Trumpcare ...

just so the MANDATE is gone then i am ok with whatever is done .

Thoughtless right-winger response in a nut-shell.

"Mandate BAD. No Mandate GOOD. I happy now."
All Obama care was - is legalized extortion. You can't expect to force people into a socialist entitlement program like that and expect them to be happy and excepting of it.

Except the REALITY.

SS, Medicare, Medicaid are all quite popular programs, so is ACA with every passing day as Americans realize the alternatives.

Time to get real.
The problem with all them socialist entitlement programs they are impossible to pay for… Because it relies on human nature and the federal government. Both of which can never be trusted.

again you are disrespecting the reality that we've had these popular programs for a long time and they have been quite possible.

ACA was a paid for bill. The expenses it sets are in fact fully sustainable.
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.


They completely dismantled the ACA, Liar!

Do you ever tell the truth? Does your mom know you lie like this?

Without the Individual Mandate (Totalitarian Tax) and The Employer Mandate, and removal of penalties and punishments for not having insurance, and giving people choice............

...THE ACA is gone.

And unlike you lying bitches did, the GOP is letting The American People see the bill and amend the bill, and have a debate on the bill, before they vote on it.

Actually, what this bill will do is preserve the basic tenets of Obamacare, but dilute them to the point that millions will lose coverage.

Republicans have had seven years to craft a replacement, and they came up with this abortion.

But, tax cuts for the wealthy!

Obamacare is destroying millions of people's lives… fact
It was built and passed on a bunch of lies, remember you can keep your doctor and insurance if you want to… LOL

How is it destroying millions of people's lives and how will this replacement help as it increases insurance costs and reduces number of insured by around 11 million?
It's bankrupting people, it's making people change where they go to find medical treatment, it's forcing them into something they want nothing to do with and will never use. The new one gives people a choice…

How is it "bankrupting people"?

How will replacement fix people needing to change were they go to find medical treatment? It is about to YET again to the market upsde down and YET AGAIN force some people to switch providers.

The new one gives people choice, just as ACA gave people choice (get insurance or pay tax). Except the choices they will make under the replacement will DESTROY THE FUCKING MARKET. They will RATIONALLY CHOOSE to not get insured until they are seriously sick and are ready for insurance company to take care of them.
Forcing people to pay the insurance/fine/tax is way off the mark of "choice" Insurance is not healthcare. If people want to have insurance let them I don't give two shits, but never force people into something they want nothing to do with and will never use. Just because other people don't have it… Why can't people pay for their own shit? Why do people expect for other people to pay for their shit? This fucking "it takes a village" shit should be burned to the ground.

Nice rant, addressed nothing about people choosing to obvious choice this replacement sets up: milk the system for all it's worth.
The mandate is not enforced anymore, people are sick of the federal government telling them what to do, and the federal government cannot spend within it's means… So take your it takes a village and shove it up your ass. We don't want what you're selling.
just so the MANDATE is gone then i am ok with whatever is done .

Thoughtless right-winger response in a nut-shell.

"Mandate BAD. No Mandate GOOD. I happy now."
All Obama care was - is legalized extortion. You can't expect to force people into a socialist entitlement program like that and expect them to be happy and excepting of it.

Except the REALITY.

SS, Medicare, Medicaid are all quite popular programs, so is ACA with every passing day as Americans realize the alternatives.

Time to get real.
The problem with all them socialist entitlement programs they are impossible to pay for… Because it relies on human nature and the federal government. Both of which can never be trusted.

again you are disrespecting the reality that we've had these popular programs for a long time and they have been quite possible.

ACA was a paid for bill. The expenses it sets are in fact fully sustainable.
Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid are absolutely bankrupt. You can't expect the federal government to solve the nations problems…
How is it destroying millions of people's lives and how will this replacement help as it increases insurance costs and reduces number of insured by around 11 million?
It's bankrupting people, it's making people change where they go to find medical treatment, it's forcing them into something they want nothing to do with and will never use. The new one gives people a choice…

How is it "bankrupting people"?

How will replacement fix people needing to change were they go to find medical treatment? It is about to YET again to the market upsde down and YET AGAIN force some people to switch providers.

The new one gives people choice, just as ACA gave people choice (get insurance or pay tax). Except the choices they will make under the replacement will DESTROY THE FUCKING MARKET. They will RATIONALLY CHOOSE to not get insured until they are seriously sick and are ready for insurance company to take care of them.
Forcing people to pay the insurance/fine/tax is way off the mark of "choice" Insurance is not healthcare. If people want to have insurance let them I don't give two shits, but never force people into something they want nothing to do with and will never use. Just because other people don't have it… Why can't people pay for their own shit? Why do people expect for other people to pay for their shit? This fucking "it takes a village" shit should be burned to the ground.

