Trump was a big part of bringing South Korea and North Korea together

It didn't work for Dump either. Fortunately, North Korea destroyed its own nuclear program by accident. Or unfortunately, depending on how bad the fallout leakage is.
Does it really matter, obama sucked little Kim Genitalia...
Trump called Kimmy "very honorable." Until Trump, no President had ever legitimized North Korea's murderous regime.
Like I said obama did nothing... There would be no trump if there was no Obama
There would be no Trump if not for a lot more significant reasons. One being how absolutely retarded you morons are. He got national attention for saying Obama was an illegal immigrant, and you all cheered. He thinks you all are so stupid, he did it again with Lyin' Ted Cruz, and you all ate it up, voted against Cruz, and booed him off the stage at your convention. This is a fake quote, but is absolutely accurate:

I did not vote for trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
That being said, he is infinitely a better candidate/person then Hildabeast is. We don’t want anymore stinking Clinton’s.
Elections have consequences buddy and you You guys voted Obama into office now you are paying the price for that piece of shit being in the office. Karma is a bitch...
Obama scared the crap out of incompetent white men. Obama represented that people were judged by their capabilities not the color of your skin or their gender. Incompetent old white men feel that is not fair. They made their last stand through electing Trump. But Trump will be their last stand. The younger generation will bring sanity back to the USA.
Does it really matter, obama sucked little Kim Genitalia...
Trump called Kimmy "very honorable." Until Trump, no President had ever legitimized North Korea's murderous regime.
Like I said obama did nothing... There would be no trump if there was no Obama
There would be no Trump if not for a lot more significant reasons. One being how absolutely retarded you morons are. He got national attention for saying Obama was an illegal immigrant, and you all cheered. He thinks you all are so stupid, he did it again with Lyin' Ted Cruz, and you all ate it up, voted against Cruz, and booed him off the stage at your convention. This is a fake quote, but is absolutely accurate:

I did not vote for trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
That being said, he is infinitely a better candidate/person then Hildabeast is. We don’t want anymore stinking Clinton’s.
Elections have consequences buddy and you You guys voted Obama into office now you are paying the price for that piece of shit being in the office. Karma is a bitch...
Obama scared the crap out of incompetent white men. Obama represented that people were judged by their capabilities not the color of your skin or their gender. Incompetent old white men feel that is not fair. They made their last stand through electing Trump. But Trump will be their last stand. The younger generation will bring sanity back to the USA.
Actually Obama is only half black you silly little fella…

The fact remains Obama is a hate filled racist shit stain...
Trump was a big part of bringing South Korea and North Korea together.
Trump is such a loose cannon,crazy man, idiot, he scared the hell out of both Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-In.
Both decided they better solve their problems before the US did something crazy.

Trump makes Kim Jong Un seem like a rational leader.

And he scared the hell out kim without ever gunning down people with anti aircraft artillery.
Trump is scaring the hell out of most of the world and most people in the US.
Trump cannot lead through respect so he gains his leverage through scaring people.
That is how he leads his staff, the US government, the US population and the rest of the world.
There is nothing about Trump to respect and he knows it. That is why he lies and cheats and threatens to scare people.
Trump was a big part of bringing South Korea and North Korea together.
Trump is such a loose cannon,crazy man, idiot, he scared the hell out of both Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-In.
Both decided they better solve their problems before the US did something crazy.

Trump makes Kim Jong Un seem like a rational leader.

And he scared the hell out kim without ever gunning down people with anti aircraft artillery.
Trump is scaring the hell out of most of the world and most people in the US.
Trump cannot lead through respect so he gains his leverage through scaring people.
That is how he leads his staff, the US government, the US population and the rest of the world.
There is nothing about Trump to respect and he knows it. That is why he lies and cheats and threatens to scare people.
Career politicians have been doing that for many decades, all they do is lie and deceive. Like I’ve always said I did not vote for Trump but he is certainly better than the alternative. He just isn’t a two faced shit stain like Obama was... And the most repugnant people on the planet are the Clintons
Trump called Kimmy "very honorable." Until Trump, no President had ever legitimized North Korea's murderous regime.
Like I said obama did nothing... There would be no trump if there was no Obama
There would be no Trump if not for a lot more significant reasons. One being how absolutely retarded you morons are. He got national attention for saying Obama was an illegal immigrant, and you all cheered. He thinks you all are so stupid, he did it again with Lyin' Ted Cruz, and you all ate it up, voted against Cruz, and booed him off the stage at your convention. This is a fake quote, but is absolutely accurate:

