Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world, we must have THE WALL

Not going to happen. The American people do not want a wall built. Rasmussen shows likely voters oppose it by a 56-37 margin. Only a small section will be built. Plus they want to destroy a wildlife reserve to do it. Typical moron Republicans.

Typical unhinged Democrats: Valuing some stupid three-toed lizard in a wildlife preserve, more then they do the lives of their own friends and family members.

You really think that all the landowners on the Tex Mex border who are going to resist this are Democrats?

You mean the Tex Meth border. You really think all the landowners on board are Republicans.
More efficient than building the wall would be to crack the fuck down on American businesses who hire undocumented aliens.

So how is that supposed to stop illegals from committing murders, rapes, theft, and drug dealing? You seemingly don't think illegals would be little law-abiding non-citizens if they had no means of support.

Typical of you leftists: Always blame, never resolve.

40% of 'illegals' don't even cross the border where the wall will be.

btw, why don't you want businesses penalized for hiring illegals? Are you that much of a pro-business fanatic?

You favor penalizing businesses, but you have a problem with punishing liberal sanctuary cities by withholding funds?

Give me a fuckin' break.
Not going to happen. The American people do not want a wall built. Rasmussen shows likely voters oppose it by a 56-37 margin. Only a small section will be built. Plus they want to destroy a wildlife reserve to do it. Typical moron Republicans.

Typical unhinged Democrats: Valuing some stupid three-toed lizard in a wildlife preserve, more then they do the lives of their own friends and family members.

You really think that all the landowners on the Tex Mex border who are going to resist this are Democrats?

Eminent domain. Don't like it? Tough shit.

The wall will be completed.

One more awesome flip flop by the right.
Not going to happen. The American people do not want a wall built. Rasmussen shows likely voters oppose it by a 56-37 margin. Only a small section will be built. Plus they want to destroy a wildlife reserve to do it. Typical moron Republicans.

Typical unhinged Democrats: Valuing some stupid three-toed lizard in a wildlife preserve, more then they do the lives of their own friends and family members.

You really think that all the landowners on the Tex Mex border who are going to resist this are Democrats?

Eminent domain. Don't like it? Tough shit.

The wall will be completed.

One more awesome flip flop by the right.

Do I care about a bunch of land owners on the border? Not really, why should I?

Yet you'd penalize businesses while allowing sanctuary cities to continue? Pure hypocrisy.

Let's face it: You really have no plan to secure the border, nor do you have a desire to.
Not going to happen. The American people do not want a wall built. Rasmussen shows likely voters oppose it by a 56-37 margin. Only a small section will be built. Plus they want to destroy a wildlife reserve to do it. Typical moron Republicans.

Typical unhinged Democrats: Valuing some stupid three-toed lizard in a wildlife preserve, more then they do the lives of their own friends and family members.
Then why don't the low-energy Conservatives introduce a bill to repeal the job-killing Endangered (=Unfit) Species Act?
Not going to happen. The American people do not want a wall built. Rasmussen shows likely voters oppose it by a 56-37 margin. Only a small section will be built. Plus they want to destroy a wildlife reserve to do it. Typical moron Republicans.

Typical unhinged Democrats: Valuing some stupid three-toed lizard in a wildlife preserve, more then they do the lives of their own friends and family members.
Then why don't the low-energy Conservatives ever introduce a bill to repeal the job-killing Endangered (= Unfit) Species Act?
Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world....

Well just what are the crime rates in Mexico?
  • Country vs country: Mexico and United States compared: Crime stats
    • Cannabis use: U.S. 11 times more than Mexico.
    • Opiates use: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Rape rate: U.S. 2 times more than Mexico
    • Total Crimes: U.S. 8 times more than Mexico
    • Total Crimes per 1000: U.S. 3 times more than Mexico
    • Gun Crimes per 100 residents: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Intentional Homicide rate: MX 3 times more than United States
    • Murders per million people: MX 5 times more than United States
    • Burglaries: U.S. 35 times more than Mexico
    • Fraud: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Fraud per 1000: U.S. 2 times more than Mexico
    • Worried about being attacked: MX 3% more than United States
    • Perception -- property crimes: MX 4% more than United States
    • Perception -- violent crime including assault and robbery: U.S. 38% more than Mexico
    • Prisoners per 1000: U.S. 4 times more than Mexico
    • Serious Assaults: U.S. 76% more than Mexico
    • Car Thefts: U.S. 9 times more than Mexico
    • Car Thefts per 1000: U.S. 3 times more than Mexico
    • Murder Committed by Youths: U.S. 37% more than Mexico
Once again, Trump has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.
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Not going to happen. The American people do not want a wall built. Rasmussen shows likely voters oppose it by a 56-37 margin. Only a small section will be built. Plus they want to destroy a wildlife reserve to do it. Typical moron Republicans.

