black people. His audiences even when he pretends to be talking to Black people are overwhelmingly white.

Trump is going to do what about the violence and terrorism of police? .. Not a damn thing. You may not think this is a problem, but you aren't Black, don't hold our perspectives on the issue. Clinton not only addresses that issue, she's going to be aggressive in doing something effective about it.

All Trump offers is slogans, meme, and insulting rhetoric .. and Blacks will not fall for that nonsense without specifics they way his lemming followers have done.

It is fun watching him flop around with this though. :0)

Where in the world so you get Trump recognizing there are respectable Aftican Americans who are trying to start their own business in metropolitan areas, children who want to go to school safe without having to deal with the threat of gun violence. If you think that was a stab at me thinking all African Americans live in poverty, first .... get your head out of your ass!!! No where in my response did I come close to saying all black people live in poverty, and I'm not catering to any sympathy victim card. He was addressing the need to the need to make the cities safe and not using the cops (as Hillary does) to divide America. If you believe he was talking AT black people it's perhaps due to the fact you want to blame "others" from the high murder rate due to gang violence, or the drug dealing that's associated with crime.

At least there is a candidate willing to address the issue and bring attention to the violence, and gangs that make it harder for responsible adults who want to seek a better life for themselves and perhaps start a personal business. Maybe the issue really is, you are bothered by the negative message surrounding a group of arsonists and looters and call it first amendment rights? If so, I'm sorry to say that's not a protest, that's criminal activity, and there is NO excuse you could possibly give to burn someone else's business or vandalize. That is not protected speech under the first amendment!

Check this out dude .. you go vote for who you want to vote for and I'll do the same.

I don't need anyone from an all white party telling me shit about who I choose to vote for.

Why the fuck do you care about who we vote for in the first place .. other than republicans NEED our votes .. which is the only reason you're talking to me about black people voting.

It's NEVER going to happen. Republicans made this bed .. now go lie in it.

I don't care who you vote for. If you want to see a hypocrit play the race card look at those from the left when an African American decides to run for office under the Republican ticket. All we have seen from the Democrat words of hate from those who don't share their ideological view of government .. they use race as a tool when they don't get their way and create the division that's found in America today. All one has to do is listen to their rhetoric when they are trying to force their legislative ideological view of government. Those under their party are usually found pointing fingers criticizing and dividing people by their social status, an individual's faith, or race (if they happen to feel they are running for the wrong party). Why would I support a party that uses division to create policy, that will only attend a disasterous circumstance when there is a legislative opportunity to be gained?
I am liberal on some issues and conservative on others.But regarding your query, I am sure that some tedious historians have picked through letters and other documents to arrive at some nebulous conclusion about what the founders intended when they formed a more perfect union, and, I have probably heard or read those hunches. Whatever they were I have long forgotten them because they seemed to be little more than contrivances designed to support some modern hidden agenda.

My personal opinion is that these times in which we now live are quite different from the days of Washington and Jefferson. I don't know if they could have foreseen this far into the future and even imagined their rag tag 13 colonies would become the greatest nation on earth. But , I think that greatness emanates from a vibrant middle class. The GOP believes it comes from giant corporative power and oligarchy.

The founders understood quite well that times would change and the necessity to change the Constitution, however they also knew how dangerous it was for us to do so willy nilly as the Democrats have done. This is why we can't legally change the Constitution by a simple majority. Our founders understood that evil would lurk us such as Socialism, Communism, or some other dictator form of government that wishes to takeover this great nation.

But here we are 19 trillion dollars in debt and growing. It would never be this way had we just adhered to their words back when the union was formed. In fact if we limited our spending only to what was outlined in the Constitution, not only would we be debt free, but taxes would be much lower and we'd probably have a surplus if anything. They also understood the tragedy of the public becoming dependent on the federal government. Yet look at us today. Well more than half of our population is.
But then they got to take the bus twice? Just to make you feel better? Lol

No, simply to make it a bit more difficult on them. The public is less likely to support such programs when we witness these abuses right in front of our eyes. We become less empathetic even to those that might actually need such programs. I'm one of those people.