I did not vote for trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
That being said, he is infinitely a better candidate/person then Hildabeast is. We don’t want anymore stinking Clinton’s.
Elections have consequences buddy and you You guys voted Obama into office now you are paying the price for that piece of shit being in the office. Karma is a bitch...
Obama scared the crap out of incompetent white men. Obama represented that people were judged by their capabilities not the color of your skin or their gender. Incompetent old white men feel that is not fair. They made their last stand through electing Trump. But Trump will be their last stand. The younger generation will bring sanity back to the USA.
Actually Obama is only half black you silly little fella…

The fact remains Obama is a hate filled racist shit stain...
Trump called Kimmy "very honorable." Until Trump, no President had ever legitimized North Korea's murderous regime.
Like I said obama did nothing... There would be no trump if there was no Obama
There would be no Trump if not for a lot more significant reasons. One being how absolutely retarded you morons are. He got national attention for saying Obama was an illegal immigrant, and you all cheered. He thinks you all are so stupid, he did it again with Lyin' Ted Cruz, and you all ate it up, voted against Cruz, and booed him off the stage at your convention. This is a fake quote, but is absolutely accurate:

I did not vote for trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
That being said, he is infinitely a better candidate/person then Hildabeast is. We don’t want anymore stinking Clinton’s.
Elections have consequences buddy and you You guys voted Obama into office now you are paying the price for that piece of shit being in the office. Karma is a bitch...
Obama scared the crap out of incompetent white men. Obama represented that people were judged by their capabilities not the color of your skin or their gender. Incompetent old white men feel that is not fair. They made their last stand through electing Trump. But Trump will be their last stand. The younger generation will bring sanity back to the USA.
Actually Obama is only half black you silly little fella…

The fact remains Obama is a hate filled racist shit stain...
"Actually Obama is only half black you silly little fella…"
That is a very stupid statement from a person who judges people on race.
Obama represents that the color of your skin DOES NOT MATTER.It does not matter if you are brown, black, white, male, female, half black, whatever. You are judged on capabilities, ethics and morality.
Like I said obama did nothing... There would be no trump if there was no Obama
There would be no Trump if not for a lot more significant reasons. One being how absolutely retarded you morons are. He got national attention for saying Obama was an illegal immigrant, and you all cheered. He thinks you all are so stupid, he did it again with Lyin' Ted Cruz, and you all ate it up, voted against Cruz, and booed him off the stage at your convention. This is a fake quote, but is absolutely accurate:

I did not vote for trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
That being said, he is infinitely a better candidate/person then Hildabeast is. We don’t want anymore stinking Clinton’s.
Elections have consequences buddy and you You guys voted Obama into office now you are paying the price for that piece of shit being in the office. Karma is a bitch...
Obama scared the crap out of incompetent white men. Obama represented that people were judged by their capabilities not the color of your skin or their gender. Incompetent old white men feel that is not fair. They made their last stand through electing Trump. But Trump will be their last stand. The younger generation will bring sanity back to the USA.
Actually Obama is only half black you silly little fella…

The fact remains Obama is a hate filled racist shit stain...
Like I said obama did nothing... There would be no trump if there was no Obama
There would be no Trump if not for a lot more significant reasons. One being how absolutely retarded you morons are. He got national attention for saying Obama was an illegal immigrant, and you all cheered. He thinks you all are so stupid, he did it again with Lyin' Ted Cruz, and you all ate it up, voted against Cruz, and booed him off the stage at your convention. This is a fake quote, but is absolutely accurate:

I did not vote for trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
That being said, he is infinitely a better candidate/person then Hildabeast is. We don’t want anymore stinking Clinton’s.
Elections have consequences buddy and you You guys voted Obama into office now you are paying the price for that piece of shit being in the office. Karma is a bitch...
Obama scared the crap out of incompetent white men. Obama represented that people were judged by their capabilities not the color of your skin or their gender. Incompetent old white men feel that is not fair. They made their last stand through electing Trump. But Trump will be their last stand. The younger generation will bring sanity back to the USA.
Actually Obama is only half black you silly little fella…

The fact remains Obama is a hate filled racist shit stain...
"Actually Obama is only half black you silly little fella…"
That is a very stupid statement from a person who judges people on race.
Obama represents that the color of your skin DOES NOT MATTER.It does not matter if you are brown, black, white, male, female, half black, whatever. You are judged on capabilities, ethics and morality.
Actually I do get it, im a American Indian that really sees no real racism in this country. But then again I’m not politically correct…

I’m not looking to control people I disagree with, I guess that’s just the libertarian in me
Trump called Kimmy "very honorable." Until Trump, no President had ever legitimized North Korea's murderous regime.

