Trump wins the unions: Teamsters praise TPP withdraw, labor chief's describe incredible meeting w/DT


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Trump Wins The Unions: Teamsters Praise TPP Withdrawal, Labor Chiefs Describe ‘Incredible’ Meeting With Trump

Trump told Union Leaders that he would later negotiate NAFTA at the appropriate time, so in turn he still has that on the plate unlike msm telling the public the total opposite of truth all the more to try and make Trump look bad.
Union leaders praising president Trump? The shit just keeps coming the dimocrats' way.

How many millions in contributions did unions give to dimocrats this election go-round? How many union members who voted dimocrat this time might abandon them in '18 and '20? You know the DNC's thinking such things. LOL...and Trump hasn't even been in office a week.
Funny how every one that meets with Trump describes the mtg. as productive.
Even Colbert said the other night that his private mtgs. with Trump are reasonable.
Trump has this out burst to your face at least and is reasonable behind the scenes, where barry was the exact opposite.
That is because Trump isn't a partisan zombie hack. He ran as an independent leaning conservative, and his presidency will be the same.
It's a stark contrast between an experienced businessman's approach to running the government vs. how a politician wilth limited political experience and zilch accomplishments like Barry approached the same job. Barry called in Black Lives (don't) Matter hacks, racists like Alfred Sharpton, and others representing various lefty causes/wet dreams while Trump meets with business leaders, union heads, and others interested in getting our economy up and roaring again bringing needed jobs and economic prosperity along with it.

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