Trump was a big part of bringing South Korea and North Korea together

Trump was a big part of bringing South Korea and North Korea together.
Trump is such a loose cannon,crazy man, idiot, he scared the hell out of both Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-In.
Both decided they better solve their problems before the US did something crazy.

Trump makes Kim Jong Un seem like a rational leader.

Calling him Lil Rocket Man brought him to his knees
I'm not a #NeverTrump Republican either; although I tend to like such people. I am a libertarian-left independent with a family history that includes the Nazi occupation of Norway. For that reason, among others, I studied fascism in general, Nazism in particular, and the psychology of how they perpetrated their evil in detail.

So I hate Trump for all the right reasons.
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone........plenty of accomplishments............and now denial HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS..............

It's all BS...........Libertarian to you stand on the 10th...........
Last point first: we talk far too little in this country about the 10th (& 9th for that matter) amendment. I live in a state where we made weed legal and it is working out well. The over reliance of federal regulation of human behavior runs contrary to liberty, and hamstrings the states in their role as the test laboratories for democracy.

And I give Trump some credit in Korea; his nutty rhetoric did bring Kim to the table. What he didn't do, and isn't likely to, is denuclearize the DPRK.

The fact is, his rhetoric on Iran undermines his (and our) ability to make reliable assurances in Korea.

I stand by this; Trump, and the 3 preceding Presidents have all undermined and weakened the US in international relations.
What you say is Nuts........I'd say is Peace thru Strength...............and yeah.......I'd say it made the neighborhood nervous..........

Either way....he's at the table and if it works its a good thing.........but no one is fully trusting Jong yet.
Nobody sane would trust Trump, given his rhetoric about the iran deal. China is the keystone actor in this, and it's unlikely even they will convince Kim to give up his nukes for good.
I said earlier that China had put pressure on Jong.........and yeah they are a major player in this.......

In regards to Iran............the deal made was a stupid one.
Why is it stupid?
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone........plenty of accomplishments............and now denial HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS..............

It's all BS...........Libertarian to you stand on the 10th...........
Last point first: we talk far too little in this country about the 10th (& 9th for that matter) amendment. I live in a state where we made weed legal and it is working out well. The over reliance of federal regulation of human behavior runs contrary to liberty, and hamstrings the states in their role as the test laboratories for democracy.

And I give Trump some credit in Korea; his nutty rhetoric did bring Kim to the table. What he didn't do, and isn't likely to, is denuclearize the DPRK.

The fact is, his rhetoric on Iran undermines his (and our) ability to make reliable assurances in Korea.

I stand by this; Trump, and the 3 preceding Presidents have all undermined and weakened the US in international relations.
What you say is Nuts........I'd say is Peace thru Strength...............and yeah.......I'd say it made the neighborhood nervous..........

Either way....he's at the table and if it works its a good thing.........but no one is fully trusting Jong yet.
Nobody sane would trust Trump, given his rhetoric about the iran deal. China is the keystone actor in this, and it's unlikely even they will convince Kim to give up his nukes for good.
I said earlier that China had put pressure on Jong.........and yeah they are a major player in this.......

In regards to Iran............the deal made was a stupid one.
Why is it stupid?
Iran has not honored it's deals before..........they have sponsored terrorism........Gave Advanced IED's to our enemies and sent our people home in body bags..........are pushing a War in Yemen as we speak............None of this was a deal in the deal.............then NO DEAL............

Handed them a bunch more money to pay for their attacks in Yemen and weapons used to kill our people.
Last point first: we talk far too little in this country about the 10th (& 9th for that matter) amendment. I live in a state where we made weed legal and it is working out well. The over reliance of federal regulation of human behavior runs contrary to liberty, and hamstrings the states in their role as the test laboratories for democracy.

And I give Trump some credit in Korea; his nutty rhetoric did bring Kim to the table. What he didn't do, and isn't likely to, is denuclearize the DPRK.

The fact is, his rhetoric on Iran undermines his (and our) ability to make reliable assurances in Korea.