Trump is working to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and ending the Korean War and all you stupid Moon Bats can do is bitch about Trump.

It is like you morons bitching about his tax cuts. All Americans got reduced tax rates and most Americans got an increase in deductions that results in less taxes and you idiots still bitch about it.

Your mindless hate Trump obsession makes you look like a fool.

Grow up Moon Bat!
I am giving him credit but being honest what he did to bring North Korea and South Korea to the table. He was a crazy, unstable loud mouth. But it worked.
North Korea doubled down after Trump’s nonsense. Maybe he gets credit for NK working so hard to defy him and speed up their ambitions, that they literally nuked themselves.

They did none of the sort. Behind the mask, NK was trembling.
Yeah that’s why they fired missiles over Japan for the 1st time ever and continued testing their nukes :rolleyes:

Until they blew up their program, that is. And now they appeal to their neighbors for help controlling the leaking fallout.

You may be confused.

The pressure Trump on them worked.

Trump told the Chinese they had better get their boy under control or else he was going to significantly shut down trade.

Noticed how everything has changed sine Rocket Boy took his little train trip to China?

Trump is a great President. he knows how to get things done, unlike that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama.
There would be no Trump if not for a lot more significant reasons. One being how absolutely retarded you morons are. He got national attention for saying Obama was an illegal immigrant, and you all cheered. He thinks you all are so stupid, he did it again with Lyin' Ted Cruz, and you all ate it up, voted against Cruz, and booed him off the stage at your convention. This is a fake quote, but is absolutely accurate:

I did not vote for trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
That being said, he is infinitely a better candidate/person then Hildabeast is. We don’t want anymore stinking Clinton’s.
Elections have consequences buddy and you You guys voted Obama into office now you are paying the price for that piece of shit being in the office. Karma is a bitch...
Obama scared the crap out of incompetent white men. Obama represented that people were judged by their capabilities not the color of your skin or their gender. Incompetent old white men feel that is not fair. They made their last stand through electing Trump. But Trump will be their last stand. The younger generation will bring sanity back to the USA.
Actually Obama is only half black you silly little fella…

The fact remains Obama is a hate filled racist shit stain...
There would be no Trump if not for a lot more significant reasons. One being how absolutely retarded you morons are. He got national attention for saying Obama was an illegal immigrant, and you all cheered. He thinks you all are so stupid, he did it again with Lyin' Ted Cruz, and you all ate it up, voted against Cruz, and booed him off the stage at your convention. This is a fake quote, but is absolutely accurate:

I did not vote for trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
That being said, he is infinitely a better candidate/person then Hildabeast is. We don’t want anymore stinking Clinton’s.
Elections have consequences buddy and you You guys voted Obama into office now you are paying the price for that piece of shit being in the office. Karma is a bitch...
Obama scared the crap out of incompetent white men. Obama represented that people were judged by their capabilities not the color of your skin or their gender. Incompetent old white men feel that is not fair. They made their last stand through electing Trump. But Trump will be their last stand. The younger generation will bring sanity back to the USA.
Actually Obama is only half black you silly little fella…

The fact remains Obama is a hate filled racist shit stain...
"Actually Obama is only half black you silly little fella…"
That is a very stupid statement from a person who judges people on race.
Obama represents that the color of your skin DOES NOT MATTER.It does not matter if you are brown, black, white, male, female, half black, whatever. You are judged on capabilities, ethics and morality.
Actually I do get it, im a American Indian that really sees no real racism in this country. But then again I’m not politically correct…

I’m not looking to control people I disagree with, I guess that’s just the libertarian in me
So explain to me what you meant when you said "Actually Obama is only half black you silly little fella…"
Trump is working to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and ending the Korean War and all you stupid Moon Bats can do is bitch about Trump.

It is like you morons bitching about his tax cuts. All Americans got reduced tax rates and most Americans got an increase in deductions that results in less taxes and you idiots still bitch about it.

Your mindless hate Trump obsession makes you look like a fool.

