Trump Yields To Bolton, Cancels Korea Summit...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
I warned folks early on that John Bolton would attempt to sabotage peace over there. And that's exactly what he did. It's very sad seeing Trump allow Neocon lunatics like Bolton, sabotage his Presidency.

President Trump has yielded again to the neocons, announcing that next month's historic summit with the North Korean leader is off. Trump was upset that the North Koreans got upset by the repeated threats of a "Libya model" for North Korea coming out of the White House. What comes next? What will South Korea do? China?

Trump Yields To Bolton, Cancels Kim Summit
I warned folks early on that Bolton would attempt to sabotage peace over there. And that's exactly what he did. It's very sad seeing Trump allow Neocon lunatics like Bolton, to sabotage his Presidency.

President Trump has yielded again to the neocons, announcing this morning that next month's historic summit with the North Korean leader is off. Trump was upset that the North Koreans got upset by the repeated threats of a "Libya model" for North Korea coming out of the White House. What comes next? What will South Korea do? China?

Trump Yields To Bolton, Cancels Kim Summit

trump yields to whomever talks to him last. He's that stupid.
I warned folks early on that Bolton would attempt to sabotage peace over there. And that's exactly what he did. It's very sad seeing Trump allow Neocon lunatics like Bolton, to sabotage his Presidency.

President Trump has yielded again to the neocons, announcing this morning that next month's historic summit with the North Korean leader is off. Trump was upset that the North Koreans got upset by the repeated threats of a "Libya model" for North Korea coming out of the White House. What comes next? What will South Korea do? China?

Trump Yields To Bolton, Cancels Kim Summit

trump yields to whomever talks to him last. He's that stupid.

Well obviously i don't agree that he's 'stupid.' But i do think he's making a very bad decision aligning himself with the Neocons. John Bolton is a Warmonger lunatic.
The best firing Trump could ever achieve, would be firing John Bolton. Bolton will lead him down a very dark destructive path.
I thought cons hated that whole Lybia thing ?

I don’t believe the NK people have that hatred for Kim .
I thought cons hated that whole Lybia thing ?

I don’t believe the NK people have that hatred for Kim .

Why they started publicly boasting about North Korea possibly 'becoming Libya', is so shockingly confounding. I mean, right before a Summit? How did they expect Un to take that? He needs to boot Bolton immediately.
Wasn’t NOKO talking smack? Said some nasty stuff about Pence and nuking us and ewe lefties kiss his right cheek and MS13’s left cheek!
I thought cons hated that whole Lybia thing ?

I don’t believe the NK people have that hatred for Kim .

Why they started publicly boasting about North Korea possibly 'becoming Libya', is so shockingly confounding. I mean, right before a Summit? How did they expect Un to take that? He needs to boot Bolton immediately.

Bolton wants war . I can’t believe he managed to crawl out of the sewer . I thought he was gone for good .

Evil never dies.
Wasn’t NOKO talking smack? Said some nasty stuff about Pence and nuking us and ewe lefties kiss his right cheek and MS13’s left cheek!

No, they were responding to Pence and Bolton boasting publicly about North Korea going the way of Libya. I mean, the guy releases US prisoners and offers to talk, and this is how the US responds? How disastrous. Trump better dump the Neocons as soon as possible. They're gonna sink him.
I thought cons hated that whole Lybia thing ?

I don’t believe the NK people have that hatred for Kim .

Why they started publicly boasting about North Korea possibly 'becoming Libya', is so shockingly confounding. I mean, right before a Summit? How did they expect Un to take that? He needs to boot Bolton immediately.

Bolton wants war . I can’t believe he managed to crawl out of the sewer . I thought he was gone for good .

Evil never dies.

Yes, Bolton is a Warmonger lunatic. I'm surprised Trump allowed him in. It's a big blunder. Bolton cannot be involved with any peace talks. He doesn't want peace. He wants war. Trump needs to fire him now.
The fat lady, or boy in this case, hasn't sung yet.

Doesn't look good.
You know, business as usual regarding NK is over. Short of some sort of Armageddon, it doesn't look that bad. Here, at least, NK hasn't started saber-rattling
I thought cons hated that whole Lybia thing ?

I don’t believe the NK people have that hatred for Kim .

Why they started publicly boasting about North Korea possibly 'becoming Libya', is so shockingly confounding. I mean, right before a Summit? How did they expect Un to take that? He needs to boot Bolton immediately.

Bolton wants war . I can’t believe he managed to crawl out of the sewer . I thought he was gone for good .

Evil never dies.
Hillary crawled out of the sewer, and she trying to crawl out again.
The left are simple people who can’t recognize Trumps strategic move as being genius.

As Trump continues to impress many with his uncanny ability to make positive things happen, the left will continue feeling lost and confused.
The left are simple people who can’t recognize Trumps strategic move as being genius.

As Trump continues to impress many with his uncanny ability to make positive things happen, the left will continue feeling lost and confused.

You so sure about all that? Bolton and the Neocons don't want peace. I don't see them advising Trump to reach a peace agreement with the North. He shouldn't have gotten in bed with the Neocons. They'll only lead him to ruin.

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