Trump wins over big donors who snubbed him in 2016

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Deep-pocketed Republicans who snubbed Donald Trump in 2016 are going all in for him in 2020, throwing their weight behind a newly created fundraising drive that’s expected to dump tens of millions into his reelection coffers.

The effort involves scores of high-powered businessmen, lobbyists and former ambassadors who raised big money for George W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney — and who are now preparing to tap their expansive networks for Trump after rebuffing his first presidential bid.

The project, which is closely modeled after the famed Pioneers network that helped to fuel Bush’s 2000 campaign, is slated to be formally unveiled on May 7, when well-connected Republican fundraisers from around the country descend on Washington for a closed-door event with Trump 2020 aides. Under the plan, which was described by more than a half-dozen party officials, high-performing bundlers who collect at least $25,000 for Trump Victory, a joint Trump 2020-Republican National Committee fundraising vehicle, will earn rewards like invitations to campaign-sponsored retreats, briefings and dinners.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


There’s nothing like Liz Warren’s plan to throw CEOs in prison and 18 other DemonRAT hopefuls planning to redistribute wealth to focus the mind on writing a check to the President’s campaign...a generous check.
After trillions and tax cuts for the rich, is there any surprise the rich are going to send him money to campaign?
After trillions and tax cuts for the rich, is there any surprise the rich are going to send him money to campaign?

He had the best teacher! Barack Obama and the 800 billion of taxpayer money he slid all his crony friends like Solyndra and a hundred others under the guise of QE1. No one can beat that. Glad to know that Barry was finally the BEST at something.
If I were a rich asshole who wanted to see the world burn if it made me money, of fucking COURSE I’d back that fat orange idiot

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