Trumpcare ...

just so the MANDATE is gone then i am ok with whatever is done .

Without the mandate, the scofflaws will do what scofflaws do, and the non scofflaws will pay for their treatment in the ER's of hospitals across the nation.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get rid of it all and go back the way it was for all of my 68 years . Otherwise , get rid of the mandate WCatcher .

It's not up to me. The Republicans have made the repeal of the PPACA their Clarion Call, and have in effect painted themselves in a corner. They believe they have (or had) a mandate, given the electoral college result. Once again they were wrong.

The D's may have overreached in pushing through the PPACA, but it's clear that R's haven't learned and are now running and hiding from the outcry. The protesters and the resistence movement learned from the TP, and if inertia remains on their side we can expect a comeuppance in Nov. 2018.
Executive Order cannot over-write congressional law. If replacement doesn't pass it will be about as meaningful as a degree from Trump university, so tread lightly.
Millions of people will not be paying the fine/tax due to the executive order… Fact

That maybe true, just as them ending up getting wrist slapped down the line by IRS and having to pay it down the line may be true.
By then the Obamacare will fall underneath it's own weight… As it should it's a very communist program. You can't expect people to pay for other peoples shit forever…

I don't think you are quite cognizant of what the words you just typed mean.

If you did you'd realize that this replacement is much bigger prospect for "falling underneath it's own weight" than ACA.
Basically what Obama care is, not only is it legalized extortion it's a tax on success.

Unlike you, "legalized extortion" is an oxymoron, there is no oxy about you.
Millions of people will not be paying the fine/tax due to the executive order… Fact

That maybe true, just as them ending up getting wrist slapped down the line by IRS and having to pay it down the line may be true.
By then the Obamacare will fall underneath it's own weight… As it should it's a very communist program. You can't expect people to pay for other peoples shit forever…

I don't think you are quite cognizant of what the words you just typed mean.

If you did you'd realize that this replacement is much bigger prospect for "falling underneath it's own weight" than ACA.
Basically what Obama care is, not only is it legalized extortion it's a tax on success.

Unlike you, "legalized extortion" is an oxymoron, there is no oxy about you.
It's a freedom thing you would not understand…
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Well looks like Trump just raised the cost of healthcare for hundreds of thousands of women. If you include their partners this is going to raise prices for millions of poor people. I hope the GOP plan on handing out the foodstamps when the poor women who normally wouldn't get pregnant do.

Trump Rolls Back Obama's Birth Control Coverage Rule | HuffPost

This could mean that tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of women in the United States will once again have to pay out of pocket for birth control.
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Well looks like Trump just raised the cost of healthcare for hundreds of thousands of women. If you include their partners this is going to raise prices for millions of poor people. I hope the GOP plan on handing out the foodstamps when the poor women who normally wouldn't get pregnant do.

Trump Rolls Back Obama's Birth Control Coverage Rule | HuffPost

This could mean that tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of women in the United States will once again have to pay out of pocket for birth control.
People should have to pay for their own shit, why should other people pay for other people shit?
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Well looks like Trump just raised the cost of healthcare for hundreds of thousands of women. If you include their partners this is going to raise prices for millions of poor people. I hope the GOP plan on handing out the foodstamps when the poor women who normally wouldn't get pregnant do.

Trump Rolls Back Obama's Birth Control Coverage Rule | HuffPost

This could mean that tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of women in the United States will once again have to pay out of pocket for birth control.
People should have to pay for their own shit, why should other people pay for other people shit?
We pay for poor women's contraception because we don't want them to get pregnant then come crawling to us for foodstamps. It's really quite simple. I can't believe I have to explain it to you.
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Well looks like Trump just raised the cost of healthcare for hundreds of thousands of women. If you include their partners this is going to raise prices for millions of poor people. I hope the GOP plan on handing out the foodstamps when the poor women who normally wouldn't get pregnant do.

Trump Rolls Back Obama's Birth Control Coverage Rule | HuffPost

This could mean that tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of women in the United States will once again have to pay out of pocket for birth control.
People should have to pay for their own shit, why should other people pay for other people shit?

Why do we give foodstamps to poor people? If you aren't willing to "pay for other people" then consider this an investment because the alternative is much more expensive.
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Well looks like Trump just raised the cost of healthcare for hundreds of thousands of women. If you include their partners this is going to raise prices for millions of poor people. I hope the GOP plan on handing out the foodstamps when the poor women who normally wouldn't get pregnant do.

