Trumpbot autodeflect spreading like wildfire in a wind storm ..

last night I was watching CNN, and a correspondent was interviewing a Trump spokes person.
He was asked about Trumps 2nd amendment comment ... without hesitation, the first words out of his mouth were "Hillary needs to explain those emails, there's a big problem there"

the correspondent said "hold it, we are talking about Mr Trumps 2nd amendment comment. what are your thoughts on that ? " ... again, " Mrs Clinton has serious issues with those emails"

so I change the channel and thought ... I wonder what name that crazy SOB uses on USMB ?

don't expect any straight or honest answers from Trumpbots, here, there, or anywhere.

From Trump down to the lowest Trumpbot on the roster, they're all mentally unstable.

bottom line ;

Trump isn't fit to be the POTUS.

You should've seen Ghouly-ani on Hardball last night. Every question was answered with "but Hillary" or accusations that the people who allowed him on to speak secretly work for Clinton.

Its embarrassing to watch them throw their credibility into the crapper like that

I almost watched that, then I realized it was Rudeeee and went another direction ... last time I watched him he had an autodeflect enema before the show.
It's just stupid that CNN was trying to bait a Trump supporter into echoing their idiotic interpretation of some innocent comment and the last thing they will tolerate is anyone insisting on the same kind of scrutiny when it comes to Hillary's actions.
Clemie, you missed your nap again didn't you!

No, I just refuse to drink the koolaid. Trump was indicating that those who believe in the Bill of Rights should continue to fight for their rights. Hillary has already indicated that she doesn't think that people have a right to bear arms.

It's so typical of the left to think that the 2nd amendment people would murder someone. That is the left's narrative, that anyone who feels they have a right to own a gun would kill anyone who disagreed with them.

You guys jumped to the conclusion that fits your talking points. That's all this is about. Just because the liberal groups, such as BLM, believe violence is the way to get their point across, you assume that is true of other groups.

Hillary once indicated that she would win the Dem nom if Obama were assassinated. She pointed out that Bill got the nod after Bobby Kennedy was killed in California. Was she sending a message to her supporters suggesting that one of them take out Obama?

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right?” Clinton told a South Dakota newspaper editorial board. “We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don’t understand it."

Trump didn't say shit about anyone being assassinated. He knows that the NRA and other groups are willing to protest or lobby to keep our rights. For you guys to assume that action on the part of legal gun owners means killing is just another indication of the sick way you think.

last night I was watching CNN, and a correspondent was interviewing a Trump spokes person.
He was asked about Trumps 2nd amendment comment ... without hesitation, the first words out of his mouth were "Hillary needs to explain those emails, there's a big problem there"

the correspondent said "hold it, we are talking about Mr Trumps 2nd amendment comment. what are your thoughts on that ? " ... again, " Mrs Clinton has serious issues with those emails"

so I change the channel and thought ... I wonder what name that crazy SOB uses on USMB ?

don't expect any straight or honest answers from Trumpbots, here, there, or anywhere.

From Trump down to the lowest Trumpbot on the roster, they're all mentally unstable.

bottom line ;

Trump isn't fit to be the POTUS.

Wolf Blitzer is currently interviewing that idiot Michael Cohen on CNN. He is de-ranged.
It's just stupid that CNN was trying to bait a Trump supporter into echoing their idiotic interpretation of some innocent comment and the last thing they will tolerate is anyone insisting on the same kind of scrutiny when it comes to Hillary's actions.
Clemie, you missed your nap again didn't you!

No, I just refuse to drink the koolaid. Trump was indicating that those who believe in the Bill of Rights should continue to fight for their rights. Hillary has already indicated that she doesn't think that people have a right to bear arms.

It's so typical of the left to think that the 2nd amendment people would murder someone. That is the left's narrative, that anyone who feels they have a right to own a gun would kill anyone who disagreed with them.

You guys jumped to the conclusion that fits your talking points. That's all this is about. Just because the liberal groups, such as BLM, believe violence is the way to get their point across, you assume that is true of other groups.

Hillary once indicated that she would win the Dem nom if Obama were assassinated. She pointed out that Bill got the nod after Bobby Kennedy was killed in California. Was she sending a message to her supporters suggesting that one of them take out Obama?

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right?” Clinton told a South Dakota newspaper editorial board. “We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don’t understand it."

Trump didn't say shit about anyone being assassinated. He knows that the NRA and other groups are willing to protest or lobby to keep our rights. For you guys to assume that action on the part of legal gun owners means killing is just another indication of the sick way you think.
Clemie, look up the legal term 'inciting violence'! You really get all worked up and cranky when you miss your nappy time!

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