Trump was a big part of bringing South Korea and North Korea together

I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
It has a lot to do Chinese pressure and sanctions. That all this happened after Trump started efforts to resolve the enduring problem. There a new sheriff in town cowpoke.

Y'all can decide for yourselves how much he had to do with that, but trying to make it seem like his being an internet tough guy is the reason is absurd.
There were many factors resulting in improved relations between North and South Korea but the fact the USA had an unbalanced, crazy, megalomaniac as President played a factor.
The vast majority of what Trump does is detrimental to the USA but in the case of North Korea, Trump being an idiot may have helped.
When Trump was elected President, Kim Jong Un was no longer the most unstable, crazy, impulsive, idiotic leader on the world stage.
I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
It has a lot to do Chinese pressure and sanctions. That all this happened after Trump started efforts to resolve the enduring problem. There a new sheriff in town cowpoke.

Y'all can decide for yourselves how much he had to do with that, but trying to make it seem like his being an internet tough guy is the reason is absurd.
There were many factors resulting in improved relations between North and South Korea but the fact the USA had an unbalanced, crazy, megalomaniac as President played a factor.
The vast majority of what Trump does is detrimental to the USA but in the case of North Korea, Trump being an idiot may have helped.
When Trump was elected President, Kim Jong Un was no longer the most unstable, crazy, impulsive, idiotic leader on the world stage.
mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way.
"Stella went crazy and assaulted a visitor" ·
"a crazy grin"
mad · insane · out of one's mind · deranged · demented · not in one's right mind · crazed · lunatic · non compos mentis · unbalanced · unhinged · unstable · disturbed · distracted ·
mad as a hatter · mad as a March hare · stark mad · sectionable · mental · off one's head · out of one's head · off one's nut · nutty · nutty as a fruitcake · off one's rocker · not (quite) right in the head · round the bend · raving mad · stark staring/raving mad · bats · batty · bonkers · cuckoo · loopy · loony · bananas · loco · dippy · screwy · with a screw loose · touched · gaga · doolally · up the pole · not all there · off the wall · out to lunch · not right upstairs · away with the fairies · barmy · crackers · barking · barking mad · round the twist · off one's trolley · as daft as a brush · not the full shilling · one sandwich short of a picnic · buggy · nutsy · nutso · out of one's tree · meshuga · squirrelly · wacko · gonzo · bushed · yarra · porangi

Please use the other names in your posts to make it seem as like your story line has a little change in the wording on how you hate Trump.
I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
It has a lot to do Chinese pressure and sanctions. That all this happened after Trump started efforts to resolve the enduring problem. There a new sheriff in town cowpoke.

Y'all can decide for yourselves how much he had to do with that, but trying to make it seem like his being an internet tough guy is the reason is absurd.
"Internet tough guy" are your words. They are also vacuous and a silly attempt to put words in the mouths of others.

Grow up snowflake.
A Trump supporter using the term vacuous is the height of irony. Vacuous is the definition of Trump supporters and Trump.
vacuous defined as having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless.
"a vacuous smile"
synonyms: silly, inane, unintelligent, insipid, foolish, stupid, fatuous, idiotic, brainless, witless, vapid, vacant, empty-headed;
I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
It has a lot to do Chinese pressure and sanctions. That all this happened after Trump started efforts to resolve the enduring problem. There a new sheriff in town cowpoke.

Y'all can decide for yourselves how much he had to do with that, but trying to make it seem like his being an internet tough guy is the reason is absurd.
There were many factors resulting in improved relations between North and South Korea but the fact the USA had an unbalanced, crazy, megalomaniac as President played a factor.
The vast majority of what Trump does is detrimental to the USA but in the case of North Korea, Trump being an idiot may have helped.
When Trump was elected President, Kim Jong Un was no longer the most unstable, crazy, impulsive, idiotic leader on the world stage.
mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way.
"Stella went crazy and assaulted a visitor" ·
"a crazy grin"
mad · insane · out of one's mind · deranged · demented · not in one's right mind · crazed · lunatic · non compos mentis · unbalanced · unhinged · unstable · disturbed · distracted ·
mad as a hatter · mad as a March hare · stark mad · sectionable · mental · off one's head · out of one's head · off one's nut · nutty · nutty as a fruitcake · off one's rocker · not (quite) right in the head · round the bend · raving mad · stark staring/raving mad · bats · batty · bonkers · cuckoo · loopy · loony · bananas · loco · dippy · screwy · with a screw loose · touched · gaga · doolally · up the pole · not all there · off the wall · out to lunch · not right upstairs · away with the fairies · barmy · crackers · barking · barking mad · round the twist · off one's trolley · as daft as a brush · not the full shilling · one sandwich short of a picnic · buggy · nutsy · nutso · out of one's tree · meshuga · squirrelly · wacko · gonzo · bushed · yarra · porangi

Please use the other names in your posts to make it seem as like your story line has a little change in the wording on how you hate Trump.
This is a vacuous post from a vacuous person.
I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
It has a lot to do Chinese pressure and sanctions. That all this happened after Trump started efforts to resolve the enduring problem. There a new sheriff in town cowpoke.

