Trump Yields To Bolton, Cancels Korea Summit...

Who enforces the peace between the U.S. and Canada? Who enforces the peace in couples? What kind of a question is, "Who enforces peace?"? Peace is the absence of force.
If you want war, prepare for it; it will be all you think about and your first choice to resolve problems.
We didn't prepare for peace, and lost an incredible opportunity when the U.S.S.R. wet bankrupt.
Another lapse in preparedness is taking place before our eyes.
Just stating the reality. It does look like most American don't want peace. I think that's because they have become so accustomed to endless war. It's all they know. Most Americans can't remember a time when their country wasn't at war somewhere in the world. It's sad. Maybe it's time to try something different? Maybe it's time to give peace a chance?

Peace has no chance without strength. If peace means letting tyrants threaten US then I am all for war. Look, if little Kimmie lights up an American city with a nuke your life and the lives of every American would suddenly be completely changed. Peace can only be had and held through strength and the strongest get to make the rules. Luckily, for the world, America is not into conquering, stealing and raping. Otherwise, Europe (for one) would be part of the American empire.

We've tried Perpetual War. Maybe it's time to try peace. Let's go for it.
Good idea but first you need to end the war. Lot of luck getting that done.

The problem with people that cry 'peace' is that they blame America....Not the ones that have sworn to bring America to its knees.

America is to blame sometimes. No other nation on earth invades and kills more than the US does. That's just fact. Boogeymen nations like China, North Korea, and Iran don't even come close in terms of invading and killing. For example, Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 200 years.

So which country is currently the biggest aggressor in the world? Sometimes we have to be honest with ourselves. The US does bear much of the blame for Perpetual War around the world. It is what it is.

The U.S. is the only reason there is peace. The U.S. is not an aggressor. Are you Russian or something?
Who enforces the peace between the U.S. and Canada? Who enforces the peace in couples? What kind of a question is, "Who enforces peace?"? Peace is the absence of force.
If you want war, prepare for it; it will be all you think about and your first choice to resolve problems.
We didn't prepare for peace, and lost an incredible opportunity when the U.S.S.R. wet bankrupt.
Another lapse in preparedness is taking place before our eyes.

No, there can be no peace without enforcement. Peace is a relative term. No one wants war however, sometimes it is necessary to maintain peace. How does one 'prepare for peace in your 0pinion?' Or do you just think we can 'imagine' it?
Who enforces the peace between the U.S. and Canada? Who enforces the peace in couples? What kind of a question is, "Who enforces peace?"? Peace is the absence of force.
If you want war, prepare for it; it will be all you think about and your first choice to resolve problems.
We didn't prepare for peace, and lost an incredible opportunity when the U.S.S.R. wet bankrupt.
Another lapse in preparedness is taking place before our eyes.

The U.S. enforces peace because it keeps enemies at bay so that truly peaceful folks can live in peace. If Canada became radical Muslim we'd have to enforce.
Peace has no chance without strength. If peace means letting tyrants threaten US then I am all for war. Look, if little Kimmie lights up an American city with a nuke your life and the lives of every American would suddenly be completely changed. Peace can only be had and held through strength and the strongest get to make the rules. Luckily, for the world, America is not into conquering, stealing and raping. Otherwise, Europe (for one) would be part of the American empire.

We've tried Perpetual War. Maybe it's time to try peace. Let's go for it.
Good idea but first you need to end the war. Lot of luck getting that done.

The problem with people that cry 'peace' is that they blame America....Not the ones that have sworn to bring America to its knees.

America is to blame sometimes. No other nation on earth invades and kills more than the US does. That's just fact. Boogeymen nations like China, North Korea, and Iran don't even come close in terms of invading and killing. For example, Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 200 years.

So which country is currently the biggest aggressor in the world? Sometimes we have to be honest with ourselves. The US does bear much of the blame for Perpetual War around the world. It is what it is.

The U.S. is the only reason there is peace. The U.S. is not an aggressor. Are you Russian or something?

What Peace? The US is everywhere meddling. How many wars we up too now? How many countries has the US invaded or bombed in just the last 30-40yrs? It seems the US is the biggest aggressor in the world at this point. But of course aggressors don't usually see themselves as aggressors. The reality is, Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea don't come close to the US in terms of invasion and killing. We need to end the Perpetual War Agenda.
We've tried Perpetual War. Maybe it's time to try peace. Let's go for it.
Good idea but first you need to end the war. Lot of luck getting that done.

The problem with people that cry 'peace' is that they blame America....Not the ones that have sworn to bring America to its knees.

America is to blame sometimes. No other nation on earth invades and kills more than the US does. That's just fact. Boogeymen nations like China, North Korea, and Iran don't even come close in terms of invading and killing. For example, Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 200 years.

So which country is currently the biggest aggressor in the world? Sometimes we have to be honest with ourselves. The US does bear much of the blame for Perpetual War around the world. It is what it is.