And maybe if those people had to take two trips on the bus, they might have to make a choice whether to use their own money and buy everything they want or need, or take two trips just to use food stamps. Of course it's a ridiculous argument. In every case of food stamp usage I witnessed, I never seen anybody climb on a bus with their groceries. Usually they enter vehicles much nicer than mine like a newer model SUV that gets half the gas mileage as my little Toyota Camry.
1. No ones crying over a cigarette tax. If a poor person smokes they can't be that broke $6 a pack.

2. Coal is bad. Green energy

3. Poor people have healthcare now. They better vote. Democrats don't let poor people down, poor people let Democrats down by not voting. Rich Republicans vote every 2 yrs. Poor people every 4. Don't vote don't matter

4 Fuck osu. Go msu & u of m

Well thank you for supporting my point: Democrats don't care about the poor, only when Republicans make suggestions like having them pay some sort of income tax. Because if they had to pay income tax, they would be less supportive of the Democrat party when they want to spend like drunken sailors.

Instead, Democrats take the roll of Robin Hood by stealing money from people that have it and giving it to those who don't. Those who don't have it have no problem taking that money and could care less about our spending. If they had to pay more taxes because of that spending, you would see how fast that wasteful spending would stop.
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1. No ones crying over a cigarette tax. If a poor person smokes they can't be that broke $6 a pack.

2. Coal is bad. Green energy

3. Poor people have healthcare now. They better vote. Democrats don't let poor people down, poor people let Democrats down by not voting. Rich Republicans vote every 2 yrs. Poor people every 4. Don't vote don't matter

4 Fuck osu. Go msu & u of m

Well thank you for supporting my point: Democrats don't care about the poor, only when Republicans make suggestions like having them pay some sort of income tax. Because if they had to pay income tax, they would be less supportive of the Democrat party when they want to spend like drunken sailors.

Instead, Democrats take the roll of Robin Hood by stealing money from people that have it and giving it to those who don't. Those who don't have it have no problem taking that money and could care less about our spending. If they had to pay more taxes because of that spending, you would see how fast that wasteful spending would stop.
Yea, we don't care about the poor, other than being concerned they have enough money to live, affordable healthcare and housing, clean air to breath, safe jobs, social security, safe streets, good schools,etc.

Besides that we don't care
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???
Republicans have always said," how are we racist" and we've told them their policies are racist. They never seem to understand this.

But now trump just said hillary is a bigot because her policies are bigoted.

What does this tell me? It tells me all these years Republicans understood what we were saying because now they are trying to use our arguments against us.

Same way they're trying to flip flop on sending good paying jobs overseas. Now Republicans want to bring those jobs back home. Never mind those jobs will now only pay $10 hr.
And as a liberal, I'm sure you think this is what our founders formed a federal government for.

There is no doubt in my mind, that you being the ultimate conman , will not take advantage of ANY of those benefits brought to you by democrats.

It would blow your mind to have Medicare..right?
you don't have health insurance, now the feds will keep your income tax refund check which many poor and middle-class depended on to payoff bills.

But when it comes to income tax, no way do these poor people have the money.

You really are a wack job. On the one hand you HATE it that the working poor get back ALL taxes paid plus some. Thanks to that great Republican program called the EITC. You hate that.

But above you are worried that the working poor won't get their big refund. Which they use to pay bills.

You a wack job dude. Bounced around in a truck cab to long. Or your dad dropped a brick on your head. Who knows why you are crazy. Republican I guess.
Whats moronic is blacks blindly voting for the party of slavery:slap:
If Blacks were blindly voting for the party of slavery that would be moronic. But Blacks aren't voting blindly, their eyes are wide open.
and they know those old democratic slavers in the south are all dead now. They also kow that northern democrats killed a lot of those democrat slavers during the Civil War. Todays democrats behave more like the old Northern Democrats known as WAR Democrats.
Your shackles of soft bigotry of low expectations are more devastating to blacks than any physical chains of slavery you liberals ever used....

The Black community isn't "devastated." And the Democratic Party is the vehicle that drives Black progress and that of everyone else who isn'a a right wing White male bigot.With only two real choices RW White males have aligned themselves on one side and the rest of us have been forced to join the diametrically opposing Party just to get and keep basic CIVIL RIGHTS.