I stand by this; Trump, and the 3 preceding Presidents have all undermined and weakened the US in international relations.
What you say is Nuts........I'd say is Peace thru Strength...............and yeah.......I'd say it made the neighborhood nervous..........

Either way....he's at the table and if it works its a good thing.........but no one is fully trusting Jong yet.
Nobody sane would trust Trump, given his rhetoric about the iran deal. China is the keystone actor in this, and it's unlikely even they will convince Kim to give up his nukes for good.
I said earlier that China had put pressure on Jong.........and yeah they are a major player in this.......

In regards to Iran............the deal made was a stupid one.
Why is it stupid?
Iran has not honored it's deals before..........they have sponsored terrorism........Gave Advanced IED's to our enemies and sent our people home in body bags..........are pushing a War in Yemen as we speak............None of this was a deal in the deal.............then NO DEAL............

Handed them a bunch more money to pay for their attacks in Yemen and weapons used to kill our people.
1 - The only money they got handed was their own that we had held hostage for 30 years.
2 - Iran is in compliance with THIS agreement. If failure to adhere to previous agreements were cause cancel current ones, the US is in dire straits given all the treaties we've made and broken.
3 - Abrogating the agreement means Iran can IMMEDIATELY resume high enrichment and weapons development.

It's not a perfect agreement; no multilateral diplomatic agreement ever is.

It is far better than no agreement at all.
What you say is Nuts........I'd say is Peace thru Strength...............and yeah.......I'd say it made the neighborhood nervous..........

Either way....he's at the table and if it works its a good thing.........but no one is fully trusting Jong yet.
Nobody sane would trust Trump, given his rhetoric about the iran deal. China is the keystone actor in this, and it's unlikely even they will convince Kim to give up his nukes for good.
I said earlier that China had put pressure on Jong.........and yeah they are a major player in this.......

In regards to Iran............the deal made was a stupid one.
Why is it stupid?
Iran has not honored it's deals before..........they have sponsored terrorism........Gave Advanced IED's to our enemies and sent our people home in body bags..........are pushing a War in Yemen as we speak............None of this was a deal in the deal.............then NO DEAL............

Handed them a bunch more money to pay for their attacks in Yemen and weapons used to kill our people.
1 - The only money they got handed was their own that we had held hostage for 30 years.
2 - Iran is in compliance with THIS agreement. If failure to adhere to previous agreements were cause cancel current ones, the US is in dire straits given all the treaties we've made and broken.
3 - Abrogating the agreement means Iran can IMMEDIATELY resume high enrichment and weapons development.

It's not a perfect agreement; no multilateral diplomatic agreement ever is.

It is far better than no agreement at all.
Held hostage for their role in international terrorism....and supplying enemies weapons to kill our people.

Your dang right not a perfect agreement..........Nothing on stopping their support of terrorism and actions in Yemen........

And yeah.........they will get inspectors there......with honest disclosure of what they are

Which is why N. Korea must be watched closely.
Nobody sane would trust Trump, given his rhetoric about the iran deal. China is the keystone actor in this, and it's unlikely even they will convince Kim to give up his nukes for good.
I said earlier that China had put pressure on Jong.........and yeah they are a major player in this.......

In regards to Iran............the deal made was a stupid one.
Why is it stupid?
Iran has not honored it's deals before..........they have sponsored terrorism........Gave Advanced IED's to our enemies and sent our people home in body bags..........are pushing a War in Yemen as we speak............None of this was a deal in the deal.............then NO DEAL............

Handed them a bunch more money to pay for their attacks in Yemen and weapons used to kill our people.
1 - The only money they got handed was their own that we had held hostage for 30 years.
2 - Iran is in compliance with THIS agreement. If failure to adhere to previous agreements were cause cancel current ones, the US is in dire straits given all the treaties we've made and broken.
3 - Abrogating the agreement means Iran can IMMEDIATELY resume high enrichment and weapons development.

It's not a perfect agreement; no multilateral diplomatic agreement ever is.

It is far better than no agreement at all.
Held hostage for their role in international terrorism....and supplying enemies weapons to kill our people.

