Trump was a big part of bringing South Korea and North Korea together

Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone
Yeah, because he spent the last several years and his entire Presidency attacking everyone. I hope he's miserable.
Color me shocked by your

How's Hillary's speaking tour going.......heard she speaks for cheap now. lol
Did you? I wouldn't know. I haven't had a multi-decade, crippling obsession with her.
Oh, Trump was, indeed, the catalyst that sparked the change...

Trouble is, the Chinese have dictated behaviors to their North Korean proxy, in order to eliminate the pressure of global public opinion.

Trump is being outflanked diplomatically...

The Chinese are taking the wind out of his sails...

He'll arrive all dressed-up and no place to go...

Afterwards, the Chinese (and their North Korean puppets) will..

1. Divide

2. Conquer

3. Laugh at US helicopters scrambling-away from the roof of the US Embassy in Seoul.

Y’all idiots hate Trump so much that you would rather America fail than to actually say something good about something Trump got accomplished. Fn idiots

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Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone
Yeah, because he spent the last several years and his entire Presidency attacking everyone. I hope he's miserable.
Color me shocked by your

How's Hillary's speaking tour going.......heard she speaks for cheap now. lol
Did you? I wouldn't know. I haven't had a multi-decade, crippling obsession with her.
She's a criminal...........she ever gets in a real court room she's can go.........yall never got her before.........yadda yadda yadda....

The so called trials were political Mickey Mouse courts for the public.
North Korea’s mountain nuclear test site has collapsed, putting China and other nearby nations at unprecedented risk of radioactive exposure, two separate groups of Chinese scientists studying the issue have confirmed.

he collapse after five nuclear blasts may be why North Korean leader Kim Jong-un declared on Friday that he would freeze the hermit state’s nuclear and missile tests and shut down the site, one researcher said.

The last five of Pyongyang’s six nuclear tests have all been carried out under Mount Mantap at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in North Korea’s northwest.

Chinese scientists warn North Korea about disaster threat at nuclear test site
One group of researchers found that the most recent blast tore open a hole in the mountain, which then collapsed upon itself. A second group concluded that the breakdown created a “chimney” that could allow radioactive fallout from the blast zone below to rise into the air.

A research team led by Wen Lianxing, a geologist with the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, concluded that the collapse occurred following the detonation last autumn of North Korea’s most powerful thermal nuclear warhead in a tunnel about 700 metres (2,296 feet) below the mountain’s peak.

The test turned the mountain into fragile fragments, the researchers found.

Time to educate Chinese about the nuclear threat next door

The mountain’s collapse, and the prospect of radioactive exposure in the aftermath, confirms a series of exclusive reports by the South China Morning Post on China’s fears that Pyongyang’s latest nuclear test had caused a fallout leak.

Radioactive dust could escape through holes or cracks in the damaged mountain, the scientists said.

“It is necessary to continue monitoring possible leaks of radioactive materials caused by the collapse incident,” Wen’s team said in the statement.

The findings will be published on the website of the peer-reviewed journal, Geophysical Research Letters, likely next month.

Nuke test mountain collapse may be why Kim Jong-un actually shut down site
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone
Yeah, because he spent the last several years and his entire Presidency attacking everyone. I hope he's miserable.
Color me shocked by your

How's Hillary's speaking tour going.......heard she speaks for cheap now. lol
Did you? I wouldn't know. I haven't had a multi-decade, crippling obsession with her.
She's a criminal...........she ever gets in a real court room she's can go.........yall never got her before.........yadda yadda yadda....

The so called trials were political Mickey Mouse courts for the public.
Yeah all those trials and investigations... but don't worry, I believe you, man, you just need 1 more :itsok:
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone
Yeah, because he spent the last several years and his entire Presidency attacking everyone. I hope he's miserable.
Color me shocked by your

How's Hillary's speaking tour going.......heard she speaks for cheap now. lol
Did you? I wouldn't know. I haven't had a multi-decade, crippling obsession with her.
She's a criminal...........she ever gets in a real court room she's can go.........yall never got her before.........yadda yadda yadda....