Typical unhinged Democrats: Valuing some stupid three-toed lizard in a wildlife preserve, more then they do the lives of their own friends and family members.

You really think that all the landowners on the Tex Mex border who are going to resist this are Democrats?

Eminent domain. Don't like it? Tough shit.

The wall will be completed.
And what about the bridges airports roads that are in decay in your state?? Who will pay for them?
/----/ Tolls and landing fees like everywhere else.
Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world....

Well just what are the crime rates in Mexico?
Once again, Trump has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

Are you serious? Your little page also shows the US has a much higher crime rate than Somalia, when that country is plugged in.

Somalia vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Would you rather live here or in Somalia? Of course we have more crime than Mexico, we;re a larger country.

Once again, a liberal has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.
Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world....

Well just what are the crime rates in Mexico?
Once again, Trump has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

Are you serious? Your little page also shows the US has a much higher crime rate than Somalia, when that country is plugged in.

Somalia vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Would you rather live here or in Somalia? Of course we have more crime than Mexico, we;re a larger country.

Once again, a liberal has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

The Loons love to confuse themselves with misleading's how they stay twisted and self manipulated. It's actually quite fascinating.
Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world....

Well just what are the crime rates in Mexico?
Once again, Trump has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

Are you serious? Your little page also shows the US has a much higher crime rate than Somalia, when that country is plugged in.

Somalia vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Would you rather live here or in Somalia? Of course we have more crime than Mexico, we;re a larger country.

Once again, a liberal has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.
Would you rather live here or in Somalia?

Irrelevant. Trump's remarks didn't ask where one prefers to live. He asserted that Mexico is one of the high crime nations in the world. Upon comparing crime between the U.S. and Mexico, not Somalia, and accepting Trump's assertion as true, one must also attest that the U.S. too is "one of the highest crime nations in the world."

Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world....

Well just what are the crime rates in Mexico?
  • Country vs country: Mexico and United States compared: Crime stats
    • Cannabis use: U.S. 11 times more than Mexico.
    • Opiates use: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Rape rate: U.S. 2 times more than Mexico
    • Total Crimes: U.S. 8 times more than Mexico
    • Total Crimes per 1000: U.S. 3 times more than Mexico
    • Gun Crimes per 100 residents: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Intentional Homicide rate: MX 3 times more than United States
    • Murders per million people: MX 5 times more than United States
    • Burglaries: U.S. 35 times more than Mexico
    • Fraud: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Fraud per 1000: U.S. 2 times more than Mexico
    • Worried about being attacked: MX 3% more than United States
    • Perception -- property crimes: MX 4% more than United States
    • Perception -- violent crime including assault and robbery: U.S. 38% more than Mexico
    • Prisoners per 1000: U.S. 4 times more than Mexico
    • Serious Assaults: U.S. 76% more than Mexico
    • Car Thefts: U.S. 9 times more than Mexico
    • Car Thefts per 1000: U.S. 3 times more than Mexico
    • Murder Committed by Youths: U.S. 37% more than Mexico
Once again, Trump has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.
is that raw numbers or percentages?
Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world....

Well just what are the crime rates in Mexico?
Once again, Trump has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

Are you serious? Your little page also shows the US has a much higher crime rate than Somalia, when that country is plugged in.

Somalia vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Would you rather live here or in Somalia? Of course we have more crime than Mexico, we;re a larger country.

Once again, a liberal has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

The Loons love to confuse themselves with misleading's how they stay twisted and self manipulated. It's actually quite fascinating.
One can, as you have, refute the data if one wants, but you haven't. All you've done is assert, without substantiation, the data are misleading. A claim and a refutation simply are not the same things. One's saying "X" is so does not make it be so.
Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world....

Well just what are the crime rates in Mexico?
  • Country vs country: Mexico and United States compared: Crime stats
    • Cannabis use: U.S. 11 times more than Mexico.
    • Opiates use: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Rape rate: U.S. 2 times more than Mexico
    • Total Crimes: U.S. 8 times more than Mexico
    • Total Crimes per 1000: U.S. 3 times more than Mexico
    • Gun Crimes per 100 residents: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Intentional Homicide rate: MX 3 times more than United States
    • Murders per million people: MX 5 times more than United States
    • Burglaries: U.S. 35 times more than Mexico
    • Fraud: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Fraud per 1000: U.S. 2 times more than Mexico
    • Worried about being attacked: MX 3% more than United States
    • Perception -- property crimes: MX 4% more than United States
    • Perception -- violent crime including assault and robbery: U.S. 38% more than Mexico
    • Prisoners per 1000: U.S. 4 times more than Mexico
    • Serious Assaults: U.S. 76% more than Mexico
    • Car Thefts: U.S. 9 times more than Mexico
    • Car Thefts per 1000: U.S. 3 times more than Mexico
    • Murder Committed by Youths: U.S. 37% more than Mexico
Once again, Trump has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