Y'all can decide for yourselves how much he had to do with that, but trying to make it seem like his being an internet tough guy is the reason is absurd.
There were many factors resulting in improved relations between North and South Korea but the fact the USA had an unbalanced, crazy, megalomaniac as President played a factor.
The vast majority of what Trump does is detrimental to the USA but in the case of North Korea, Trump being an idiot may have helped.
When Trump was elected President, Kim Jong Un was no longer the most unstable, crazy, impulsive, idiotic leader on the world stage.
mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way.
"Stella went crazy and assaulted a visitor" ·
"a crazy grin"
mad · insane · out of one's mind · deranged · demented · not in one's right mind · crazed · lunatic · non compos mentis · unbalanced · unhinged · unstable · disturbed · distracted ·
mad as a hatter · mad as a March hare · stark mad · sectionable · mental · off one's head · out of one's head · off one's nut · nutty · nutty as a fruitcake · off one's rocker · not (quite) right in the head · round the bend · raving mad · stark staring/raving mad · bats · batty · bonkers · cuckoo · loopy · loony · bananas · loco · dippy · screwy · with a screw loose · touched · gaga · doolally · up the pole · not all there · off the wall · out to lunch · not right upstairs · away with the fairies · barmy · crackers · barking · barking mad · round the twist · off one's trolley · as daft as a brush · not the full shilling · one sandwich short of a picnic · buggy · nutsy · nutso · out of one's tree · meshuga · squirrelly · wacko · gonzo · bushed · yarra · porangi

Please use the other names in your posts to make it seem as like your story line has a little change in the wording on how you hate Trump.
This is a vacuous post from a vacuous person.
It has a lot to do Chinese pressure and sanctions. That all this happened after Trump started efforts to resolve the enduring problem. There a new sheriff in town cowpoke.

Y'all can decide for yourselves how much he had to do with that, but trying to make it seem like his being an internet tough guy is the reason is absurd.
There were many factors resulting in improved relations between North and South Korea but the fact the USA had an unbalanced, crazy, megalomaniac as President played a factor.
The vast majority of what Trump does is detrimental to the USA but in the case of North Korea, Trump being an idiot may have helped.
When Trump was elected President, Kim Jong Un was no longer the most unstable, crazy, impulsive, idiotic leader on the world stage.
mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way.
"Stella went crazy and assaulted a visitor" ·
"a crazy grin"
mad · insane · out of one's mind · deranged · demented · not in one's right mind · crazed · lunatic · non compos mentis · unbalanced · unhinged · unstable · disturbed · distracted ·
mad as a hatter · mad as a March hare · stark mad · sectionable · mental · off one's head · out of one's head · off one's nut · nutty · nutty as a fruitcake · off one's rocker · not (quite) right in the head · round the bend · raving mad · stark staring/raving mad · bats · batty · bonkers · cuckoo · loopy · loony · bananas · loco · dippy · screwy · with a screw loose · touched · gaga · doolally · up the pole · not all there · off the wall · out to lunch · not right upstairs · away with the fairies · barmy · crackers · barking · barking mad · round the twist · off one's trolley · as daft as a brush · not the full shilling · one sandwich short of a picnic · buggy · nutsy · nutso · out of one's tree · meshuga · squirrelly · wacko · gonzo · bushed · yarra · porangi

Please use the other names in your posts to make it seem as like your story line has a little change in the wording on how you hate Trump.
This is a vacuous post from a vacuous person.
A weak response. Can you not do better than this?
I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
It has a lot to do Chinese pressure and sanctions. That all this happened after Trump started efforts to resolve the enduring problem. There a new sheriff in town cowpoke.

Y'all can decide for yourselves how much he had to do with that, but trying to make it seem like his being an internet tough guy is the reason is absurd.
"Internet tough guy" are your words. They are also vacuous and a silly attempt to put words in the mouths of others.

Grow up snowflake.
A Trump supporter using the term vacuous is the height of irony. Vacuous is the definition of Trump supporters and Trump.
vacuous defined as having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless.
"a vacuous smile"
synonyms: silly, inane, unintelligent, insipid, foolish, stupid, fatuous, idiotic, brainless, witless, vapid, vacant, empty-headed;
A weak response. Can you not do better than this?
I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
It has a lot to do Chinese pressure and sanctions. That all this happened after Trump started efforts to resolve the enduring problem. There a new sheriff in town cowpoke.

Y'all can decide for yourselves how much he had to do with that, but trying to make it seem like his being an internet tough guy is the reason is absurd.
"Internet tough guy" are your words. They are also vacuous and a silly attempt to put words in the mouths of others.