You're on the side that looks down on black people..They're too dumb to vote ...they cant make it without government assistance. Give them a chance. Get them out of those failing schools they are stuck in. Let them choose were they send there kids..You're a funny guy really:slap:

We're choosing whom we want to vote for.

Why do you have a problem with our right to choose who we want to vote for.

The Republican Party is basically all white. who in the Hell believes that we would / could / should vote for an all white political party that's full of racists?
it seems you have a problem with thinking which means you're a follower like sheep.:slap:
You're on the side that looks down on black people..They're too dumb to vote ...they cant make it without government assistance. Give them a chance. Get them out of those failing schools they are stuck in. Let them choose were they send there kids..You're a funny guy really:slap:

We're choosing whom we want to vote for.

Why do you have a problem with our right to choose who we want to vote for.

The Republican Party is basically all white. who in the Hell believes that we would / could / should vote for an all white political party that's full of racists?
You answered yourself in your post....but the democrat plantation made you too stupid to realize it....

But thanks for proving our point.....

The ONLY point here is that the Black vote is critical, and 90% of Black voters will vote for Clinton. Trump will top out at about 3% of that vote.

You stupid motherfuckers can talk that 'plantation' bullshit all day long and it won't make one iota of difference .. you're still going to lose.

Republicans NEED our votes .. not going to happen.

Reward our friends, punish our enemies.

Thanks again.
Yes, the plantation is indeed a sad, voiceless place.....

You seem to celebrate your punishment....we just laugh at you, as we opened the gates years ago

You laughing .. you're begging .. I'm laughing :lol: You and the rest of the racist morons here are BEGGING Black people to vote for Trump.

Voiceless? Your punk ass is hearing us loud and clear .. which is why you retarded fucks are here BEGGING.

Two months to oblivion for the all white party. :0)

How about you complete a thought without using profanity nobody begging for anything some are asking people like you to think.."Pink" .."All white"..We all bleed red genius:slap:
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

For the record, it was Hillary Clinton who started the Birther movement back in 2008. And to your other point, Blacks have voted Democrat since 1964 and they are worse off now than ever. In your personal life, how long do you stick with a losing proposition?

Would you like to compare what Blacks have accomplished under democrats compared to what was accomplished when the majority of us were voting for republicans? :0) Be my guest.

We didn't even have basic human rights under republicans
.. but don't let that stop you from comparing.

Really? Maybe you should learn some history. you know any history?:dunno:
Wrong .. it indicates what republicans did not do for their black constituents. RW gumpies love to ask what have democrats done for black people .. but when you ask what have republicans done .. crickets.

SHORTLY after the majority of Black people started voting for democrats .. Civil Rights legislation was authored and passed.

Both parties have corruption .. it's the American way of governance .. but one party is FAR better at inclusion of non-white Americans than the other.

What right wingers REFUSE to acknowledge is that black voters have rewarded the party that HAS tried (and sometime succeeded and sometimes failed) to enact legislation that would help blacks.....While REJECTING the party that has done NOTHING for them Trump has stated......."what the hell do you have to lose".

Couldn't agree with you more good brother.
Blacks just need to stay on the plantation.....its easier and simple to live in shit.......

Thanks .. you help make the argument that the Republican Party is full of racists just like you .. which makes all this whining about who Black people vote for quite silly.

Thanks again.
We don't whine.....just ask a question...blacks whine all the time about government's all you care about. And keep voting for a party that keeps you in poverty since they brought you here......and you think you should be taken seriously?

:0) Who gives a fuck about what a moron takes seriously? You must be joking.

Your dumb ass isn't even smart enough to know that Trump is playing you for a fool .. :0) just another business opportunity. You're too dumb to know that even though most republicans know that.

Have you seen me asking you RW idiots for anything on this board in all the years I've been here?

Start from here .. you don't have shit I want or need. Don't need you politically. Again, you don't have shit .. just an increasingly powerless all white party full of racists just like you.

You dummies can't even help yourselves .. how are you going to help Black people? :lol: you must be joking.


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