Trump would be a foreign policy disaster imo

Conservative politicians are very bad at foreign policy everywhere in the world. Their supporters demand tough talk and saber-rattling and they forget (or don't care) that their words carry to every part of the world. Trump is just ridiculously bad compared to the rest of the diplomatically impaired republicans.
Trump is not a conservative. He is a leaf blowing in the wind that sees opportunity.
Seriously the man CAN NOT CONTROL his mouth. You can agree with some of the things he says, although he likely held the OPPOSITE opinion just a few years earlier, and still realize what a disaster he would be.

Continued support will only hurt everyone cause when he falls from his pedestal, and he will, he will be under the illusion that he has mass support & likely run 3rd party which will then fuck over any possibility of a conservative winning against the dems.

Kick this idiot to the curb

No offense, but you sound like a Communist/Progressive/Neocon pussy. Stop being so PC, and get on board. Trump's a leader. Besides Rand Paul, he's the best candidate out there.
Shut up before your mommy turns off the basement lights to silence you.
Yes, Trump would be a foreign policy disaster.

But I am content to see him continue to do well in the interim.

He is doing a marvelous job of making BOTH sides of the aisle uncomfortable in connection with our dealings with Illegal Aliens and so-called Immigration Reform.


Make the rest of those vapid milquetoasts sweat for a while... hold their feet to the fire... give 'em a taste of how their constituencies REALLY feel on that subject.

Perhaps the message will sink into one or more of those thick skulls, before Donald is obliged to pull the plug.
Seriously the man CAN NOT CONTROL his mouth. You can agree with some of the things he says, although he likely held the OPPOSITE opinion just a few years earlier, and still realize what a disaster he would be.

Continued support will only hurt everyone cause when he falls from his pedestal, and he will, he will be under the illusion that he has mass support & likely run 3rd party which will then fuck over any possibility of a conservative winning against the dems.

Kick this idiot to the curb

No offense, but you sound like a Communist/Progressive/Neocon pussy. Stop being so PC, and get on board. Trump's a leader. Besides Rand Paul, he's the best candidate out there.
Shut up before your mommy turns off the basement lights to silence you.

Very weak. Seriously, you don't have to be a PC pussy just because the Communists/Progressives and Neocons tell you to be. Grow a pair son.
The man can not control his temperament AT ALL. He's lose with the tongue and nothing good would ever come from that quality.
He may have other positive attributes that could be helpful to our nation but we need a well rounded president.

If you need any proof just look as his inability to take the high road when he grovels with people like the women from daytime talk shows via the social networks.

Stop supporting this buffoon

Not a big Trump fan myself, but nothing - repeat, nothing - could be worse than the "foreign policy" (cue Laff-Trak) forwarded by Barack Obama and his boltnecked puppet.

Where it has not alienated our allies, it has infuriated them, and encouraged our enemies.

His milquetoast approach of Diplomacy Uber Alles has put us in a spot that we may find difficult to get out of without stomping a quarter of the planet in the future.
I dislike nearly everything about Obama but this upcoming debate is not about Obama

It's all about Obama. What he and his policies have done to the United States, and the fact that the opposition to him has been feeble at best is the entire issue. If we continue on this path, all hell will break loose here, and around the world, guaranteed,
The man can not control his temperament AT ALL. He's lose with the tongue and nothing good would ever come from that quality.
He may have other positive attributes that could be helpful to our nation but we need a well rounded president.

If you need any proof just look as his inability to take the high road when he grovels with people like the women from daytime talk shows via the social networks.

Stop supporting this buffoon

Not a big Trump fan myself, but nothing - repeat, nothing - could be worse than the "foreign policy" (cue Laff-Trak) forwarded by Barack Obama and his boltnecked puppet.

Where it has not alienated our allies, it has infuriated them, and encouraged our enemies.

His milquetoast approach of Diplomacy Uber Alles has put us in a spot that we may find difficult to get out of without stomping a quarter of the planet in the future.
I dislike nearly everything about Obama but this upcoming debate is not about Obama

It's all about Obama. What he and his policies have done to the United States, and the fact that the opposition to him has been feeble at best is the entire issue. If we continue on this path, all hell will break loose here, and around the world, guaranteed,
Try looking forward not backwards
Give him a 10 out of 10 for saying what he thinks. Compared to the usual politician-filter where everything's scored and tested and going for maximum kissass, Trump's awesome. Total douchebag but at least he says what he thinks and stands by it.
Seriously the man CAN NOT CONTROL his mouth. You can agree with some of the things he says, although he likely held the OPPOSITE opinion just a few years earlier, and still realize what a disaster he would be.

Continued support will only hurt everyone cause when he falls from his pedestal, and he will, he will be under the illusion that he has mass support & likely run 3rd party which will then fuck over any possibility of a conservative winning against the dems.

Kick this idiot to the curb

No offense, but you sound like a Communist/Progressive/Neocon pussy. Stop being so PC, and get on board. Trump's a leader. Besides Rand Paul, he's the best candidate out there.
Shut up before your mommy turns off the basement lights to silence you.

