Trump Won't Commit To Support Of Peaceful Election(?)! (Not Down-Ticket Supportive!)

So Real Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, McCally, Gardner, anyone in Florida or North Carolina: Even on a November Ballot in their states--Have not support from the Trump Campaign.

The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--probably some postal workers are colored, or something(?)n.

Republicans on the ballot don't win--following the Trumped-Up Dementia problem, with basis in years of pathological lies. No sense of self-esteem remains.

Even the debate topics appear to have changed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even pray for this, for example: Matt 25: 14-30--any may even make it an article of faith(?)!)

The question asked was stupid. Win, lose or win or draw don't require a transfer of power by TRUMP. Also where is Biden being asked if he will accept defeat gracefully or will he throw a 4 year temper-tantrum like Hillary?

And it's amusing how the MSM is trying to spin TRUMP's comment with the rioting going on.
Trump is on notice that he will leave office on January 20 if he is not re-elected. That means even if the votes are not tabulated, he leaves ofc and the PofH becomes President,
Trump is on notice that he will leave office on January 20 if he is not re-elected. That means even if the votes are not tabulated, he leaves ofc and the PofH becomes President,
The Speaker of the House is not a shoo-in if the presidential results are deadlocked.
1. The Senate could elect a vice-president who would become the temporary president
2. The House could elect the president directly
3. Read up on the 12th Amendment its complicated
4. The best option is for each state to certify their results on time.
kyzr, go back and read the 12th Amendment and the election process. None of what you suggest can happen until the voting returns are decided. If that is not done by 20 January, the SoH becomes President.

Say it is Pelosi, who assumes the Presidency, then a week later the returns say it is Trump, and she says, "No, I am President."
So in the potential confusion, there are widespread openings for Democrats in the electoral process. The Republicans seem intent on invalidating their candidates. Nothing gets mentioned about them at all in any advertising.

They are tied to the Trumped-Up confusion, every day up to and including 11/3/2020.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 25: 14-30 of the Fable Maker's famous prayers! Who supports the "Our Fathers" anyway: Worldwide aside?)
So in the potential confusion, there are widespread openings for Democrats in the electoral process. The Republicans seem intent on invalidating their candidates. Nothing gets mentioned about them at all in any advertising.

They are tied to the Trumped-Up confusion, every day up to and including 11/3/2020.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 25: 14-30 of the Fable Maker's famous prayers! Who supports the "Our Fathers" anyway: Worldwide aside?)
The Burgess Owens disaster vs McAdams in Utah is a classic example of the GOP shooting themselves in the nuts.

The always red 1st District may go blue this time.
kyzr, go back and read the 12th Amendment and the election process. None of what you suggest can happen until the voting returns are decided. If that is not done by 20 January, the SoH becomes President.

Say it is Pelosi, who assumes the Presidency, then a week later the returns say it is Trump, and she says, "No, I am President."
There is more at stake then what you said. That is a third world nation ploy that you made. The constitution has a word on it I know. Howeer this is not by legitimate means. It is by Prog means of cheating and stealing the election. There are people who will fight that. The destabilizing of the most powerful nation in the World and the West will throw everything into chaos.
What a choice, the afflicted versus the crybaby.
Trump will go, quietly or screaming, but if he loses he will go,

The US Marshals will escort him out of the WH.
So you people have a problem with Federal Law Enforcement protecting Federal buildings but have no problem in a scenario to use federal law enforcement to remove someone sitting peacefully in the White House?
kyzr, go back and read the 12th Amendment and the election process. None of what you suggest can happen until the voting returns are decided. If that is not done by 20 January, the SoH becomes President.

Say it is Pelosi, who assumes the Presidency, then a week later the returns say it is Trump, and she says, "No, I am President."
There is more at stake then what you said. That is a third world nation ploy that you made. The constitution has a word on it I know. Howeer this is not by legitimate means. It is by Prog means of cheating and stealing the election. There are people who will fight that. The destabilizing of the most powerful nation in the World and the West will throw everything into chaos.
You don't even know what the words mean that you use. Pelosi will be the legitimate President until the snafu is figured out, and she will have a case to stay POTUS. If you don't like it, have Trump agree to step down if Pelosi agrees to do the same when the snafus is figured out.
LeftofLeft poster fails at recent current events, of the origin from the illegal occupant, Acting Leaders, and Homeland security. The problem is with stunt actors, dressed up like Right Wing Militia, prowling the streets in unmarked rental cars, armed and approaching even underage boys in that manner! That is TOP TIER Republican agenda!