The U.S. is the only reason there is peace. The U.S. is not an aggressor. Are you Russian or something?

What Peace? The US is everywhere meddling. How many wars we up too now? How many countries has the US invaded or bombed in just the last 30-40yrs? It seems the US is the biggest aggressor in the world at this point. But of course aggressors don't usually see themselves as aggressors. The reality is, Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea don't come close to the US in terms of invasion and killing. We need to end the Perpetual War Agenda.

Read up on history, there have always been wars. There is no World War now we have relative peace. If Iran lights a Nuke in NY, there will be a world war the likes of which we have never seen. Thankfully, the U.S. continues to thwart those who only want destruction of America. You seem to want to blame America for everything and then make us sitting ducks.
The left are simple people who can’t recognize Trumps strategic move as being genius.

As Trump continues to impress many with his uncanny ability to make positive things happen, the left will continue feeling lost and confused.

You so sure about all that? Bolton and the Neocons don't want peace. I don't see them advising Trump to reach a peace agreement with the North. He shouldn't have gotten in bed with the Neocons. They'll only lead him to ruin.
You’re an idiot if you actually believe what you just posted.

How so? John Bolton is a Warmonger psychopath. I advise Trump fire his ass immediately.
Bolton is a good addition to this administration. He understands how taking a strong stance can avoid conflict.

Bolton seems more interested in starting a conflict. He is not helping anything.
Our military is being built back up
Back up to what? The most massive military in global history, with capability greater than the next 50 countries combined, is being built back up to........................................................................................................... a little bit more most massive in global history? :eusa_think:
Are you trying to take the village idiot title from deanrd?

'Wiped Out': Air Force losing pilots and planes to cuts, scrounging for spare parts

We still have the largest military in the world. The problem with the military is that costs are out of control with too many weapons systems. The USS Gerald Ford recently broke it's $12.9 billion spending cap with no end in sight. That means the Pentagon will have to find money somewhere else in the budget to pay for it. It is already one billion dollars over budget.
Good idea but first you need to end the war. Lot of luck getting that done.

The problem with people that cry 'peace' is that they blame America....Not the ones that have sworn to bring America to its knees.

America is to blame sometimes. No other nation on earth invades and kills more than the US does. That's just fact. Boogeymen nations like China, North Korea, and Iran don't even come close in terms of invading and killing. For example, Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 200 years.

So which country is currently the biggest aggressor in the world? Sometimes we have to be honest with ourselves. The US does bear much of the blame for Perpetual War around the world. It is what it is.

The U.S. is the only reason there is peace. The U.S. is not an aggressor. Are you Russian or something?

What Peace? The US is everywhere meddling. How many wars we up too now? How many countries has the US invaded or bombed in just the last 30-40yrs? It seems the US is the biggest aggressor in the world at this point. But of course aggressors don't usually see themselves as aggressors. The reality is, Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea don't come close to the US in terms of invasion and killing. We need to end the Perpetual War Agenda.

Read up on history, there have always been wars. There is no World War now we have relative peace. If Iran lights a Nuke in NY, there will be a world war the likes of which we have never seen. Thankfully, the U.S. continues to thwart those who only want destruction of America. You seem to want to blame America for everything and then make us sitting ducks.

Yes, there's always been war, but that doesn't mean the US has to always be starting them or 'intervening' in them. We're everywhere meddling at this point. We're behaving like an Empire. And all Empires fall. We need to get back to how Washington and Jefferson felt about Interventionism...

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." - Thomas Jefferson
Our military is being built back up
Back up to what? The most massive military in global history, with capability greater than the next 50 countries combined, is being built back up to........................................................................................................... a little bit more most massive in global history? :eusa_think:
Are you trying to take the village idiot title from deanrd?

'Wiped Out': Air Force losing pilots and planes to cuts, scrounging for spare parts

We still have the largest military in the world. The problem with the military is that costs are out of control with too many weapons systems. The USS Gerald Ford recently broke it's $12.9 billion spending cap with no end in sight. That means the Pentagon will have to find money somewhere else in the budget to pay for it. It is already one billion dollars over budget.

Yeah, the US currently spends ten times more than the 2nd highest military spending-nation. Russia and China military spending combined, isn't even close. The MIC has sold the American People on the absurd 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' Agenda. We never get the peace, we only get the war. Time to adopt a humble foreign policy. We gotta end this Empire-Building.
If you want a permanent solution, you need both Koreas, China and the US at the table.

Let the Koreans work out their own problems. Let them work out a peace agreement. I say keep the US and China out of it. They only serve their own interests. The don't care about the Korean People. We also need to consider ending our 70yr occupation in the South.
The problem with people that cry 'peace' is that they blame America....Not the ones that have sworn to bring America to its knees.

