Trump wants to build an “impenetrable dome” over the US to protect against nuke attacks

Lol he said an impenetrable shield as well. He definitely means that literally. He’s fucking stupid.
I bet Trump thinks it's like the roof at the Astrodome. Of course Trump could push the button to close it from incoming threats.
There really is no shortage of moronic, childish ideas from Trump’s mouth, but this is just hysterical. It might just top them all lol

How does anyone take him seriously as an adult? This is something a 4th grader would come up with.

Lol, I guess you all are batting 1000 for twisting words and fabricating stories. Trump never said he was going to build an impenetrable dome over the US. He’s talking about the iron dome defense missile system, he even mentions it as the system we helped develop for Israel.
Cliff notes of the former moron in chief.
  • No one said the n word (nuclear) under Trump but they are saying it now
  • Missiles are bad
  • WW3 would be a catastrophe
  • WW3 would make 1 & 2 look…. small
  • Military leaders on TV aren’t leaders
  • We are gonna build a dome! Like Israel!
  • Space force is vital! So important what I did.
  • No wars we had no wars…no one wants to play games and mess with Trump
Not really... marginal at best... and ONLY within your own universe... now, take into account the millions of Independents and Reagan Democrats.

You cannot win without them... the White Vote is split between (R) and (D) and you cannot win without the Indies and Reagan (D)s.. and they will not vote for Trump.

The object of the exercise is not to obtain the Republican nomination... the objective is to re-take the White House... and you can no longer do that with Trump.

You don't have the numbers... but you damned fools will probably run him again and condemn us all to another four years of Democratic idiocy.


Ya gotta love liberals telling conservatives how they should vote.:auiqs.jpg:
He is talking about a missle defense system not an actual physical dome but you already knew that.

Yeah, and we can build it better, for whatever range needed….
Except that we can’t. Missile accuracy is based upon the distance. If Russia launches a nuclear missile, there is no mechanism that would be able to target something speeding towards us thousands of miles away.
Lol, I guess you all are batting 1000 for twisting words and fabricating stories. Trump never said he was going to build an impenetrable dome over the US. He’s talking about the iron dome defense missile system, he even mentions it as the system we helped develop for Israel.
I'm sure Bibi told him all about it.
There really is no shortage of moronic, childish ideas from Trump’s mouth, but this is just hysterical. It might just top them all lol

How does anyone take him seriously as an adult? This is something a 4th grader would come up with.

Mindless lil wants any such zone to be penetrable. Lil is a brainless turd
Ya gotta love liberals telling conservatives how they should vote.:auiqs.jpg:
You're not a Conservative, you're a right-wing Rumpian cult-follower...

Me, I'm about as much of a Liberal as Atilla the Hun...

Give me a candidate worth a damn, who is not going to try to seize and hold onto power, and I'll vote Republican again...

As will millions of REAL Republicans, and Independents, and Reagan Democrats...

But you retards are too simpleminded to do anything but play in the shallow end of the political spectrum.
You're not a Conservative, you're a right-wing Rumpian cult-follower...

Me, I'm about as much of a Liberal as Atilla the Hun...

Give me a candidate worth a damn, who is not going to try to seize and hold onto power, and I'll vote Republican again...

As will millions of REAL Republicans, and Independents, and Reagan Democrats.
Sure. 🙄
You're not a Conservative, you're a right-wing Rumpian cult-follower...

Me, I'm about as much of a Liberal as Atilla the Hun...

Give me a candidate worth a damn, who is not going to try to seize and hold onto power, and I'll vote Republican again...

As will millions of REAL Republicans, and Independents, and Reagan Democrats.

So you love some RINOs.
Lol Trump is too stupid for metaphors. It’s that simple.
We’ll, I don’t know his intellect level, but I can read, and his words are talking about the iron dome system. He even makes reference to it.

I get it though, I understand. The right takes jabs at Biden, so it’s only fair that you all take jabs at trump.
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Except that we can’t. Missile accuracy is based upon the distance. If Russia launches a nuclear missile, there is no mechanism that would be able to target something speeding towards us thousands of miles away.
?? We have missile systems that can hit targets thousands of miles away. It’s not like a point and shoot style system. We have electronic guidance systems that are very accurate, even at long ranges. They have even developed laser systems that can bring down missiles just using heat energy.

I’m pretty sure we have the technology to shoot down traditional middles and ICBM’s. Now hypersonic missles, that may be a different story. Maybe we should get to work on developing a system to intercept those….

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