Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world, we must have THE WALL

And what about the bridges airports roads that are in decay in your state?? Who will pay for them?

Right wingers may soon propose nation-wide "bake sales" to fund the rest of our crumbling infrastructure...............Somehow we MUST have some kind of "monument" to Trump's ego.
And what about the bridges airports roads that are in decay in your state?? Who will pay for them?

Right wingers may soon propose nation-wide "bake sales" to fund the rest of our crumbling infrastructure...............Somehow we MUST have some kind of "monument" to Trump's ego.
/----/ What happened to Obozo's StimuLESS plans to rebuild the infrastructure/ Where did those Trilions go?
The wall won't be built anytime soon if ever.

Start with this fact. Most of the wall has to be built on private property bought from the owners, at market prices, and huge chunks of that will end up in litigation for years,

and years, and years, and years.
Defeatist attitude. You see a problem, you see an obstruction to solving that problem, you give up.
So gramps you'd want infrastructure country wide ,,you want a huge wall spending many billions AND many billions to repair Houston You have money trees in your back yard
The wall won't be built anytime soon if ever.

Start with this fact. Most of the wall has to be built on private property bought from the owners, at market prices, and huge chunks of that will end up in litigation for years,

and years, and years, and years.
Defeatist attitude. You see a problem, you see an obstruction to solving that problem, you give up.
So gramps you'd want infrastructure country wide ,,you want a huge wall spending many billions AND many billions to repair Houston You have money trees in your back yard
English, do you know it?
Not going to happen. The American people do not want a wall built. Rasmussen shows likely voters oppose it by a 56-37 margin. Only a small section will be built. Plus they want to destroy a wildlife reserve to do it. Typical moron Republicans.

Typical unhinged Democrats: Valuing some stupid three-toed lizard in a wildlife preserve, more then they do the lives of their own friends and family members.

I care about conserving this planet. I don't believe man-made global warming but I do believe we have a responsibility to manage it. The fact is a wall is not needed so why destroy a wildlife preserve? I prefer a 3 toed lizard to Trump supporters.
Not going to happen. The American people do not want a wall built. Rasmussen shows likely voters oppose it by a 56-37 margin. Only a small section will be built. Plus they want to destroy a wildlife reserve to do it. Typical moron Republicans.

Typical unhinged Democrats: Valuing some stupid three-toed lizard in a wildlife preserve, more then they do the lives of their own friends and family members.

You really think that all the landowners on the Tex Mex border who are going to resist this are Democrats?

Eminent domain. Don't like it? Tough shit.

The wall will be completed.

Eminent domain can be challenged in court. This will drag through the courts for some time.
The wall won't be built anytime soon if ever.

Start with this fact. Most of the wall has to be built on private property bought from the owners, at market prices, and huge chunks of that will end up in litigation for years,

and years, and years, and years.
Defeatist attitude. You see a problem, you see an obstruction to solving that problem, you give up.
So gramps you'd want infrastructure country wide ,,you want a huge wall spending many billions AND many billions to repair Houston You have money trees in your back yard
English, do you know it?
Seems you don't
The wall won't be built anytime soon if ever.

Start with this fact. Most of the wall has to be built on private property bought from the owners, at market prices, and huge chunks of that will end up in litigation for years,

and years, and years, and years.
Defeatist attitude. You see a problem, you see an obstruction to solving that problem, you give up.
So gramps you'd want infrastructure country wide ,,you want a huge wall spending many billions AND many billions to repair Houston You have money trees in your back yard
English, do you know it?
I ask where the monies are coming from for the wall,houston and infrastructure and you answer ""me no speaka da english ? Thanks dummy
Anyone with a functioning brain cell knows this is just more of the same bluster and bullshit from the head bs artist. But the base will love it and that's what he is playing it for.
/----/ And when he does make Mexico pay for the wall one way or the other, you'll be first in line to dismiss his success with some childish rant like "Well he didn't make them actually write out a check." or "It took him too long." or "He didn't really mean to do it, it just happened." or "Mexico only paid for 99% of the wall."

We know when Mexico doesn't pay for it will be the Dems fault and DEEP STATE, yes DEEP STATE!
Everyone gets it.
The Racist Democrats are against controlling illegal immigration because they have a goal to make white voters the minority ASAP.
"I'd Like to Buy a Koch the World, in Perfect Harmony...It's the REAL Thing..."

