Trump won't throw the first pitch at Nationals' game because he would get booed

American presidents have thrown inaugural first pitches since Taft, yet now the (already) unpopular President Trump claims he has a "scheduling conflict"t hat keeps him from doing this.

The second-best popular vote getter in 2016 should be honest and admit he knows he will be relentlessly booed if he shows up on that mound.
Donald Trump Reportedly Won't Throw 1st Pitch for Nationals Due to Scheduling

/---- Obammie throws like a girl.

He did and it was funny as all Hell. It's a shame he won't be keeping with tradition, but it isn't really that big of a deal.
He could start by not going Golfing every weekend at his private club where the Secret Service can't vet who comes in.
yeah and?

I never heard you complain about Obama golfing

The president is only in office for 4 years. IMO he should work 12 hours a day at least and sorry but he doesn't need a vacation. He gets a fucking pension for life after only a 4 year contract so he can work every fucking day

I never heard Obama complaining about Presidents golfing

Trump on the other hand....

of course he didn't

but that's neither here nor there

I am not commenting on any party

I know that's hard for you to understand being such a blind partisan sheep and all

I never complained about Obama golfing....Presidents are free to do what they want in their free time

However, Trump made a habit of criticizing Obama for playing golf on weekends and swore he would be too busy for such activities
Making Trump fair game for criticism

Gee imagine that another politician is a fucking hypocrite

let's see how many hypocrite politicians are there now?


I believe our current President is in a category all his own
yeah and?

I never heard you complain about Obama golfing

The president is only in office for 4 years. IMO he should work 12 hours a day at least and sorry but he doesn't need a vacation. He gets a fucking pension for life after only a 4 year contract so he can work every fucking day

I never heard Obama complaining about Presidents golfing

Trump on the other hand....

of course he didn't

but that's neither here nor there

I am not commenting on any party

I know that's hard for you to understand being such a blind partisan sheep and all

I never complained about Obama golfing....Presidents are free to do what they want in their free time

However, Trump made a habit of criticizing Obama for playing golf on weekends and swore he would be too busy for such activities
Making Trump fair game for criticism

Gee imagine that another politician is a fucking hypocrite

let's see how many hypocrite politicians are there now?


I believe our current President is in a category all his own
no he's just as much a scum scum sucking politician as the rest of them
What a dick!

And isn't it great that we live in a country where you can call the dear leader a dick and not worry about repercussions.
Actually anything Trump says is twisted by the the lie that he's a racist because he wants a wall,

Most undocumented immigrants come here on visas... and he wants to build a wall to keep the brown ones out... that's.... um,... Racist.

or that he publicly called for Russia to hack Hillary, or any number of lies the media keeps repeating.

Some jack-ass mouths off about Trump, insults him personally and Trump is supposed to totally ignore it?

Um, yes, he's supposed to be focused, not getting into petty squabbles with everyone from the Press to Arnold to Merryl Streep.

The difference between Obama, Hillary, and Trump is Trump says what he feels.

So does a five year old throwing a tantrum, and I wouldn't want to give him nukes, either.

Hillary has to confiscate everyone's cell phones so that none of the nasty tirades she goes into on a regular basis are recorded.

Oh, is that what happens? The Russians wouldn't have had to resort to fake news if that was true.

  1. Why is everything about race to you?
  2. Okay, some **** calls Trump a dictator on national TV and Trump says she's overrated. OMG!!! THE HORROR!!!
  3. It takes two to Tango. If they stop insulting him maybe he'll stop calling them washed up actors.
  4. Everyone wondered why Hillary ditched that party on election night. Didn’t even have the courtesy to show up and thank them for supporting her. A classless act. And it was all because she blew up and had a world-class meltdown. This is Hillary, not Trump, you asshole!!
What a dick!

And isn't it great that we live in a country where you can call the dear leader a dick and not worry about repercussions.

More of a coward
Says the brave keyboard badass.
American presidents have thrown inaugural first pitches since Taft, yet now the (already) unpopular President Trump claims he has a "scheduling conflict"t hat keeps him from doing this.

The second-best popular vote getter in 2016 should be honest and admit he knows he will be relentlessly booed if he shows up on that mound.
Donald Trump Reportedly Won't Throw 1st Pitch for Nationals Due to Scheduling
Kind of like this fucking piece of shit… LOL
You mean the Former President who was not afraid to go out there and do it?
Yeah......pussy that throws like a 12 year old girl.
American presidents have thrown inaugural first pitches since Taft, yet now the (already) unpopular President Trump claims he has a "scheduling conflict"t hat keeps him from doing this.

The second-best popular vote getter in 2016 should be honest and admit he knows he will be relentlessly booed if he shows up on that mound.
Donald Trump Reportedly Won't Throw 1st Pitch for Nationals Due to Scheduling
I suppose it remains to be seen where Trump is and what he'll be doing this coming Monday.