is that raw numbers or percentages?
  • See the "per 100" and "per 1000" qualifiers on some of the bullet points?
  • The perception rates are explicitly stated as percentages.
  • The remaining values are incidence figures.
I pasted the variance in the values for the two nations not the actual values. I did that because the rhetorical focus of Trump's remark is comparative; thus the content I shared highlights the variance between the two nations for the parameters noted. For all the items, one'll need to go to the linked site to see the actual value that gives rise to the "difference" value I shared in the post.

There are five pages of parameters, some of which are duplicates stats but with data taken from a different source. Murder metrics, for example, are one that is repeated using different sources, but there's no material difference among the variance no matter the source, so I listed it only once. I didn't list every parameter measured/listed. For instance, I didn't list the stats on prosecutions because I know nothing about the equity of prosecution in Mexico. I didn't list penalty metrics because it has nothing to do with the incidence and rates of crime even though it's likely a relevant factor were the topic (assertion) recidivism.
Are his supporters stupid enough to believe him? At this juncture, can they admit how useless of a president Donnie really is?
Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world....

Well just what are the crime rates in Mexico?
Once again, Trump has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

Are you serious? Your little page also shows the US has a much higher crime rate than Somalia, when that country is plugged in.

Somalia vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Would you rather live here or in Somalia? Of course we have more crime than Mexico, we;re a larger country.

Once again, a liberal has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

The Loons love to confuse themselves with misleading's how they stay twisted and self manipulated. It's actually quite fascinating.
One can, as you have, refute the data if one wants, but you haven't. All you've done is assert, without substantiation, the data are misleading. A claim and a refutation simply are not the same things. One's saying "X" is so does not make it be so.

Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world....

Well just what are the crime rates in Mexico?
  • Country vs country: Mexico and United States compared: Crime stats
    • Cannabis use: U.S. 11 times more than Mexico.
    • Opiates use: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Rape rate: U.S. 2 times more than Mexico
    • Total Crimes: U.S. 8 times more than Mexico
    • Total Crimes per 1000: U.S. 3 times more than Mexico
    • Gun Crimes per 100 residents: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Intentional Homicide rate: MX 3 times more than United States
    • Murders per million people: MX 5 times more than United States
    • Burglaries: U.S. 35 times more than Mexico
    • Fraud: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Fraud per 1000: U.S. 2 times more than Mexico
    • Worried about being attacked: MX 3% more than United States
    • Perception -- property crimes: MX 4% more than United States
    • Perception -- violent crime including assault and robbery: U.S. 38% more than Mexico
    • Prisoners per 1000: U.S. 4 times more than Mexico
    • Serious Assaults: U.S. 76% more than Mexico
    • Car Thefts: U.S. 9 times more than Mexico
    • Car Thefts per 1000: U.S. 3 times more than Mexico
    • Murder Committed by Youths: U.S. 37% more than Mexico
Once again, Trump has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

is that raw numbers or percentages?
  • See the "per 100" and "per 1000" qualifiers on some of the bullet points?
  • The perception rates are explicitly stated as percentages.
  • The remaining values are incidence figures.
I pasted the variance in the values for the two nations not the actual values. I did that because the rhetorical focus of Trump's remark is comparative; thus the content I shared highlights the variance between the two nations for the parameters noted. For all the items, one'll need to go to the linked site to see the actual value that gives rise to the "difference" value I shared in the post.

There are five pages of parameters, some of which are duplicates stats but with data taken from a different source. Murder metrics, for example, are one that is repeated using different sources, but there's no material difference among the variance no matter the source, so I listed it only once. I didn't list every parameter measured/listed. For instance, I didn't list the stats on prosecutions because I know nothing about the equity of prosecution in Mexico. I didn't list penalty metrics because it has nothing to do with the incidence and rates of crime even though it's likely a relevant factor were the topic (assertion) recidivism.

You have way too much time on your hands...Your "studies" are complete play an elementary game of semantics. You only fool the fools...Sorry, try again.
More people = More of everything
Are his supporters stupid enough to believe him? At this juncture, can they admit how useless of a president Donnie really is?
Your glorious president is doing a remarkable job as transforms America into a wonderful nationalist nation. The Wall will be beneficial to seeing that happen. Construction is already underway.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world, we must have THE WALL. Mexico will pay for it through reimbursement/other.
8:44 AM · Aug 27, 2017
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Are his supporters stupid enough to believe him? At this juncture, can they admit how useless of a president Donnie really is?