Grow up Moon Bat!
I am giving him credit but being honest what he did to bring North Korea and South Korea to the table. He was a crazy, unstable loud mouth. But it worked.
North Korea doubled down after Trump’s nonsense. Maybe he gets credit for NK working so hard to defy him and speed up their ambitions, that they literally nuked themselves.

They did none of the sort. Behind the mask, NK was trembling.
Yeah that’s why they fired missiles over Japan for the 1st time ever and continued testing their nukes :rolleyes:

Until they blew up their program, that is. And now they appeal to their neighbors for help controlling the leaking fallout.

You may be confused.

The pressure Trump on them worked.

Trump told the Chinese they had better get their boy under control or else he was going to significantly shut down trade.

Noticed how everything has changed sine Rocket Boy took his little train trip to China?

Trump is a great President. he knows how to get things done, unlike that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama.
Trump scared the crap out of North Korea. They thought this guy is so unstable and crazy he may start a nuclear war.

That is Trump's style on everything, intimidate, bully, disrespect, threaten until you get what you want. It may have worked on North Korea and other issues but the style wears thin with most. He will not make it through his 1st term.
He has a track record of building and the destroying organizations through his style. The destruction is represented by multiple bankruptcies.
I am giving him credit but being honest what he did to bring North Korea and South Korea to the table. He was a crazy, unstable loud mouth. But it worked.
North Korea doubled down after Trump’s nonsense. Maybe he gets credit for NK working so hard to defy him and speed up their ambitions, that they literally nuked themselves.

They did none of the sort. Behind the mask, NK was trembling.
Yeah that’s why they fired missiles over Japan for the 1st time ever and continued testing their nukes :rolleyes:

Until they blew up their program, that is. And now they appeal to their neighbors for help controlling the leaking fallout.

You may be confused.

The pressure Trump on them worked.

Trump told the Chinese they had better get their boy under control or else he was going to significantly shut down trade.

Noticed how everything has changed sine Rocket Boy took his little train trip to China?

Trump is a great President. he knows how to get things done, unlike that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama.
Trump scared the crap out of North Korea. They thought this guy is so unstable and crazy he may start a nuclear war.

That is Trump's style on everything, intimidate, bully, disrespect, threaten until you get what you want. It may have worked on North Korea and other issues but the style wears thin with most. He will not make it through his 1st term.
He has a track record of building and the destroying organizations through his style. The destruction is represented by multiple bankruptcies.

Just look at all the idiots that thought when Reagan deployed the Pershing II missiles in Europe that it would intimidate and "disrespect" the Soviets but it worked.

American Left Wing criticism of strength is always comical.

American Libtards like the Obama chickenshit foreign policy agenda better.
Denial is a state of mind for liberals............

Their Hate of Trump runs deep...........even with good news.........with caution............they still can't stop hating anything Trump Does........or deflect that he did anything at all..............

Their mission is clear..............Destroy Trump by any means or illegal..........Never seen such BS in all my life.
I'm not a Democrat.
I hate Trump.

I hate all fascists.
Oh..........your a NEVER TRUMPER.................

Who the hell cares what you think............
I'm not a #NeverTrump Republican either; although I tend to like such people. I am a libertarian-left independent with a family history that includes the Nazi occupation of Norway. For that reason, among others, I studied fascism in general, Nazism in particular, and the psychology of how they perpetrated their evil in detail.

So I hate Trump for all the right reasons.
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone........plenty of accomplishments............and now denial HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS..............

It's all BS...........Libertarian to you stand on the 10th...........
Are you surprised that Trump is being attacked by everyone? That is what happens when Trump viciously attacks everyone who does not agree with him.
He took down all of the Republican nominees through vicious, childish, unethical attacks without any regard for the truth. That is what he does in everything he does in life.
Unless you stand up to Trump's attacks with strength, equal to his viciousness, he will trample on you. The Republicans found that out, a majority of his political appointees have found out. The world and his political opponents are figuring out how to battle him and win.
He WON because he doesn't care about PC.........He's no angel but he's getting things done.........He beat career politicians because the people are fed up with Career politicians..........their lobbyist and doing the bidding of those who hand them money. The American people rolled the dice because the career politicians and their Dynasties suck.........

That is why he won.............and he didn't do it pulling punches.....

In regards to N. Korea..............he went forward and said you will stop firing missiles at our Allies and threaten us OR ELSE.............He went to China and said we aren't kidding........China put pressure on Jong and even embargoed good to N. Korea to send a message................And now they are at the table........