Nice rant, addressed nothing about people choosing to obvious choice this replacement sets up: milk the system for all it's worth.
The mandate is not enforced anymore, people are sick of the federal government telling them what to do, and the federal government cannot spend within it's means… So take your it takes a village and shove it up your ass. We don't want what you're selling.

So you are saying the weakness of the mandate solution is that Trump put out an EO that urges IRS to not collect the penalty (though they of course still can, because that is congress passed law his EO cannot over-ride).

Your objection is stupid. Mandate has and will work just fine if and Trump and Republicans leave it the f alone.
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.


They completely dismantled the ACA, Liar!

Do you ever tell the truth? Does your mom know you lie like this?

Without the Individual Mandate (Totalitarian Tax) and The Employer Mandate, and removal of penalties and punishments for not having insurance, and giving people choice............

...THE ACA is gone.

And unlike you lying bitches did, the GOP is letting The American People see the bill and amend the bill, and have a debate on the bill, before they vote on it.

Actually, what this bill will do is preserve the basic tenets of Obamacare, but dilute them to the point that millions will lose coverage.

Republicans have had seven years to craft a replacement, and they came up with this abortion.

But, tax cuts for the wealthy!

A progressive income tax is absolutely immoral... always has been
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.


They completely dismantled the ACA, Liar!

Do you ever tell the truth? Does your mom know you lie like this?

Without the Individual Mandate (Totalitarian Tax) and The Employer Mandate, and removal of penalties and punishments for not having insurance, and giving people choice............

...THE ACA is gone.

And unlike you lying bitches did, the GOP is letting The American People see the bill and amend the bill, and have a debate on the bill, before they vote on it.

Actually, what this bill will do is preserve the basic tenets of Obamacare, but dilute them to the point that millions will lose coverage.

Republicans have had seven years to craft a replacement, and they came up with this abortion.

But, tax cuts for the wealthy!

A progressive income tax is absolutely immoral... always has been

Again disrespect of reality. Had it for a while now, Americans like it.

Aren't you sick of your little pointless idiological ranting?
It's bankrupting people, it's making people change where they go to find medical treatment, it's forcing them into something they want nothing to do with and will never use. The new one gives people a choice…

How is it "bankrupting people"?

How will replacement fix people needing to change were they go to find medical treatment? It is about to YET again to the market upsde down and YET AGAIN force some people to switch providers.

The new one gives people choice, just as ACA gave people choice (get insurance or pay tax). Except the choices they will make under the replacement will DESTROY THE FUCKING MARKET. They will RATIONALLY CHOOSE to not get insured until they are seriously sick and are ready for insurance company to take care of them.
Forcing people to pay the insurance/fine/tax is way off the mark of "choice" Insurance is not healthcare. If people want to have insurance let them I don't give two shits, but never force people into something they want nothing to do with and will never use. Just because other people don't have it… Why can't people pay for their own shit? Why do people expect for other people to pay for their shit? This fucking "it takes a village" shit should be burned to the ground.

Nice rant, addressed nothing about people choosing to obvious choice this replacement sets up: milk the system for all it's worth.
The mandate is not enforced anymore, people are sick of the federal government telling them what to do, and the federal government cannot spend within it's means… So take your it takes a village and shove it up your ass. We don't want what you're selling.

So you are saying the weakness of the mandate solution is that Trump put out an EO that urges IRS to not collect the penalty (though they of course still can, because that is congress passed law his EO cannot over-ride).

Your objection is stupid. Mandate has and will work just fine if and Trump and Republicans leave it the f alone.
My accountant told me a couple weeks ago there is no way the IRS enforce the mandate, so I did not pay it... Just like millions of other people were told the same thing by their accountants.
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.


They completely dismantled the ACA, Liar!

Do you ever tell the truth? Does your mom know you lie like this?

Without the Individual Mandate (Totalitarian Tax) and The Employer Mandate, and removal of penalties and punishments for not having insurance, and giving people choice............

...THE ACA is gone.

And unlike you lying bitches did, the GOP is letting The American People see the bill and amend the bill, and have a debate on the bill, before they vote on it.

Actually, what this bill will do is preserve the basic tenets of Obamacare, but dilute them to the point that millions will lose coverage.

Republicans have had seven years to craft a replacement, and they came up with this abortion.

But, tax cuts for the wealthy!

A progressive income tax is absolutely immoral... always has been

Again disrespect of reality. Had it for a while now, Americans like it.

Aren't you sick of your little pointless idiological ranting?
Punishment for success that's all a progressive income tax is… Childish at best
just so the MANDATE is gone then i am ok with whatever is done .

Thoughtless right-winger response in a nut-shell.