Definitions of "Peaceful," in fact--unlike the use by Illiterate LeftofLeft poster, do not include that kind of incitement to riot, like sitting illegally, in the Occupant Position, in the White House!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 of the Fable Maker's famous prayers! Who supports the "Our Fathers" anyway: Worldwide aside?)
Yep, we are on the cusp of becoming Belarus, Russia, NoKo, Turkey and Hungary all rolled into one. Donald has told us what he plans to do for the last couple of years. He'll declare victory on election night, have his portly sidekick order a halt to ballot counting due to "great fraud" and try to hold onto power by coup.

And he's now trying to ramrod his SCOTUS pick just in case there is a lawsuit that makes it that far so that THEY get to decide our next president. And he'll try to kick it into congress to where Republican led swing states can then name their electors instead of counting votes.

This is some dangerous shit - I've said he wouldn't leave without constitutional crisis for the last two years. Now, HE is saying it in no uncertain terms. Get rid of the ballots and there won't need to be a peaceful transition.

Funny thing about Trump. He'll cheat, steal, and lie in order to win. And if the other guy wins, there was "great fraud".

Dangerous shit my friends - DANGEROUS shit.
The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--

It's all up to the democrats whether they run an honest election or steal it. Heaven help you if you steal it. You don't want to see Trump's bad side.
This discussion is silly.

The individual states tally the popular votes in their states and award their electors based on the popular votes. That is the law in every state.

Once the votes are tallied, the individual States election commissioner certify the results. There may be legal challenges, but there has to be valid legal grounds for those challenges. Judicial partisanship will only go so far. Don't expect a repeat of the 2000 election. There may be more conservatives in the USSC, but they'll be more concerned with judicial integrity than partisanship - none of them need Trump anymore.

Any state that does not have its results certified when the electoral college convenes simply loses its electors in the electoral college. No matter what the results, it's doubtful that any State would want to lose their electors.

If for some reason the whole election were declared invalid (i.e. less than 2/3 of electors are present at the electoral college), then Trump's term of office ends on Jan. 21 and the Speaker of the House becomes President.

That's all there is to it.
The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--

It's all up to the democrats whether they run an honest election or steal it. Heaven help you if you steal it. You don't want to see Trump's bad side.

The Democrats have no motivation to 'steal' the election. We know that an honest election will resut in a Biden landslide.

It's Trump that trying every possible rouse to thwart the election, because he knows that he has no chance of winning an honest election.

And he knows that once he's removed from office, he's going to prison.
So Real Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, McCally, Gardner, anyone in Florida or North Carolina: Even on a November Ballot in their states--Have not support from the Trump Campaign.

The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--probably some postal workers are colored, or something(?)n.

Republicans on the ballot don't win--following the Trumped-Up Dementia problem, with basis in years of pathological lies. No sense of self-esteem remains.

Even the debate topics appear to have changed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even pray for this, for example: Matt 25: 14-30--any may even make it an article of faith(?)!)
He's already got his cult primed..if I lose it's because the election was rigged due to fraudulent ballots being mailed in by the millions. It's not so much he will not except defeat if it turns out that way..his cult will not except it.
Your inference is hogwash, just like the rest of the media. If there are questions you expect him to go faintly into the night? You didn’t expect Al Gore to. And he was not speaking of violence. At least USAToday included what he was inferring in this paragraph of their article-
In the past, including during the 2016 and 2020 elections, Trump has declined to say whether he would accept voters’ results, suggesting he wants to leave his options open to contest those results.

As he should. Trays up ballots being found in fields, etc., already.

Yeah, like the Dems conceded the win in 2016. They still don't concede that Trump won and Hitlery lost.

How much shit have the Dems put Trump and his people through??

Russia, Kavenaugh, the Ukraine and they sure aren't done after 3
and a half years.

Anyone who votes by mail if they don't have to is dumber than a box or rocks. Go to the polls. Get off your lazy ass and make sure your vote gets into the machine to be counted.

Hillary conceded on election night. Cut it with the lies please.
As for your "oh poor Donald - Everyone was MEAN to him" whine list is laughable.
You put Obama through the mill for eight long years.
COUNT THE VOTES - If he loses, he LEAVES
Stop propping up a wannabe dick-tater!


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