Very weak. Seriously, you don't have to be a PC pussy just because the Communists/Progressives and Neocons tell you to be. Grow a pair son.
Does calling me that make your head swell? Just shut up loser
Conservative politicians are very bad at foreign policy everywhere in the world. Their supporters demand tough talk and saber-rattling and they forget (or don't care) that their words carry to every part of the world. Trump is just ridiculously bad compared to the rest of the diplomatically impaired republicans.
Trump is not a conservative. He is a leaf blowing in the wind that sees opportunity.
Well of course he is an opportunist but he knows how to get uneducated, unsophisticated conservatives fired up. He is the direct result of the GOP letting the fringe drive the bus rather than making an attempt to educate their voters.
But all the libtards and RINO'S are always yelling FORGET YOUR SOCIAL CONSERVATISM, now that Trump isn't anywhere near what we'd like a social conservative to be, but is what the LIBTARDS and RINO'S have always screamed about, they complain! ..... Trump can always EVOLVE, I mean Obuma did on QUEER MARRIAGE, and AMNESTY!
I'd rather have Trump than Obozo or Hidebeast on foreign policy any day of the week.
I wouldn't

Realy? Think about how bad Obozo has been... and Hildebeast says she's wants to model her presidency after Obozo...
I am not solely focused on beating the left. I am solely focused on doing what's right for our nation and the answer in no way spells T R U M P

I'm kind of in a wait see mode as far as the republican party is concerned. I talk to people across the country and they can't believe Jeb Bush is in contention to be the nominee for the party. Every conservative despises him. If he becomes the nominee then I believe the whole process for how we choose our nominee is corrupt, and I will withdraw my support for the party and will work to have it destroyed. As far as Trump, he's tapping into the feeling of everyone being fed-up with this meaningless PC BS that dominates politics, and people who are sick of politicians that have actually never accomplished anything in their lives being anointed to office.
Seriously the man CAN NOT CONTROL his mouth. You can agree with some of the things he says, although he likely held the OPPOSITE opinion just a few years earlier, and still realize what a disaster he would be.

Continued support will only hurt everyone cause when he falls from his pedestal, and he will, he will be under the illusion that he has mass support & likely run 3rd party which will then fuck over any possibility of a conservative winning against the dems.

Kick this idiot to the curb

No offense, but you sound like a Communist/Progressive/Neocon pussy. Stop being so PC, and get on board. Trump's a leader. Besides Rand Paul, he's the best candidate out there.
Shut up before your mommy turns off the basement lights to silence you.

Very weak. Seriously, you don't have to be a PC pussy just because the Communists/Progressives and Neocons tell you to be. Grow a pair son.
Does calling me that make your head swell? Just shut up loser

Whatever. You wanna be a PC pussy like the rest of the herd, so be it. That's on you.
Try looking forward not backwards

Non sequitur. You'll need to clarify that.
Don't you get tired of every election being a so called "referendum" on the past? I sure as fuck do. I lived through (insert last politician here) I don't need to hear what they did wrong. Tell me what you're gonna do right.
Conservative politicians are very bad at foreign policy everywhere in the world. Their supporters demand tough talk and saber-rattling and they forget (or don't care) that their words carry to every part of the world. Trump is just ridiculously bad compared to the rest of the diplomatically impaired republicans.
Trump is not a conservative. He is a leaf blowing in the wind that sees opportunity.
He's a manager. We need fiscal conservative social moderate. It's called common sense.
Seriously the man CAN NOT CONTROL his mouth. You can agree with some of the things he says, although he likely held the OPPOSITE opinion just a few years earlier, and still realize what a disaster he would be.

Continued support will only hurt everyone cause when he falls from his pedestal, and he will, he will be under the illusion that he has mass support & likely run 3rd party which will then fuck over any possibility of a conservative winning against the dems.

Kick this idiot to the curb

No offense, but you sound like a Communist/Progressive/Neocon pussy. Stop being so PC, and get on board. Trump's a leader. Besides Rand Paul, he's the best candidate out there.
Shut up before your mommy turns off the basement lights to silence you.

Very weak. Seriously, you don't have to be a PC pussy just because the Communists/Progressives and Neocons tell you to be. Grow a pair son.
Does calling me that make your head swell? Just shut up loser

Whatever. You wanna be a PC pussy like the rest of the herd, so be it. That's on you.
When you're ready to talk like an adult we'll speak. Until then welcome to ignore clown
The man can not control his temperament AT ALL. He's lose with the tongue and nothing good would ever come from that quality.
He may have other positive attributes that could be helpful to our nation but we need a well rounded president.

If you need any proof just look as his inability to take the high road when he grovels with people like the women from daytime talk shows via the social networks.

Stop supporting this buffoon
But he's surging in the polls still. Might want to ask yourself why you belong to a party of nuts.
No offense, but you sound like a Communist/Progressive/Neocon pussy. Stop being so PC, and get on board. Trump's a leader. Besides Rand Paul, he's the best candidate out there.
Shut up before your mommy turns off the basement lights to silence you.

Very weak. Seriously, you don't have to be a PC pussy just because the Communists/Progressives and Neocons tell you to be. Grow a pair son.
Does calling me that make your head swell? Just shut up loser

Whatever. You wanna be a PC pussy like the rest of the herd, so be it. That's on you.
When you're ready to talk like an adult we'll speak. Until then welcome to ignore clown

Not surprising. A PC pussy move.
Ann Coulter: Donald Trump Has a Better Chance of Defeating Hillary Than Jeb or Rubio ^ | 7/20/2015 | Jim Hoft
Ann Coulter: Donald Trump Has Better Chance of Defeating Hillary Than Jeb or Rubio (VIDEO) Jim Hoft Jul 20th, 2015 10:21 pm —35 Comments Ann Coulter went on with Sean Hannity to discuss Donald Trump’s comments on John McCain’s military service. ann coulter Coulter slammed the Republican “midgets” who keep bashing Donald Trump. “ Look the country is boiling with rage over immigration and everyone, the elites are trying to destroy Trump because he’s injected it into the campaign now… I think the issue that has been at the very heart of his campaign is immigration and the rest of...
I think he's too thin skinned and acts like a spoiled little kid who brags to get attention and acts up when he doesn't get his way. I'm also beginning to understand what other people see in him, a sort of Ronald Reagan non-professional political manner that is a pleasant change from the usual politicians that we mistrust.

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