Frankly, I find Trump's declining to complete a March Madness bracket more astounding. He doesn't even need to know anything about basketball; just pick some teams and hope for the best. It's a perfectly fine and fun nonpartisan diversion and could readily be used to attract some good morale toward an embattled presidency. Yet another opportunity, albeit small, lost.


Yup...I don't have a clue about college basketball but I'm in 2nd place. Picked based on what I knew about college football. I picked Oregon to win.

...But at least you participated.

My firm's local office has several pools and I'm in two of them purely for the sake of being seen to participate by what will surely amount to my giving away money. (Partners, if they win, by tradition but not requirement, donate their winnings to some sort of social event given to the staff. We are "allowed" to keep our winnings in the partner pool.)

I'll be honest...My admin filled out my bracket. I can't even tell you whom he put where. Like you, I don't know a thing about college basketball, but I can tell you at which of the schools in the tournament we've found very good B-School recruits. LOL
American presidents have thrown inaugural first pitches since Taft, yet now the (already) unpopular President Trump claims he has a "scheduling conflict"t hat keeps him from doing this.

The second-best popular vote getter in 2016 should be honest and admit he knows he will be relentlessly booed if he shows up on that mound.
Donald Trump Reportedly Won't Throw 1st Pitch for Nationals Due to Scheduling
I suppose it remains to be seen where Trump is and what he'll be doing this coming Monday.

Frankly, I find Trump's declining to complete a March Madness bracket more astounding. He doesn't even need to know anything about basketball; just pick some teams and hope for the best. It's a perfectly fine and fun nonpartisan diversion and could readily be used to attract some good morale toward an embattled presidency. Yet another opportunity, albeit small, lost.

....for you scumbags to criticize him for not working.

Obama was a kid on constant Spring Break.

Trump is a working fool.
What a dick!

And isn't it great that we live in a country where you can call the dear leader a dick and not worry about repercussions.

More of a coward
Says the brave keyboard badass.

I'd be out there showing off my wicked fastball

Trump is a pussy
Try working for him.
I doubt you could hang.

I'd rather gouge my eyes out with dull pencils
maybe the people we elect as president should do their fucking job rather than all this other horse shit

He could start by not going Golfing every weekend at his private club where the Secret Service can't vet who comes in.
yeah and?

I never heard you complain about Obama golfing

The president is only in office for 4 years. IMO he should work 12 hours a day at least and sorry but he doesn't need a vacation. He gets a fucking pension for life after only a 4 year contract so he can work every fucking day

I never heard Obama complaining about Presidents golfing

Trump on the other hand....
Probably because he would be complaining about himself. Bush stopped golfing before Obama became a national figure.
American presidents have thrown inaugural first pitches since Taft, yet now the (already) unpopular President Trump claims he has a "scheduling conflict"t hat keeps him from doing this.

The second-best popular vote getter in 2016 should be honest and admit he knows he will be relentlessly booed if he shows up on that mound.
Donald Trump Reportedly Won't Throw 1st Pitch for Nationals Due to Scheduling
I suppose it remains to be seen where Trump is and what he'll be doing this coming Monday.

Frankly, I find Trump's declining to complete a March Madness bracket more astounding. He doesn't even need to know anything about basketball; just pick some teams and hope for the best. It's a perfectly fine and fun nonpartisan diversion and could readily be used to attract some good morale toward an embattled presidency. Yet another opportunity, albeit small, lost.

....for you scumbags to criticize him for not working.

Obama was a kid on constant Spring Break.

Trump is a working fool.

I have to agree that Trump is a working fool
American presidents have thrown inaugural first pitches since Taft, yet now the (already) unpopular President Trump claims he has a "scheduling conflict"t hat keeps him from doing this.

The second-best popular vote getter in 2016 should be honest and admit he knows he will be relentlessly booed if he shows up on that mound.
Donald Trump Reportedly Won't Throw 1st Pitch for Nationals Due to Scheduling
I suppose it remains to be seen where Trump is and what he'll be doing this coming Monday.

Frankly, I find Trump's declining to complete a March Madness bracket more astounding. He doesn't even need to know anything about basketball; just pick some teams and hope for the best. It's a perfectly fine and fun nonpartisan diversion and could readily be used to attract some good morale toward an embattled presidency. Yet another opportunity, albeit small, lost.

....for you scumbags to criticize him for not working.

Obama was a kid on constant Spring Break.

Trump is a working fool.
The last word there is right.
What a dick!

And isn't it great that we live in a country where you can call the dear leader a dick and not worry about repercussions.

More of a coward
Says the brave keyboard badass.

I'd be out there showing off my wicked fastball

Trump is a pussy
Try working for him.
I doubt you could hang.

I'd rather gouge my eyes out with dull pencils

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