You say.........TRUMPS CRAZY.............because he dared to tell it like it is......Stop threatening Guam or I'm gonna take your dang nuclear sites OUT..............That is GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY..........and whether you like it or not it is WORKING. Take some drugs or something.......might help you with your TDS.
TDS is strong with the left and Never Trumpers.........What is going on in Korea can be a very good thing.........No matter how it turns out.........they are gonna bitch and moan like always........

I am hopeful..........that this is the real deal..........It's better for Korea.........and the World........and I thank Trump for pressing the issue...........WELL DONE.
I'm not a Democrat.
I hate Trump.

I hate all fascists.
Oh..........your a NEVER TRUMPER.................

Who the hell cares what you think............
I'm not a #NeverTrump Republican either; although I tend to like such people. I am a libertarian-left independent with a family history that includes the Nazi occupation of Norway. For that reason, among others, I studied fascism in general, Nazism in particular, and the psychology of how they perpetrated their evil in detail.

So I hate Trump for all the right reasons.
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone........plenty of accomplishments............and now denial HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS..............

It's all BS...........Libertarian to you stand on the 10th...........
Are you surprised that Trump is being attacked by everyone? That is what happens when Trump viciously attacks everyone who does not agree with him.
He took down all of the Republican nominees through vicious, childish, unethical attacks without any regard for the truth. That is what he does in everything he does in life.
Unless you stand up to Trump's attacks with strength, equal to his viciousness, he will trample on you. The Republicans found that out, a majority of his political appointees have found out. The world and his political opponents are figuring out how to battle him and win.
He WON because he doesn't care about PC.........He's no angel but he's getting things done.........He beat career politicians because the people are fed up with Career politicians..........their lobbyist and doing the bidding of those who hand them money. The American people rolled the dice because the career politicians and their Dynasties suck.........

That is why he won.............and he didn't do it pulling punches.....

In regards to N. Korea..............he went forward and said you will stop firing missiles at our Allies and threaten us OR ELSE.............He went to China and said we aren't kidding........China put pressure on Jong and even embargoed good to N. Korea to send a message................And now they are at the table........

You say.........TRUMPS CRAZY.............because he dared to tell it like it is......Stop threatening Guam or I'm gonna take your dang nuclear sites OUT..............That is GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY..........and whether you like it or not it is WORKING. Take some drugs or something.......might help you with your TDS.

I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
Oh..........your a NEVER TRUMPER.................

Who the hell cares what you think............
I'm not a #NeverTrump Republican either; although I tend to like such people. I am a libertarian-left independent with a family history that includes the Nazi occupation of Norway. For that reason, among others, I studied fascism in general, Nazism in particular, and the psychology of how they perpetrated their evil in detail.

So I hate Trump for all the right reasons.
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone........plenty of accomplishments............and now denial HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS..............

It's all BS...........Libertarian to you stand on the 10th...........
Are you surprised that Trump is being attacked by everyone? That is what happens when Trump viciously attacks everyone who does not agree with him.
He took down all of the Republican nominees through vicious, childish, unethical attacks without any regard for the truth. That is what he does in everything he does in life.
Unless you stand up to Trump's attacks with strength, equal to his viciousness, he will trample on you. The Republicans found that out, a majority of his political appointees have found out. The world and his political opponents are figuring out how to battle him and win.
He WON because he doesn't care about PC.........He's no angel but he's getting things done.........He beat career politicians because the people are fed up with Career politicians..........their lobbyist and doing the bidding of those who hand them money. The American people rolled the dice because the career politicians and their Dynasties suck.........

That is why he won.............and he didn't do it pulling punches.....

In regards to N. Korea..............he went forward and said you will stop firing missiles at our Allies and threaten us OR ELSE.............He went to China and said we aren't kidding........China put pressure on Jong and even embargoed good to N. Korea to send a message................And now they are at the table........

You say.........TRUMPS CRAZY.............because he dared to tell it like it is......Stop threatening Guam or I'm gonna take your dang nuclear sites OUT..............That is GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY..........and whether you like it or not it is WORKING. Take some drugs or something.......might help you with your TDS.