Trump Rolls Back Obama's Birth Control Coverage Rule | HuffPost

This could mean that tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of women in the United States will once again have to pay out of pocket for birth control.
People should have to pay for their own shit, why should other people pay for other people shit?

Why do we give foodstamps to poor people? If you aren't willing to "pay for other people" then consider this an investment because the alternative is much more expensive.
Socialism is a cancer, If people will not work let them starve
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Well looks like Trump just raised the cost of healthcare for hundreds of thousands of women. If you include their partners this is going to raise prices for millions of poor people. I hope the GOP plan on handing out the foodstamps when the poor women who normally wouldn't get pregnant do.

Trump Rolls Back Obama's Birth Control Coverage Rule | HuffPost

This could mean that tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of women in the United States will once again have to pay out of pocket for birth control.
People should have to pay for their own shit, why should other people pay for other people shit?

Why do we give foodstamps to poor people? If you aren't willing to "pay for other people" then consider this an investment because the alternative is much more expensive.
Socialism is a cancer, If people will not work let them starve
I sort of agree. If you can't afford a kid or birth control don't have sex. But we need to get tough and not give them foodstamps when they come crawling to us with starving babies. I clearly don't care about babies until they are born and you clearly don't care about them after they are born.

I think deep down subconsciously women get pregnant because they know there are safety nets for them. Maybe they'd be more careful if there were no nets.

And I know women on foodstamps or public assistance who's parents have a lot of money. The parents say, "no we aren't going to help you out. Go on welfare". But if there was no welfare you know the parents wouldn't let their grandbabies starve. And if they would, that's on them not me. If they can't feed them, just like pro lifers like to tell aborters to put the kids up for adoption, maybe poor women who don't get foodstamps should just fill the orphanages with their little bastards. And go after the dads.
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Well looks like Trump just raised the cost of healthcare for hundreds of thousands of women. If you include their partners this is going to raise prices for millions of poor people. I hope the GOP plan on handing out the foodstamps when the poor women who normally wouldn't get pregnant do.

Trump Rolls Back Obama's Birth Control Coverage Rule | HuffPost

This could mean that tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of women in the United States will once again have to pay out of pocket for birth control.
People should have to pay for their own shit, why should other people pay for other people shit?
Yea, why do I have to keep paying more into your bloated military budget?
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Well looks like Trump just raised the cost of healthcare for hundreds of thousands of women. If you include their partners this is going to raise prices for millions of poor people. I hope the GOP plan on handing out the foodstamps when the poor women who normally wouldn't get pregnant do.

Trump Rolls Back Obama's Birth Control Coverage Rule | HuffPost

This could mean that tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of women in the United States will once again have to pay out of pocket for birth control.
People should have to pay for their own shit, why should other people pay for other people shit?
Yea, why do I have to keep paying more into your bloated military budget?

And I live in a very populated city in Michigan. It makes sense for the internet companies to provide me and the people in my area with internet. It's PROFITABLE. But now we have politicians trying to pass laws that will provide white country hicks in rural areas with high speed internet. Why are WE going to pay the internet providers to provide internet to hicks in the sticks? If it costs $5000 a home to lay the wire then those country bumpkins should pony up the money and get er done. But instead they are asking the tax payers for it.
... the GOP has embraced the ACA, but are offering a vastly inferior version.

Millions of people will lose coverage and the insurance market will be destabilized.

The good news is that if it passes, Republicans will own all of the train wreck that will be healthcare, and if it doesn't, they will have demonstrated for all to see that they are absolutely incapable of governing.

Well looks like Trump just raised the cost of healthcare for hundreds of thousands of women. If you include their partners this is going to raise prices for millions of poor people. I hope the GOP plan on handing out the foodstamps when the poor women who normally wouldn't get pregnant do.

Trump Rolls Back Obama's Birth Control Coverage Rule | HuffPost

This could mean that tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of women in the United States will once again have to pay out of pocket for birth control.
People should have to pay for their own shit, why should other people pay for other people shit?
Yea, why do I have to keep paying more into your bloated military budget?

And I live in a very populated city in Michigan. It makes sense for the internet companies to provide me and the people in my area with internet. It's PROFITABLE. But now we have politicians trying to pass laws that will provide white country hicks in rural areas with high speed internet. Why are WE going to pay the internet providers to provide internet to hicks in the sticks? If it costs $5000 a home to lay the wire then those country bumpkins should pony up the money and get er done. But instead they are asking the tax payers for it.
I just stream from my verizon acount here is western South Dakota, no wires needed

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