"Mandate BAD. No Mandate GOOD. I happy now."
All Obama care was - is legalized extortion. You can't expect to force people into a socialist entitlement program like that and expect them to be happy and excepting of it.

Except the REALITY.

SS, Medicare, Medicaid are all quite popular programs, so is ACA with every passing day as Americans realize the alternatives.

Time to get real.
The problem with all them socialist entitlement programs they are impossible to pay for… Because it relies on human nature and the federal government. Both of which can never be trusted.

again you are disrespecting the reality that we've had these popular programs for a long time and they have been quite possible.

ACA was a paid for bill. The expenses it sets are in fact fully sustainable.
Except for the people doing the paying... forced into something they do not want and will never use. Socialism is so fucked up.
How is it "bankrupting people"?

How will replacement fix people needing to change were they go to find medical treatment? It is about to YET again to the market upsde down and YET AGAIN force some people to switch providers.

The new one gives people choice, just as ACA gave people choice (get insurance or pay tax). Except the choices they will make under the replacement will DESTROY THE FUCKING MARKET. They will RATIONALLY CHOOSE to not get insured until they are seriously sick and are ready for insurance company to take care of them.
Forcing people to pay the insurance/fine/tax is way off the mark of "choice" Insurance is not healthcare. If people want to have insurance let them I don't give two shits, but never force people into something they want nothing to do with and will never use. Just because other people don't have it… Why can't people pay for their own shit? Why do people expect for other people to pay for their shit? This fucking "it takes a village" shit should be burned to the ground.

Nice rant, addressed nothing about people choosing to obvious choice this replacement sets up: milk the system for all it's worth.
The mandate is not enforced anymore, people are sick of the federal government telling them what to do, and the federal government cannot spend within it's means… So take your it takes a village and shove it up your ass. We don't want what you're selling.

So you are saying the weakness of the mandate solution is that Trump put out an EO that urges IRS to not collect the penalty (though they of course still can, because that is congress passed law his EO cannot over-ride).

Your objection is stupid. Mandate has and will work just fine if and Trump and Republicans leave it the f alone.
My accountant told me a couple weeks ago there is no way the IRS enforce the mandate, so I did not pay it... Just like millions of other people were told the same thing by their accountants.

Your accountant was fully correct in 2014 and this ahs nothing to do with Trump's EO.

Technically ACA gave IRS no means to go after mandate penalty, except to withhold it from return. But this is sort of an implicit loophole that people CAN exploit by structuring their returns a certain way but most people don't play these games, they understand that they SHOULD have insurance or just pay the tax for not having it.

The purpose of the law has a a lot of weight. Meaning of this replacement is do whatever you want man, you can still get covered if shit hits the fan and have someone else pay for it.
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Forcing people to pay the insurance/fine/tax is way off the mark of "choice" Insurance is not healthcare. If people want to have insurance let them I don't give two shits, but never force people into something they want nothing to do with and will never use. Just because other people don't have it… Why can't people pay for their own shit? Why do people expect for other people to pay for their shit? This fucking "it takes a village" shit should be burned to the ground.

Nice rant, addressed nothing about people choosing to obvious choice this replacement sets up: milk the system for all it's worth.
The mandate is not enforced anymore, people are sick of the federal government telling them what to do, and the federal government cannot spend within it's means… So take your it takes a village and shove it up your ass. We don't want what you're selling.

So you are saying the weakness of the mandate solution is that Trump put out an EO that urges IRS to not collect the penalty (though they of course still can, because that is congress passed law his EO cannot over-ride).

Your objection is stupid. Mandate has and will work just fine if and Trump and Republicans leave it the f alone.
My accountant told me a couple weeks ago there is no way the IRS enforce the mandate, so I did not pay it... Just like millions of other people were told the same thing by their accountants.

Your accountant was fully correct in 2014 and this ahs nothing to do with Trump's EO.

Technically ACA gave IRS no means to go after mandate penalty, except to withhold it from return. But this is sort of an implicit loophole that people CAN exploit by structuring their returns a certain way but most people don't play these games and just pay the fine.
In 20+ years I have not received a rebate of any sort, so I would not know about the rebate but I know it no longer asks the question if you have health insurance anywhere on the tax form. So no proof needed… I have never paid for insurance and not about to.
Insurance is not healthcare… Fact
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Obamacare is destroying millions of people's lives… fact
It was built and passed on a bunch of lies, remember you can keep your doctor and insurance if you want to… LOL

The damned thing is imploding on its own. Its to damned expensive and insurance companies are opting out of it all over America.

The ONLY winners are those the rest of us are paying for.
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Obamacare is destroying millions of people's lives… fact
It was built and passed on a bunch of lies, remember you can keep your doctor and insurance if you want to… LOL

The damned thing is imploding on its own. Its to damned expensive and insurance companies are opting out of it all over America.