I'll bet you believed your meat puppet faggot was really going to close GITMO too.

If Trump is "worthless", he's better than the malignant treasonous sociopath hag you bed wetters wanted to elect.
Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world....

Well just what are the crime rates in Mexico?
Once again, Trump has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

Are you serious? Your little page also shows the US has a much higher crime rate than Somalia, when that country is plugged in.

Somalia vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Would you rather live here or in Somalia? Of course we have more crime than Mexico, we;re a larger country.

Once again, a liberal has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

The Loons love to confuse themselves with misleading's how they stay twisted and self manipulated. It's actually quite fascinating.
One can, as you have, refute the data if one wants, but you haven't. All you've done is assert, without substantiation, the data are misleading. A claim and a refutation simply are not the same things. One's saying "X" is so does not make it be so.

Trump: With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world....

Well just what are the crime rates in Mexico?
  • Country vs country: Mexico and United States compared: Crime stats
    • Cannabis use: U.S. 11 times more than Mexico.
    • Opiates use: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Rape rate: U.S. 2 times more than Mexico
    • Total Crimes: U.S. 8 times more than Mexico
    • Total Crimes per 1000: U.S. 3 times more than Mexico
    • Gun Crimes per 100 residents: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Intentional Homicide rate: MX 3 times more than United States
    • Murders per million people: MX 5 times more than United States
    • Burglaries: U.S. 35 times more than Mexico
    • Fraud: U.S. 6 times more than Mexico
    • Fraud per 1000: U.S. 2 times more than Mexico
    • Worried about being attacked: MX 3% more than United States
    • Perception -- property crimes: MX 4% more than United States
    • Perception -- violent crime including assault and robbery: U.S. 38% more than Mexico
    • Prisoners per 1000: U.S. 4 times more than Mexico
    • Serious Assaults: U.S. 76% more than Mexico
    • Car Thefts: U.S. 9 times more than Mexico
    • Car Thefts per 1000: U.S. 3 times more than Mexico
    • Murder Committed by Youths: U.S. 37% more than Mexico
Once again, Trump has fabricated his own reality and bid Americans to accept it.

is that raw numbers or percentages?
  • See the "per 100" and "per 1000" qualifiers on some of the bullet points?
  • The perception rates are explicitly stated as percentages.
  • The remaining values are incidence figures.
I pasted the variance in the values for the two nations not the actual values. I did that because the rhetorical focus of Trump's remark is comparative; thus the content I shared highlights the variance between the two nations for the parameters noted. For all the items, one'll need to go to the linked site to see the actual value that gives rise to the "difference" value I shared in the post.

There are five pages of parameters, some of which are duplicates stats but with data taken from a different source. Murder metrics, for example, are one that is repeated using different sources, but there's no material difference among the variance no matter the source, so I listed it only once. I didn't list every parameter measured/listed. For instance, I didn't list the stats on prosecutions because I know nothing about the equity of prosecution in Mexico. I didn't list penalty metrics because it has nothing to do with the incidence and rates of crime even though it's likely a relevant factor were the topic (assertion) recidivism.

You have way too much time on your hands...Your "studies" are complete play an elementary game of semantics. You only fool the fools...Sorry, try again.
More people = More of everything
So you say.....
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I believe Mexico will pay for the Wall.

But, I was never at any time as stupid as you Bolsheviks...stupid enough to believe they were just going to up and write a check as soon as Trump sent them a bill. Hardly anybody, except Demo-Bolsheviks are that stupid.

But, Mexico started paying for the Wall the day Trump prevailed on Ford to build a plant in the U.S.A. instead of Mexico by promising a better business climate that the Bolshevik Obama was providing.

They are arguably making payments on the Wall today, in that their worst and most useless citizens are no longer invading this country at Obama's invitation to use fraud to get signed up to suckle off the U.S Taxpayer Tit, like so many Demo-Bolsheviks do already. Mexico is now stuck with more of their own Dregs, and have to pay for them; instead of Productive Americans.

And Mexico is paying for the Wall in that there are fewer Mexicans sneaking into this country and taking jobs away from American Citizens, and also suppressing wages for Americans....and sending the U. S. dollars they earn back to Mexico to stimulate Mexico's economy.

I realize that all this is too much for someone educated in a Rotting Northern City controlled by Democrats and their Teachers Unions---to understand, but YEA, it looks to me like Mexico is in fact paying for the Wall....just not with a direct check....which no one with a Brain expected anyway.

Thanks Donald!


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