Your dang right not a perfect agreement..........Nothing on stopping their support of terrorism and actions in Yemen........

And yeah.........they will get inspectors there......with honest disclosure of what they are

Which is why N. Korea must be watched closely.
No Iran deal = no inspectors.
The stupid north Koreans are sitting on a nuclear disaster inside of their test site...China is just a few hundred miles away...NK's Nuke ambitions just went bye order of the Red Army....Buuuuuaaahahahahahahaha....Trump wins again.......peace by force without a shot fired on the Korean peninsula!!!!!
Go away Obama deep state this president is doing great things.....
North Korea’s mountain nuclear test site has collapsed, putting China and other nearby nations at unprecedented risk of radioactive exposure, two separate groups of Chinese scientists studying the issue have confirmed.

he collapse after five nuclear blasts may be why North Korean leader Kim Jong-un declared on Friday that he would freeze the hermit state’s nuclear and missile tests and shut down the site, one researcher said.

The last five of Pyongyang’s six nuclear tests have all been carried out under Mount Mantap at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in North Korea’s northwest.

Chinese scientists warn North Korea about disaster threat at nuclear test site
One group of researchers found that the most recent blast tore open a hole in the mountain, which then collapsed upon itself. A second group concluded that the breakdown created a “chimney” that could allow radioactive fallout from the blast zone below to rise into the air.

A research team led by Wen Lianxing, a geologist with the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, concluded that the collapse occurred following the detonation last autumn of North Korea’s most powerful thermal nuclear warhead in a tunnel about 700 metres (2,296 feet) below the mountain’s peak.

The test turned the mountain into fragile fragments, the researchers found.

Time to educate Chinese about the nuclear threat next door

The mountain’s collapse, and the prospect of radioactive exposure in the aftermath, confirms a series of exclusive reports by the South China Morning Post on China’s fears that Pyongyang’s latest nuclear test had caused a fallout leak.

Radioactive dust could escape through holes or cracks in the damaged mountain, the scientists said.

“It is necessary to continue monitoring possible leaks of radioactive materials caused by the collapse incident,” Wen’s team said in the statement.

The findings will be published on the website of the peer-reviewed journal, Geophysical Research Letters, likely next month.

Nuke test mountain collapse may be why Kim Jong-un actually shut down site

No other news agency has confirmed this, I’ll wait until the mainstream media gives this story some merit. Even the reporter of this story is cautious about it being true.
I said earlier that China had put pressure on Jong.........and yeah they are a major player in this.......

In regards to Iran............the deal made was a stupid one.
Why is it stupid?
Iran has not honored it's deals before..........they have sponsored terrorism........Gave Advanced IED's to our enemies and sent our people home in body bags..........are pushing a War in Yemen as we speak............None of this was a deal in the deal.............then NO DEAL............

Handed them a bunch more money to pay for their attacks in Yemen and weapons used to kill our people.
1 - The only money they got handed was their own that we had held hostage for 30 years.
2 - Iran is in compliance with THIS agreement. If failure to adhere to previous agreements were cause cancel current ones, the US is in dire straits given all the treaties we've made and broken.
3 - Abrogating the agreement means Iran can IMMEDIATELY resume high enrichment and weapons development.

It's not a perfect agreement; no multilateral diplomatic agreement ever is.

It is far better than no agreement at all.
Held hostage for their role in international terrorism....and supplying enemies weapons to kill our people.

Your dang right not a perfect agreement..........Nothing on stopping their support of terrorism and actions in Yemen........

And yeah.........they will get inspectors there......with honest disclosure of what they are

Which is why N. Korea must be watched closely.
No Iran deal = no inspectors.
And a deal to get better centrifuges..............In the deal they talked about limiting the numbers.........Iran had shit tech centrifuges can get fewer that may be much higher in capability..............this will end like N. Korea ended......only a matter of time.
Why is it stupid?
Iran has not honored it's deals before..........they have sponsored terrorism........Gave Advanced IED's to our enemies and sent our people home in body bags..........are pushing a War in Yemen as we speak............None of this was a deal in the deal.............then NO DEAL............