The ONLY winners are those the rest of us are paying for.

Even if that is true the replacement doesn't fix anything, it just further undermines the market and makes whatever company is still left providing insurance charging that much more.
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Obamacare is destroying millions of people's lives… fact
It was built and passed on a bunch of lies, remember you can keep your doctor and insurance if you want to… LOL

The damned thing is imploding on its own. Its to damned expensive and insurance companies are opting out of it all over America.

The ONLY winners are those the rest of us are paying for.

Even if that is true the replacement doesn't fix anything, it just further undermines the market and makes whatever company is still left providing insurance charging that much more.
As the way it should be, no one should be forced into any insurance. No company should be expected not to make a profit.
Nice rant, addressed nothing about people choosing to obvious choice this replacement sets up: milk the system for all it's worth.
The mandate is not enforced anymore, people are sick of the federal government telling them what to do, and the federal government cannot spend within it's means… So take your it takes a village and shove it up your ass. We don't want what you're selling.

So you are saying the weakness of the mandate solution is that Trump put out an EO that urges IRS to not collect the penalty (though they of course still can, because that is congress passed law his EO cannot over-ride).

Your objection is stupid. Mandate has and will work just fine if and Trump and Republicans leave it the f alone.
My accountant told me a couple weeks ago there is no way the IRS enforce the mandate, so I did not pay it... Just like millions of other people were told the same thing by their accountants.

Your accountant was fully correct in 2014 and this ahs nothing to do with Trump's EO.

Technically ACA gave IRS no means to go after mandate penalty, except to withhold it from return. But this is sort of an implicit loophole that people CAN exploit by structuring their returns a certain way but most people don't play these games and just pay the fine.
In 20+ years I have not received a rebate of any sort, so I would not know about the rebate but I know it no longer asks the question if you have health insurance anywhere on the tax form. So no proof needed… I have never paid for insurance and not about to.
Insurance is not healthcare… Fact

Yes, under ACA you were prime to not have insurance and avoid penalty. So quit your bitching already.
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Obamacare is destroying millions of people's lives… fact
It was built and passed on a bunch of lies, remember you can keep your doctor and insurance if you want to… LOL

The damned thing is imploding on its own. Its to damned expensive and insurance companies are opting out of it all over America.

The ONLY winners are those the rest of us are paying for.

Even if that is true the replacement doesn't fix anything, it just further undermines the market and makes whatever company is still left providing insurance charging that much more.

Nope. Not if they open the country up and insurance companies have to compete against each other. Competition brings the cost down.

Don't know about you but I go for the best I can get at the cheapest cost.

Common Sense
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Obamacare is destroying millions of people's lives… fact
It was built and passed on a bunch of lies, remember you can keep your doctor and insurance if you want to… LOL

The damned thing is imploding on its own. Its to damned expensive and insurance companies are opting out of it all over America.

The ONLY winners are those the rest of us are paying for.

Even if that is true the replacement doesn't fix anything, it just further undermines the market and makes whatever company is still left providing insurance charging that much more.
As the way it should be, no one should be forced into any insurance. No company should be expected not to make a profit.

How much did Jesus charge for healing those in need?
The mandate is not enforced anymore, people are sick of the federal government telling them what to do, and the federal government cannot spend within it's means… So take your it takes a village and shove it up your ass. We don't want what you're selling.

So you are saying the weakness of the mandate solution is that Trump put out an EO that urges IRS to not collect the penalty (though they of course still can, because that is congress passed law his EO cannot over-ride).

Your objection is stupid. Mandate has and will work just fine if and Trump and Republicans leave it the f alone.
My accountant told me a couple weeks ago there is no way the IRS enforce the mandate, so I did not pay it... Just like millions of other people were told the same thing by their accountants.

Your accountant was fully correct in 2014 and this ahs nothing to do with Trump's EO.

Technically ACA gave IRS no means to go after mandate penalty, except to withhold it from return. But this is sort of an implicit loophole that people CAN exploit by structuring their returns a certain way but most people don't play these games and just pay the fine.
In 20+ years I have not received a rebate of any sort, so I would not know about the rebate but I know it no longer asks the question if you have health insurance anywhere on the tax form. So no proof needed… I have never paid for insurance and not about to.
Insurance is not healthcare… Fact

Yes, under ACA you were prime to not have insurance and avoid penalty. So quit your bitching already.
In 2014 I paid $99 fee for not having proof of insurance, in 2015 I paid $199 for not having proof of insurance… The new tax forms make it so I don't have to pay anything… I will not purchase insurance after all it is not healthcare.

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