America is to blame sometimes. No other nation on earth invades and kills more than the US does. That's just fact. Boogeymen nations like China, North Korea, and Iran don't even come close in terms of invading and killing. For example, Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 200 years.

So which country is currently the biggest aggressor in the world? Sometimes we have to be honest with ourselves. The US does bear much of the blame for Perpetual War around the world. It is what it is.

The U.S. is the only reason there is peace. The U.S. is not an aggressor. Are you Russian or something?

What Peace? The US is everywhere meddling. How many wars we up too now? How many countries has the US invaded or bombed in just the last 30-40yrs? It seems the US is the biggest aggressor in the world at this point. But of course aggressors don't usually see themselves as aggressors. The reality is, Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea don't come close to the US in terms of invasion and killing. We need to end the Perpetual War Agenda.

Read up on history, there have always been wars. There is no World War now we have relative peace. If Iran lights a Nuke in NY, there will be a world war the likes of which we have never seen. Thankfully, the U.S. continues to thwart those who only want destruction of America. You seem to want to blame America for everything and then make us sitting ducks.

Yes, there's always been war, but that doesn't mean the US has to always be starting them or 'intervening' in them. We're everywhere meddling at this point. We're behaving like an Empire. And all Empires fall. We need to get back to how Washington and Jefferson felt about Interventionism...

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." - Thomas Jefferson

You completely ignored the point of my post and went off the deep leftist end of blaming America once again. No one is saying we shouldn't have peace, commerce and honest friendship but threatening America is NONE of those and we have to protect ourselves.
If you want a permanent solution, you need both Koreas, China and the US at the table.

Let the Koreans work out their own problems. Let them work out a peace agreement. I say keep the US and China out of it. They only serve their own interests. The don't care about the Korean People. We also need to consider ending our 70yr occupation in the South.

So, on the one had you say you care about peace and on the other you don't care about people being able to live in peace. BTW if we don't do something, Kimmie will create 'peace' by dropping a nuke.
Unfortunately Bolton's Libyan solution was referring to Ghaddafi giving up his weapons of mass destruction and then a stabilization under Bush. Which did happen if anyone can recall until asshole Obama came on the scene.

Sadly as our media loves to do, they hyped the Libyan solution under Obama wiping out Ghaddafi and regime change. Bolton made no such suggestion that I have found. You should have seen the shit AP and Reuters were hyping in Asia.

I'm not big on Bolton. Frankly, I am very wary of his appointment, BUT our fucking media wanted to nix this potential historic moment and they did.

Fucking liars the lot of them.
America is to blame sometimes. No other nation on earth invades and kills more than the US does. That's just fact. Boogeymen nations like China, North Korea, and Iran don't even come close in terms of invading and killing. For example, Iran hasn't invaded a country in over 200 years.

So which country is currently the biggest aggressor in the world? Sometimes we have to be honest with ourselves. The US does bear much of the blame for Perpetual War around the world. It is what it is.

The U.S. is the only reason there is peace. The U.S. is not an aggressor. Are you Russian or something?

What Peace? The US is everywhere meddling. How many wars we up too now? How many countries has the US invaded or bombed in just the last 30-40yrs? It seems the US is the biggest aggressor in the world at this point. But of course aggressors don't usually see themselves as aggressors. The reality is, Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea don't come close to the US in terms of invasion and killing. We need to end the Perpetual War Agenda.

Read up on history, there have always been wars. There is no World War now we have relative peace. If Iran lights a Nuke in NY, there will be a world war the likes of which we have never seen. Thankfully, the U.S. continues to thwart those who only want destruction of America. You seem to want to blame America for everything and then make us sitting ducks.

Yes, there's always been war, but that doesn't mean the US has to always be starting them or 'intervening' in them. We're everywhere meddling at this point. We're behaving like an Empire. And all Empires fall. We need to get back to how Washington and Jefferson felt about Interventionism...

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." - Thomas Jefferson

You completely ignored the point of my post and went off the deep leftist end of blaming America once again. No one is saying we shouldn't have peace, commerce and honest friendship but threatening America is NONE of those and we have to protect ourselves.

I'm not a 'Leftist.' I just oppose Empire-Building Interventionism. The US seems to be involved with most, if not all of the wars in the world. We need to change that. Time for a humble foreign policy. Time to come home.
If you want a permanent solution, you need both Koreas, China and the US at the table.

Let the Koreans work out their own problems. Let them work out a peace agreement. I say keep the US and China out of it. They only serve their own interests. The don't care about the Korean People. We also need to consider ending our 70yr occupation in the South.

So, on the one had you say you care about peace and on the other you don't care about people being able to live in peace. BTW if we don't do something, Kimmie will create 'peace' by dropping a nuke.

Let the Koreans sort out their own problems. The US and China don't care about the Korean People. They're only serving their own interests. They should be excluded from peace negotiations. If that happens, i'm confident North & South can work something out

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