Handed them a bunch more money to pay for their attacks in Yemen and weapons used to kill our people.
1 - The only money they got handed was their own that we had held hostage for 30 years.
2 - Iran is in compliance with THIS agreement. If failure to adhere to previous agreements were cause cancel current ones, the US is in dire straits given all the treaties we've made and broken.
3 - Abrogating the agreement means Iran can IMMEDIATELY resume high enrichment and weapons development.

It's not a perfect agreement; no multilateral diplomatic agreement ever is.

It is far better than no agreement at all.
Held hostage for their role in international terrorism....and supplying enemies weapons to kill our people.

Your dang right not a perfect agreement..........Nothing on stopping their support of terrorism and actions in Yemen........

And yeah.........they will get inspectors there......with honest disclosure of what they are

Which is why N. Korea must be watched closely.
No Iran deal = no inspectors.
And a deal to get better centrifuges..............In the deal they talked about limiting the numbers.........Iran had shit tech centrifuges can get fewer that may be much higher in capability..............this will end like N. Korea ended......only a matter of time.
Better centrifuges + inspectors = no nukes for at least 10 years
Iranian made centrifuges + no inspectors = nukes within 3-4 years, at most

The math isn't really all that complicated here.
Iran has not honored it's deals before..........they have sponsored terrorism........Gave Advanced IED's to our enemies and sent our people home in body bags..........are pushing a War in Yemen as we speak............None of this was a deal in the deal.............then NO DEAL............

Handed them a bunch more money to pay for their attacks in Yemen and weapons used to kill our people.
1 - The only money they got handed was their own that we had held hostage for 30 years.
2 - Iran is in compliance with THIS agreement. If failure to adhere to previous agreements were cause cancel current ones, the US is in dire straits given all the treaties we've made and broken.
3 - Abrogating the agreement means Iran can IMMEDIATELY resume high enrichment and weapons development.

It's not a perfect agreement; no multilateral diplomatic agreement ever is.

It is far better than no agreement at all.
Held hostage for their role in international terrorism....and supplying enemies weapons to kill our people.

Your dang right not a perfect agreement..........Nothing on stopping their support of terrorism and actions in Yemen........

And yeah.........they will get inspectors there......with honest disclosure of what they are

Which is why N. Korea must be watched closely.
No Iran deal = no inspectors.
And a deal to get better centrifuges..............In the deal they talked about limiting the numbers.........Iran had shit tech centrifuges can get fewer that may be much higher in capability..............this will end like N. Korea ended......only a matter of time.
Better centrifuges + inspectors = no nukes for at least 10 years
Iranian made centrifuges + no inspectors = nukes within 3-4 years, at most

The math isn't really all that complicated here.
If the inspectors get to see............and you missed the point.........they can get access to better ones now..........not crappy ones........more effective...

I'd rather them have 10000 crappy ones.
The NK's blew up their own nuke future....they are going to deal....Trump Wins again.....Peace on the Korean peninsula? in our lifetime? HUGE!!!!!!

but if you want Stormy news turn to cnn......
1 - The only money they got handed was their own that we had held hostage for 30 years.
2 - Iran is in compliance with THIS agreement. If failure to adhere to previous agreements were cause cancel current ones, the US is in dire straits given all the treaties we've made and broken.
3 - Abrogating the agreement means Iran can IMMEDIATELY resume high enrichment and weapons development.

It's not a perfect agreement; no multilateral diplomatic agreement ever is.

It is far better than no agreement at all.
Held hostage for their role in international terrorism....and supplying enemies weapons to kill our people.

Your dang right not a perfect agreement..........Nothing on stopping their support of terrorism and actions in Yemen........