I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
Good Luck with your TDS.
I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
It has a lot to do Chinese pressure and sanctions. That all this happened after Trump started efforts to resolve the enduring problem. There a new sheriff in town cowpoke.
I'm not a #NeverTrump Republican either; although I tend to like such people. I am a libertarian-left independent with a family history that includes the Nazi occupation of Norway. For that reason, among others, I studied fascism in general, Nazism in particular, and the psychology of how they perpetrated their evil in detail.

So I hate Trump for all the right reasons.
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone........plenty of accomplishments............and now denial HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS..............

It's all BS...........Libertarian to you stand on the 10th...........
Are you surprised that Trump is being attacked by everyone? That is what happens when Trump viciously attacks everyone who does not agree with him.
He took down all of the Republican nominees through vicious, childish, unethical attacks without any regard for the truth. That is what he does in everything he does in life.
Unless you stand up to Trump's attacks with strength, equal to his viciousness, he will trample on you. The Republicans found that out, a majority of his political appointees have found out. The world and his political opponents are figuring out how to battle him and win.
He WON because he doesn't care about PC.........He's no angel but he's getting things done.........He beat career politicians because the people are fed up with Career politicians..........their lobbyist and doing the bidding of those who hand them money. The American people rolled the dice because the career politicians and their Dynasties suck.........

That is why he won.............and he didn't do it pulling punches.....

In regards to N. Korea..............he went forward and said you will stop firing missiles at our Allies and threaten us OR ELSE.............He went to China and said we aren't kidding........China put pressure on Jong and even embargoed good to N. Korea to send a message................And now they are at the table........

You say.........TRUMPS CRAZY.............because he dared to tell it like it is......Stop threatening Guam or I'm gonna take your dang nuclear sites OUT..............That is GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY..........and whether you like it or not it is WORKING. Take some drugs or something.......might help you with your TDS.

I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
Good Luck with your TDS.

Yeah having multiple brain cells is pretty nice. You should look into it.
I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
It has a lot to do Chinese pressure and sanctions. That all this happened after Trump started efforts to resolve the enduring problem. There a new sheriff in town cowpoke.

Y'all can decide for yourselves how much he had to do with that, but trying to make it seem like his being an internet tough guy is the reason is absurd.
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone........plenty of accomplishments............and now denial HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS..............

It's all BS...........Libertarian to you stand on the 10th...........
Are you surprised that Trump is being attacked by everyone? That is what happens when Trump viciously attacks everyone who does not agree with him.
He took down all of the Republican nominees through vicious, childish, unethical attacks without any regard for the truth. That is what he does in everything he does in life.
Unless you stand up to Trump's attacks with strength, equal to his viciousness, he will trample on you. The Republicans found that out, a majority of his political appointees have found out. The world and his political opponents are figuring out how to battle him and win.
He WON because he doesn't care about PC.........He's no angel but he's getting things done.........He beat career politicians because the people are fed up with Career politicians..........their lobbyist and doing the bidding of those who hand them money. The American people rolled the dice because the career politicians and their Dynasties suck.........

That is why he won.............and he didn't do it pulling punches.....

In regards to N. Korea..............he went forward and said you will stop firing missiles at our Allies and threaten us OR ELSE.............He went to China and said we aren't kidding........China put pressure on Jong and even embargoed good to N. Korea to send a message................And now they are at the table........

You say.........TRUMPS CRAZY.............because he dared to tell it like it is......Stop threatening Guam or I'm gonna take your dang nuclear sites OUT..............That is GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY..........and whether you like it or not it is WORKING. Take some drugs or something.......might help you with your TDS.

I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
Good Luck with your TDS.

Yeah having multiple brain cells is pretty nice. You should look into it.
Meanwhile...............they are having talks in Korea that could be good for the World.............doesn't mean it will be peachy means they are talking and possibilities are there that could be good.

Brought to you by your President......who you hate........Continue whining. You've been whining for almost 2 years now.......were getting used to it.
Trump should be awarded the peace prize. A president that actually achieved something... Winner!
I'd be willing to bet these developments have less to do with Trump himself and more to do with sanctions and other things we have little awareness of. Trump's twitter tirades did nothing.
It has a lot to do Chinese pressure and sanctions. That all this happened after Trump started efforts to resolve the enduring problem. There a new sheriff in town cowpoke.

Y'all can decide for yourselves how much he had to do with that, but trying to make it seem like his being an internet tough guy is the reason is absurd.
"Internet tough guy" are your words. They are also vacuous and a silly attempt to put words in the mouths of others.

Grow up snowflake.

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