The so called trials were political Mickey Mouse courts for the public.
Yeah all those trials and investigations... but don't worry, I believe you, man, you just need 1 more :itsok:
Improper handling of Classified Material is a Felony............destroying evidence under a court order is a felony.

Put 12 jurors on that charge and see how it turns out........those are coded felonies.............

Put her in front of's not a court room.
Trump was a big part of bringing South Korea and North Korea together.
Trump is such a loose cannon,crazy man, idiot, he scared the hell out of both Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-In.
Both decided they better solve their problems before the US did something crazy.

Trump makes Kim Jong Un seem like a rational leader.
NK blew up its nuke program and is leaking fallout. That's what brought them to the table.

Denial is a state of mind for liberals............

Their Hate of Trump runs deep...........even with good news.........with caution............they still can't stop hating anything Trump Does........or deflect that he did anything at all..............

Their mission is clear..............Destroy Trump by any means or illegal..........Never seen such BS in all my life.
I'm not a Democrat.
I hate Trump.

I hate all fascists.
Oh..........your a NEVER TRUMPER.................

Who the hell cares what you think............
I'm not a #NeverTrump Republican either; although I tend to like such people. I am a libertarian-left independent with a family history that includes the Nazi occupation of Norway. For that reason, among others, I studied fascism in general, Nazism in particular, and the psychology of how they perpetrated their evil in detail.

So I hate Trump for all the right reasons.
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone........plenty of accomplishments............and now denial HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS..............

It's all BS...........Libertarian to you stand on the 10th...........
Last point first: we talk far too little in this country about the 10th (& 9th for that matter) amendment. I live in a state where we made weed legal and it is working out well. The over reliance of federal regulation of human behavior runs contrary to liberty, and hamstrings the states in their role as the test laboratories for democracy.

And I give Trump some credit in Korea; his nutty rhetoric did bring Kim to the table. What he didn't do, and isn't likely to, is denuclearize the DPRK.

The fact is, his rhetoric on Iran undermines his (and our) ability to make reliable assurances in Korea.

I stand by this; Trump, and the 3 preceding Presidents have all undermined and weakened the US in international relations.
Trump is working to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and ending the Korean War and all you stupid Moon Bats can do is bitch about Trump.
Every President did that and all you did was bitch. Luckily, NK ended up destroying its own nuke program.

You are confused.

Other President failed at it because they were either gullible, stupid or incompetent. Trump is competent and a good negotiator.

You Moon Bats can't stand it, can you? Especially after eight years of that Obama failure.
Trump was a big part of bringing South Korea and North Korea together.
Trump is such a loose cannon,crazy man, idiot, he scared the hell out of both Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-In.
Both decided they better solve their problems before the US did something crazy.

Trump makes Kim Jong Un seem like a rational leader.
NK blew up its nuke program and is leaking fallout. That's what brought them to the table.

View attachment 190372
You say "us," but what you mean is a city full of liberals. Because flyover country is a totally value-less target, which is why you sheep were happy to ramp up hostilities, knowing you're perfectly safe.
Denial is a state of mind for liberals............

Their Hate of Trump runs deep...........even with good news.........with caution............they still can't stop hating anything Trump Does........or deflect that he did anything at all..............

Their mission is clear..............Destroy Trump by any means or illegal..........Never seen such BS in all my life.
I'm not a Democrat.
I hate Trump.

I hate all fascists.
Oh..........your a NEVER TRUMPER.................

Who the hell cares what you think............
I'm not a #NeverTrump Republican either; although I tend to like such people. I am a libertarian-left independent with a family history that includes the Nazi occupation of Norway. For that reason, among others, I studied fascism in general, Nazism in particular, and the psychology of how they perpetrated their evil in detail.

So I hate Trump for all the right reasons.
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone........plenty of accomplishments............and now denial HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS..............

It's all BS...........Libertarian to you stand on the 10th...........
Last point first: we talk far too little in this country about the 10th (& 9th for that matter) amendment. I live in a state where we made weed legal and it is working out well. The over reliance of federal regulation of human behavior runs contrary to liberty, and hamstrings the states in their role as the test laboratories for democracy.

And I give Trump some credit in Korea; his nutty rhetoric did bring Kim to the table. What he didn't do, and isn't likely to, is denuclearize the DPRK.

