Trump Will Reinstate Title 42 to Fight Child Trafficking on Day One

I'm not talking about illegals. This child trafficking is all domestic and centered around major Atlanta, Chicago, Houston etc.

If you expand E Verify and fine employers who hire illegals most of them will self deport within 6 months.

So seem to be stuck in an endless loop where you keep repeating "expand E Verify...fine employers who hire illegals...will self deport within 6 months..." So I will respond to you the same as I did last time you said that:

You have a simplistic and childlike way of looking at things. What makes you think all illegals are even working straight jobs and paying taxes? Even if some of them are, the amount of revenue they generate is less than the federal and state expenditures you're paying because of illegal immigration. Burden of Illegal Immigration on American Taxpayers 2023 WEB_0.pdf

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers 202367
"At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $182 billion to cover the costs
incurred by the presence of more than 15.5 million illegal aliens, and about 5.3 million citizen children
of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,730 per illegal alien family member.
These figures are before taxes paid by illegal aliens are factored in. The totals with taxes factored in are
as follows:"
Total Expenditures
Total Federal Expenditures $66,449,136,000
Total State and Local Expenditures $115,608,729,000
Total National Expenditures $182,057,865,000
Net Tax Contributions
Net Federal Taxes Paid $16,219,495,000
Net State and Local Taxes Paid $15,172,140,000
Total Net Tax Contributions $31,391,635,000
Total Cost of Illegal Immigration
Total National Expenditures $182,057,865,000
Minus Total Tax Contributions $31,391,635,000
Total Fiscal Cost of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers: $150,666,230,000

Now let me remind you, Trump spent only $15 billion on the border wall, which is a hell of alot less that the $150,666,230,000 illegals are costing us.
What Title 42 did....Title 42 expulsions were removals by the U.S. government of people who had recently been in a country where a communicable disease was present. The extent of authority for contagion-related expulsions is set out by law in 42
So seem to be stuck in an endless loop where you keep repeating "expand E Verify...fine employers who hire illegals...will self deport within 6 months..." So I will respond to you the same as I did last time you said that:

You have a simplistic and childlike way of looking at things. What makes you think all illegals are even working straight jobs and paying taxes? Even if some of them are, the amount of revenue they generate is less than the federal and state expenditures you're paying because of illegal immigration. Burden of Illegal Immigration on American Taxpayers 2023 WEB_0.pdf

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers 202367
"At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $182 billion to cover the costs
incurred by the presence of more than 15.5 million illegal aliens, and about 5.3 million citizen children
of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,730 per illegal alien family member.
These figures are before taxes paid by illegal aliens are factored in. The totals with taxes factored in are
as follows:"
Total Expenditures
Total Federal Expenditures $66,449,136,000
Total State and Local Expenditures $115,608,729,000
Total National Expenditures $182,057,865,000
Net Tax Contributions
Net Federal Taxes Paid $16,219,495,000
Net State and Local Taxes Paid $15,172,140,000
Total Net Tax Contributions $31,391,635,000
Total Cost of Illegal Immigration
Total National Expenditures $182,057,865,000
Minus Total Tax Contributions $31,391,635,000
Total Fiscal Cost of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers: $150,666,230,000

Now let me remind you, Trump spent only $15 billion on the border wall, which is a hell of alot less that the $150,666,230,000 illegals are costing us.

It worked beautifully in Arabia that had a huge problem with illegals and visa Overstayers. Maybe the US just isn't smart enough to pull it off.
Blah, whoever is the next gop POTUS is needs to put congress on notice....Pass immigration reform/border security or don't look for any spending bills to be passed with his signature. Hold congress's feet to the fire and make them do their job.

I suspect the American people will let them know which way the wind needs to blow on the issue given it's in the top five of their concerns.
Trump has employed hundreds of illegals in his resorts and hotels. He doesn't want to solve the problem. He wants a monument with his name on it.

Do you think Trump personally runs every one of those resorts and hotels? Is he the one who looks through the employment applications, does the background check, and does the actual hiring? Duhhhh.

When Trump found out about that, the Trump Organization strengthened its hiring processes to ensure that they were no longer employing undocumented immigrants.

So no story here, doofus.

‘I Don’t Run It’: Trump Responds to Reports of Undocumented Workers at His Properties (Published 2019)
Why didn't Trump do something about it when he was president? Child trafficking has been a huge problem for every city with a major airport hub. Atlanta has battled the problem for 20 years. Most of the men involved in this obscene crime are affluent business travelers.

He did, moron.
Do you think Trump personally runs every one of those resorts and hotels? Is he the one who looks through the employment applications, does the background check, and does the actual hiring? Duhhhh.

When Trump found out about that, the Trump Organization strengthened its hiring processes to ensure that they were no longer employing undocumented immigrants.

So no story here, doofus.

‘I Don’t Run It’: Trump Responds to Reports of Undocumented Workers at His Properties (Published 2019)

trumps has his hands on everything, he tells his employees to tell other employees what to do.

If trump didn't want any illegals working for him, he just has to say the word.
But he won't, he will just make baseless claim like "I Don't Run It." when in FACT he does. "I don't run it" is a boldface LIE.......again.
Blah, whoever is the next gop POTUS is needs to put congress on notice....Pass immigration reform/border security or don't look for any spending bills to be passed with his signature. Hold congress's feet to the fire and make them do their job.

I suspect the American people will let them know which way the wind needs to blow on the issue given it's in the top five of their concerns.

How many would The Cult Media convince to change their mind?
Do you think Trump personally runs every one of those resorts and hotels? Is he the one who looks through the employment applications, does the background check, and does the actual hiring? Duhhhh.

When Trump found out about that, the Trump Organization strengthened its hiring processes to ensure that they were no longer employing undocumented immigrants.

So no story here, doofus.

‘I Don’t Run It’: Trump Responds to Reports of Undocumented Workers at His Properties (Published 2019)

These people literally have no idea how business operates.
He did.
Then Pedo Joe reversed them.

Well, of course President Biden reversed Donald Trump’s disastrous border policies. When Trump took office, illegal border crossings were at a 50 year low. 2 years later he declared a National emergency at the Southern border. His policies were an abject failure.

Closing the border to refugees and legal crossings, and locking up everyone crossing the border, increased sex trafficking and smuggling. You must be standing on US soil to claim refugee status. Coyote and illegal border crossings were the only way in.

It’s no coincidence that illegal border crossings have dropped like a stone since Title 42 was lifted. Illegal border crossings our way down. Deportations are way up.

Trump locked up 40,000 people in filthy camps at $700 per person or per day. And then complained about the cost of border enforcement any illegal immigration. Biden just put them on a plane and sends them home. Less than the cost of one day in Camp Trump.
Somebody didn't get the memo that illegal immigration is under control and no longer an issue.

trumps has his hands on everything, he tells his employees to tell other employees what to do.

Nope, really not accurate. Trump is pretty much clueless as to what goes on under him...he stays that way so he has deniability.
Nope, really not accurate. Trump is pretty much clueless as to what goes on under him...he stays that way so he has deniability.
I certainly think trump knows what goes on in his hotels and his properties and he directs others to give the orders that he demanded.
Trump knows his hotels and properties hire illegals and he does nothing about it.

FIX: trump comes out publicly and says. I don't support illegals crossing the border and entering the US illegally. Therefore I will fire all illegals working in my hotels or properties and therefore fulfill my promise of MAGA.
Nope, really not accurate. Trump is pretty much clueless as to what goes on under him...he stays that way so he has deniability.

When Hillary Clinton was a hotshot executive at Walmart, did she remain ignorant too? Didn't she know about the company's anti-union policies, example given?

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