And yeah.........they will get inspectors there......with honest disclosure of what they are

Which is why N. Korea must be watched closely.
No Iran deal = no inspectors.
And a deal to get better centrifuges..............In the deal they talked about limiting the numbers.........Iran had shit tech centrifuges can get fewer that may be much higher in capability..............this will end like N. Korea ended......only a matter of time.
Better centrifuges + inspectors = no nukes for at least 10 years
Iranian made centrifuges + no inspectors = nukes within 3-4 years, at most

The math isn't really all that complicated here.
If the inspectors get to see............and you missed the point.........they can get access to better ones now..........not crappy ones........more effective...

I'd rather them have 10000 crappy ones.
That's the thing: the only way we can insure the inspectors don't get to see is by abrogating the agreement.

Iran is in compliance with this agreement, whatever their myriad sins around the region may be. (& I won't diminish them)

& beyond that: attacking Iran would certainly cause a regional war that makes the Iraq and Afghanistan wars seem like minor squabbles in comparison, and might even start WW3. (if Russia feels they can gain territory and warm water ports by taking up the mullahs' cause)
Here's why Trump is so great. He knows what he's up against. He also knows what he can accomplish despite all of the left wing bullshit that is and will be hurled his way. They will never be happy so he just does it.

Trump Hopes to Do What Past Presidents Couldn’t in North Korea

“I think I have a responsibility,” Trump said. “I think other presidents should have done it. I think the responsibility has fallen on the shoulders of the president of the United States. I think I have a responsibility to see if I can do it.”

Trump reiterated that he is willing to “walk out” if he can’t reach a legitimate deal.
“If I can’t do it, it will be a very tough time for a lot of countries and a lot of people,” Trump said. “It certainly is something that I hope I can do for the world. This is beyond the United States. This is a world problem and it’s something I hope I’m able to do for the world.”

Trump said his meeting with Kim will be in the “coming weeks,” but declined to answer a question about whether he has spoken with him.

“We get a kick every once in a while out of the fact that I’ll be watching people that failed so badly over the last 25 years explaining to me how to make a deal with North Korea. I get a big, big kick out of that,” Trump said.

I'm sure throughout this process he'll have all of the past idiots that couldn't get it done out there throwing their two cents in. Floppy ears will probably be the loudest especially when his Iran deal is thrown in the trash.

BTW- That's one of Trumps top five funniest and accurate quotes. worked so well for previous leaders.................NOT.................

It didn't work for Dump either. Fortunately, North Korea destroyed its own nuclear program by accident. Or unfortunately, depending on how bad the fallout leakage is.
Does it really matter, obama sucked little Kim Genitalia...
Trump called Kimmy "very honorable." Until Trump, no President had ever legitimized North Korea's murderous regime.
Like I said obama did nothing... There would be no trump if there was no Obama
There would be no Trump if not for a lot more significant reasons. One being how absolutely retarded you morons are. He got national attention for saying Obama was an illegal immigrant, and you all cheered. He thinks you all are so stupid, he did it again with Lyin' Ted Cruz, and you all ate it up, voted against Cruz, and booed him off the stage at your convention. This is a fake quote, but is absolutely accurate:

I did not vote for trump, I wrote in a candidate... Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
That being said, he is infinitely a better candidate/person then Hildabeast is. We don’t want anymore stinking Clinton’s.
Elections have consequences buddy and you You guys voted Obama into office now you are paying the price for that piece of shit being in the office. Karma is a bitch...
Trump is working to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and ending the Korean War and all you stupid Moon Bats can do is bitch about Trump.
Every President did that and all you did was bitch. Luckily, NK ended up destroying its own nuke program.

Tactics matter..............a few sanctions here and there..........Your bad Jong.......bad boy........when they fire missiles towards our

Trump offered Jong a BAT named Lucille.......

Every President offered the same bat. Only one called the NK dictator "very honorable."
Obama gave a little Kim fellatio
Trump was a big part of bringing South Korea and North Korea together.
Trump is such a loose cannon,crazy man, idiot, he scared the hell out of both Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-In.
Both decided they better solve their problems before the US did something crazy.

Trump makes Kim Jong Un seem like a rational leader.

Calling him Lil Rocket Man brought him to his knees
The transgender that is little Kim cracked... lol

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