Behind all that puppet show, the economic elitists fear a race that is proud enough to unionize.
The math I used came from a quick Google search on money we give mexico. The most current data I found was from 2013 so I went with that.

Xelor said:
Okay. I have no problem with that. The sums themselves are not what concern me to discuss. You could have indicated just about any $100M+ to several billion dollar sum and I'd have acquiesced to it being the sum we spend in Mexico.

As goes Trump's wall, I don't much care if he gets it built or not. I care that some of my tax dollars go to build it. I don't want any of them, not one red cent, to be used to build that wall.

Im glad your not one of those people who wants to nitpick over details and instead debates the larger point. Not wanting any tax money spent on it is valid and One I share with you. Reality is that we dont really get much of a say in what our tax money is spent on. We get to vote on who represents our interests and than its out of our hands.

Thats how I came up to 300 million.

Xelor said:
I don't and didn't have any issue with the sum of money you noted. My point had only to do with your remarks about the nature and extent of discretion Trump has in spending the money appropriated for use in/given to Mexico. That's the reason the main part of my post was about Congressional appropriations and the appropriations process.

good the exact amount is unimportant

They take the blame off of Trump for not keeping his promise once they do that but they can if they want to.

Xelor said:
I disagree. Part of the POTUS' job is to "sell" his agenda. Trump, the "great negotiator," based on his assertions about his negotiating skill, should be able to "sell ice to Eskimos."

To some extent I agree but that is something thats subjective and each voter can decide for themselves which party is being reasonable or unreasonable as the case may be.

Xelor said:
Regardless of Trump's ability to and success at obtaining "wall money" from Congress, the fact remains that withholding funds from someone, in this case Mexico, is not the same thing as that person/entity paying for something. Any money with which he'd build a wall, by dint ostensibly of withholding it from Mexico, and that does not come from Mexico's treasury, is, from square one, the U.S.' taxpayers' money, not Mexico's. That we don't give any sum of money to Mexico doesn't make that money be not the U.S.' taxpayers' money.
They also give Trump an excuse to not sign things they want too.

Xelor said:
Congress does not in all instances need Trump's signature. In fact, most legislation passes with veto-proof majorities. So, no, they really need Trump's signature. Perhaps Trump, like you, thinks Congress does need his "John Hancock." It wouldn't surprise me he's that unaware of the reality of the legislative process. It wouldn't be the first thing of which he's utterly ignorant.

  • On all bills that became law during this period, more than 60 percent of minority lawmakers voted in favor of passage on average, and in many congresses more than 80 percent of the minority voted yes.
  • On landmark laws we see more variation in minority support across congresses, but still find that, on average, more than 65 percent of minority lawmakers vote in favor of these laws. Only in two congresses, the 103rd and the 111th, does the percentage of minority support fall below 50 percent.
  • In spite of stronger, more cohesive parties, as well as more powerful leaders with tools to execute partisan lawmaking, laws passed in Congress are mostly done with large percentages of the minority voting in the affirmative. Contrary to consistent claims of majority party dominance over the minority, laws, including landmark bills, are typically passed with majorities of both parties in support.
To your point about how much the wall is going to cost and how long it will take Mexico to pay for it.

Xelor said:
I think you've confused me with someone else. Neither of those things were among any of my points. I didn't even allude to such ideas being among the things I discussed.

This is what you said that my comment was directed at

Xelor said:
The Bernstein Research group estimated the cost for building the southern border wall could range from $15 billion to $25 billion. If the United States redirected all of its foreign aid, at the current annual average, it would take nearly 50 years to reach the low end of that range.

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
/---/ 50 years???? Try less than two years:
In fiscal year 2014, the U.S. government allocated the following amounts for aid:

Total economic and military assistance: $43.10 billion

Total military assistance: $10.57 billion
Total economic assistance: $32.53 billion
of which USAID Implemented: $17.82 billion[4]
to Mexico or to everyone?

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
/----/ Excuse me for being precise, but when I read "If the United States redirected all of its foreign aid," I understand it to be ALL FOREIGN AID, not just aid to one country.
No apologies needed. I was only asking because we were talking about ways that Mexico could be forced to build the wall to which I suggested we redirect aid that we send to them to building the wall.

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
The math I used came from a quick Google search on money we give mexico. The most current data I found was from 2013 so I went with that.

