trump wants Pence investigated for refusing to overturn his 2020 election loss

repubs did well in the 2020 election....picking up seats in the House. But trump NOW the entire election was fraudulent? The truth is....Baby trump cannot admit he lost.
This has always been the giant hole in the republican narrative.

The democrats cheated so much but somehow forgot that there were thousands of other elections that needed 'fixing.'

Aside from the utter lack of evidence of cheating, utter lack of hard examples of irregularities, the failure of the Trump administration to even bring fraud to the courts and the several examples found of Trump supports cheating the core of the narrative itself does not even make sense.
This has always been the giant hole in the republican narrative.

The democrats cheated so much but somehow forgot that there were thousands of other elections that needed 'fixing.'

Aside from the utter lack of evidence of cheating, utter lack of hard examples of irregularities, the failure of the Trump administration to even bring fraud to the courts and the several examples found of Trump supports cheating the core of the narrative itself does not even make sense.
Ah yes, you're own link shows your deception.

He was saying America would lead the way in the 21st ventury, including curing cancer, diabetes, alzheimer's, etc.

So yeah, yer a liar.
You got bitch slapped with video proof punk! Smacked. Gut punched. Thrown to the ground and dirt kicked in your face.
Why are you bothering to repost your drivel again?

It has all been refuted and you have failed to even acknowledge the hundreds of times it has been done. You convince no one, those that already believe do so with a religious fervor that would persist no matter what was presented to them. They would reject Jesus himself if he descended from the sky and told them the election was utterly kosher (ya, that is on purpose :D )

So, to be quite direct, take your bullshit and fuck off with it. Those of us with a brain are no longer interested in your idiocy. Maybe GG will play with you some more, he still has some patience left for the terminal idiots here.
Why are you bothering to repost your drivel again?

It has all been refuted and you have failed to even acknowledge the hundreds of times it has been done. You convince no one, those that already believe do so with a religious fervor that would persist no matter what was presented to them. They would reject Jesus himself if he descended from the sky and told them the election was utterly kosher (ya, that is on purpose :D )

So, to be quite direct, take your bullshit and fuck off with it. Those of us with a brain are no longer interested in your idiocy. Maybe GG will play with you some more, he still has some patience left for the terminal idiots here.
No way has it been refuted. All it has been is denied by proven liars. Your are just one of those liars.
Actually in all the cases, they never really made any cases of fraudulent votes. The Trump teams repeatedly reputiated that they were making those arguments.
They had to, the courts would not play ball by accepting outright lies.

It is pretty telling when you say one thing and then walk over to the courts and say the exact opposite on the same day. AND THEY DO NOT CARE!

It is absolutely amazing.

Republicans, the number one reason to vote democrat!

If only the democrats would pull their heads out of their asses for one damn minute as the best reason to vote republican also happens to be... democrats.
This has always been the giant hole in the republican narrative.

The democrats cheated so much but somehow forgot that there were thousands of other elections that needed 'fixing.'

Aside from the utter lack of evidence of cheating, utter lack of hard examples of irregularities, the failure of the Trump administration to even bring fraud to the courts and the several examples found of Trump supports cheating the core of the narrative itself does not even make sense.
You can't bring "massive voter fraud" to the court when there is none....and the enabler....Barr agreed. So, stop lying and move on. The repub party cannot win if they keep pandering the the Liar in Chief.
Did you miss the recent court cases in PA and WI regarding the election?
A repub in Penn of has been appealed and the more people that vote...the more likely Dems win. The repub MO is to keep people from voting...especially the poor, black, and disadvantaged.
You can't bring "massive voter fraud" to the court when there is none....and the enabler....Barr agreed. So, stop lying and move on. The repub party cannot win if they keep pandering the the Liar in Chief.
No one cares that you keep denying the obvious. You lose more people every day as more and more comes out. Do you honestly think you will get away with this? That is not going to happen.
A machine cannot read what is not there. Ballots without serial numbers were counted in AZ.
If it doesn’t read one, it doesn’t count it. It is rejected. AZ was the most scrutinized and found that Biden won.
Those ballots were duplicated by election workers because the original was somehow flawed. There is no suggestion of impropriety.

Your Americanlibertyemail is of low character like yourself.
If it doesn’t read one, it doesn’t count it. It is rejected. AZ was the most scrutinized and found that Biden won.

Your Americanlibertyemail is of low character like yourself.
They were not rejected, they were adjudicated by corrupt poll workers and were counted. Attacking the source means you got nothing but the narrative which everyone knows is a lie.
They were not rejected, they were adjudicated by corrupt poll workers and were counted. Attacking the source means you got nothing but the narrative which everyone knows is a lie.
Rejected by the machine, dope. They could not be read by the machine because they were somehow flawed. They had to be duplicated on a different ballot. Nothing about that suggests impropriety.

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