The fact is, his rhetoric on Iran undermines his (and our) ability to make reliable assurances in Korea.

I stand by this; Trump, and the 3 preceding Presidents have all undermined and weakened the US in international relations.
What you say is Nuts........I'd say is Peace thru Strength...............and yeah.......I'd say it made the neighborhood nervous..........

Either way....he's at the table and if it works its a good thing.........but no one is fully trusting Jong yet.
Trump was a big part of bringing South Korea and North Korea together.
Trump is such a loose cannon,crazy man, idiot, he scared the hell out of both Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-In.
Both decided they better solve their problems before the US did something crazy.

Trump makes Kim Jong Un seem like a rational leader.

Could it be that you’re still use to being lead by a nutless pussy and now you have a real leader with a nutsack?
What it's really about.................

Hillary lost..........a song for the poor broken heart sore losers......

I'm not a Democrat.
I hate Trump.

I hate all fascists.
Oh..........your a NEVER TRUMPER.................

Who the hell cares what you think............
I'm not a #NeverTrump Republican either; although I tend to like such people. I am a libertarian-left independent with a family history that includes the Nazi occupation of Norway. For that reason, among others, I studied fascism in general, Nazism in particular, and the psychology of how they perpetrated their evil in detail.

So I hate Trump for all the right reasons.
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone........plenty of accomplishments............and now denial HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS..............

It's all BS...........Libertarian to you stand on the 10th...........
Last point first: we talk far too little in this country about the 10th (& 9th for that matter) amendment. I live in a state where we made weed legal and it is working out well. The over reliance of federal regulation of human behavior runs contrary to liberty, and hamstrings the states in their role as the test laboratories for democracy.

And I give Trump some credit in Korea; his nutty rhetoric did bring Kim to the table. What he didn't do, and isn't likely to, is denuclearize the DPRK.

The fact is, his rhetoric on Iran undermines his (and our) ability to make reliable assurances in Korea.

I stand by this; Trump, and the 3 preceding Presidents have all undermined and weakened the US in international relations.
What you say is Nuts........I'd say is Peace thru Strength...............and yeah.......I'd say it made the neighborhood nervous..........

Either way....he's at the table and if it works its a good thing.........but no one is fully trusting Jong yet.
Nobody sane would trust Trump, given his rhetoric about the iran deal. China is the keystone actor in this, and it's unlikely even they will convince Kim to give up his nukes for good.
Oh..........your a NEVER TRUMPER.................

Who the hell cares what you think............
I'm not a #NeverTrump Republican either; although I tend to like such people. I am a libertarian-left independent with a family history that includes the Nazi occupation of Norway. For that reason, among others, I studied fascism in general, Nazism in particular, and the psychology of how they perpetrated their evil in detail.

So I hate Trump for all the right reasons.
Whatever.............He's keeping his promises the best he can while being attacked by everyone........plenty of accomplishments............and now denial HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS..............

It's all BS...........Libertarian to you stand on the 10th...........
Last point first: we talk far too little in this country about the 10th (& 9th for that matter) amendment. I live in a state where we made weed legal and it is working out well. The over reliance of federal regulation of human behavior runs contrary to liberty, and hamstrings the states in their role as the test laboratories for democracy.

And I give Trump some credit in Korea; his nutty rhetoric did bring Kim to the table. What he didn't do, and isn't likely to, is denuclearize the DPRK.

The fact is, his rhetoric on Iran undermines his (and our) ability to make reliable assurances in Korea.

I stand by this; Trump, and the 3 preceding Presidents have all undermined and weakened the US in international relations.
What you say is Nuts........I'd say is Peace thru Strength...............and yeah.......I'd say it made the neighborhood nervous..........

Either way....he's at the table and if it works its a good thing.........but no one is fully trusting Jong yet.
Nobody sane would trust Trump, given his rhetoric about the iran deal. China is the keystone actor in this, and it's unlikely even they will convince Kim to give up his nukes for good.
I said earlier that China had put pressure on Jong.........and yeah they are a major player in this.......

In regards to Iran............the deal made was a stupid one.

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