Xelor said:
Okay. I have no problem with that. The sums themselves are not what concern me to discuss. You could have indicated just about any $100M+ to several billion dollar sum and I'd have acquiesced to it being the sum we spend in Mexico.

As goes Trump's wall, I don't much care if he gets it built or not. I care that some of my tax dollars go to build it. I don't want any of them, not one red cent, to be used to build that wall.

Im glad your not one of those people who wants to nitpick over details and instead debates the larger point. Not wanting any tax money spent on it is valid and One I share with you. Reality is that we dont really get much of a say in what our tax money is spent on. We get to vote on who represents our interests and than its out of our hands.

Thats how I came up to 300 million.

Xelor said:
I don't and didn't have any issue with the sum of money you noted. My point had only to do with your remarks about the nature and extent of discretion Trump has in spending the money appropriated for use in/given to Mexico. That's the reason the main part of my post was about Congressional appropriations and the appropriations process.

good the exact amount is unimportant

They take the blame off of Trump for not keeping his promise once they do that but they can if they want to.

Xelor said:
I disagree. Part of the POTUS' job is to "sell" his agenda. Trump, the "great negotiator," based on his assertions about his negotiating skill, should be able to "sell ice to Eskimos."

To some extent I agree but that is something thats subjective and each voter can decide for themselves which party is being reasonable or unreasonable as the case may be.

Xelor said:
Regardless of Trump's ability to and success at obtaining "wall money" from Congress, the fact remains that withholding funds from someone, in this case Mexico, is not the same thing as that person/entity paying for something. Any money with which he'd build a wall, by dint ostensibly of withholding it from Mexico, and that does not come from Mexico's treasury, is, from square one, the U.S.' taxpayers' money, not Mexico's. That we don't give any sum of money to Mexico doesn't make that money be not the U.S.' taxpayers' money.
They also give Trump an excuse to not sign things they want too.

Xelor said:
Congress does not in all instances need Trump's signature. In fact, most legislation passes with veto-proof majorities. So, no, they really need Trump's signature. Perhaps Trump, like you, thinks Congress does need his "John Hancock." It wouldn't surprise me he's that unaware of the reality of the legislative process. It wouldn't be the first thing of which he's utterly ignorant.

  • On all bills that became law during this p

Weewee on the People

National treasure extorted by the transnationalist jet set. We're never allowed to investigate and eliminate, not the anti-majority snobs who perpretrate this looting, but what enables such a tiny clique to make laws for us.
Trump fans are still going to be waiting for the wall in 2050. Denial runs deep through the Trump camp.
What happened to Obozo's StimuLESS plans to rebuild the infrastructure/ Where did those Trilions go?

Well, moron.......since today we are NOT in an economic depression and still have an auto industry, does THAT answer your stupid question???
And what about the bridges airports roads that are in decay in your state?? Who will pay for them?

Right wingers may soon propose nation-wide "bake sales" to fund the rest of our crumbling infrastructure...............Somehow we MUST have some kind of "monument" to Trump's ego.

Since the money needed to rebuild a good chunk of Texas after this hurricane will approach $12-15 BILLION, right wingers should be asked to make a choice.........Save Texas or build a wall to Trump's glory??????........Go on, choose.
And what about the bridges airports roads that are in decay in your state?? Who will pay for them?

Right wingers may soon propose nation-wide "bake sales" to fund the rest of our crumbling infrastructure...............Somehow we MUST have some kind of "monument" to Trump's ego.

Since the money needed to rebuild a good chunk of Texas after this hurricane will approach $12-15 BILLION, right wingers should be asked to make a choice.........Save Texas or build a wall to Trump's glory??????........Go on, choose.

If the wall had been built in South Texas, it would have been undermined and washed away by the end of this storm, and we would have had to build it again, just like the Army Corp of Engineers had to rebuild the levees in New Orleans.
What happened to Obozo's StimuLESS plans to rebuild the infrastructure/ Where did those Trilions go?

Well, moron.......since today we are NOT in an economic depression and still have an auto industry, does THAT answer your stupid question???

No kidding, sure hope you're not talking about Chrysler....moron.

Well, you're not selling apples at 5 cents on a street corner, are you?

What is you morons' "theory"......Obama STOLE the trillions for his library?
Not going to happen. The American people do not want a wall built. Rasmussen shows likely voters oppose it by a 56-37 margin. Only a small section will be built. Plus they want to destroy a wildlife reserve to do it. Typical moron Republicans.

i'd like to see how they phrased that question.

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