Grow up snowflake.
A Trump supporter using the term vacuous is the height of irony. Vacuous is the definition of Trump supporters and Trump.
vacuous defined as having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless.
"a vacuous smile"
synonyms: silly, inane, unintelligent, insipid, foolish, stupid, fatuous, idiotic, brainless, witless, vapid, vacant, empty-headed;
A weak response. Can you not do better than this?
My response to meathead absolutely kicked his ass.
Meathead was flummoxed by my response and he did not know how to respond. He ended up copying one of my witty, clever responses.
Meathead wishes he were me but he will never be me; not even close.
North Korea doubled down after Trump’s nonsense. Maybe he gets credit for NK working so hard to defy him and speed up their ambitions, that they literally nuked themselves.

They did none of the sort. Behind the mask, NK was trembling.
Yeah that’s why they fired missiles over Japan for the 1st time ever and continued testing their nukes :rolleyes:

Until they blew up their program, that is. And now they appeal to their neighbors for help controlling the leaking fallout.

You may be confused.

The pressure Trump on them worked.

Trump told the Chinese they had better get their boy under control or else he was going to significantly shut down trade.

Noticed how everything has changed sine Rocket Boy took his little train trip to China?

Trump is a great President. he knows how to get things done, unlike that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama.
Trump scared the crap out of North Korea. They thought this guy is so unstable and crazy he may start a nuclear war.

That is Trump's style on everything, intimidate, bully, disrespect, threaten until you get what you want. It may have worked on North Korea and other issues but the style wears thin with most. He will not make it through his 1st term.
He has a track record of building and the destroying organizations through his style. The destruction is represented by multiple bankruptcies.

Just look at all the idiots that thought when Reagan deployed the Pershing II missiles in Europe that it would intimidate and "disrespect" the Soviets but it worked.

American Left Wing criticism of strength is always comical.

American Libtards like the Obama chickenshit foreign policy agenda better.

When libs are screaming like banshees over foreign policy, it means its working in our favor.
The answer was more "strategic patience" worked so well for previous leaders.................NOT.................

The US has always had the strength. What turned the tables was for the US to have a President crazier and more unstable than the leader of North Korea.

We haven’t looked strong for decades. We have acted like wimps on the world stage since Vietnam.
Denial is a state of mind for liberals............

Their Hate of Trump runs deep...........even with good news.........with caution............they still can't stop hating anything Trump Does........or deflect that he did anything at all..............

Their mission is clear..............Destroy Trump by any means or illegal..........Never seen such BS in all my life.
I'm not a Democrat.
I hate Trump.

I hate all fascists.
Oh..........your a NEVER TRUMPER.................

Who the hell cares what you think............
I'm not a #NeverTrump Republican either; although I tend to like such people. I am a libertarian-left independent with a family history that includes the Nazi occupation of Norway. For that reason, among others, I studied fascism in general, Nazism in particular, and the psychology of how they perpetrated their evil in detail.

So I hate Trump for all the right reasons.

The answer was more "strategic patience" worked so well for previous leaders.................NOT.................

The US has always had the strength. What turned the tables was for the US to have a President crazier and more unstable than the leader of North Korea.

We haven’t looked strong for decades. We have acted like wimps on the world stage since Vietnam.
Strength is one thing; having a crazy man in charge of the strength is what brought North Korea to the table. North Korea assumed a rational US President would never use nukes. They look at Trump is not rational.
The answer was more "strategic patience" worked so well for previous leaders.................NOT.................

The US has always had the strength. What turned the tables was for the US to have a President crazier and more unstable than the leader of North Korea.

We haven’t looked strong for decades. We have acted like wimps on the world stage since Vietnam.
Strength is one thing; having a crazy man in charge of the strength is what brought North Korea to the table. North Korea assumed a rational US President would never use nukes. They look at Trump is not rational.

If that is what you want to believe, Trump would be very unlikely use a nuclear option, he knows the fallout would be catastrophic. The way North Korea thinks is just a guess on your part, however they know that Trump will do what he needs to do to protect US interests, and unlike the past several Presidents, they believe he will follow through with sanctions, bombings and force. I also think North Korea is falling behind in many technologies and needs to normalize relations with the rest of the world to grow and prosper.
The answer was more "strategic patience" worked so well for previous leaders.................NOT.................

The US has always had the strength. What turned the tables was for the US to have a President crazier and more unstable than the leader of North Korea.

We haven’t looked strong for decades. We have acted like wimps on the world stage since Vietnam.
Strength is one thing; having a crazy man in charge of the strength is what brought North Korea to the table. North Korea assumed a rational US President would never use nukes. They look at Trump is not rational.

If that is what you want to believe, Trump would be very unlikely use a nuclear option, he knows the fallout would be catastrophic. The way North Korea thinks is just a guess on your part, however they know that Trump will do what he needs to do to protect US interests, and unlike the past several Presidents, they believe he will follow through with sanctions, bombings and force. I also think North Korea is falling behind in many technologies and needs to normalize relations with the rest of the world to grow and prosper.
I don’t reply to fools, morons, or idiots.
Trump may have played a role, but not as important as China.

Keep in mind Kim Jong Un recently visited China. China has more interest in denuclearization because a nuclear war could send radiation straight to a highly populated area which includes Beijing.
poor old bastard - living in a pretend world being the President he can take credit for anything but WORLD CHAMPION LIAR.

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